BSod When Making Backups

Dec 20, 2006

Well as ironic as it seems I get the BSod when im making a backup with norton ghost. Dont worry its not a lethel BSod the system just starts normal again. But how do i make backup disks or images ive tried two times with two differnt prgs and they both end up in a BSod.

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Backups For Computer

Sep 22, 2007

In the PROPERTIES page of all the drives on my computer, in the TOOLS page there is a box asking if I want to backup the computer. I'd like know the procedure to do this BEFORE I do it.When I bought the computer, I was instructed to make 5 CDs or 1 DVD for Backup discs. Is this the same thing? Of course, there is much more information and/or files on my computer now. Is it just a matter of copying everything on my computer? What files are essential to backup?

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Backups And Images Of OS

Jun 3, 2005

If when you have installed XP along with all drivers, office and updates you make a back up image like ghost, of your system at that point, can this be used as a permanent reinstall if you were unlucky anouth to get hit by a virus or have a corrupted OS, or is it a stop gap until you can reformat and reinstall with a xp disc, and what happens to the data you back up over.

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DVD Backups Legalities

Jul 30, 2005

i am considering buying an in car dvd player but don't want to keep my original dvd's in the car all the time in case they are stolen. i was wondering if there is a way of making backups and what the legal status of this is but don't know how to get started.

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Scheduled Backups Don't Occur?

Jul 24, 2005

I recently used the XP backup utility and I found that it worked fine for an immediate backup to my external USB drive but when I attempt to schedule the backup, it fails to occur.I am performing a 'normal' backup to the USB Drive and I scheduled it daily using the wizard. It appears in the calendar and looks normal and consistent with my setup but nothing happens at the appointed time. I confirmed my PC date and time were correct (no AM/PM or date error).I see no indication that it is/has attempting to perform a backup.

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Hard Disk Backups

Mar 17, 2007

I want to buy a USB hard drive to back up my entire C: drive in case of a total failure.I Have Acer E Recovery on my laptop but it will only backup to D:I checked the Microsoft offering ntbackup.exe but it wants a floppy drive, and there isn't one on my laptop.Can someone please suggest a basic/simple solution.BTW I am running XP Media edition but will upgrade to Vista soon.

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Reinstalling All Programs And Backups

Aug 31, 2006

I need to reinstall XP, but don't want to have to reinstall all my programs + games. I've installed XP and programs to my C drive, games to another partition. My question is, will a complete image backup of C and a registry backup be enuff to restore a fresh installtion to how it was working programs + games and all?I've read around the forums and already downloaded TrueImage for files and Erunt for registry..

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Proper Method For Backups

Aug 16, 2005

I am having to set up a computer for a friend of mind and we are having a disagreement on the proper method of backing up information on a hard drive. His system has a Maxtor USB hard drive for backing up the hard drive. He keeps saying he needs a complete system back. I point out that if the entire system is backup on a schedule you are backing up problems as you go. I told him the data is what needs to be backed up (along with the original installation before the data was added. But I am not sure .what is the perferred method for backing up a system?

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What Is Best Way To Delete Update Backups?

Aug 2, 2005

In my Windows directory,I have a number of files such as $NtUninstalkB.They are at the top of the directory and in blue.I'm guessing these were uninstall options for the various updates downloaded/installed after reinstalling XP.Is there a script to delete them enmass? I didn't seem to see anything in Kelly's Korner that applied to this issue.Should I delete them at all? Do I just delete them one at a time?

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Converting From FAT 32 To NTFS: Finding The Backups?

Apr 8, 2007

I started the process of conversion to NTFS from FAT32 and I got a response that included: This conversion will also remove your previous operating system backup. Then: Convert may run if this volume is dismounted first. ALL OPENED HANDLES TO THIS VOLUME WOULD THEN BE INVALID (their caps). Would you like to force a dismount on this volume? What are opened handles? What happens when they are invalid?

And how do I find my backup(s)? I have a folder on my desktop Created Oct.29, 2006 that is faded and labeled _RESTORE. Properties shows that it is 1.21GB and has 951 files that are marked Read-only and Hidden but when I open the folder it shows only 4 files of 64KB dated 2002 and 2004. Is that folder related to backups?I want to create a current backup or restore point but I have only 5.15GB left free. Help, please.

