Files With .exe Will Not Load - Have Trend Pc-chillin

Jan 8, 2006

I am trying to update and fix a computer for my partner. I am not the best with computers, but not stupid either. I have loaded all of the microsoft service packs, updates, and patch that I was instructed to load from microsoft update. Now when I try and open any file or program with .exe a message box appears asking me to choose the program i want to us to open this file. I have trend pc-chillin as my virus protection, i have found worms on this computer and when i try to run trend to fix the problems i also receive the same box, of course because it is a .exe file.

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Trying To Load Windows Xp / Load Set Up / Going To Load Files It Locked Up

Apr 12, 2006

First my computer was cutting off in the middle of any program. I decided to delete everything on the drive and reformat it and reload windows xp. While trying to load windows xp it would load the set up but when going to load files it locked up everytime. I tried also loading windows 98, 95 and they too locked up. At one point it said I had a virus in my boot sector and at another time it said I had a virus in my RAM. I got a program called PC Beginner to help partition my drive and redo the MBR. I can partition the drive and format it but windows still doesn't load. Now I wonder if there is a problem with the mother board and I have a dual bios board, I was wonder if there is a program loaded in the dual bios that may somehow causing my problem. If so what can be done to clear the problem? How can I get windows reloaded?

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Tried To Run Trend Micro Results In Getting Java Off?

Nov 2, 2008

i recently tried to run trend micro's housecall,and it said that my java was off. this is strange because i recently i msconfig'd my xp and i found two files there in start up ,there were a couple of items that were written in a wing ding type font. a whole row of squares and stuff. does anyone know what it is? and if you could help with my java?

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Cant Install Trend Micro Antivirus - Fatal Error?

Jun 19, 2006

I want to install trend micro antivirus, but every time i try to install it it says norton 2003 is interupting it. Then i try to uninstall norton 03 and it says "Fatal Eror".

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Cpu Usage Alwasy 100% - Cant Do Trend Micro Virus Scan On IE

Jan 17, 2005

well im trying to fix a gateway pc with almost nothing on it. It is a celeron 2.4ghz and it runs like a 133mhz. It would take an hour to do a hijack scan if I wasnt in safe mode. Here is the scan. By the way, I did the scan in safe mode with networking. I also tried to do a trend micro virus scan but it wouldnt let me on mozilla or IE.

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.0

Scan saved at 1:27:57 AM, on 5/19/2004

Platform: Windows XP (WinNT 5.01.2600)

MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 (6.00.2600.0000)

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Trend Micro PC-cillin Causing High CPU Usage

Apr 23, 2005

Windows XP Service Pack 2 machines with critical patches and PC-cillin Internet Security 2005 starts to experience high CPU utilization after updating to Pattern 594.If there are any administrators watching, you may want to stick this to the top of the forum for a few days.

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Long Start Up Time - Logfile Of Trend Micro HijackThis V2.0.2

Aug 3, 2007

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.2
Scan saved at 2:53:40 PM, on 8/3/2007
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.6000.16414)
Boot mode: Normal

Running processes:
C:Program FilesCommon FilesSymantec SharedccSvcHst.exe
C:Program FilesCommon FilesSymantec SharedAppCoreAppSvc32.exe
C:Program FilesCommon FilesSymantec SharedcoSharedCW1.0CWDefScn.exe
C:Program FilesSymantecLiveUpdateALUSchedulerSvc.exe................

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Trend Micro Detected Virus - WORM_VB.BXS But Wont Quarantine?

Dec 23, 2006

My Trend Micro detected this virus - WORM_VB.BXS - but failed to quarantine it, and it had been affecting all my ext hdd drives. Advice is to remove the file manually, but according to the removal site from trend micro, there is lots of registry editing which I'm not confident of doing. Is there other tools to remove this worm without going into the registry.

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Image Files On Desktop Won't Load

Aug 26, 2004

Images (jpg, gif, bmp etc.) on my desktop suddendly stopped working a few weeks ago when I double click on them, they work fine anywhere else and displayed using the default "Windows Picture and Fax Viewer" but on desktop it's always "No Preview Avaliable". It will work when I right click on the file, open with and choose "Windows Picture and Fax Viewer". After installing SP2 hoping it will fix it, it won't even show "No Preview Avaliable" now the Picture Viewer quits itself. I've tried searching for this problem anywhere but had no luck.

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Failure To Load - Damage System Files

Oct 1, 2006

when I try to start up windows I get the screen with the windows xp logo and the bar thingy that runs through the box. It looks something like this picture I made in MS Paint. Yeah, well you get the idea. I'm thinking it could have damaged one of the system files, something similar happened to my uncle. He was shutting down his computer and he all of a sudden pulled the power and his computer went dead because it was the exact wrong time to pull the power.

