.LNK-extension/EXE Not Working

Sep 18, 2005

I have read past posts about the problem with the LNK-extension, but I haven't found a solution that solves my problem. I haven't poked around the registry a lot before, so I need a nudge in the right direction.
First off, I run Win XP, I don't have servicepack 2, I use Norton Antivirus and Internet Security, and Ad-Aware/Ad-Watch monitors everything going on.This brings us to my problem; suddenly all the exe-icons on my desktop and start-menu all have the extension .lnk (.LNK)

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Files With Extension Of Jpg Cant Be Saved Untill Type Extension

Jun 17, 2005

For some odd reason now, everything on my desktop, and inside of my folders, pictures with the extension of JPG and so forth are not able to be saved unless i type in the extension also. I have no clue what could have triggered such an error, and I have no clue how to fix it. If I go and try to rename a file in my Pictures folder, for example, I can't rename it unless i type it as...."image.jpg"....I can't just save it as plain old, "image" - what the heck is going on? Does anyone know what happened or how to fix this?

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Txt And Bat Extension Show Up As Not Known File Extension Icon

Aug 14, 2007

Ive had some viruses lately and i think they damaged my icons.txt file and bat files show up as the icon for a file extension that is not known i tried lots of programs and none worked please help me also reg files dont work i click on them and they dont import Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 and REGEDIT4 dont work either.

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File With SQM Extension

Mar 28, 2006

I just discovered 20 of these files in the C: root directory in one of my computers and have never seen them there before. This is what the file name looks like:I did a Google search on it and it appears to have something to do with MSN Messenger 8.0. If that's the case, I did install the 8.0 beta version about a week ago - which originally worked, but no longer does. I haven't uninstalled it yet.

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How To Know File Extension?

May 11, 2005

is there a way of knowing what the file extension of a file is in winxp? Is there a way to toggle the view so that the file extension is displayed?

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File Name Extension?

Jul 29, 2005

I have a file with many pictures in it and bellow the picture where the name is it says .JPG or ,GIF next to the name, but i cant get rid of it, so when i try to change the name without the .JPG a popup come up and says "if you change the file name extension the file me become unsusable". How do i get rid of this?

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Looking For A Shell Extension

Jul 31, 2005

I am looking for a feature I have encountered in linux in the past which allows you to launch your applications from a right click.Anyone know of anything?

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About Nls Files Extension?

Jul 30, 2008

What about the nls files extension? What is? And for what i need them.How can i edit or modify this files (they dont modify by themselve, sure? And if i install a new program, it will update or corrupt theses files? Recently i had install the getmydataback (to recovery deleted files)and i dont know the reason some the .nls extension (alguns) files have been modyfied.What it is the real function of this files? They are used for what?I use the windows server 2003, and i have small lan that acess this server, and before i had install this programm, the server dont work properly..

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*.lnk Extension Removal

Jan 14, 2008

Desktop file folders (links from My Documents) suddenly appeared with *.lnk extensions. I have hidden known file extensions but these remain. How can I hide them?

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Possible Dll Extension Corruption?

Nov 20, 2007

I was doing a little bit of work on a friend of mine's computer recently. I'm not exactly sure how to describe it. When you turn on the power, the motherboard does it's loading screen and then i have the option of the BIOS and everything. You all know how that works. Then, the whole thing resets.I've tried reinstalling Windows XP. That worked for a little while. Now it is doing this again. I thought that a possible fix might possibly be a boot disk. So, I changed the boot order on his computer and put in an XP boot disk. It is still going through this only to reset itself again and again. I have even left it alone to see if it would just finally get tired of it and load the OS, but it continues for hours.I deal mostly with hardware, so I'm kind of at a loss.

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File Extension Restoration

Sep 25, 2005

Recently, I uninstalled Macromedia DreamWeaver MX. When I did that, however, it took a lot of the pre-set file extensions with it, such as ".PHP", ".CSS", ".JS", etcetera.How can I get my Microsoft Windows XP to recognise these file formats again, and have them all editable in Notepad again?

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Display File Extension?

Jul 19, 2005

I need to change the extensions of some files. Explorer does not show any of my file extensions. Can I change something so that I can access the file extensions and change them if I like?

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Lost File Extension

Mar 19, 2010

I have a contact file;might have downloaded from my phone long back;however the file does not have the extension;therefore i am not able to open it wil any s/w;how to find the extension OR file type ;so that i can open the file and see the contact numbers

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Program For File Extension

Aug 23, 2005

I supposed to be able to open a lot of files with different extensions stored in a folder. My documents Chess Base.Windows can't open them at this time and no relevant answer could be found at http://filext.com. Impossible to make an appropriate choice from an open program list. Do separate programs have to be needed for each file extension? How to fix this problem ? Should the manufacturer of the product "Echecs Deluxe powered by Fritz" finally be contacted?

