Clean Laptop Screen
Aug 15, 2005
What's the best way to clean the new Ultrabrite laptop...smooth and glossy...screen? I've always used distilled water and a soft cloth on my laptopscreens, but it's hard to make them smear-free when drying, and it's even harder on a glossy screen.
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Feb 1, 2005
So in the next couple of days, I'm going to be recieving my first laptop. And I want to know what steps I would need to take to completely reformat it, set up partitions, install XP Pro and install whatever you think would be the best applications for everyday use. Perhaps this is just wishful thinking on my part, but I also have assumed that it is possible to somehow create a backup file (on DVD, my other computer has a DVD writer) that lets you automatically install all these basic features whenever you reformat the computer (I also have heard this is called a ghost). The big problem I have is that I do not have a floppy disk drive. which I can't help but think may make the process a bit more difficult.
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Apr 17, 2007
This is for my LAPTOP,which is separate from my DESKTOP problem I am having.With everything I'm going thru with my desktop, I am wanting to make sure my laptop is in working order, cause if it goes down, I'm screwed.So in following the directions I have been given to check things on my desktop, I've also done so with my laptop.(Note: The SP1 problem has been fixed. However, the problems in Red are still in existence)I have tried installing SP1, however every time I try, I get the "file atapi.sys is open or in use" message. I have even booted into safe mode and got the same error.
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Jul 14, 2010
how do i clean the hard drive on a laptop and pc, they are both very old and i just want to be sure that no personal information is left before i recycle them.
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Dec 28, 2007
I just recently did a reformat and clean install of windows (to get rid of all the dell bloatware that came with my laptop, clean the registry, etc). Problem is, now programs are opening really really slowly. For example, photoshop is taking a super long time to open, it used to be much faster.Internet/Firefox seems to work fine, but in general I can tell something isn't right. I'm pretty confident it's not a virus/malware problem, as I just reformatted, did a new install of windows, and have had zonealarm running from the start (and yes, zonealarm was running all the time previous to the reformat).
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Jun 24, 2006
I recently acquired the computer listed in my specs, and was having 10 second freezes when running programs or just exploring the hard drive. I have XP Pro SP2. I figured it might be windows or something so I tried running a clean install. Just after it asks for SCSI or RAID drivers at the bottom it freezes and then blue screens on me saying "A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer... blah blah blah, error code STOP: 0x0000007B (0xF7CAE524,0x00000C34,0x00000000,0x00000000). So I ran the Windows disk checker after booting in my original XP Pro SP2 and it gave me the same blue screen. AFAIK I have 2 Western Digital 74GB HDs in RAID 0 configuration... I surmise RAID 0 was installed incorrectly or I have a bum hard drive.
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Jul 10, 2010
I keep a clean computer. Every day virus updates and scans, defrags, etc. I probably go overboard to make sure this rig stays healthy.But it's my lifeline to the world.
I'm in a third world country with no computer help at all...Barely a connection at time.That being said.3 times now when I boot up the computer runs through it's cycles, goes to the Windows XP page, and then absolutely nothing. Just a blank screen.
The same happens even when trying to go to safe-mode or debug. I'm lucky it's even working now.I've saved all my information.
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Jan 26, 2008
I have a Seagate Barracuda ATA IV model ST380021A. Don't know if it's SATA or not. I have a SOYO SY-P4VTP M/B. After I do a clean/new install on a formatted drive, (I even installed the SATA drivers that came w/ the mobo just in case) the computer freezes on reboot after the initial installation where it says "Setup will continue after reboot" or something like that. @ the bootscreen with the logo, the bluish bar scrolls a couple of times and freezes. Does anyone know why? I tried installing at a friends house and it worked fine so I know it's not a harddrive error but I place it in mines and it doesn't work so I create a new install and same problem.. I know it's not a temp issue since it's running < 100 F. THis is a genuine copy of XP. Just in case I used my friends.
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Nov 4, 2004
I start up my laptop with the screen closed. When I open the screen I see the XP login screen for a second and then the computer goes black. I can't do anything else.I have Windows XP Home with the service pack 2 (I regret installing it).I never had any problems before. If you know how to fix this let me know.
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Mar 8, 2010
I turned on my laptop today and I had NOTHING but a red screen and not even ONE icon don't know where it all went.My antivirus program won't even work. I am doing this through safe mode with networking. Has anyone else ever heard of this or experienced this problem? If so, how can I get rid of it?
