Changing Root Drive In XP?

Jun 4, 2005

I reinstalled Windows XP and accidentally installed it on my D: drive. Now I want to change the system folders, prog files, etc and make the C: drive my default one. Is there any way to do this WITHOUT having to reinstall XP again?

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Root Of C Drive Shows Fair Number Of Sqmdata?

Oct 7, 2006

The root of my c: drive shows a fair number of sqmdata?.sqm files.Where do they come from? Can I delete them without causing any damage?

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Changing Boot Drive From D To C

Jun 24, 2006

I just upgraded to a 300GB hard drive from a 250, which I will use as a backup drive. However, when I set it up, the primary boot partition got set up as D:. I have 5 partitions on this drive. The others were also mislabeled, but I could change them with the Computer Management tool. There is no C drive on this system. I want to make what is now D become C.The original also had 5 partitions. All I wanted to do is duplicate the old drive to the new one. Somehow, the boot partition became D and I can't change it from within Windows. Is there a way to do that? I have created the UBD for Windows using Bart's PE, so I can boot the machine independently of using the hard drive. If I can use that, is there a tool there or a command line program I can use to change it?

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Changing Boot Drive

Jan 8, 2006

I recently purchased a new hard drive and used the software that came with it to set up the new drive as the boot drive and the old drive as the slave. However after installation, it still shows the old drive as the boot drive and the new drive as the slave.I have set the jumpers to "master" on the new drive and slave on the old drive. Is there any way to change this? I dont know what else to do siince the jumpers are set correctly. running winXP home with Dell Pentium 4.

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Changing Drive Letters

Jun 3, 2008

I created a new partition and installed Windows on it a while back, but when I booted up, it had the letter G and my other partition that I used to store music was drive C.I was going to change drive letters around so that my OS was on drive C, but I was wandering if this would mess up any applications I have on the system?

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Changing Drive Letters In PRO?

Jan 30, 2005

i feel that this is probley simple... but I don't know how to do it. I've right clicked directly on the dvd-player to see if I could change it and nothing is there. My dad has a dvd-player F: and a cd-rom drive E:, His computer was formatted recently, but now the software for each of the drives are mixed up. Putting a dvd in drive F:, tells us that drive E: does not contain a disk.I would like to just change the drive letters back to how it wants to be set-up.

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Changing Main Boot Drive

Jul 8, 2008

I have a hard drive that comes with my PC and that has a corrupted Windows, but the boot.ini still works fine. So I got a new hard drive and installed a new fresh copy of Windows XP on it. So now I want to format the old hard drive and use the new hard drive as the boot drive. However, if I removed the old hard drive, the new hard drive doesn't boot at all. I've tried using the FIXMBR, FIXBOOT, and BOOTCFG /REBUILD commands, but I think I did it wrong.

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Changing Boot Drive Letter

Dec 3, 2006

I was doing a new installation of XP home on a new hard drive, XP formatted the drive as F: and installed the boot sector there because a thumb drive was in the usb port (which it recognized as C:). I wasn't paying that close of attention and I didn't realize XP would see that thumb drive as C:. My question: is there any way to change the boot letter back to C: without reformatting the hard drive?

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Attached A New Dvd Rom - Changing Drive Letters?

Jul 7, 2005

I recently attached a new dvd rom to my pc. After it was detached, the drive letters on my extra HDD's have changed around.Can anyone please explain to me how to change the drive letters back?

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Changing Drive Letters Without Reformatting

Dec 30, 2007

I got a usb flash drive and plugged it in for the first time today. My computer automatically named it (F and (G - it had two partitions apparently. Anyway, I also have a Buffalo external hard drive that was always (F before. I figured my computer just assigned the usb flash drive (F and (G temporarily because the external hard drive wasn't turned on. So when I did plug it in, it was named (H. However, when I disconnected both drives, and re-plugged the external hd, it was still (H. Also, I noticed that all my folder settings in the external hd were reset.

I tried uninstalling the driver for the usb flash drive and the external hd remained (H.