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Start System Load Files Slow

Jan 15, 2009

Started having issues last week, very very slow loading XP , then once loaded it would freeze take forever to get going again, opening programs files etc took forever, loaded in safe mode last night backed up as much as i could, at some point the comp. shut up and tried restarting, now windows won't load at all, either in safe mode or normal start up, i know a little bit about comps not enough to know if im completely ed or not, or if there is another way i can at least back up my Hard Disk or reinstall windows on my other Hard Disk and back up the orginally Hard Disk that way.

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Won't Install After Setup Files Load - Drivers Partitions

May 12, 2008

So I think I was affected by the SP3 update. I went out and got another harddrive to reinstall on since the other harddrive wouldn't even boot up. I can format the disc and the setup files load and then the system does the reboot. But after it reboots it ask me if I want to install XP and it takes me through the prompts of which drive I want to partition.

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Explorer Crash When Trying To Load Video Files In Thumbnail Mode

Aug 14, 2007

problem started about 2 weeks ago, seems to only crash when loading video files specifically

Running windows XP Pro SP 2

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Updates Were Unable To Be Successfully Installed / AVI Files Failed To Load

Dec 2, 2006

To start, when I try to play an .avi file, real player and windows media player both encounter a fatal error. Thinking there may have been a windows update I went to to get updates. I was able to download all of the updates, but I could not install any of them. I tried to install them via express and custom updates on the website, via automatic updates, and virtually every other method I could think of. After researching the problem I came across similar problems with an array of solutions, including trying in safe mode, running sfc /scannow, uninstalling and reinstalling .net, shutting off and turning back on both automatic updates and cryptographic services, changing .dll files (lccwiz & pidgen), renaming the Software Distribution folder, downloading one update at a time, and other things that I can't even begin to think of at this moment, obviously with no success, as well as running SpyBot, AdAware, and Norton.

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Unable To Load Files And Videos Online / Wont Get Into Websites?

Sep 15, 2009

i'm having trouble loading things online.web pages, games, videos, is the worst.most of the time i cannot even get into the site, and on the rare occasion that i do, most videos won't load.they just stay on a black loading screen for a long time, and never do anything else. web pages don't load most of the time either.i have four different browsers, i have run every scan, updated everything, including the flash player, i have disabled my firewall, pop-up blocker, and virus protection.restored computer to an earlier state, used recovery discs, cleared cookies, history, cache, temporary internet files.

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My Laptop Will Load Data Cds I.e. Excel, Word Ete, But It Won't Load DVD

Mar 7, 2010

I had my laptop fixed due to windows xp not starting up. My laptop will load data cd's i.e. excel, word ete, but it won't ...

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Desktop Does Not Load, No Icons,cannot Load Safe Mode

Aug 25, 2007

1. My desktop remains blank without any icons.

2. clt+alt+del shows all choices except task manager - so I am allowed to reboot and shutdown

3. When I enter in safe mode cannot see desktop nor icons

4. Ran Norton Antivirus 2007 boot with CD - no virus found

5.Prior to crash desktop went RED, hence I rebooted and then the issues.

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Cant Load Load Os Microsoft Xp - Scandisk Checked

Oct 15, 2009

PC was rebooted and this message showed up. I couldn't get to safe mode so I put the XP disc in. I got to the D:winint dir and tried to run bootcfg to scan for the boot file. It came back that it couldn't find it. I was able to see the dir's and data on the 2 drives. I ran chkdsk to see if that would solve the problem, it didn't. Do you think this is a BIOS problem or a missing boot problem. If it was the BIOS would I be able to read the drive. Looking for a fix without destroying everything.

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Load Dll Error - Can't Load Res_dll

Mar 14, 2010

My computer randomly started displaying this error upon start up a week ago and I have no clue what is causing it. I googled it and seen that it could be caused by a linksys wireless router, one was installed on the system before, but has been uninstalled for quite some time now. Can anyone help me correct this or at least help me figure out what is causing it?

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Load At Startup Or Load At Starup?

May 30, 2007

I was wondering what the difference was whether you had a program load at startup (by checking a box within the program to have it load when the computer boots) and unchecking that box but moving a shortcut to the programs executable into the startup folder on the start menu.

Is there any difference?

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Load = Load = Box Remove

Sep 10, 2008

Does anybody know how to permanently remove this box from my computer?

everytime i click ok to remove the box it re-appears anytime when i use my computer again.