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Jan 2, 2009
I have a older Imb laptop modle T23 computer and when I shut it down rather then using standby it takes several times trying to get it to come back on. I press the little round on/off button and the (z) button lights up and I hear the fan turn on and all of a sudden a series of beeps, and the screen won't turn on. The beeping is like 8 beeps, then stops but still nothing come up on the screen. Completely black! So i turn off the computer again, and turn on same thing. I continue doing this like 30+ times sometimes more sometimes less, then finally the beeps dont start and the screen is working. So needless to say its still working in the mean time, but its just such a pain if I shut it down. . For now I am just going to continue using standby but when I have updates sometimes i need to shut down.
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Jun 4, 2005
A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen,restart your computer. If this screen appears again, follow these steps:Check to be sure you have adequate disk space. If a driver is identified in the stop message disable the driver or check the manufacturer for driver updates. Try changing video adapters.Check your hardware vendor for any BIOS updates. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. If you need to use safe mode to remove or disable components,
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Oct 17, 2009
Usually when need to get a screen shot of the desktop on my PC just press on (Prt Scrn) then open word and paste it, But I can?t do it on my Laptop HP Compaq, OS: wind XP 2002, SP2, I tried to press on (prt sc + alt) and I tried to press the key (prt sc) alone twice but it doesn?t work, does it need special software? Or a different function to do it?
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May 20, 2008
I need to replace my laptops screen Now where I live in the UK where talking over 150 pounds to replace and thats on eBay. Other models on there are a lot cheaper so I was wondering if there are models that would be compatible. The laptop is an Acer Aspire 3053. The screen model number is N141/1-LO3 REV C1.
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Oct 2, 2009
My Laptop is an HP Pavilion ze2000, and I when I turn it on, it goes to the HP logo screen, then the Windows XP screen, then restarts and does that same process. I do not have my startup disk, and also, it won't let me boot the computer in safe mode, last known configuration or anything.
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Feb 18, 2008
I turnd off my laptop using the power button as aposed to shuting it down.. this may have been the wrong thing to do however i was in a rush and had done it befor with no problem.I have gone to turn on my laptop. insted of loading up the usual windows xp user select screen i have been directed to a screen that states "we apologise for the inconvenience but windows did not start successfully. a recent hardware or software change might have caused this."
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Jul 5, 2010
I have the following message on a blue screen on my IBM T40 LAPTOP with XP.STOP: 0x00000007B (0xF7983528, 0xC0000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)
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Aug 31, 2006
HP laptop hangs on "Windows is starting up..." screen for ever and a day! Ive tried safe mode but its gets to exactly the same point and than doesnt go any further. I havent tried any other remedies as I thought Id seek some advice since Im not that with-it on these technical issues. I have work on the hard drive that I would really like to be able to recover as otherwise I would have carried out a complete systems reinstall. Is there any way of me being able to do a reinstall and not loose my work? From the things I've tried I can't even return the settings to the way they were when the laptop worked ok.
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Oct 26, 2009
I understand that the system and everything is old, but it's all I've got to work with right now.I have a Compaq Evo N800C running Windows 2000 Professional.I've tried every option in the F8 & F10 setups, everything takes me back to the blue screen. I know I read that this might be a virus. I read a suggestion about taking the drive to another computer to check this - I'm very very very home user basic beginner and I don't know if or how the drive can be removed from the laptop and put into my Dell desktop to check it.
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Oct 8, 2010
My Compaq laptop is acting very strange. Yesterday eveerything was fine with it, next thing I know when I turn it on the next day it doesn't work. A screen comes up after the laptop's logo comes on saying "We apologize for the inconvenices, but windows did not start successfully. A recent hardware or software change might have cause this.If your cmoputer stopped responding, restart unexpectedly, or was automatically shut down to protect your filles and folders, choosen Last Known Good Configuration to revert to the most recent setting that worked.If a previous startup attempt was interrupted due to a power failure or because the power or reset button was pressed, or if you aren't sure what caused the problem, choose Start Windows Normally.
