Windows 8.1 - Have File Type At The End Of File Name?
May 14, 2014
Turned the PC on this morning and all my files (audio , picture and video) now have the file type at the end of the file name so instead of cars42 it reads cars42.mpg same for all other file types, Why?
Also, had 2 new desktop icons "Desktop.ini" which open in wordpad as some directory log. But now every folder now contains a desktop.ini file some have thumbs.db file. Also, "This PC" has several device driver icons appeared which are empty but ask for a disc to be inserted, they read ie: CF/MD (E and SM/xD (F, aswell as a G: and H: ...
I have not changed any file specs, it just appeared today. I have many thousand files and need them to be short for work, i don't want the added .mpg,.jpg, .mp3 etc added. Do i just system restore? How did this all happen though, Was it an update? Also, Another seperate issue my PC takes several minutes to shut down though this has happened for most of the time i've had this PC which is only 3 months.
Using Windows 8.1 on XPS 8700, how do i solve it? how to prevent it?
Everytime I install Windows 8 , the default file association all goes to Metro UI associated. I won't use Metro UI at all , instead use the Desktop. So everytime I've go to the [Control Panel] .. Programs] ... [Make a file type always open in a specific program] It's very annoying. Is there a simple way to let me change all the files association type such as by .reg. I've tried regshot program to get certain file association change registry then import it to the registry , but with fail. As it said program is in use , forbitten ...I can't thinks of a simple way to solve this program even in the safe mode.
On my new Windows 8 machine, every time I put an audio CD into the disk drive, the Power DVD program starts. THis is MOST ANNOYING! I want audio CDs to launch Windows Media Player so that I can rip them to the hard drive. If I go to Control Panel -> Default Programs -> Associate a File Type with a Program, there is NO LISTING in there for .cda files, which is what compact disc audio files are.
How can I change file type associations in Windows 8?
For example .jpg files open in Photos app, fine, but when I right-click and choose "edit" Paint opens up. I want to change it from Paint to Photoshop and there seems to be no way to do that.
In Windows 7 I used Creative Elements Power Tools for this, but it is not compatible with Windows 8.
How do you want to open this type of file (.psd)?I'm choosing more options and picking photoshop as the default app, but nothing is happening. The same things happens to .torrent files, only works if i have the program open and drags the file into the program.
Files it happens with: .psd .torrent .mobi And the files are blank.
I occasionally receive email attachments with a .doc extension that Windows Live Mail considers to be dangerous and has, therefore, deactivated. I recognise I can free the attachment by dragging it to the desktop or going to Home>Junk>Safety Options...>Security in Windows Live Mail and unchecking the box adjacent to 'Do not allow attachments that could potentially be a virus to be saved or opened'. However, in whatever application I try to open the file, nothing meaningful appears - it comprises hieroglyphics.
how to set a particular folder as the default location for a specific file type, or, in the event that's not possible, just set it as the default location for all file types. Mainly I'm interested in setting one specific folder as default for every time I right click on an image and choose save as. I'm tired of having to browse through to my images folder each and every time. It didn't used to do this until I upgraded to windows 8.1. I don't really use "libraries" as there are only two folders I use for downloads. One is for images. The other is for everything else. I don't mind having to browse to my downloads folder, just not the images folder as that is generally what I download the most since I work with graphics a lot.
I don't know how I did it but I got both Windows 7 File Recovery and Windows 8 File History active at the same time. I upgraded from Win 7 to 8 Pro and transferred settings so win 7 file recovery was already active, when I tried to turn on win 8 file recovery I got a message saying I cant because win 7 FR was active. So I deactivated win 7 FR then activated win 8 FR, for giggles I went back and turned on win 7 FR and it worked. Now I have both active, from what I have read this was not possible. Did I break my OS or am I just lucky?
In Windows 8.0 File History, it had the nasty habit of duplicating your library files on your backup ( in my case, my external USB backup drive ( Replica 2 Terabyte ). By DUPLICATING, I mean they get copied over and over and over again... This happens to ALL of them, even though you have not touched the majority of them for YEARS. (File History is suppose to copy them over the FIRST time, then copy a new copy with a new name (old name plus date) if you edit the file in any way). I turned of file indexing on ALL my drives, except my C: drive, to see if that would stop it ( this is recommended in many threads on other sites ).
I tried searching it on Google but didn't find anything, the backup file created in XP and Win7 is saved with .bkf file extension,
I want to know the same for the file history in Windows 8, what's the extension or the files are simply saved in the same directory structure with same file extensions as originals,
The attrib +s +h command that is used to make a file a system and hidden file is no longer working. When i try to use the command on a folder, the folder just shows up as a normal hidden folder which can be easily viewed using show hidden items in view option. It looks as if every system file is not recognizing itself as a system file.