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Can Change File Extension?

Nov 11, 2005

I have a folder full of pictures of my greatgrandson who passed away last month. The extension on each picture is .jpg. I sent the folder to my daughter and she couldn't open it because the extension on the folder is .ink.

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PF File Extension Changed.

Apr 15, 2008

About two day's ago I looked in the PF folder in my machine and as usual the PF's were .txt (except the Layout.ini, of course). But just now I happened to take a look at them and noticed that they have all changed to .pdf in some way. e.g. if I recall correctly an AVG Free file would be [something like] AVG75Free.txt but now it is AVG75FREE_516A1262.EXE-225B0AE9.pf and when I attempt to open it I get an error saying:Adobe Reader cannot open AVG75FREE_516A1262.EXE-225B0AE9.pf because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged (for example if was sent as an email attachment and hasn't correctly decoded).My default pdf reader is Foxit. And the proficiency with which files/programs are opened does not seem to have been retarded.I don't recall doing anything that I believe may have caused this. And the only thing I have downloaded since last looking in the PF folder is TweakUI. Could the cause simply be a matter of non-intelligent design?

System backups are of no help as I apparently deleted any such when I cleaned house yesterday. The closest I have come to fixing the problem is to change the file type in Folder Options to Text Document using the TXT file extension which places the Notepad icon on the PF files (even after restart) instead of the usual [plain] text doc icon. But the PF files are now otherwise building and opening properly. Is having the Notepad icon on the PF files a problem? Complete AVGFree a/s and AVGFree a/v scans with current updates indicate no problems. I am using XP Home SP2 with all critical updates.

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CHKDSK Changes File Extension

May 1, 2009

So chkdsk ran on my camera's memory card and now all my .JPG pictures now have .CHK as the file extension. If I manually change .CHK back to .JPG, my pictures are back to normal. The problem is is that I now have about 1,200 .CHK files to change back to .JPG. Is there a program that will mass edit file extensions for me?

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Removing Shell Extension

Jul 27, 2005

I deleted microsoft antispyware ,but in c program files there is still a folder that contains MS Antispyware shell ext.I have tried zap etc,but I still have no luck getting rid of it Please advise. WXP I E 6 SP2

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X64 Edition Trial Extension?

Jul 12, 2006

I have had Windows XP 64 bit trial edition for some time now, and yes long enough to expire the 120 day trial of use. I have enjoyed the much faster OS, and have grown to have many files, of many variety and size, and DO NOT WANT TO LOSE EVERYTHING by reinstalling windows.I was wondering if anybody, had any suggestions as to how I could extend the trial or reuse the trial while retaining all of my precious information? Are there any loop holes? Should I get a free linux distribution? Should I buy some whiskey and a gun? What would you reccommend? (PS- Currently I can only have my computer on for 2 hours, after 1 hour of usage, a window pops up saying 'your windows has expired, you have 16 days left to restore access to this installation of Windows, your computer will restart in 1 hour. In addition I really dont want to shell out money if possible in anyway!)

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Files Are Saved Without Extension

Aug 7, 2009

Running XP Pro.This has never happened before.When I try to save a file using a program, it saves the file as FILENAME instead of FILENAME.extension.
Using Photoshop, when I try to save Rainbow.png, it saves the file as Rainbow if I don't include the .png in the Save As dialog. I have to manually rename the files without extension to Rainbow.png for example for it to be recognized as a .png file. This happens with each other program that saves files, such as audacity, FL Studio, hence even notepad.

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Identifying Correct File Extension

Jul 16, 2005

I have a few files mostly images where the file extension seems to be wrong. sometimes just renaming the extension to .jpg or .gif or .bmp works, But it's trial & error. Is there some kind of utility that'll open files and identify what type they really are, and rename them accordingly?

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Correct Forum For A File Extension?

Aug 16, 2007

I have looked on the file extension source http://www.filext.com/ which has helped in the past, but to no avail...the CD was a gift from the friend of a friend, and supposedly contains fonts, but I can't seem to open it.

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How Do Change File Extension From GIF To JPEG?

Dec 16, 2006

How do I change a file extension from GIF to JPEG? I want to change a picture from GIF to JPEG. Is there a way to do this. I scanned the pictures into my computer. I want to upload them to Shutterfly, but they do not accept GIF.

