I am running windows 2000. When I run cmd, I get "The NTVDM has encountered an illegal instruction. CS:0548 ip:ffe2 OP. Choose close to terminate the application". It may have something to do with the fact that the machine bacame seriously infected some months ago and some system 32 files were deleted in the clean up.
PC MightyMax after I was having problems with my cmd not starting up. My cmd would say some 16 bit message The NTVDM CPU has encountered an illegal operation or for that matter try and run anything dos related and I really don't know how that started. I downloaded PC MightyMax to try and fix some of those problems. After installing I ran the test it said and it said I had a good bit of problems wrong and it said I had to pay to fix them so I just said forget it. I restarted my computer and when it got back to the windows part a message comes up in a bunch of symbols I deffinately cannot read. To be blunt just about everything is in those symbol things. It has a button to click even though I can't read it. I click it and it does nothing. I can't get to my desktop or anything. I tried starting in safemode and got to my desktop after hitting the button on the message and all my desktop items and everything else is in those weird symbol things
I get this message very oftenThe error message box will have a title 16-Bit MS-DOS SubsystemC:WINDOWS783953.exeThe NTVDM CPU has encountered an illegal construction cs:0dd2 IP: O1af OP: 63 6f 6e 74 65Choose close to terminate the application. I close it and see no difference in the working of my Laptop. I am not sure thought, not a computers guy.
I had this problem regarding ntvdm, it keeps popping up every 5-10 mins. It opens internet explorer in the background and brings the pc too 100% usage every time i try to do something. I've tried to use uniblue registry fixer , norton anti virus and trojan hunter, but still no avail Help
I've looked at many websites including this web and I still can't find the solution.so i think it'd be wise for me if i just make a thread here.. Well, here is the problem that i'm facing. I'm trying to install a program called MB tagger, and just when i ran the installer, an error box comes up.
I believe I was infected by a virus not sure exactly which one but the payload was winupdate which had my CPU at 100%. I was unable to start the Taskmanager or run CMD or Regedit from the start menu. I started Regedit and deleted all instances if winupdate, the Task manager now works but I still cannot run Regedit or the CMD I get the following error"The NTVDM CPU has encountered an illegal instruction. CS:014b IP:05cf OP:63 3a 5c77 69"
I have been getting repeated messages along the lines of: WINHLP1.EXE HAS CAUSED AN ILLEGAL INSTRUCTION IN NTVDM CPU. I have also found a file called winhlp.dllalias which has references to a website called Americanfurniturewarehouse.com which repeatedly causes a pop-up on my internet explorer. Deleting this file has no long term effect.
If a message comes up evey few minuets or more saying that internet explorer encountered a problem and needs to shut down, is That really an internet explorer problem, or is it my computer??
I had an infection with AntivirusTrigger that completely took over my pc. I got rid of it using MBAM. Now that everything is suppose to be back to normal I have the following problem. I keep getting a window that pops up saying that windows explorer encountered a problem and needs to close. When I press on the don't send button everything except my wallpaper dissapears for a few seconds and then all the icons are back on the desktop. Only a few seconds later the same window pops up and the rocedure repeats itself.I did the following trying to resolve the issue. 1) I loaded Internet explorer 7 - same result 2) I did a systemfile check - same result 3) I did a repair install of windows - same result.
running Windows XP home edition and every time she goes to press the internet explorer icon on her desktop it will load the home page ok then when you try to surk the net she gets the message that microsoft has encounted aan error and then it asks if you want to send the report or not. If you click either send or dot not send report it boots you off the net and goes back to the desktop. Also she cannot even do internet banking, because every time you try to you get the same message. We think she may have gotten a virus, but we don't know because norton doesn't find anything wrong.
I have been getting this message for a month or so and since it hasn't seemed to cause any problem other than annoyance, I have just started to look into it. Unfortunately, I haven't found much information on t.exe and I cannot remember doing anything (like adding a new program or deleting a program) that would have interfered with the operating system.I have an HP laptop that runs Windows XP Home
I am having an issue with opening my documents from the desktop. I receive this message when I attempt to open my documents: "Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and need to close. We are sorry for this inconvenience." I have run scandisk upon powering up the computer and that will fix the problem for a while, but eventually I will get the same message. Any thoughts?
wuauclt.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience I am currently using Windows XP and this message is showing up in two computers .