Also every folder in my system has appeared a desktop.ini and thumbs.db folder.
How to make the 'Libraries' folder structure appear when doing a file open file save. In both case I can see the folders labeled Desktop, Documents, Downloads, etc. but I cannot see the Libraries folder.
When in file explorer the zip icon under the share tab is not active. When I click on a simple folder, it does not highlight. If I right click on the folder and go to send to all I get is the dvd drive unless I shift right click first then a drop down of more selections appear but not send to compress. Is this something that need to be activated. I can un-zip a fle from the view tab.
I have an issue running a program that is contained in a self extracting zip that is supposed to run automatically.
The SFX files unzips the contents to a folder on my hard disk (no problem), but then tries to run another program (installer.exe) that is located in the extracted folder.
The program fromm inside the SFX runs fine if I set the compatibility to XP manually, but the problem is that the the SFX extracts the files to a different location each time it is run.
Is there a global way to make a program (installer.exe) run in compatibility mode wherever it exists?
I have been trying to add a .exe file to my Startup files. But for some reason the file does not run at the start up.Take a look at the screenshot to see the setup. cW8oETE.png
The paths which I did use are:
C:UsersDyonAppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsSt art MenuProgramsStartup C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsStartup
Is there another way to add files to the Windows 8.1 Startup files? I have done some research on Google but did not find anything.I have also tried adding a key to the register which did not work either.For the registery I have used both using the direct .exe and the .lnk file. wYMGhdU.png
Is it possible to sort a folder's contents with both File names and Sub-Folder names intermixed? I have projects in sub-folders, and 'support' files like this:
I would like to Clean Install another machine of mine. I recently download another .Iso file of Windows 8 x64/x86, I can't probably boot it. Because, I only got 4 gigabytes of USB. So, my question is.. How can I separate the x64 and x86. So I can boot it today.
Purchased and installed Windows 8 Pro. I followed the instructions to redownload an ISO image and the size of the file is just over 2 MB. I recalled reading somewhere in the instructions or threads that the ISO should be 4 MB or larger and that my download is in error. Did I misread this or do I really have a problem?
I have been using XP system, outlook express on a desktop computer. As XP is "out", I am now using a laptop Asus Q501LA-BB15T03 and want to use my old outlook express email address file on the new computer. I made up a .csv file to transfer the information and don't know how to import it into the new computer which is set up for Windows Live Mail 2012.
I started to transfer a file in Windows 8.1 pro but it will only use up to 22% watching the disk in task manager. I tested it in crystal mark and HD tune and they both give the hard drive 150 MB's Read /write. This is EXTREMEMLY annoying for network transfers as well since I can get 250 MB's R / W out of a server from NIC teaming. How can I set it to use 100% for file transfer? And NO it isn't the main drive so I do not care about other processes. The picture bellow is the hard drive (Drive F: ) during a file transfer. Please ignore the other drive (K .
Before upgrading to Windows 8 from XP, I backed up all my files through NTBackup utility on hard drive. Now I need to open or restore the .bkf file with windows 8.
Where should .ico files be stored in Windows 8.1? I've found a suitable ico image file I want to use. I often work in Photoshop and want different visible icons for .tga files and .psd files.
I have a program that used to run on win 7, but 8 wont let me open the file. I've tried the Program Compatibility Troubleshooter with no luck. After I select an O.S., it asks me to test the program. I click the option and it does nothing.
"To change the way Windows Explorer opens (copy and paste)
one of the examples below to the target portion of a shortcut and name it Windows Explorer.
Open Windows Explorer with My Computer as the root with all drives visible and "My Computer" selected. C:WINDOWSEXPLORER.EXE /e,/n,::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}"
(other examples followed)
In Windows 8.1 the "target" box is grayed out. File Explorer always starts with the THIS PC folder highlighted... and I would like to change that. How?
I accidentally set the file open of .bat files to Notepad. From a link in this forum (How to Restore Default File Extension Type Associations in Windows 8 and 8.1)was able to reset the registry back I think. The bat file not longer asks for notepad but instead opens "How do you want to open this file" and ask me to look for an app. The batch files still do not run.
My OS is Windows 8. I normally backup my files to external drive simply using the copy/past command. It always shows a progress bar so I always know when it's finished. Today is the first time I used Windows file history which I do like. But I see no progress bar nor does it tell when it's finished. Is there a way I can see the progress or at least know when it's finished?