File Settings Transfer When Joining A Domain - Workgroup Usres

Aug 29, 2005

I have a computer that has been running XP pro for a long time. I would like
to join it to a domain, but have found out by experience that my "domain
user" and my "workgroup user" are two completely different people. Can I use
the file and settings transfer wizard to transfer my "workgroup user"
settings to my "domain user" settings and then delete my "workgroup user?"
Are there any security concerns (e.g. run as administrator) that I need to be
aware of

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Joining Domain - Running Workstations - Local Security Settings

Sep 24, 2009

This is my first post on this site, and I just want you guys to know that I tried my best before making this post, but I just can't seem to solve this problem.We have a domain with all workstations running Windows XP. The server is Windows 2000 Server. A new computer running Windows XP x64 Edition is trying to connect to the domain but is getting the following error.The following error occurred attempting to join the domain "domain_name";he account is not authorized to log in from this station.I tried the following settings in local security settings

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Creating A Command Prompt Or Ms-dos Batch File For Joining Domain

Oct 6, 2010

I will like to create a command prompt or ms-dos batch file for joining domain. How do I go about creating it? The purpose of creating this batch file is that it is useful for joining domain without restarting the PC.

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Can't Log On After Joining Workgroup

Jul 6, 2005

I have just changed from a domain to a workgroup and now I can not log on. I wanted to share a library on my stationary PC with my wireless connected
laptop. After having established a new workgroup, confirming via my password and
restarting the laptop, I can't use the password anymore...What happened and what do i do to get reconnected?

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Domain Controllers - Server On Workgroup

Jun 5, 2006

I have installed this OS on a new Fujitsu PRIMERGY TX150 S4. Now I want just to use this Server as a server on a Workgroup. But the OS insists that it should be the Domain Controller. And then it just shuts it self down. Below is a log from the event viewer. Just don't really want to configure the entire Lan from workgroup to Domain.

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MSHOME Domain/workgroup Does Not Exist?

Apr 3, 2004

I am trying to set up remote desktop but when I browse for computers, I
click on the network name then get the message ' the MSHOME domain/workgroup
does not contain any terminal servers.I have set up the XP pro machine to enable remote desktop.

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Can't See Harddrive After Dis-joining Domain - Local Login

Jan 25, 2007

I am working on a Dell Inspiron 9100 Laptop, Win XP Pro. It was joined to a domain for a couple years. It has gone to a new home (same owner tho) and we wanted to disjoin the domain and join a workgroup. On the reboot, the machine won't accept any login or passwords that used to work I tried to 'test' the local login before I originally dis-joined the domain but the domain admin had disabled local logins. I think that is where I went wrong and I know it's my fault and now I just want to get to the 'My Documents' folder so I moved the laptop drive over to a desktop (using an adapter) and I can 'see' the drive in BIOS and it is detected in Windows but the drive has no drive letter

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SP3 Computer Loses Funcionality After Joining Domain

Jul 13, 2010

I currently look after a network of 20 computers, some running windows 7 and most running XP sp3 (32+64bit) Mine is 32bit.
I joined my computer to the domain after a fresh install of XP. Here are where the problems started. After about 15 minutes I lost internet connection. About 20 minutes later the computer could not open or close any programs without killing the process. Then I lost network connection and was left with only the task manager running and no explorer open. I managed to install SP3 after downloading it on a seperate computer and running it on a disk.

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Network ID Box Grayed Out - Joining Winto SBS 03 Domain

Jul 9, 2005

I am having a challenge making a Windows XP workstation part of a Small Business Server 2003 domain; both are relatively fresh OS installs. The WinXP box was placed on line before the SBS and has been running through (2 NICs) the SBS to the internet as a "Workgroup:" computer. Now that I am ready to join the WinXP to the SBS as a "Domain:" computer I find a terrific challenThe first indication of a challenge came when the SBS <http://<sbs2003ServerName>/connectcomputer> ran into errors. It would place itself on the workstation with the user indent, "__sbs_netsetup__",

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Startup Logon Workgroup Domain Documentation

Jul 1, 2005

I'm looking for some kind of documentation or flowchart of the Startup and Logon procedure as well as information on what happens when a computer is joined to a domain.

