Windows 8.1- Show Desktop Background On Start Not Available
Oct 25, 2013
The new Windows 8.1 option "Show my desktop background on Start" is not available on my system. Actually, it was until I had to change my motherboard (and had a lot a crashes). Now that my PC is running normally again, that option is greyed and therefore unavailable. All the other options on the tab are functional.
I tried with other backgrounds to no avail. I don't know where to start digging.
I actually had no luck with anything I found on the Internet but this error is from removing the Conduit search malware. In any case, there were no registry entries whatsoever....because this was indeed in the Task Manager, but running as an argument in the RunDll32.exe task. Remove the argument and you're clean and clear.What do I do to get rid of this error?
I upgraded to the CP a few days ago and just noticed a huge problem. The "Show Desktop" tile that is normally on the start screen be default has gone missing. I can't figure out how I got rid of it in the first place, but is there some way to add it back?
I have changed the title to more accurately reflect the problem. A bunch of the features that come with Windows 8 CP (the tablet friendly Settings page, Remote Desktop, the show desktop tile, The Windows Store, etc) all vanished shortly after I installed Windows 8. I tried reinstalling and the same thing happened again.
To see if I could get control over the Windows 8.1 folder, I came to try the Windows 8 Forum Tutorial published by Brink on 03 March 2012 on "How to Disable Auto Arrange in File Explorer in Windows 8.1." When I did, the Windows 8.1 desktop background was replaced by a blank dark green background. Nothing I have been able to do has enabled me to recover the Windows desktop background. I now have no Task bar, no Charm bar, nothing.
I still have my browser open, and a folder open. If I closed them, I would not be able to access anything. I accessed the Control Panel through the folder, but it would not reload the background, and told me to change the background settings. The Control Panel has the option, "Change desktop background," but that's what wouldn't reload. I've done a System Restore, but it did not return the desktop background. Finally, I tried the other Brink program to "Enable Auto Arrange" to reverse the Disable and restore Windows back to what it was before I tried the Disable program. That effort didn't work either.
How can I recover the Windows 8.1 desktop background?
Alright so I have a PC with a licensed Windows 8.1 Pro, been logging in with Microsoft account for about 3-4 months now and I absolutely love it. I purchased a laptop 5 days ago, and decided to format the whole thing and do a fresh install (the way I like it ).
Of course I signed it with Microsoft account and everything was just lovely. My Metro apps came back, my theme synced etc.
The only problem I have is that my desktop background refuses to sync. I remember having "Synced theme" on my new laptop under My themes (Desktop right click -> Personalize) but I deleted that and now how to get it back
TL;DR Signed in with MS account on my PC and laptop and desktop background doesn't sync. I deleted "Synced theme" and how to restore it.
Windows 8. I can't find anything except how to change colors via the 'personalization' screen for desktop background etc. You used to be able to change the color of the actual program window background's color but I can't figure it out. Is this not possible anymore?
If my desktop background image is a slideshow from my picture folders, is there a way to open the folder holding the particular picture from the desktop? I ask because sometimes a picture will pop up, and I'm not sure what folder it came from. It seems like in older windows versions you could right click on the desktop and select "open folder" or something and be taken to the folder holding the picture. Is that still possible?
I recently built my own PC (I5-4670K) and installed Win 8.1 64 Bit OEM Builder. Installation went fast and easy. Updated all my drivers/win updates in the past 2 hours. Windows 8.1 is activated.
When I go to Taskbar and Navigation properties -> navigation menu -> "Show my desktop background on Start " and "Search everywhere instead of just my apps when I search from the Apps view" are BOTH GRAYED OUT.
When I go to Personalization to choose images for my background nothing happens. Not even windows desktop backgrounds or anything in my picture library gets recognized.
Every now and then as I use the computer, all windows disappear and only the desktop is showing. I know this is supposed to be useful somehow, I find it incredibly irritating and want to turn it off. I think it's got some gimmicky name, but I can't recall it right now. what I am talking about, and how to turn it off....
