Windows 8.1 - Possible To Customize Folderviews For Different Folders

Jun 7, 2014

So I wonder if I can get my windows 8.1 to remember different viewing settings for different folders in explorer.

For instance when I open c: I want to see hidden systemfolders and operation files. c:programs with pagefile.sys and so on. But when I'm at my desktop which defaults to d:users.... I don't want to see the same systemfiles.

And not sure how to go about to do that and if it even is possible.

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Customize Tool Bar Disappeared In Windows 8.1

May 11, 2014

When I right click an app in the start screen of windows 8.1 the customize bar at the bottom of the screen does not show up. What does happen is that I get a menu when I right click with the commands on the menu. What has happened to the customise tool bar? I had it once and now it is gone.

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Windows 8.1 - Unable To Customize Start Tiles

Aug 8, 2014

I am running windows 8.1 and this problem has just come up somewhat recently.

I cannot move, group, pin, whatever any of my tiles. right clicking does nothing, and they simply wont move. But i still can open my apps no problem. I am not using a custom theme.

I have tries most of the options here: [URL] .... Except the last couple cuz that is a last resort for me.

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Customize Right Click Start Menu Command In Windows 8.1?

Oct 22, 2013

Is there a way to customize the Right-Click Start Menu Command in Windows 8.1 (like changing the "Command Prompt" to "Windows Update"...!

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Customize Boot Logo In Windows 8 Without UEFI System?

Jan 8, 2013

Can I change boot logo with my costumized logo in Windows 8 without UEFI system?

If you opens bootres.dll with 7-zip you find 6 files with this names: winlogo1.bmp,winlogo2.bmp,winlogo3.bmp,winlogo3n.b mp,winlogo4.bmp,winlogo5.bmp.

But i made a logo with the same dimensions but i cant save the image in dll. How can I do it?

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Customize Windows 8 User Account Picture / Lock Screen When Unactivated

Aug 22, 2012

I installed Windows 8 early to setup everything up so when it comes out in October I can just buy it and activate it. Then I got tired of not being able to customize anything so I found where Windows stores various images and here they are.

Note: After each one you may have to restart explorer.exe (cmd> tskill explorer)

Tools:Take Ownership registry edit- [URL] ....

User Account Picture:

-Go to C: Drive

-In the ribbon go to "View" Tab and choose "Options"> In the new windows go to "View"> choose to Show Hidden files

-Back in the explorer go to "ProgramData" since it is not hidden anymore

-Then Microsoft> then User Account Pictures

-The images you want to change are user.bmp, user.png, user-40.png, user-200.png (You may not see the .png or .bmp)

Now in Photoshop (or any other image editing software) make 4 images of the image you want using these settings:

user.bmp= .bmp, 480x480
user.png= .png, 480x480
user-40.png- .png, 40x40
user-200.png- .png, 200x200

Here is a pic of mine:


Lock Screen:

This took me a while as it was harder then I thought, but here is a simplified version of what I did.

1. Download and install the takeown script to registry (This will save you a lot of time and trouble)

2. Go to "C:WindowsWebScreen" and replace img100.jpg with the image you want (make sure you have the same name)

3)Go to "C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindows" and right click the "SystemData" folder and choose "Take Ownership" now you can enter the folder by pressing continue

4) Now go to S-1-5-18>ReadOnly>LockScreen_Z and replace the image with the same image you replaced in step 2, but remember to change your images file name to the one of the image your replacing. For example in step 2 it was called "img100" and this one the same image is now called "LockScreen___1920_1080" for me.

5) Now for the last one is in "C:WindowsWinSxS"

6) You will see tons of folders just use the search and search for 'img100" and when you find the correct image open the folder (right click>open file location) and replace img100 with your lockscreen image (once again make sure you keep the same file name so make sure your new lock screen says img100)

It seems like a lot to change the lock screen, but I had to change all of them to change that one setting

Start Screen: [URL] ......

Look at the bottom of this post under, "Programs to do these process for you", if you want a easier way.