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Joining Domain - Administrator Account For Client And Server

Apr 2, 2006

When I try to join a domain with a XP Pro client to a Windows 2K3 server and after going through Control Panel>System and entering the domain name and my Adminstrator credentials, I get "The following error occured when attempting to join the domain "": The account specified for the service is different from the account specified for other services running in the same process."The Administrator account for both server and client is identical if that affects it all? I seem to be very close to success except for this error message.

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Pro Issues With Joining 2003 Domain-Unknown User Name Or Bad Password

Jun 10, 2008

I am trying to join an imaged workstation to a W2k3 domain and am receiving "Unknown user name or bad password". I know the account and password are good because I used the same info to join a server to the domain without a problem. Also when I change the workgroup name it doesn't ask for a username and password.

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File Settings And Transfer Wizard Won't Write Wizard CD

Aug 30, 2005

I want to migrate data from my old computer (98) to my new computer (XP) via serial cable. To do that I need to create a "Wizard Disk" for my old computer. I'm trying to use "File and Settings Transfer Wizard" on my new computer to create the Wizard CD, but that program doesn't recognize my CD-RW/DVD drive (E. The dropdown list used to select the output device includes choices for only F, G, H, and I, my 8-in-1 media drives. How can I
get it to write to my CD on drive E?

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Files And Settings Transfer Wizard

Nov 9, 2008

I've learned now heavily about the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard. I've also learned about the USMT, which I've not yet used in practice, but learned the basics of in the .inf version. Studying that was how I was able to learn this deep into the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard. Basically, the two have similar, but not exactly the same configuration.Now here I'll post the configuration for the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard. I took what I found already there, and was adding features to it. I didn't create this from scratch, and it would've been silly to, as it's a configuration file.My issue is that whenever I'm saving settings, anytime I tell it to save something from HKEY_CURRENT_USER in the registry, it does not work. I was needing to know if anyone knows why, so I can correct it please.

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Files And Settings Transfer Wizard

Jul 1, 2005

I'm working on a computer running Win XP. We had previously installed a second, bigger hard drive, so she wouldnt lose any space on her c drive, which is only 9GB. Problem is, she's now down to about 147MB on the C drive, and we are afraid of a crash. Can I use the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard to move some of her programs to the bigger drive?? The new drive is 120 GB, and we want to just leave the operating system on the C drive, and move everything else. We have already run the disk cleanup wizard, emptied temp folders, and deleted unused programs (except for doesnt seem to want to uninstall.

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Transfer Files And Settings To USB Hard Drive

Sep 2, 2006

I bought a new gateway and I want to get all my old stuff off my old hard drive. I bought a USB hard drive converter for my old hard drive and plugged it in to the new computer and I can access my old hard drive and I want to do a File and setting transfer with the wizard.

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Files And Settings Transfer Wizard Turns Off Computers

Aug 7, 2005

I have two eMachines both running Windows XP Home SP2 and would like to transfer some files from one to another. However, after I run Files and Settings Transfer Wizard on both computers, connect them with PC to PC serial cable and click AUTODETECT, both machine turn off.

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Transfer Data And Settings Bookmarks, Outlook Express Not Programs From Win98

May 12, 2006

Is there a recommended way to transfer data and settings (bookmarks, outlook express etc...not programs) from win98 to winxp? I finally had to upgrade and I dread the task. I am doing it disc by disc but ugh.The has to be a way to "hose" it in from one pppc to the other.

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Sp3, Slow Domain Login Not DNS Issue, Not Slow At Applying Computer Settings ?

