Win 8 Desktop Going To Blank Theme Color - Shortcuts Moved
Mar 27, 2014
I've been having an ongoing issue with Windows 8.1 since I upgraded a few months back.
It's hard to explain but I'll try. Occasionally, say maybe every 20 minutes (have not timed it to see if it's consistent or not), I am working on the desktop and the whole screen will go purple (that's the theme color I chose) for a couple seconds, then when it comes back, my desktop shortcuts are moved to the middle of the screen. It's a bit infuriating as I use my shortcuts (folders, files, programs) quite a bit and would like them to stay where they are.
Windows 8 64 bit
Desktop computer - Dell
Intel Core i5 - 2.7 GHz
When I highlight text in Word 2010, the background of the highlight becomes white and the text itself becomes dark blue. Is there a way to change it in Regedit (or elsewhere)?
I tried fiddling with colors here, but no luck:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Control Panel > Colors HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Control Panel > Desktop Colors
Windows 8. I can't find anything except how to change colors via the 'personalization' screen for desktop background etc. You used to be able to change the color of the actual program window background's color but I can't figure it out. Is this not possible anymore?
I just started using Windows 8, so I don't know where everything is. However, I would like to use the Desktop for short cuts to documents I use frequently. I can put them there all right, but when I try to use them again, I get message something like: "the document to which this shortcut points has been moved or deleted", and then asks me if I should delete the shortcut, which I do since obviously it no longer works. Is there a way I can put documents on the desktop, and retrieve them whenever?
My desktop icons/links to Facebook, Ebay, Google, Emails, etc, all worked yesterday, now none will work. I get a pop-up error message displaying the link and stating "unspecified error".
My problem is ever since I installed windows 8.1 upgrade my desktop short cuts no longer work. Not even the ones under the new start button. I have to manually go into the programs folder, find the program I want to use and launch it from there. Every time I attempt to launch it through the start button or the desk top my win zip program pops up like it wants to unzip it. It never did this until I I upgraded to 8.1 I wished now I would of made a restore point before upgrading so I could get rid of this god awful 8.1. It has my PC totally messed up in trying to launch programs now.
Also, I suspect the new skydrive has something to do with it since the skydrive folder opens after the win zip program pop's up. I never used skydrive before and to be honest I really don't like it nor do I want it. I feel like it got shoved onto me.
The images shows what happens when I try to access something from the new start button, but I get the same problem if I have a desk top short cut. Surprizingly the control pannel and windows defender still works on the desk top, it's the only thing that does.
Every 5 minuets or so my desktop goes completely blank, i loose icons, background, task-bar, (time, date, keyboard input selection) only thing that stays is the far right icons that stay (battery, internet connection, volume)
I have been having a persistent, but seemingly random problem with Windows 8 desktop mode. Periodically, all GUIs that are open on my desktop will turn completely black (blank) inside the frame and remain that way. I can still move the black windows around, minimize them, and close them, but I need to sign out and log back in to get them to look normal again. The computer does not crash and the Windows "Charms" still appear and seem to work fine. This has happened many times over a couple of weeks.
I looked in the Event Viewer when this happens and the only thing I see that might be related to the time when this occurs is this information message:
The Desktop Window Manager has exited with code (0xd00002fe)
In the process of setting up my new computer with an SSD and HDD, I managed to delete the pictures folder. I got it back, but now when I click on the Pictures folder inside the libraries folder, all the data in my HDD comes up. Whatever I did, I somehow made my D: drive to the format of my pictures folder.
I have had this happen once before, I am running Windows 8 on an OCZ Vertex 4 SSD.The problem is that suddenly all my files inside all the directories and sub directories in my Documents folder have been moved to the root of Documents and have all been named with their original directory location in the filename. To give a clear example: a file originally located in Rockstar GamesL.A. Noiresettings.ini is now in my root Documents folder under the name Rockstar Games_L.A. Noire_settings.ini
All of the folders and sub-folders in my Documents are empty and all of the files are in Documents with those names. They all follow the pattern of having the directory in the filename separated by underscores . I have over 11K files now sitting in my Documents and all my programs that require files in my Documents folder are now broken.