I have a BSOD and I am getting a message of SESSION3_INITIALIZATION_FAILED Has anyone encountered this before I have run chkdsk and fixboot but I am still getting the same error
I have been getting the above message recently i click 'don't send' and the windows kind of closes and refreshes and i can still open stuff. now the problem is affecting things like msn messenger which has 'encountered a problem' two or three times now and needs to close. i ran a virus scan and got nothing. It just happens at random times and is pretty much happening everytime i turn on the laptop at some stage.
Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close.We are sorry for the inconvenience. C:DOCUME~1SHININGLOCALS~1TempWER1A.tmp.dir00appcompat.txt
I keep getting pop ups from Friend Finder, Than when I click out of that,I get a box that says Internet explorer has encountered a problem and needs to shut down ,than whatever I am working on or looking at, goes away and I have to sign back into it. I also get these popups saying there may have been a security breech that may cause a virus, and the name of the virus changes each time. It has been the blakworm, the Beagle, and another one I can't remember off hand. But than it goes to a page that wants me to scan and for errors and buy thier product.
I have just downloaded SP3 XP and upgraded my daughters PC Everyminute I get a dialogue box appear saying WLanCfgG.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.Anybody able to help with what I have to do? Didn't have this issue before I installed SP3
I have an HP Pavilion ZD8000 and I bought a Sound Blaster Audigy PCMCIA Card. Along with the usual volume controller utility (which every PC with windows comes with) it installed a new one (which I assume relates to the soundcard) however everytime I click on it it gives me this error :"CTSysVol.exe has encountered an error and it needs to close" after which it closes down
My grandchildren play computer games when they visit.Lego Racers has run on my computers for probably 10 years and now it won't run.I decided the CD was bad and got a new one but the problem is the same. The odd thing is that it won't even install except in Safe Mode. With the Compatibility settings for Windows 95 it will start, switch my graphics to 640 by 480 and then display this error message.I know it probably isn't worth messing with since the replacement game cost $4.00 and there are plenty of other games for them to play.
I am having a problem with my mothers computer it has a box that comes up every time it is started saying windows has encountered a problem and needs to close we are sorry for any inconvenience. I cannot go on the internet. I have done a system restore 2 times and that has not solved the problem. I have done other tips I found on the internet but no luck. I am also running firefox web browser now but it still brings up box?
Recently my laptop has been acting up a little bit. I did some virus scans but it turned up nothing. Some small stuff like cookies being lost happen, but the main two things are that I've lost everything on my ObjectDock application, and more importantly logging on has gotten weird.I first noticed this trying to change a skin for LogonXP (so yeah, I'm running XP; sp2), and it wouldn't let me. Now when I log on there's just a basic box on a solid black background for logging in with, similar (but not equivalent to; screen-cap doesn't save before start-up apparently) this picture.When I try to shut down I get an error message saying what the title of this topic says.
when we are on the net, click a link, and then click out of that link we get a pop-up that say explorer has encountered a problem and must close,then kicks us out. we've tried emptying the cache,temp files,theres no viruses ect what can we do?
Computer received this message: Explorer.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. All the desktop icons are gone. Also, I can't run any programs like realplayer, documents, etc. The only things that work is my internet. I tried to click on control panel or run but it won't work either. I thinking maybe I should reinstall the whole window but i don't have back up of all my documents in my laptop. So I hope someone can give me advice on what I should do.
The last time you encountered a Windows blue screen of death, what was the cause of it? Software issue Hardware issue. No clue as to what caused it.Whats a BSOD?
when I am on the internet my computer displays a message internet explorer has encountered a problem and will shut down. It shuts down the Internet Explorer and goes back to the desktop. This started about a month ago and the fellow that I took machine to says he could never get that to happen while he had it. I am desparte for any advice you can give me to resolve this problem. I have xp,500mhz ,128m of ram.
The Internet Explorer pop ups a message " Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience". The web page is OK, if ignore, if Don't send or Send Error Report is clicked the whole web page dissappears.
hi folks,having a problem with a continous pop up error wuauclt.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close .we are sorry for the inconvenience. i then send the error report to microsoft and this stillcomes up.any hellp would be appreicated ihave a dell dimeson 2400 and running xp home edition 2002 service pack 3