Changing Computer Name With Professional?

Sep 22, 2009

I'm not sure if it's called the computer name or something different. My computer is showing a name called "Nick" in several areas that I want to change.

My full computer name is Patrick

Windows is registered to Patrick

and in my regedit the registered owner name is Patrick, but I'm still coming across a "nick" that I cannot figure out how to change.

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Proper Name Of Professional Edition In My Computer

Jul 28, 2010

I recently reinstalled the Home Edition and now after rebooting the computer goes directly to the Home Edition. I changed the boot file too.When I boot up I get the two options, but when I log in to the Professional Edition I get an error. I suppose that the way I name the Professional Edition is not okay.If it is the problem, where can I find the proper name of the Professional Edition installed in my computer.

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Upgrading From 2000 Professional To Professional

Feb 9, 2004

I'm attempting to update from Windows 2000 Professional to Windows XP Professional.When I insert the XP CD and click on "check system compatibility" I receive the following message "Windows XP setup does not support upgrading from Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional to Microsoft Windows XP Professional. Setup cannot continue."

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Computer Freezes When Changing Volume

Aug 3, 2007

I have the same problem as this thread:, I have XP, and for some reason, my system restore was turned off, I dont know why.It only happens when I use the one on my keyboard to change it, then I cant click anything, even though I can still minimize and use Task Manager.But its frozen and I cant do anything.

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Upgrading From W2K Professional To Professional

Jan 26, 2006

I have heard when attempting to upgrade not clean install a new os. For example the whole win98 to w2k doesnt fly good because of the fat32 to ntfs deal. so what about upgrading w2k pro with ntfs to xp pro with ntfs? is this a good thing to do now a days or is it still better to just perform a clean install over my existing os. I really would like to keep my stuff intact, but I dont want a xp upgrade. So what type of issues have you guys had upgrading w2k to xp pro?

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Computer Wont Show Login Screen After Changing Registry Settings?

Oct 15, 2004

I am running Windows Xp professional.Until recently my computer was working fine. But then i got GAIN from i think some codec i got online, and then my cpu usage used to jump up to 100% quite frequently. I attempted to look online as to how to remove GAIN from my computer,It has some changes to the registry which i did without making backup of it. So now my login screen will not appear i can not get into any mode, i.e. safe mode i cant restore my computer (even though i dont want to) because system restore is off

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Professional 32 Bit To 64 Bit

Nov 4, 2008

i currently have windows xp home edition (32-bit) or w/e and i want to have 4 or 8 gb of ram and i need a 64 bit os for that. i was wondering if i can just buy Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 OEM from will that work?heres the link from

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Professional Not Restore

Jun 30, 2005

system restore will not restore no matter what date i choose,

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Upgrading To Xp Professional?

Jun 10, 2007

I have windows home edition with service 2(sp2), i want to upgrade to xp professional , when i install xp professional when the pc restarts and the windows xp logo comes up , a messages pop up saying "press any key to boot from cd" then it disappears and the windows logo comes up again, then it says again "press any key to boot from cd" why does it keeps on doing that, i leave it for like 6 hours and it keeps on doing that,(the xp professional cd i have is a genuine xp professional Cd.(the pc is a desk top"Compaq presario 3500 series")

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Upgrading To 7 Professional?

Jan 13, 2010

I just built my first computer and I don't have an OS yet. I do have 2 copies on Win XP Home Edition that I found that I may or may not have installed yet.I was going to buy the Win 7 Professional Upgrade online from digital river. It comes with a download for your computer and a disk kit for 13 dollars more that they ship to you. Thing is, this will be a CLEAN INSTALL on a brand new terabyte hard drive. I have read about people doing clean installs with the DISK of Win 7 Upgrade Media, but it seems too complicated. I also know that the best way to upgrade Win XP to Win 7 was to do a clean install and backup your files. But im not going to have anything stored on Win XP.I want to install Win XP Home Edition,connect to the internet, download the Win 7 upgrade media. And install that.

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Professional 64 Bit Edition OS?