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Restoring Harddrive Using Reinstall Backups

Nov 1, 2009

My Toshiba Satellite 1905-303 laptop gave out a year or so ago & we bought a replacement desk top. I've since re-formatted the drive which worked fine as a filestore using a caddy with usb cord. However, I've now discovered some original Toshiba XP recovery disks that came with the machine & a CDROM of a reinstallbackups directory that was done fairly close to when it ceased to work. The disk doesn't seem to function in the laptop when I refit it, so I can't get anything on the screen. Can I recover the disk using a separate machine so that I can then refit it & get XP up & running on it, & if so how?

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Daily Backups To Separate Drive

Oct 1, 2007

Is there a program that can automatically back-up your My Documents folder, for example, nightly to a second hard drive?

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Is There A Tool To Schedule Registry Backups?

Dec 4, 2004

Under Windows 9x and ME, backing up the entire Windows Registry was a relatively simple task for which many free tools were available. PCMag had one called SaveReg2, a simple batch file that would back up the Win9x/ME registry (User.dat and System.dat) and save any quantity I liked and delete the oldest ones as it progressed.The Windows 2000/XP Registries aren't that simple and I see no automated schedulers for backing up just the Registry--the whole registry.I want a tool that will save the entire Registry on a schedule each day or once a week or month, depending on user preferences, save a user-specifiable quantity and, delete the oldest ones when that quantity is reached.With spyware and adware becoming difficult-to-impossible to remove and as destructive to the OS as it has become, this seems an indespensible tool--if it is available anywhere.

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Internal Hard Drive Used For Backups Over My Network

Sep 17, 2005

I want to use a 120GB for backups for my wired computer and 2 wireless computers. How do i do this? And what software should i use to be able to backup and restore?

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Reformat The Drive From The Laptop To Use For File Backups And Transfers

May 5, 2007

I have removed the 4 Gbyte hard drive from my wife's old Compaq laptop and am running it on my desktop in a drive enclosure as an external drive. The desktop is running XP Pro SP2. The laptop drive has XP Home SP2 and Office 2000 on it, but I don't (can't) use them since it is now an external plug-in drive. I'm currently copying data files off the laptop drive into the desktop drive.

I want to erase and reformat the drive from the laptop to use for file backups and transfers. But I don't want to lose the ability to LEGALLY install the XP on a future machine

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Making CHKDSK Log To A File?

Jun 10, 2008

Is there a way to make CHKDSK /R log to a file AND still be able to see the output in the DOS box?
If so, how?

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Making A Bootable Disc On CD For XP?

Aug 3, 2007

does anyone know how to make a boot disc on a cd for windows XP...seems a tower I have has it's OS corrupted so I need to boot it up with the cd...which I can't seem to find right now

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Making Shortcuts Without Them Being Named

Jun 10, 2006

want to know if anyone knows how to make a shortcut to a file without it being named "shortcut to..."Other than renaming it and removing the "Shortcut to" bit, is there some way to do this? The reason I need to know is because I have 600 files spread out in many different folders, on several different hard drives and I want to make shortcuts to them and place the shortcuts into 1 folder. I don't fancy renaming 600 files just to remove the "Shortcut To" at the beginning of each filename.

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Making Partition Read-only

Jan 24, 2008

can we make any partition as read only?? or can we set some attribute for partition to make it as read only (as some data are important) without 3rd party s/w?

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Making A Bootable CD Incorporating SP2?

Jan 13, 2006

I use WinXP Professional edition with Service pack 2.Now I wan to make an XP bootable CD incorporated with SP.So that,I can install XP with Service Pack 2 directly from the CD.

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Making Speakers Louder

May 4, 2008

I used to have my stereo hooked up to my pc but i got rid of it.I had a set of speakers with the copper wire ends, and a friend helped me make it into a phono input. I plugged it into my pc and its good but, everything is full blast and still my music is quiet.

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Making My Account Un-private?

