Exact Version Of IIS Applicable: PC Can Be Act As A Web Server?

Aug 8, 2005

PC's OS is winxp profession,and now he want that his PC can be act as a web server,he want to know what version of IIS i need?

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OEM Licensing - How To Sell Without Violating Applicable Laws?

Apr 13, 2007

I have an unopened (i.e. Brown box, the red seal is intact, no license has been accepted) OEM copy of Server 2003 x64. This has been sitting around since before I came to work at this store. Since the server it was intended for was never built, my boss wants to sell the software so we can at least recoup a bit of the loss. I'm sure the receipt has long ago disappeared and it's likely beyond any return policy as is.

How do I sell this (Ebay, etc...) without violating any applicable laws? Am I still required to bundle hardware? What is the minimum hardware if required?

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Install SP2 Same Exact Thing Happened

Jun 24, 2005

I just got my SP2 CD in the mail today from Microsoft. I put the CD in, and it runs through the steps, and then it asks to reboot, I click okay. The computer will reboot to the second black screen, then then it will have the XP logo and under it: "Please wait...", and i let my computer sit like that for about 2 hours, and nothing happened. So I manually shut the computer off, when in, and unstalled it, and then put the disk back in and when through the wizard. The same exact thing happened, and I waited 2 hours and nothing happens, so I had to manually reboot.

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Boot In Safe Mode - Exact Right Moment

Jun 23, 2005

Win XP Pro I know that I'm supposed to hit the F8 key at the "right" moment - just
before windows actually starts. But everytime I do it, I either hit it too soon and land up being asked which boot device I want, or it's too late and Windows has already started Is there another method of booting into safe mode other than trying to hit f8 at the "exact right moment"?

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Java Applet Error - Exact Piece

Jul 17, 2010

while it looks like it has loaded fine, it appears that I am able to create some kind of error where another of the exact piece I'm moving is created. This new piece then replaces another piece, seemingly at random, rendering the puzzle unable to be completed since it is now missing a piece and with one duplicate piece. I've cleared the cache for all three browsers constantly, and set my javascript to not store any files on my computer so that it loads the puzzles every time, but it still gives me that error.

I've come to realise it might be an issue with my version of java, which is kind of hilarious seeing that the old versions seem to work fine, but the latest version won't. (Using build 1.6.0_20-b02) Uninstalled all my Java, installed a version that works on another computer (build 1.6.0_17-b04), with the same error

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Exact Copy - Reformat Driver Without Partition / Replace Data

Aug 27, 2009

I have a laptop with a partitioned HD. All of the data (operating sytem, documents, etc...) are on the small partition, and now I'm out of space. What's the easiest way to:

1. transfer everything on the smaller partition (operating sys included) to the larger partition and boot from there - OR -

2. make an exact copy of the smaller partition, reformat the drive without a partition, and replace the data. I'm running Windows XP Professional.

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Problem Importing SQL Server 2000 - Bak Files Into SQL Server 2005

Sep 11, 2006

The procedure is as follows:

Right-click databases -> Restore Database

I mark 'from device', click the '...' button & select 'File' in the dropdown, then brows to the file itself. Under 'select the backup sets to restore' I check the only checkbox there, then in the 'To Database' I select the name of the database in the file (a new DB name appears there as you select the file).

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While Installing Error Version Doesn't Fit To Original Version

Jun 27, 2008

I'm struggeling to get an new "my own" version of XP installed to my old working laptop. My old working had anther XP installed, but I tried to remove it before installing my own. The problem is; while installing it comes with an error saying that the my version doesn't fit to the original version...how do I clean the laptop fully? I'm using a tool called fdisk, aefdisk, but probably not correct

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Unable To Sync To Time Server - RPC Server Is Unavailable

Aug 8, 2007

XP Pro SP2, all latest updates. When I reboot, I can correctly sync to a time server, but after an unknown amount of time it goes back to saying "The RPC server is unavailable" instantly after clicking Update Now, regardless of what server I tell it to sync to. I also noticed that if I view my nForce Networking Controller status, then click Properties and go to the Authentication tab, everything is greyed out. If I hit OK without changing anything (I can't change it even if I wanted to), a message pops up saying "An unexpected condition occured. Not all of your requested changes in settings could be made" and just goes back to that window. I have to hit cancel to close it

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Chinese Version To Turn Into English Version

Oct 12, 2009

I have bought in Hong Kong a Asus netbook, wrongly I was given one which hasnt been uploaded with the English support version.I cant read Chinese, so I cant get through to the stages of the Chinese windows xp menu to use the Asus xp support dvd version. But I need to know, at which stage I have to use the Asus xp support dvd version. Without being able to do so, I cant use my net book.Could anyone give me a foolproof stage by stage guide how to overcome this problem, without getting the netbook locking me out.