Is there anyway to reverse this without reformatting or otherwise damaging my files inside the external hard drive

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Hard Drive Letters Keep Changing

Jan 31, 2007

So I just ran into a problem with my External Western Digital Hard Drive. Previously, my drive was mapped as the E Drive (I believe) and after taking it down and setting it up again (when i moved back to college), my external hard drive switched drive names on me. This really sucks, as my external drive stores all of my iTunes music and now when i run iTunes, it tries to find the music from the E Drive location and not the G Drive location. Is there an easy way I can change the letter drives so that I don't have to reimport all of my music?

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Changing Drive Letters Has Screwed Up PC

Jun 20, 2010

I wanted to install Windows XP on an old computer. Its CD drive was broken, so I installed XP from its hard drive instead. When everything was finished, I ended up with two drives, D and E. Unfortunately, I was tempted to change the letters (OCD, much?) to C and D, and did so (via regedit).Now, my computer won't boot up; the welcome screen shows up, but it freezes there.

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Changing A Hard Drive From Slave To Master

Mar 26, 2007

I am running XP Pro on a rebuilt Dell PIII. The original hard drive is 7G, so I added a 300G slave for storage. My plan now was to change the 300G drive to the Master drive. I reformatted, booted from my XP disc & installed the OS on the "new" 300G drive. Then I switched the jumper & cable so it was in the master position.and nothing.

It starts up, tells me to hit F2 for setup or F1 to continue. When I hit F1, it goes to a blank screen with flashing cursor, but no command line

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Running Windows On IDE Hard Drive / Changing Boot Drives

Sep 5, 2009

I was running windows on an IDE hard drive and bought a new SATA and installed a fresh copy of windows on it, now having a dual boot with the old installation on the IDE. I've been running on the SATA drive for a few months now and I want to remove the IDE drive from my system but when I disconnect it and reboot I get a message that tells me NTLDR is missing so I am assuming that the boot record is on the IDE drive. How can I make the SATA drive my main boot drive?

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Changing "MY Documents" From C Drive To D And Making It The Default?

Oct 3, 2010

With the help of CNET my computer is back up and running, but I need more advice now. I formatted the hard drive to get rid of a trojan, and reinstalled stuff. Previously I had changed MY Documents from C Drive to D and made it the default, and I can't remember how I did it, I should have written it down!!
My netbook is a Wind, 120GB HD 1GBRam, intel processor, XP SP3

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Changing "System Restore" To Different Drive

Nov 15, 2005

I have a PC with 512 mem. XP operating system, P4. I added a new 160 gb. hard drive now called C and it made my old small hard drive F, a unused backup.I used Acronis true image to transfer all info to new C drive. I also have Norton Go Back loaded on my PC.

I noticed that my XP and Norton goback programs are monitering my old F: NOT MY new C: How do I get ''XP restore'' to moniter my new Cdrive not my oldF drive? Same question for Norton Goback. I do not add any info to my F drive on a regular basis. I want to have the safety of a relatively recent restore point for my new 160 gb C drive

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USB Root Hub And USB Bandwidth Contradicts Each Other?

Jul 11, 2009

Im having crazy problems with USB exceeded Bandwidth, In device manager i have 2 Usb Root Hubs and when i right click and check properties then Power to see what port belongs to what Hub but each time i connect a usb to each different port on my computer it only comes up in the 1st Usb Root Hub never in the 2nd one? is this odd?

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Random IE Pop-ups - Trace To The Root?

Feb 24, 2007

I know it is stupid but i have put up all the defense i can, firewall, antivirus, but somehow these nasty buggers just slip through. I am no computer expert, just an average user, so i don't want to reinstall the entire windows XP and go through all the update process.So the question is: how can i track down whatever is causing this random, time-to-time IE pop ups? When i do my research the term active scripting comes up all the time (for pop ups). I wonder if this is the culprit and will this thing remains active even I don't have IE windows opened.

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USB Root Hub Drivers Error

Jan 17, 2007

Built my pc i thought everything was fine but on checking in device manager i have found a problem with the usb root hub. There are 7 entries for the intel family universal host controller that have no problems. Below that there are 7 entries for usb root hub these have yellow exclamation marks and on checking properties it says driver may be corrupted or missing code 39. Have tried to update drivers but could not find any.