Dec 23, 2008

This is a Windows XP sp3 domain connected PC with one specific user, which all of a sudden takes 2.5mins to log in to the domain, Where it used to take just about 20 seconds. Other users on the same PC is all OK 20sec login This is not the usual where it hangs at "applying computer settings" or "personal settings" it's after those two has passed that it just hangs for a couple of minutes.
All i get is the mouse pointer (not even hourglass) and the desktop wallpaper for about 2-3 minutes. When it finally logs in everything is as quick as you would expect that spec of PC to be (1,6ghz Sempron, 1gb RAM, 40gb IDE-100 HDD)

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Pro File Sharing In 2k Domain

Feb 25, 2010

I have an XP machine that I'm trying to setup as a fileserver, but when I go into permissions, the only thing that shows up is the local machine, not the domain or any of it's computers.

-Is the computer connected to the domain: Yes.

-Can the computer ping other computers: Yes.

-Can the computer access other network shares? Yes.

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Pro File Sharing In A Domain

Jul 28, 2005

I am trying to set up a shared folder on an XP pro machine and give permissions to only certain domain users. Problem is when I go to permissions, then "Add" then the only location I can see is the local computer - no option to see in the domain for users/computers on the domain. WIN2000 clients bring up the option of the local computer name and the domain no problem.

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File Transfer Between Two Computers?

May 24, 2008

I have purchased a new hp computer running WIN VISTA and bought an easy transfer cable USB port connection, but when i go to transfer from my old computer which is running WIN XP, to my new computer before i can select anything a window pops up saying migration fAILED.

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Transfer The File C Drive To D

Oct 31, 2006

I was wondering how to transfer the files on my full C drive to my D drive that doesn't have hardly anything on it. Is there an easy way to do this that i can understand?

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Recover Files Using Files And Settings Transfer Wizard?

Sep 30, 2009

I had my system running XP but it is now running Windows 7 and for the reason I backed my files up to a portable Hard Drive formatted as FAT32. Now when I try to use the Files And Settings Transfer Wizard it doesn't seem to recognize the files and says that they are not there.

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PC Reboots During Large File Transfer

May 27, 2007

I am having trouble with my computer rebooting while trying to copy large files 700 MB from a CD to the hard drive.I had this problem about 6 months ago when I was copying files from my Tivo to my PC.I am trying to copy to the same hard drive now that was giving me trouble then. There is a different amount of free space now while experiencing the problem than there was when I had the problem 6 months ago. The hard drive is a secondary hard drive used for data storage.

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Connect Two Desktops For File Transfer

Jan 13, 2006

I want to connect 2 xp pro desktops and want to tranfer files. what is the best way to do it? do I need to use ftp? can i use remote access?

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File Transfer From Old To New Computer - No CD Burner

May 2, 2005

I need to trnsfer the files from an older computer to a new one. Both systems are XP. The old system has no CD burner. I'm not interested in transferring the hard drive into the new computer. What's my best alternative?

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Transfer File Without Uninstalling And Reinstalling

Sep 15, 2005

Without uninstalling and reinstalling, how can I transfer one large file, 5GB to a partition other than C: I have a all my programs in a single file on my C: drive. I would like to move the entire file to a new partition, registry entries should of course also be modified.

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System Hangs During File Transfer From USB Drive

Nov 30, 2008

I am trying to install driver for blackberry storm. I installed the driver but Wizard installer wouldn't find it, even when I identified specific location. I did workaround on device manager by pointing to the device (USB controller) then browsing to the driver's location and when it recognized it I hit the "next" button for the install, the file transfer hangs.

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Large File Transfer / Memory Stick Is Full

Mar 31, 2009

I am trying to move a 5 GB file from my hard drive to a 16 GB memory stick that is empty in Win XP. I get the message that the memory stick is full.

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File Transfer To Vista From External Hard Drive?

Jul 29, 2007

My old PC which was running XP died but I copied files to my external hard drive. They are now sitting on there as a dat file and I want to import and use these dat files in VISTA.

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