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Set Up An Application Server To Run Office From A Central Server?

Aug 1, 2005

I am currently working on a project and I am in need of a way to run applications off of a central server from an XP client. The applications that need to be run are from the Microsoft Office package. This is for a school project, if more information is needed I can try to provide it

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Build NT 4.0 Server On Primary Domain Server

Sep 26, 2006

I tried the net but couldn't find the info so I am turning to you guys. How do I make nt server in to a promary domain server?

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MCE Version 2005 On Box But Under My Computer Version 2

Jul 6, 2005

Probably a stupid question but it's bugging me. I just bought a new computer with xp mce 2005 installed. I noticed though that when I right click on my computer it says it's version 2002 service pack 2. Is that normal?

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64 Bit Version - Beta Test Version

Jun 30, 2005

Does anyone know when the 64 bit version of XP will be coming out? I know there is a beta test version floating around, but I was wondering about an official release.

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Terminal Server License Server?

Dec 21, 2006

I'm looking at setting up windows 2003 terminal servers all over the place to replace the awful thing people are currently doing here - vncing servers with one small shared password among everyone <holding my hands over my ears for the backlash>. Don't blame me, it's another awful legacy I have to get rid of...

1. I've got to set up a Terminal Server Licensing server and was thinking about putting this on my second domain controller. I was wondering what would happen in this server dies, though. Is there some way of having resilience in this scenario? Perhaps a second Licensing server or something, the way you have 2 or more Domain Controllers?

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Files Have The Exact Same Files And Folders In Them

Aug 10, 2005

I have My Documents and Sheila's Documents. both files have the exact same files and folders in them. may I safely eliminate one of them? if I eliminate one of them which one would be preferable? will it be ebuilt
after I eliminate it?

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32-bit Or 64-bit Version. Current Version

Jul 16, 2008

How can I tell what version (32-bit or 64-bit) of windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition am I running?

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Difference Between Pro Usa Version And UK Version

Jun 8, 2008

i have just bought an xp operating system brand new but it is usa version, i am going to be using in uk is that okay

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Can Not Access The Server Using Server Name

Mar 3, 2009

I Cannot Access The Server Using Server Name (\Server01)But I Still Can Access The Server Using It is IP Address (

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Cd Key Is Oem Version

Aug 29, 2007

Computer has been acting up quite a lot lately, and I'm getting to the point to where I'd prefer to backup what I need, format, and reinstall Windows XP. The only problem is, however, that I don't have an XP cd, seeing as how I got it installed when I gave it to our computer tech to build my computer a while back. My CD key is for an oem version, which I'm guessing is what he used.

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RPC Server Not Available

Aug 21, 2005

When trying to install DSL I received the message RPC Server not available. What does this mean and does anyone have any idea on how I might fix it?

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Can Be Used As A Server?

Sep 20, 2005

I know i can install IIS so i am assuming i can run SUS from xp, how about active directory can this be run from xp?

I know about the 10 inbound limit on connections and that is not a problem as there is only 6 computers in this place.

Is there anything else i might need to know?

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AVG Free Version

Sep 8, 2005

I am running XP SP2 with all patches installed. I was wondering if the free version of AVG antivirus will work with an OEM version of windows I am running? I thought I read it would not but I am not at all sure. I am currently running Norton but it will expire soon.

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AVG Free Version

Sep 8, 2005

My computer came with an OEM version in it. It has a seperate partition for the recovery of Windows instead of having a CD to recover.

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What Version Of Java?

Nov 9, 2006

I had my hard drive replaced and a new install of everything. My concern is how do you find out what version of Java you have on the computer? I went to Add/Remove and it is not there. I remember seeing it somewhere but can't recall if its the old Add/Remove on the other drive or I just happened to run into it. I went into Windows, Java, and it told me nothing about the version. Has a bunch of zipped files and don't want to open anything that I don't know about. I have 3 folders, classes, trustlib, and packages. Nothing shows what version, if its even installed. I know you need the new update for it, if its not installed now, is it needed?