1) Hold windows key and press R (win+R)

2) Paste "c:windowssystem32oobemsoobe.exe" -without quotes

3) Wait a second for it to popup and select your color

4) Alt+tab out or just press ctrl+shift+esc to bring up task manager

5) Kill msoobe.exe (it may be under Background Processes)

6) Restart explorer (cmd (or win+r)> tskill explorer)

Programs to do these process for you:I personally prefer to do manual edits, but I know some people do not or have a harder time so here are two programs I found that will change account picture and start screen. Then as a bonus it will also remove the activate water marks.


Note: It did change the color (a simple registry edit), but it failed to change the start screen for me.

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Customize Menu Does Not Appear On Start Screen?

May 31, 2014

When I right-click on something on the Start Screen, the customize menu doesn't appear. One day it just stopped appearing, and I don't know why. It's the same if I want to pin something to it from the page with All Apps. I've uploaded a screenshot where I right-clicked on the "Food & Drink" app.

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How To Customize The Start Folder For Programs

Jun 4, 2013

At the moment I am still using Win 7 whilst I get Win 8 to my liking.

Prior to Win 8 you were able to set a program to start in a particular folder where all the relevant files for the program were stored.

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Browsers/Mail :: How To Customize Exporting Path When Export Bookmark

Jul 7, 2014

I'm used to save my bookmark every day, but the default IE11 exporting path is like this:"C:Users$USER$Documentsookmark.htm". I wanna change this path to my common using path, how can I make that?

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Customize Winlogon Process During Logoff Of Users Sessions / System Restart Or Shutdown

Jun 14, 2013

By chance, in Windows 8, there are some registry keys and entries that allow to customize the winlogon process during the logoff of the users sessions and during the system restart or shutdown?

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Network / Sharing :: How To Add More Sharing Folders / Stream More Folders To PS3

Jul 26, 2014

For a couple weeks I have been streaming shows to my ps3 from my computer. On my PS3 I have access to four folders, Videos, Music, Pictures, and Playlists, the first three of which I can locate on my computer. When I want to watch a video, I simply copy it into the Videos folder on my computer, then stream from there.

Now I'd like to stream music, my problem is that my music isn't in my Music folder, I have it in a separate folder that doesn't show up on my PS3. Copying over all my music would take time, and I'd also have to redo my WMP playlists. I have tried adding this folder to my shared folder list, and to my Music library, but neither of these things made a difference.

I've spent a couple hours now trying to figure this out, but I can't seem to find anything on google that relates to my specific problem, but there is absolutely no way I'm the first person who's ever wanted to access folder's other than the 4 I've mentioned.

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How To Remove Folders From Old Windows Install

Oct 2, 2011

win 8 won't let me no matter what I try to do to remove folders from the Windows 8 install. Old install folder. I can't remove the regedit file from it. I think I have to boot Linux and mount a drive to do what I need.

What can I do to fix this besides linux. Format and go back to windows 7?

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Windows 8 Can't Delete Files And Folders At Once

Aug 9, 2012

Ok maybe and it is not a terrible bug but when i try to delete any files from folders the files delete.

But when click on referesh from desktop context menu the files i have deleted show up again when i try to delete them again the files delete again and after 3 or 5 min the files are gone which i have deleted.

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Windows 8 Folders Options Not Working?

Jun 6, 2014

Running Windows 8 on my ASUS laptop and all of a sudden it has started opening all folders in a new window... every time without fail... even though the folder options are showing "Open in same window" selected.

For the record, I did try unselecting and then reselecting the same window option, applied it to all folders, rebooted my system... and nothing. Everything still opens in a new window every time.

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How To Remove Folders From My Computer In Windows 8.1

Jan 23, 2014

I want to remove folders from My computers in windows 8.1 then how to remove this . See the attachment

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Windows 8 - 3 Sub Folders In Media Have Disappeared?

Oct 20, 2012

So I'm running windows 8 RP for about 3 months got my hard drive partitioned C: Drive where windows 8 installed no problem with that

The other partition A Drive is where I download and Keep Media for my 3d tv ,folder structure as follows

A:/Media/2d movies
A:/media/3d movies

so the downloads folder no problem

A:/media folder still there but the folders inside media have gone all my files have gone it first started by letting me open A:/media but not any sub folders it kept saying Access denied when I have full control administration and creator so restarted pc and the 3 sub folders in Media have disappeared

also A:/downloads =6 GB
A:/media = 0 GB
A:/ used space 27 GB

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Password Protect Folders In Windows 8.1

Nov 15, 2013

I want to password protect my folders in Windows 8.1 (NTFS). How can I do it? I do not want to hide the folder, but I want to implement a password.