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Update Root Certificate

Apr 15, 2010

I work for a company that uses an ethernet connection and a netgear switch to connect a bunch of trucks together, and then software on the main computer to control all the different trucks and display the data off the trucks, rates, pressures, engine diagnostics etc. Lately I have had an issue with the software on the main computer locking up. When I checked the event viewer the last couple of times I had a crypt32 error right around the time the software froze. Now I understand why this is happening, because windows is trying to update the root certificates, and I'm not connected to the internet.

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Wont Log On/ Root Error W/No CD To Reinstall?

Aug 7, 2009

I can no longer log on and I get this error message.Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:<windows root>system32hal.dll.
Please re-install a copy of the above file.My problem is that I do not have a CD to reinstall anything with. It did not come with my laptop. Instead, I was supposed to create my own and didn't realize this until it was too late. I have a Compaq Presario V6000 w/WIN XP Home Edition and I'm wondering if it's possible to boot up manually via DOS with specific commands.

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Error Loading OS - CD - Root - System32hal.dll

Jul 8, 2008

I have created another link regarding this issue, however this problem is now on my second computer. just connected my iPod Nano (3rd Generation) to my second computer to charge up and then it completey shut down and now shows the error:Error loading OS <windows root>system32hal.dll Please reinstall a copy of the above file.I have tried to repair the required, but it wont even read or load my XP Pro installation disk to repair it.This is extremely frustrating, as I am now thinking that my iPod has a virus in it and has transferred it from my laptop through to my other PC~!

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Notified Root Certificate Update

Feb 7, 2007

WinXP just notified me of a "Root Certificate Update" What exactly is this and is it something I should go ahead and install?

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Recover Windows Root Files

May 4, 2007

I cannot give you to many spects because i can't get into the windows to find out what the computer spects are but this i do know: it is a hp pavillon ze2000 running window xp home. This is the message i am getting when i turn the computer on:windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: <Windows root>system32, toskrnl.exe. Please re-install a copy of the above file. i have put the application and driver recovery dvd and it does no good.

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Root Files Recovery System

Jul 13, 2010

HP notebook (4 yrs old), running XP. I do not have the recovery disc. I can not get into safe mode as it stops loading in the process of loading or checking drivers. I can get it to the XP splash screen but when it goes to the next screen which should be my log on screen, it is blank. Is there anyway to fix this and replace the file or do I trash it and get a new laptop.

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No Power Tab On USB Root Hub In Device Manager

Apr 27, 2008

When I would check out 'USB Root Hub' in Device Manager, there would be a 'Power' tab that would list the name of the connected device and how much power it was drawing. Somehow, that particular tab has 'gone the way of the dodo,' and does not appear. Currently, the only tabs I see are General, Driver, Details and Power Management.

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Re-Install Root/System32 File

Oct 20, 2008

Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: <windows root>/system32/ntoskrnl.exe Please re-install a copy of the above file. That is the error it comes up with. It will not even boot up to Windows. There's not really much I can access with Windows not booting.

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Reinstall Windows Root System32 Ntoskrnl Exe?

Jul 26, 2010

Hello, how do you reinstall windows root system32 ntoskrnl exe with out the disk or a disk drive?

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Error Message: <windows Root>system32hal.dll ?

Oct 8, 2008

I tried to do COMPLETE Windows XP (Home) reinstall and at first it went ok (I think), but while restarting it gave me this error message:<windowsroot>system 32hal.dll

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Windows Root System32hal.dll: Reinstall The Copy?

Jun 28, 2006

When I try to boot my computer it says:"Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:<Windows root>system32hal.dll. Please re-install a copy of the above file." I tried to boot my computer with the OS cd and got nothing.

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Windows Root>system32hal.dll / All Applications Locked?

Mar 28, 2007

all applications locked. i shut down by pressing and holding the button but when started up again the error message "windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt <windows root>system32hal.dll" appeared.chkdsk came up with no errors? Tried BOOTCFG/LIST, BOOTCFG/SCAN same error message, not sure what to do now?

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