Cant Access Internet - Doesent Show Any Ip Address
Dec 24, 2007
I am a new member here and not very knowledgeable in the tech stuff so any help will be appreciated. I recently formatted my hard drive. I installed XP again. I am going to install the drivers now. Before that I was just trying to connect to the internet but cant connect at all. It doesent show any ip adress and also doesent show the side icon where it shows the interenet connected. The etheren cable is in and the modem is also working. I asked the interent service provider whether the modem needs any driver and thats why its not recognizing but he said it should work. I tried shutting it down and restarting but still doesent work
I have two computers one is running W2000 and the other is running Windows XP Home. They are both hooked up to a Linksys router. Today I cannot access the internet on the XP computer. There is an icon in the system tray and when I click on it it says acquiring network address. Could someone please tell me how to get a network address.
I opened my computer and decided to goto internet through the my computer window. So I pressed home button of my key board so the My Computer window converted to a web page. But after that the address bar disappeared. I closed the window and restart the machine and opened the internet explorer, but still address bar is missing. I checked under the tools and I can see the tick infront of the address bar.
when i start my pc i get this message which takes a couple of clicks to remove "access violation at address 46243 of address 46243 cof" but it does not seem to affect my pc,just annoying..
do internet users get assigned a unique ip address everytime you connect to the internet? and what is the difference between a ip address and a mac address? different types of a networks?
I now cannot access my wireless network in the house. I have a Linksys WRT54G router. The Int, WLAN & Ethernet lights are on. When I get into the home internet connections "details" on my HP, it states "acquiring IP address" and list all 0 (zeros.)
can i get internet explorer address bar to show up at top of the page, all it shows is the back and forward buttons. I want the file/tools/etc.. buttons to show up
before we did the system restore he was able to type a word into the address bar and it would do a search, now it does not, says page cant be display. If you type in a url it works fine. I have check the advance settings and it is check to use the address bar as a search. Do any of you guys know how to fix this so he can use the adress bar as a search.
i cannot connect to my internet connection from one computer, yet another computer in the network (both are connected to a switch and then to a modem outer) can. In cmd.exe in the run command, i can ping any web address with successful results yet i cannot connect to the internet. In the network connections box it shows no data travel between my computer and the server. i have recently installed ed2k and warez but removed both to try to fix the problem. i also tried turning the windows firewall off without effect. when typing in the address of my modem in internet explorer i get no connection either yet i can pping it from cmd.exe so i have no idea wats going on
Internet Explorer keeps track of each URL that you type in the address bar as a convenience to save you from typing the next time that you visit that site. However, any user that uses your computer can find out what addresses you typed in as well so some may be interested in clearing the address bar addresses. Just clearing the browser history will not do this as a registry modification is needed
I have Windows XP Pro sp2 and use Internet Explorer 7.
In Internet Explorer, on the address bar, you can click the down arrow at the right end of the bar and this causes a Drop Down List to appear, that shows URLs you've recently typed in and gone to. Can this list be cleared and if so how and is the information completely gone even though you can't see it?
i recieve this error message everytime i try to do a search from my address bar in internet explorer. i can type the direct address and i can go directly to a site, but searching is dead. i have enclosed the message below. might you be able to guide me? The page cannot be displayed The page you are looking for might have been removed or had its name changed.
Open the home page, and then look for links to the information you want. If you typed the page address in the Address bar, make sure that it is spelled correctly. If you still cannot open the page, click the Internet Explorer Search button to look for similar sites.
This tweak quickly completes website address in Internet Explorer by adding the www. prefix and the .com suffix1. Type the main name of the website. eg. Microsoft 2. Press CTRL + Enter3. IE completes the address to and starts going to the site.Notes:Works on all newer versions of Internet Explorer. Only completes for www. and .com - not for countries such as or Make sure that "Use autocomplete" is enabled in Internet Options Advanced, otherwise this will not work.
hi evrytime i type an address in ie7 address bar ie closes with this error iexplore.exe appver 7.0.6000.16414 modver 4.1.7039.0 offset 0000beecbookmarks and google work well any suggestionsalso at the same time recycle bin wont empty with right click i have to enter and delete.i have ran norton and pop up and spybot but still problem
Hello. I have recently been unable to search via my Internet Explorer address bar. I've went into the "autosearch settings" of IE, and tried three different serach sites and I still get the "page not found' error.