Jan 2, 2007

Ok, heres the lowdown. EDIT: I run Windows XP SP2!
I share my music on my home network, it was working fine all the computers/laptops (we have about 3) could access my music collection and play it (only my 'My Music' folder was shared, not the whole drive).
About a week ago i had to put my pc user account passworded since i had alot of information about xmas prezzys on there, and i really didnt want my family finding it since they use my pc once in a while (was just being safe). I remeber when i set the password, it said 'do you want to make this account private, other people wont be able to see your files on it) that sounded like a good idea, so i clicked yes.
Now after a few days after christmas my sister wanted to access my music again, so i took the password off. But a problem occured, the laptop or any other pc's couldnt access my music. It apears on Network places but they cant open it or play the files. I go to the shared options and the problem is, is that the 'Private' box is checked. Of course being computers wanting to make it soo hard for you, it was greyed out so i couldnt uncheck it. I click the 'cannot make this public because another folder is private' or somthing. I click on that and it brings me to my user file, for me it is called 'Owner'. Im not sharing my entire drive so i dont want to make this shared, but making it public doesnt matter since im not sharing it. But alas 'Make this folder private' is also greyed out.

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Making My Computer Run Faster

Sep 25, 2008

I have an old computer that's running windows xp, and I want to know what I can delete from my add remove to make things run faster. I use disk cleanup and defrag often, as well as a free registry cleaner every now and again (which seems to pick up the same problems every time, i think mostly because error files are with programs that came preinstalled on my computer that are long gone, if anyone knows how to get rid of those let me know). I'm running on only 512 mb of memory. How do I view other specs? I can also provide a list of the things in add remove if you like so you guys can tell me what's unnessesary.

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Laptop Slows Down- Making A Backup?

Aug 29, 2006

my laptop seems to be slowing down lately and gets stuck more and more often, that I'd like to do a big time spring cleaning and basically start from scratch. but first I wouldlike to make a backup cd, so that I won't lose all my do I make a backup (my help-programm doesn't open anymore at the moment) and also, how do I best get rid of everything and then start again (is it called reformatting?)

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User Accounts Making Disturbance

Apr 30, 2004

Recently, when trying to access the User Accounts option in Control Panel, it keeps opening a blank NotePad with the error message "The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect." Although I can still log in and log off normally and everything. Also, I have set my computer to Auto-login.

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Making Windows Boot With Just The Program I Want?

Feb 23, 2010

i work in cad and would like to be able to select a boot sequence that only boots what i need. how do i do this

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Making Bootable CD To Format Drive C?

Feb 10, 2006

this might seem a lame question here but can someone please tell me how to make a Bootable CD so i can boot my computer from this bootable CD and reformat my C drive without using my windows cd.

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Making Bootable Disk For Booting Into Dos?

Apr 5, 2005

I want to know if any one can tell me how to make an XP boot disk that will ask me for my raid controller drivers (F6 function during windows install) during the booting process? I am running an ASUS P5GDC-V Deluxe MoBo. Installed SnapShot imaging software and made a backup image of my raid drives (stripped). Need to boot into dos and be able to see NTFS files & drives?

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Making System Boot At A Certain Time?

Jul 1, 2005

I was wondering if anyone can help me to get the computer to boot at particular time, eg. 8:00a.m?

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PC Making Beeping Noises At Random?

Nov 13, 2006

It keeps making beeping noises. At random: Boom Boom Boom and so forth. My computer blocks ads. Is that why it's beeping?

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Mouse Click - Making Noise

Jan 4, 2006

In the past few days my mouse makes a clicking noise like it is a Windows assigned noise. It does it at random times, sometimes when I click, sometimes on its own. I checked the Sounds and Audio Devices in Control Panel. All sounds I checked were not the sound I am hearing. I turned off some of them anyway. But I am sure these sounds are not coming from t here. I also looked at the Mouse settings and couldn't find anything to turn a click noise on or off there. I have XP Pro, Maxthon Browser with Spoofbar plug-in, Zonealarm, SBC Yahoo Antivirus and an annoying clicking noise!

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