When I right-click on any tiles it doesnt show the right click option like to change the tiles size, remove the tiles and such.. It just show the "tick icon" on it but no menu option.
When Windows 8 boots up to Start menu I position mouse cursor to lower-left corner. But the popup icon for switching to desktop does not show anymore. I have to right-click and choose Desktop. I have Windows 8 about a week, and I'm not sure what I changed so that the popup icon does not show anymore...
I actually have no problem with the Win 8.1 Start menu, but the colors of the regular desktop environment are killing me. Namely, the weird, off-off white of the menus. The High-Contrast White option under Personalization gives me the right color for the menu backgrounds but everything else about the theme screams windows 3.1, so I'd rather not resort to using that.
Is there maybe a registry tweak that I can use to change this one little color? I've tried a few things but nothing so far has worked.
Windows used to show all nearby WiFi hotspots in the same way that my phone does. You could also "rescan" to do a better job of seeing weak ones.
I don't know how to do this on my Win 8.1 Update1 desktop PC.
It just seems to show my own 2 connections and not all the 10 or so I see on my phone. I left click on the bar graph in the N.A. - a blue bar pops out from the right but it does not show all the nearby connections.
What algorithm is it using to make this selection? How can I control that? Do I have to buy an "app" or a program?
In Windows 8.1 do the on screen notifications only show on the Start screen?
I'm talking about the big ones I see with the black bar, such as low battery warning.
Twice I've been on the desktop and I never got a low battery warning. To test I made sure I was on the Start screen and sure enough the warning popped up. Also, when I switched over to the desktop the battery icon showed the exclamation point where I don't think it ever did when always on the desktop.
After start-up and when I click on the desktop tile, my windows 8.1 HP Envy laptop flickers between the Start up screen with all the tiles to the desktop then to a blue screen then back to the Start up Screen with all the tile and so on.
Can't seem to get off that merry go-round. HP Tech support has me hitting the F11 key to get me to recovery manager so I can back up my files.
When log in , just after loading "Metro" interface I try to press window key to go to "classic desktop" but until I start some application or even Control Panel it does not appear loaded.
This is rather ironic. Most people complain about booting to the new Start page and want to boot the the Desktop. I would rather boot the new Start page but my new Asus Windows 8 computer boots to the start page initially but after about three seconds automatically goes to the desktop.
It happened after my computer froze and I had to press the restart button manually. To be honest my desktop is loading up slower too. My desktop doesn't have a black wallpaper, it's original and blue hence why I am confused.
Boot Direct to Desktop. I found this in a Windows 8 book in the Start Screen Store. If you want to boot directly into the desktop without passing thru the Start Screen
-Go to the start screen & type in schedule to search for Schedule Task in Settings. -Click on Task Scheduler Library in the left pane, and select Create Task in right pane. -Name your task something like Boot to desktop. -Now select the Triggers tab, choose New, and use the drop-down box to select starting the task At log on. -Click OK and go to the Actions tab, choose New, and enter explorer for the Program/Script value. -Press OK, save the task, and restart to test it out.
I just got a new laptop with Windows 8 and upgraded to Windows 8.1.
I don't like seeing my desktop icons, so I did right click on desktop -> View -> Show desktop icons so that they disappear. They're gone, but every time I restart my laptop, they appear again.
I'd like to solve the problem correctly without just deleting all of my desktop icons.
I don't have a use at all for the metro screen. It's not a big deal as it only takes a click to get to the desktop, but it would be nicer if I had the choice of just going straight there. Do I?
I've right clicked all over the place looking for an option like that. Haven't been able to find it.
When I am in my start screen and I touch my desktop tile to get into my desktop I don't get into it. I either get into IE or into the last website I have been in and not closed. Can I sort this out?