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Partitioned C - Other Drive Changed Its Extension

Aug 19, 2005

I recently decided to partition my basic HD so that I could have my audio applications and files on one partition (C) and and all my other crap on the other (E). Both partitions are using Windows XP. Now...I recently formatted partition (C) and reinstalled Windows on it, and suddenly the other partition changed its extension from (E) to (D) and was no longer available for me to log onto: Windows no longer asked me what installation I would like to log onto at startup. That was OK at first because I was still able to see all files that were on the computer while using dive (C) and save some of them. However, there was some data that was visible but screwed, especially the ones containing compressed material and this is really where all my important stuff was. Everything else worth saving could be transferred or copied onto (C), the working partition: wav files, mp3's, documents of any kind...etc.

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Changing Norton 360 Shell Extension

Mar 12, 2010

I was helping my Dad clean up his My Documents folder. Halfway through the process, I could not longer choose several .doc files, highlight them, and then right click and choose copy. The process would just hang and I would have to use Ctrl-->Alt-->Delete to end the hung process. Did some web searches about the problem and found out about ShellExView . Following some online instructions, I slowly started to disable the 'Context Menu' extensions. It didn't take long. When I disabled the Context Menu item associated with Norton 360, which is called BUContext MenuClass the problem disappeared. Enabling the item immediately produced the same problem.

Norton 360 wasn't my first choice for my Dad's system. I used to think of Norton stuff as terrible, bloated and a resource hog. I was away from town for a while and my Dad had some computer problem; he had a guy in who uninstalled Avast and installed this version of Norton AV.Is it okay for me to have disable this 'Context Menu' item? In truth I have no idea what it is - I was just following some online troubleshooting tips I got, which happened to work. Is my Dad's computer open to attack if I disable the item? I left it enabled until I get an answer to this.

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Backup And Restore Extension Icons?

Oct 26, 2008

Alright, well everybody knows that you can open any folder, select Tools > folder options, select the File Types tab, select the desired extension, select advanced, and edit the icon accordingly. This will change the icon that will appear for any extension that is know to your system.My question is where is this information saved? Whenever you change these icons and hit apply, is there a certain system/text file that is edited to show the directory of the icon source and what extension it applies to? For instance, when you change the icon of a folder a desktop.ini hidden file is saved within the folder that has the directory of the icon. Is there some sort of "master database" text file that has all of this information?

I ask because I want to be able to backup the (extension icon) information and copy it onto any computer system which will in turn instantly change all of my extension icons to my liking. Of course, I would have to copy over my icons to the appropriate directory before doing so but that would not be a problem for me seeing how I have them all saved and organized into a single folder. Again comparing to the folder desktop.ini concept, you can simply copy and paste the desktop.ini file into any folder and the folder's icon/appearance will instantly change to w/e the file says. I want to accomplish this but for the extension icons and all at the same time!

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Acer Gridvista Extension On 5050 Laptop

Nov 9, 2007

Sorry i did not know which forum to post this in. It just happens to be on my laptop. I somehow turned this feature on and don't really like it.
How can i disable this feature?

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03 File Extension - Program That Will Open These Files?

Jan 31, 2005

Has anyone heard of an 03 file extension or a program that will open these files. I have searched for this extension on the net but came up with nothing. I am wondering is there such a file.

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Only Show The Picture Name - Delete The File Extension

Oct 6, 2006

I have just had windows xp home reinstalled on my PC due to a fault. I now find that all of my pictures saved show the name plus .jpg If I try to rename them a arning box comes up saying that the picture might become unusable if I delete the file extension. What can I do to only show the picture name.

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Hide The File Extension For Shortcuts On Desktop

Aug 4, 2008

Is there a way to hide the file extension for shortcuts on Windows XP desktop?

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Getting Rid Of Unwanted Items In Open With Shell Extension

Aug 12, 2002

When rightclicking any file you´re likely to see an option called "open with", which lists any available program on you computer to open the file with. To simply clear up this list of unwanted items, or to remove useless associations, like opening an mp3 file with a paint program, follow these steps:- Click on the start button, click on Run... and type the word "regedit" (without the quotes) in the box that appears to open the registry editor- Navigate to "HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerFileExts"- Find the extention you wish to edit and click on the "+"-sign to locate the key that says "OpenWithList"- In the right pane of the registry editor you´ll see a list with the programs in the list, like "paint.exe" or "notepad.exe"- Simple click on the one you wish to delete and press the delete button on your keyboardDon´t worry if you´ve removed an entry you rather hadn´t removed. When rightclicking a file there will be another option in the "open with" extension where you can choose any program on your computer. Once used, it will reappear in the list of associated programs.

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