Mar 21, 2008

Can anyone who uses the Windows XP Professional 64 bit Edition OS,give me there opinions on it. What it is like compared to the 32 bit version. Any comments regarding your experience with the OS will be welcome.

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Professional Transfer To 98

Feb 24, 2005

I currently have Windows 98 on my computer. I got the disc today for Windows XP Professional and plan to install that onto my computer and get rid of 98. The problem i am facing is that i have a folder full of songs that i want to keep on my computer and somehow have them on Windows XP. There is over 730 songs on there. I was wondering how i can keep these songs without them being deleted?

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How Professional Setup Got On?

Mar 25, 2007

When I restart the computer, it goes to a screen that gives me 2 options. Windows XP Home, which is what I use and Windows XP Professional Setup.I dont know how the Professional Setup got on there but it is always highlighted as the selection, so if I reboot and go away from the computer it goes into the Setup which doesnt work, and then I have to reboot again. I;ve never had this until recently, and need to know how to get rid of the Professional Setup one so I can just use regular XP. I've done a search for the setup so i could delete it but nothing came up.

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XP Professional Shuts Down

Jun 3, 2006

i recently got my computer back from the repair shop and everything worked ok for awhile then it went completely to hell.sometimes when i start up the computer it shuts down,restarts, or goes to the desktop and says "this computer will shutdown in 30 seconds" or something like that as soon as i get to my desktop then sometimes like right now its just fine until i try to burn a cd or a dvd then it will turn off completely for no reason , ive ran avg, spybot, ad-aware, cw-shredder, housecall but still nothing is found. please help me as soon as u can, this is very frustrating as i have to do my schooling on the computer.

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Home Vs Professional

Feb 21, 2007

I want to know your thoughts concerning both OS. Is there a big difference between the two, or is it slight? XP pro is tailored more for businesses but how about in areas of security, wireless connections, applications, crashes etc?

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Professional Can't Load

Aug 26, 2005

I am using Windows XP Professional.When I reboot my computer, Windows tries to load.It gets to the point of the sound of Windows booting and the default landscape view; but won't go any further.None of the program icons show and the tray at the bottom of the screen will not come up.If I try to start the program in Safe Mode, the same thing happens.It "hangs up" at the same point.Yesterday, I ran Spybot on my computer.I had several spyware problems and deleted them.Did not reboot until today when I then had the problem described above.Can you tell me anything I can do from the DOS prompt to resolve this problem as I cannot get Windows to load properly?

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Login Loop- OS Is XP Professional

Oct 13, 2004

My OS is XP Professional. I rebooted my PC & when I got to the login screen, I press Ctrl-Alt-Del. I go to the password screen & enter my password. XP then displays 'Loading your personal settings'. after a few seconds, it displays 'closing network connections' & 'saving your settings' & goes back to the login screen asking me to press ctrl-alt-del to login. This loop is happening whether I try to log to the domain or try to login as stand alone. If I enter wrong password XP says so & ask me to enter correct password. I am able to access my PC through another computer though & check the hard disk for any virus no virus found.

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Professional Vs Vista Ultimate

Jan 1, 2008

A MacBook Pro and wants to put a Windows OS on there. He asked me if he should buy Windows XP Proffesional or Windows Vista Ultimate

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Can Remove Windows XP Professional

Jun 29, 2005

Alright, I need to know if I can remove windows XP Professional. It was the first operating system installed. I want to wipe the entire harddrive of EVERYTHING on it and have windows like when it was first installed. I have the windows XP HOME CD key, so I'm guessing I might have to go from Pro to Home, which is fine with me. Is there a way to do this? I'm sorry, not very good with PCs.

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Upgrade Sp1 Home To Sp2 Professional

Jul 17, 2005

I just upgrade my xp home service pack 1 to professional service pack 2 using the upgrade that I've upgraded, there are several things wrong with my system that I can't seem to fix:

1. Sometimes during shutdown windows hangs at the "saving your settings" dialog, I have to push the power button to have it power off.