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Cd Rom Does Not Load

Sep 16, 2005

I put an older Samsung CD ROM in a computer I just built, then installed Win Xp on it using this same drive to do the install. After installation I tried to use the CD ROM to install software, and it will not load the disc. When a disc is loaded the cursor shows a disc as if loading and does this several times but does not load. When using the tool bar desktop shortcut menu and placing the cursor on the drive when accessed here it always shows empty. It is recognized in the device manager and shows to have no problems. Ran the troubleshooter with no success. Checked out Doug's Tips and Tweaks and nothing there helped.

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Won't Load On PC

Sep 30, 2005

I am having problems getting windows to load on my friends pc, when I boot up I am getting a blue screen saying unmountable boot volume, I have tried to reboot using the 6 disk option which then takes me to the recovery console once I enter R and typr in the chkdsk /p (have tried /r aswell) I get the following message: autochk.exe could not be located in either the startup directory or the cdrom drive.type the full path <including drive letter> for the location of autochk.exe

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Trying To Load A Disc

Aug 29, 2006

I have been trying to install my scanner and everytime I put the CD for the scanner, and hit run to load it up, nothing happens, I tried both the cd and cd/rw drive and nothing.I also checked the device manager to see if everything was there and it was.

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PC Won't Load Windows At All

Dec 27, 2005

shuting down the wrong way I guess and now i try to start my kids computer and it won't load windows at did have windows 2000 xp but now when i turn the computer on it just says windows cannot be found, what in the world did he do to it, and how can i fix it.just to let you know I had the PC built and mailed to me, so I don't have a windows cd to reinstall, and can't seem to find one from anyone, if in fact I need to reinstall

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Pro Not Load Properly?

Feb 14, 2005

I am running Windows XP Pro and it will not load properly. The Windows logo comes up with the progress bar running underneath and it will just stay that way for hours. Nothing ever loads. I have to use the F8 menu and use the "last known good config" to use the system. I have gone into the repair mode and run a chkdsk and fixboot but nothing is helping. I also updated to the latest BIOS just to be sure but the problems stays.

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Can Load In Windows 7

Sep 13, 2010

I have a laptop with Window 7 core i3 RAM 4 gb and 500 gb hard disk with 1 gb grafics card. Can i load Window XP in it.

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WindowsSystem32configsystem Cannot Load

Jul 15, 2010

Turn it on, and thats when it started I get passed the BIOS and before the Windows Xp loading screen i get this "WindowsSystem32configsystem cannot load, its missing or corrupted yadda yadda yadda.I followed the steps on this guide provided by microsoft, I get passed step 1, but it never asks me any of the Administration stuff. After all the copying and deleting of those files, i reboot. It gets me to windows, but its in 800x600 resolution and blue background . I click start and the top says "owner". I cant run antivirus or anything because it says i dont have permission. So i restart and hit F8 when the screen is at the dell screen loading the BIOS not the windows loading screen, F12 or F2 didn't have safemode as one of the options .The guide said to use F8 so i did) and i get more error messages.Same spot where the first problem started, i get a whole bunch of stuff about my computer and dell. At the very bottom, it says "Keyboard failed" It loads to the next screen where it has the normal menu when you try to enter safe mode and the keyboard seizes to work. I'm stuck at "run windows normally" and none of the arrow keys work.

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Put Cd And It Doesn't Load

Sep 11, 2007

I put in a Cd and it doesn't load, so I go to my computer and there are no drives. Ok...So then I go too System>Device Manager>And it says this for both my drives "Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware. The driver may be corrupted or missing. (Code 39).Click Troubleshoot to start the troubleshooter for this device.This has happened before, and i had to re-install my whole os. There's just got to be a way to fix this other than re-installing everything.

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Shell Will Not Load

Jun 1, 2006

I'm trying to fix a computer running WinXP Home Edition. It was infected with several spyware programs and I ended up finding a couple virii as well. I cleaned out everything and have ran about 5 different spyware programs and have clean logs for all of them. The security forum helped me out and they have now referred me here.The problem is that I boot up the computer and takes me to the XP logon screen. I then select the user I want to log-in as and then I'm taken to a blank desktop - no icons, no start menu, right-clicking does nothing, etc... I can run almost any program via ctrl+alt+del and selecting 'New Task'. If I attempt to run explorer.exe the start menu flashes momentarily and then disappears again.I've attempted to do 'sfc /scannow' and also a windows xp repair reinstall but I still have the same problem.

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Load Something From A Website - Nothing Happens

Jan 2, 2007

clicking on the icons does nothing in order to get on the internet i go to start and click on the internet label and everything works fine when I load something from a website when the process is completed nothing happens as if there was no download.

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