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Aug 19, 2008
i just need some help my laptop has frozen it wont comr on after the boot screen can any 1
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Sep 8, 2008
whenever I start the Laptop it goes to a blue screen and there is a stop error and just stays there until i have to manually restart then goes to the blue screen again.I stupidly pressed install when a pop-up came for the anti-virus xp 2008 spyware came up and since then tried to get rid of it and after a few restarts I got the blue screen.Is there a way to fix this? I'm fine with reinstalling windows but dont know how form here or if it will fix the problem.
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Jan 24, 2009
The other day while using my dads laptop, i closed the screen, and on reopening it, it displayed a blank white screen. I turned it off and back on again. It seem to be booting normally until it was time for the desktop to load, at which time the white screen returned. It boots in safe mode and i tried a system restore, which was unsuccessful.
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Nov 18, 2009
my Toshiba satellite p20 is freezing up occasionally and sometimes im getting the dreaded blue screen and return to boot up. I have an external 500g hard drive connected at all times. i run mozilla with ABP running and have done a full scan using esset antivirus( which detected 2 probs and deleted them) and have run Super anti spyware full clean with clear report.
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Jul 14, 2005
I have a Toshiba laptop Satellite P20 (PSP26C-0JQRT7), it's running Windows XP Media Center. Even since my last windows update, it became awfully slow and it started giving me blue screen errors at boot time .once in a while. I would say that about 1 in 2 times, it wouldn't boot. Then I would try "last known good configuration" or just start normally and after a few tries, it would work. But since the last windows updates this morning (july 13th), I cannot boot without getting a blue screen error. The best I can do is boot in safe mode about once very two tries.
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Jun 6, 2008
When you turn it on the lights come on and you can hear the hard drive for a sec or two but nothing comes up on the screen, I put in the recovery disk and the cd-rom you can hear it start up and try to run it but nothing comes up on the screen at all. Its like you hear the cd-rom cause it is louder when it first starts up and then like it stops. when you open it you can see the disk had been spinning. anyway again nothing, absolutely nothing on the screen. I took the hard drive out and hooked it to my desktop computer with a usb hardware that you can hook up internal harddrives externally and see whats on them. I have used it many times before except always on a destop harddrive where you have a place to hook up the ac power. On the laptop drive it doesn't have a place to hook up the power so I just plugged in the usb and you could here the hard drive click and try to start but didn't. I thought it was probably the harddrive so I got a brand new one, same kind the travelstar. I put it in the laptop and then put the recovery disk in and you could hear the cd-rom start up but still nothing on the screen. I even plugged in a regular monitor to the laptop and nothing comes up on its screen either. Did I buy the hard drive for nothing? is the laptop just shot? or is there something I have to do to the hard drive before I put in in and try the recovery disk? Someone please give me a suggestion. The guy that owns it says they thought lighning hit it but most peopled say that. I don't know if they left it plugged in or what but like I said when you turn it on the lights come on and the cd-rom must work so it is getting power.
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Jan 7, 2008
I have a Sony laptop - PCG-Z1RSP with windows XP. I was using the internet when suddenly it shut down. Now i can't boot it up - as soon as it gets to the loading up windows part the deaded blue screen appears but only for a split second and then laptop restarts. This is very worrying. Anything I can do?? Can I check the hardrive by pressing F4 etc at the before it tries to boot up?
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Jun 22, 2007
We have a two year old Toshiba laptop, my son tried to clean the screen and cracked it. I have about 2 inches that I can see.I want to connect it to an external monitor, when I hook it up, I can only see on the external screen until it boots up and then it clicks over to the lap top.
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Jul 15, 2008
I have a Dell Inspiron 6400/1505. I reformatted my hard drive twice just so that I don't have to see the dreaded blue screen pop up. Yet, my laptop freezes up and goes to the blue screen and states that there is a Kernel Data Inpage Error.
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Oct 19, 2009
I am reinstalling Xp and I am getting this blue screen error message
(0xc000001d, 0x806e5049, 0x80550280, 0x00000000)
The computer is an Acer laptop 5610
how can i solve this problem?
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Nov 24, 2007
window on start up and my speakers on my laptop not working. This started out with the speakers I turned down the volume to nothing while playing a game and then I tried to turn it back up I got no sound from internal speakers. tried all the options in the volume looking for anything muted but nothing. Tried to update the sound card drivers with the same results of no sound out of the internal speakers. when starting my laptop I had a smaller then the normal screen when starting up, same size on my main screen. able to change to a higher resolution to fill the entire screen but if I go any lower then the highest resolution I have a black boarder were the window should be.
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