2. Right clicking any files (on the desktop, in explorer, and even shortcuts in the start menu) will cause the system to lock up. I have to end task explorer.exe and restart it to get windows back. Special right click menus display without any problems (ie: my computer, recycle bin, desktop, start button)

3. Going into control panel > network connections will lock up the windows.

4. going into internet options > connections locks up just the internet options window.

I've tried uninstalling as many programs I don't need. A reformat is my LAST resort.

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Professional Freezes At Startup - Need A Log

Mar 10, 2008

need a log of my computer to see wheret there could be a problems that is causing my computer to freeze at start up (but not always , but i have to start my system several times before it will stay normal)

i have used hi jack this,

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.2

Scan saved at 20:12:50, on 08/02/2009

Platform: Windows XP SP3 (WinNT 5.01.2600)

MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.6000.16762)

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Professional X64 Edition For Gaming

Jun 26, 2005

What is <A HREF="" target="_new">Windows XP Professional x64 Edition</A> like for gaming & are there any driver issues with it

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Upgrading From Home To Professional

Jun 20, 2005

I have XP professional from my last computer (it's now inoperable) and XP
home on my new PC. I'm not sure what to do or how difficult it is to upgrade
my new computer to XP Professional with that same software.Just load and go? I know I do need to set a restore point, since there's not one yet.

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Upgrading From Home To Professional

Sep 30, 2005

Have XP Home installed on my present system and bought a full version of XP Professional . Can this be full version be installed over or should I say will this upgrade my XP Home without deleting any of my present programs and documents?

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Professional File Path

Jan 18, 2007

i just installed XP Professional SP1, and i noticed that the file directory is "C:Windows", not "C:Winnt", i couldve sworn i seen xp systems that say c:winnt, like w2k?

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Scan Required Professional Cd

Jan 3, 2010

Windows XP Home Del Dimension 2350 Running sfc /scannow, system is asking for PROFESSIONAL cd, which I do not have.

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OEM Professional / Legal Software?

Oct 18, 2005

I have just recently been searching for the best price for buying Windows XP Professional for my computer. I have looked around, and found at NewEgg this right here:XP Professional OEM. Is this legal software? I've seen these a lot over the internet, and have wondered why they are cheaper, and such. Will I have trouble with updating it? I just want to make sure I buy genuine software, as I got screwed by buying XP Pro from online, that alas, was not.

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Installing Professional OEM On New Assembled PC

Jun 4, 2010

I searched the forum, did not get the answer . forgive me, if this is already answered.Can I install(fresh install) XP Prof - OEM, on a freshly assembled pc? I.e. I buy local components and build my system, install XP OEM and paste the OEM sticker to the back of the pc.

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Illegal Copy Of Professional

Jul 10, 2005

Last year I purchased a copy of XP Professional on eBay. Prior to that, I purchased Windows 2000 Professional from Best Buy - it was a legal copy and I still have it.I wanted to upgrade/change to XP so I was hoping to get a less expensive purchase via eBay. Everything was fine with it until this week when I tried to download an upgrade to Windows Media Player 10. My licenses were out of wack and when I called Microsoft for support, they told me it was an OEM version and they didn't support those versions. I had no idea I purchased an OEM version. I want a legal copy of XP and don't want to have to reformat my harddrive. Since XP Professional is already on my computer, if I "re-buy" the op-sys, can I load it over this OEM version? Or do I have to reformat?

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Professional And Microsoft (default) Os

Jul 4, 2006

I've installed Windows Xp Professional Os. When i start my computer i get to choose which os to chose, it's windows xp professional and microsoft(default) The problem is i would like to get rid of microsoft(default), even though it says it's admin login. I would just like my computer start directly to windows xp professional

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Professional And SP2 Safe Upgrade

Jun 16, 2005

I use Windows XP Pro in my small 3 computer peer to peer network. One computer holds most of the actual programs while the other 2 computers use the programs. Is SP2 a safe upgrade for an XP Pro system? Is it advisable?

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