I completed build (asrock extreme4 MOBO, I5 4670k,) Using the HDD from an asus prebuilt comp (with an amd A85500 cpu) external boot went well and all hard where works fine. Like a newbie does i didn't research about moving the OS on a hdd. I didn't uninstall drivers or create a repair image or anything at all. Just plugged in the hdd and booted of course now the OS wont boot properly.
I am running Windows 8 64bit. I have two internal hard drives: a 118GB SSD (C and a 2T HD (B.
Windows was installed onto C: and so the default library locations were set to C:. I obviously didn't have enough room to let C: contain my normal documents so I changed my default library locations to be on B:.
With this configuration the Search feature has never found any documents on B:. Today I double-checked to make sure B: was set to be indexed, and it is. I then had the computer rebuild the index. I even ran the Search troubleshooter and had the Windows "Fix It" program rebuild my search features.
I used uxthemepatcher but can't apply any theme on my pc. The installed theme shows at the "personalize" window but when I click to apply it, the computer log off and nothing happen, just the theme wallpaper is applied but no theme.
When I stream television shows from the web, the picture is not smooth. It moves in spurts. It appears to move at normal speed for a microsecond then another, and another, ad infinitum. Flash player if comletely up to date.
I wanted to move my DOWNLOADS folder from C:UsersGordonDownloads to D:Downloads. So I opened up PROPERTIES in the C:UsersGordonDownloads folder and used the MOVE tab to send it to D:, but I didn't create a DOWNLOADS folder in the D drive, so now all my downloads go directly into D:
How I can now move my downloads to be saved in D:Downloads and not in D:
I have moved my boot files to the "C" drive using EasyBCD. In so doing, is it now safe to delete the System Reserve Partition? I realize it does no harm the way it is but I have no intention of using Bitlocker and I have a recovery disc. So, to me, it serves no purpose and I'd like to get rid of it.
So somehow my main default printer got moved to the 'More' selection in CTRL+P of Windows 8 Reader. On the right hand side all I have is my PrinterShare (remote printer). I have to click 'More' then I see my Fax and my OfficeJet pop up. How to I move my officejet to the front line like it used to be?
I'm having to use a dark high contrast theme because when I look at normally it makes my eyes want to burn and I don't mean that sarcastically I mean that seriously my eyes start feeling like their burning when I'm staring at a screen that is so bright. So I've used the Microsoft high contrast black theme to make using my computer easier on my eyes however I'm experiencing a problem when I need to go and print something.
I'm printing out documents that are displayed in Internet Explorer and the problem is that the printed document comes out very faded almost as if the contrast is greatly reduced.And on the contrary, if I use the Microsoft high contrast white theme than the documents that I print from Internet Explorer come out printed very well with the same printer settings and all.
Is there anyway I can correct this short of having to use the high contrast white theme which just makes my eyes burn even more?
I was trying to change the permissions on theme1.theme and got the "Unable to save permission changes on theme1.theme" "Access is denied". I found that I could not take control as administrator but only as user????
So I created a brand new user in Windows 8 using my MSA. And I set it to set up as a new PC so that it wouldn't carry over themes or any settings from the previous computer. But as soon as I signed in, it had all of my old settings, themes, and configurations from my old computer.
So how do I set it so that it goes back to all the default settings like a brand new user logging into Windows for the first time?
i was just wondering if there has been an updated theme patch version witch fixes the blinking black screen after applying windows updates ?
Everytime i use any theme patcher on win 8 x64 it works fine until i do windows updates then it restarts ant the screen just blinks and its completely black after boot screen.
I installed Windows 8.1 , there has been this very strange problem with Windows Media Player where it displays every video which is highly saturated or we can say that it appears very odd. Whereas in the case of VLC, it displays the video appropriately. I have attached the screenshots below. I checked every setting of the Windows Media Player and it is at it's default setting.
When using a screensaver that is suppose to have a transparent background (be able to see what is on the desktop) it defaults to the background color chosen for the start screen theme.
An easy example is the bubbles screensaver that comes preloaded, the weird thing is when selected and you preview it, it previews with a transparent background you are able to see what is on your desktop, but when you let it run its time and it pops up on its own it replaces the background with the color theme you chose for your start screen.
How to change it to remain transparent? I've tried changing the background color of the start screen to transparent with Decor8 but the screensaver background still is not transparent.
Attached are the images of how it should look and how it actually looks.