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Windows Classic Folders In Personalize

May 16, 2013

I had win7 and I would right click on the desktop hit Personalize, in Personalize i would chose Windows Classic in Basic and High Contrast Themes but i just upgraded to win8 and used the win7 shell thing my brother told me about mostly everything looks like 7 but I have 8 cool but i cant get the folders to look the way i like them, the 7 shell didnt do it, is there a way to get my old folder look back?

Or is there a way to take files from win7 and add them to win8 so that i could get back to Windows Classic folders in Personalize?

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Unable To Rename Folders In Windows 8.1

Mar 23, 2014

I run Windows 8.1 and out of the blue I've recently found that I cant rename a new folder that I've created (so far I've tried it in music , docs , photos and by creating a folder on desktop so seems pretty universal). I've not installed any programmes (except for the latest windows updates) that could have triggered this.

What happens in that when I try to rename the new folder I get a dialogue box that says "cant find specified file make sure you specify correct path and file name." with the options "try again or cancel. When I click on cancel I get a new box that says "file or folder does not exist" which is odd as I've just created it and it is listed as new folder, When I click on it, it opens normally

The same issue occurs when I try to rename existing folders.

I am logged on as an administrator

I'm a bit stuck in term sof my files and folders if I cant rename them

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Slow Loading Folders In Windows Explorer

Apr 13, 2014

I have found little issue, that when i run Windows Explorer and browse folders, it takes very long time to open folder content, about 10 sec. (see picture).That's just when i power on computer or restart, after first slow loading folders, then works fine.

I found that on both disks, SSD and HDD. I have Windows 8.1 installed, clean install.

I didn't notice that on my earlier setups. My hardware configuration didn't change.

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Moving Photo Folders On IPhone To Windows 8

Nov 16, 2013

I have my photos nicely filed on my iPhone 5c (categories like 'cats', 'children' etc...) however I now want to move these to my laptop (HP running windows 8.1). When I try the photos just appear as one large batch, and not in their folders still. I'm not sure if this is an iPhone issue or windows 8 issue....I have tried using an app such as PhotoManager Pro but still no luck. Do I just have to recreate the folders on my laptop?

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How To Pin Open Folders Icon To Windows 8 Taskbar

Jan 27, 2014

I'm setting up a new Windows 8 PC. In my Win7 PC, I have an icon on the taskbar that holds all open folders. I'll call it the "Open Folders" icon. I don't remember how that icon got on Win7's taskbar. How can I create a similar icon on Windows 8's taskbar.


In Win7, say I open the C: drive and click on "Program Files". Then I minimize that window. The "C:Program Files" folder minimizes to the "Open Folders" icon on Win7's taskbar.

Then say I open drive D: and click on a folder named "Photos". Then I minimize that window. The "D:Photos" folder minimizes to the same "Open Folders" icon on Win7's taskbar.

Now if I hover over the "Open Folders" icon on the taskbar, links to the Program Files folder and the Photos folder pop up. I can click the desired folder to open it.

How can I create a similar "Open Folders" icon on Windows 8's taskbar?

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Windows 8.1 - Two Onedrive Folders Under Username Profile

May 23, 2014

I have two Onedrive folders under my User files. One is uploaded to the cloud the other appears to do nothing. I started using 32 bit Windows 8.1 on the same machine then installed the 64 bit using the same microsoft username/email. Is it possible to determine which Onedrive folder is active and get rid of the other without losing any files both offline and online?

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Opening Certain Folders Causes Windows Explorer To Crash

Sep 15, 2014

There's a certain folder on my external HDD which causes Windows Explorer to crash when I attempt to open it. I've tried running a full virus scan and nothing has been detected, so I'm ruling out anything like that. Could it be down to file corruption?

Also, strangely enough, I copied the folder to my desktop and was able to open it and look through the files, however, as soon as I try to sort the files by certain parameters (date, size, etc.), it causes Windows Explorer to crash again.