Once I login into windows it jumps to the start screen with apps then goes to the desktop (but you only see the taskbar) and back to the start screen again. It's does this every second. I can bring up task manager and tried a few things which was a pain because its still loops but with patience I managed a few troubleshooting.
Here's what I tried so far:
- System Restore (from cmd.exe) - it restored system but it still does the same thing - Advanced Boot Option - keep getting error in cmd (The boot configuration data store could not be opened. Access Denied.) - If I stop the Windows Explorer task the loop stops but once I start it again it loops again.
I can backup all my documents and just reinstall but anything else I could try to get it working again?
Is there a way to change this so the computer starts with desktop showing instead of the tile menu? I know it's easy enough to click the desktop tile and go there, but I rarely use the tiles and would rather have the desktop come up automatically.
Is there a way to make the desktop button/tile/link to the desktop on the start screen to be a different image besides what is really on your desktop screen?
For example, lets say I want a photo of deep space on my tile desktop button, but don't want that image as my desktop screen. Just the tile.
on my other notebook, dekstop's menu disappears on start,but i can find it on all apps, how ca i get it back?
*consider that dekstop's menu disappears from the picture ) and i've just installed office 2010, but there's no office's menu on start,, how can i pin it on start (there's no option 'pin in start' while right clicking office's icon on explorer)
So I rebooted my computer after a crash, and after logging in the screens were completely black and my mouse & keyboard was unresponsive. I did Crtl + Alt + Del which brought up the correct menu, and after I exited it I was put onto the start menu, which was blank. Just like the login screen and lock screen, the colour and design had been reset (to purple, if it matters). Leaving the start menu presents me with the black desktop again, but the start bar at the bottom is present and after a while the clock, wifi, volume etc. loads in the bottom right as well as a User Profile Service notification telling me I've been "signed in with the default profile for the system". There are no pinned apps either, although FileZilla Server loads up after a minute and that is on the start bar now. Also, immediately after leaving the start menu, a "Location is not available" dialogue box comes up with the error message:
C:Windowssystem32configsystemprofileDesktop refers to a location that is unavailable. It could be on a hard drive on this computer or on a network. Check to make sure that the disk is properly inserted, or that you are connected to the Internet or your network, then try again. If it still cannot be located, the information might have been moved to a different location.
When I click OK on that, the Recycle Bin appears on my desktop. Opening the recycle bin displays the same message as before, and it does have all of the recycled files and folders inside. From here I can navigate through my folders, although the libraries option on the left side is empty (it normally has my documents, videos, user folder etc.). If I navigate to D:UsersAdministrator, my desktop folder is there with everything inside. I can also type Google (or presumably anything after http://) into the explorer bar which opens up Google Chrome, as well as open cmd and Control Panel by typing each one in. Navigating to C:Windowssystem32configsystemprofile shows that Desktop isn't actually present any more.
I've tried using both elevated cmd (net user /add Username) and control panel to create a new user, but the control panel button "Add or remove user accounts" button is unresponsive, and although cmd gives me a successful operation message (and tells me the account already exists if I do the same command again), it doesn't show up on the logon screen. I've tried making the user through cmd while logged in to administrator, using the Advanced Startup Options command prompt (the one that uses X:) and using safe mode with command prompt. The right-corner-menu > Settings > Change PC Settings button is unresponsive. I can't use the built-in administrator account because after I similar occurrence before, I've been using the built-in admin, which is the one that is now broken. None of my older accounts show up, either.
Also, after a few restarts and many attempted fixes (mainly automatic repair etc.), it now plays the whole patronising "We're getting your PC ready" video whenever I try to log in, and then it displays the start menu and bar (so I don't need to do the Crtl + Alt + Del step).
I deleted the default desktop tile (the one that shows your desktop wallpaper) from the start screen. I've tried Recuva to see if I could still recover the file, and searched the internet and the installation disk. Unfortunately, the file it is nowhere to be found... Is there's another way to retrieve it?