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Difference Between Version 32 Bit And 64 Bit

Feb 6, 2007

I received a message that I should update my computer to a 64 bit version rather than use the 32 bit version. I am not sure what this is or what it means. How will I benefit by updated to a higher version? I have Windows XP Media Centre Edition version 2002 service pack 2 AMD Athlon 64 X 2 dual core processor 3800.

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64 Bit Version - SPECviewperf10.0

Apr 1, 2008

Does specviewperf 10 install the 32bit or 64bit version XP x64?It doesn't give an option to choose which to install so i'd except it to install the x64 version but the start menu folder contains a "SPECviewperf10.0" and a "SPECviewperf10.0 x64" folder in it but the shortcuts for any of the tests in either folder all use the same batch file :So how do I find out if its running 32 or 64 and how would I get the other one to run as I want to run both the 32bit and the 64bit version under XP x64.

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Kill This New Version And Fix My Old One

Aug 8, 2008

My motherboard died, I changed it from a Pentium 4 to a Core Duo. The guy that did the installation told me he would need to update Windows. Fine.The thing is, he installed a new instance of XP Professional instead of updating/repairing the one I had. Now I boot on a clean Windows that has no access to my apps. Sure, I can go to, say, the Photoshop dir and click on the exe, but it won't run since its dll's and stuff are all on the old Windows' installation.I have 175Gb of apps and data in the HDD and I don't want to wipe it, especially since I don't have the original CDs of many of my apps anymore. Plus there's years of downloaded stuff I don't want to search,download and fine-tune all over again.So, my question is, how can I kill this new version and fix my old one so it does work; make the new one work with all my apps so I can kill the old one; or in any way have ONE XP on my machine, that actually runs my apps, without having to reinstall them all (some I can't even if I wanted/had to)So I have a PC with TWO Windows in it and I can't use either for anything I need. Both are in the same partition, only the second one was installed in WINDOWS. There's no dual-boot option or anything, my original windows is just not being accessed.I have tried to fix the old Windows with my XP CD, but it goes for the new one and I can't make it fix the old, useful one.

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What Is Checked Version Of XP

Jul 23, 2007

I recently started going to a few classes at my local Community Colege and a class on computer literacy is giving away copies of Windows XP Pro. All interested students sign a EULA and we were given a copy on cd with key code.Most of the other students used it to upgrade from prior os. I was told it is a full copy, so I allowed a clean install with it formating my hard drive to NTFS from the old fat32.Anyway, everytime I use Internet Explorer it gives error code " duplicate memory at line 945.

Abort, retry, Ignore?" No mater what I hit it eithr repeats or says " Windows Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and will now close" and gives option to send error report.So, I tried installing Service Pack 2 from a cd that I had ordered from Microsoft. I got the following error "Service Pack 2 cannot update a checked(debug) system with a a free(retail) version of service pack2 or vice versa"Is there anything I could do to straighten this out? What is a checked(debug) system anyway?I did download a debug version of service pack 2 but Internet explorer still gives errors. Auto Update will download updates, but they all FAIL. Anything I can do? I would like to know what debug system is and if it is even worth having.

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OEM Version Of Xp Home

May 8, 2006

I bought a oem version of windows home xp sp2 and i want to know if i can install it on both my pc's they both connect to the internet through a router? or will i need to buy two copys of it to be legal on both pc's

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Anyone Know About Commercial Version Pro?

Jun 4, 2007

I have recently been shopping for a copy of XP Pro SP2 for a new system I am building. I have seen OEM and "Academic" versions that can often run a bit less money than the retail versions.Suddenly I am receiving e-mails from people or companies saying they have a version of XP Pro that is full, complete, allows upgrades, has a COA and License Key AND allows UNLIMITED INSTALLS! The description is as a "DSP" or "Commercial" version described as a version sold to big companies or was given away at a special programmers conference. These offers often include a copy of Office 2003 or Office XP that has the same features as the XP Pro.My question is this: Is there such a thing as the DSP or Commercial version of XP Pro SP2 and MS Office? If such a thing is real are the features being described correct (i.e. unlimited installs and upgrades allowed)? Why isn't this discussed more if it is real or, especially, if it is a scam?

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