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Network / Sharing :: Can't Share Folders From Or To Windows 8.1 PC

Feb 15, 2014

I have 2 windows 7 pc's with same login-name/password that I can password protected share fine folders between them. Fron Explorer I right-click a folder and share it to the other pc by entering in the login-name/password. I know this is how it is suppose to work and it does. Now I'm trying to share folders between a newer windows 8.1 pc, the windows 7 pc's and think I know why it does not work, but not how to fix it. This is because I do not know windows 8.1 very well.

The Windows 8.1 pc has a different login/user-name of "uuuuu ttttt", a different password pwp, a ms account of a computer name cccc and the same workgroup name as the 2 win 7 pc's. I put a "uuuuu ttttt" user account with the pwp password on a win 7 pc which has a computername pc-pc, a login-name hh and the same password pw. I also put a hh/pw user account on the win 8.1 pc.

No matter what I enter for for a computer/user name when I try to share a win 7 folder with the specific windows 8 user account it says it cannot find that user. I think I should type in the Add box "ccccuuuuu ttttt".

When I try to share a win 8.1 folder ff it goes to advanced sharing and I can share, but does not let me exactly specify the the win 7 user, but just a general share. The win 7 pc then shows the share under network, but right clicking it says I do not have permissions for ccccff"

I do not seem to understand sharing in either direction with a windows 8.1 pc.

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Windows 8.1 - Hidden Folders Shown On Reboot

Mar 24, 2014

Sometimes when I restart or shut down and restart my system, the folder option somehow are being changed. I have to go to the folder options in control panel and reset the options to default. this will correct the condition until the next time restarted. I believe the condition existed before the update from 8 to 8.1 ....

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Accounts :: Accessing Win7 User Folders On Windows 8 PC

Oct 27, 2013

I just got a new laptop that had a second Hard drive bay, so to speed up copying all my information from my old laptop (which had Windows 7) I just took the HD out of the old and put it in the new.

Everything seems to work fine unless I try to access the files stored in the /users directory (which is where almost all of my work files were). When I double click the file for my username on my old computer, it tells me I do not have permission to view this folder.

Under that is a button that says Click here to permanently gain access to this folder (with an admin icon).

So... I click there. Then as it begins to open the folder, the green bar flies up and stops at about 95% and just sits there.

I had about 40GB of data in subfolders to this, is that how long it takes to change all their permissions? Or do I have to put the HD back in the old laptop and copy it another way?

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Security :: Scanning Files / Folders With Windows Defender

Oct 29, 2012

I would like to basically do this to my Windows 8: Add Scan With Windows Defender To Windows 8 Context Menu as I feel it's a feature that is missing from Windows Defender when they had it in MSE in Windows 7. I've tried doing that but it doesn't seem to work so I am guessing it doesn't work on the latest version/build of 8. How to get it to work?

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Windows 8.1 - Folders Icon Disappeared From Start Page

May 29, 2014

Somehow, the Folders icon disappeared from my Start screen, without which Windows 8.1 is almost unusable. Now I can't locate any folders and can't see anywhere else to access them.

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Apps / Software :: Windows 8.1 Photos App - Unwanted Folders

Apr 17, 2014

I have just started using Win 8.1, and, on opening the Photos app I notice that there are "non" photo folders included.

I discovered that it looks like any folder containing photos or pictures gets added to the app.

Any way to restrict folder additions to those contained in a specific folder on the hard drive,[e.g. " Pictures"]...

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Windows 8 - User Folders And Files Gone From C Drive / How To Restore

Apr 10, 2013

I was trying to locate some files in my user folders in Windows 8 I was looking for the app data files to restore my email from an old version to a new clean install of the client. I could not find the folder although I knew it existed as this is where the app is storing my email, so I figured it was hidden. I started to look for the setting I knew in 7 that would allow you to see hidden files when you ran the folder properties. The only thing I saw anywhere about hidden files was on the first page of the properties where it says read only and hidden so I checked the box and told it to apply. (I know, stupid thing to do since I did not understand what it was doing. This is so unlike me) Now I do not have any user folders and not much works. How can I restore my user files?

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