Windows xp home sp3.One thing i miss about windows 98 is that when you check to see how much free memory you have left it will show what amount of ram you have installed and also the amount you have left over .in windows xp home sp3 you get too much info for a person to understand.i have a 1 gig of ram installed,, i want to know in one simple answer how many MB i have left over. How can i find out?yes i know i can right click on the task bar and bring up task manager,,thats the problem,, too much info,,lol.or is there a program i can install that is free, that will give me that one simple answer?
For some reason every time I install anything related to Windows Installer I get the error that the access to the file is denied? So why is this happening?
When i try to update to service pack 2 I get an error that says Access denied and then stops the update. I used the windows knowledge base for help I do what they say but I get to the point Where i reset the permission for Hkey_classes_rootDxDiagprovider But it gives me an error "You do not have permission to view the current permission settings for DxDiag.DxDiagprovider, but you can make permission changes." After that it comes to the permission editor but i am unable to make changes
This is only on files on Acer (as far as I know) = Computer #1 where all data is stored for the three computers on a peer to peer network. All are Windows XP SP2 fully updated. But Computer #1 is Media Center Edition. Neither computer is password protected.When move PICTURES I then cannot view, move, copy or delete them. When moved/copied from camera, they are OK until I move them again. (Probably the same for non picture files.)When open a file from one computer on network, often cannot open it from a different computer - either way.
After long periods of my internet connection being idle (2+ hours usually), all programs requiring internet access are unable to connect. By idle I mean I leave to run some errands with no programs other than Zone Alarm running. My DSL modem still has all lights flashing and active. There are a couple other scenarios where this occurs as well. Ex. I'm playing WoW for extended periods but not using the internet through any other program, then upon alt-tabbing no other applications are able to connect to the internet even though WoW is still connected and functioning. Rebooting the router/modem doesn't fix it, but rebooting the comp does.
I think that I have a virus which is stopping me from 1) Installing Norton Internet Security 2005 properly, and 2) Stopping me from accessing all anti-virus related sites, for example -,,, and when i tried to download AVG 6.0 from another site which was unrelated to antivirus, I found that I could access the site but the download failed.
a pc with windows xp pro suddenly started not to access the internet or the workgroup it normally worked on. ethernet card is present in hardware devices, network connection says it "is there", the IP numbers etc. are all as they were.I have even tried a rollback to the time it worked fine, but no net
i have three hard drives : 1 Hitachi 250 GB Sata 2 on Nvidia Controller 2 Samsung 80 GB Sata in RAID O on Silicon Controller 1. the problem is when i boot into windows the LAN connection (two small monitors in the taskbar) takes atleast 10 minutes to show !! and theother problem is that until tht two monitors dnt appear i dnt get any reply frm right clicking any of the drives to see their properties and frm My Computer too, but as soon as the two small monitors come all the properties just pop up.
2. Sometimes suddenly in between Windows shows Write Delayed Failed Error only on the Raid Drives and i cnt access them afterwards,restarting solves the problem tho but jst for sumtime.
On the microsoft update website, it asks me to install the active X control to use the update. But the information bar never appears so i can't get any further. I've reinstalled IE6 but that still doesn't work.
I am running xp pro. I can not get an internet connection through my ethernet card. When I hook up my modem through usb it works fine but unable to utilize my full download speed capabilities. Hooked the modem up via ethernet to laptop and it worked just fine. The only thing I can find wrong that I don't know how to fix or what is causing it is the fact that the physical address of the card comes up as the broadcast address (FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF). Very strange.
computer in my possession crashed, and when i reset, my internet has gone wonky. I use MSN as my ISP, and before, i could access internet explorer, or firefox, or any program without ever actually having to sign in to MSN. after the crash, however, i now have to sign in to access internet explorer, firefox, and a couple programs. what angers me, however, is that i DONT have to sign in to access trillian. Limewire, also, will connect, but wont download anything without msn being logged in. How do i get back to how it was? And no, system restore did not work.