After a great deal of fiddling I have succeeded in getting Outlook to reflect my old Vista Mail, meaning I can now see my mail. trouble is that I have to connect to the internet then select Outlook from my Google taskbar and finally select my old Mail account. Is it possible to create a charm so that all I have to do is click on it in Start?
Instead of using my thumb button to go back a page in my browser it now moves whatever window I'm in across the screen from pinned-right, to center to pinned-left.
How do I disable that feature and get my back button functionality back?
I am so confused about where outlook 2013 keeps things.
I have installed Outlook 2013 and would like to import my contacts from my outlook 2007 in another computer. I have already prepared the contacts.pst file from outlook 2007 and made it available in my public folders. I then imported the .pst file into Outlook 2013 via network. However the contacts shows up as a separate contact list rather than integrated into the outlook 2013 address book . How to correct it?
I have recently purchased an Acer Aspire running Windows 8 and use Outlook as may email facility.
My previous laptop ran on Vista and I was able to see my email folders and work on them offline when no network was available - I could prepare email drafts and save them for sending when connected. I do not seem to be able to do this now.
I had to remove all of my contacts from my phone (reason is too long to explain) and now want to sync my contacts from Outlook to the phone via EAS. My concern is that when I start the sync process, the phone will send the empty contact list to Outlook, thereby wiping out all of my contacts. is there a way to ensure that the sync goes from Outlook to the phone only, and not the other way around?
Got Windows 8 a few months ago and also use Outlook 2007 with an MSN email address using Outlook Connector. I am being driven crazy by Outlook reminders. Outlook dings when a reminder goes off, then Windows 8 does the same reminder a few seconds later. Add to it my phone going off and tablet and I get 4 of the same reminder. I've searched the web and can't seem to figure out how to stop at least the Windows 8 ones.
I use Outlook 2013 on my laptop (Windows 7) and also on my Windows Surface tablet (Windows 8.1). Can I sync the two accounts so that if I read and reply to emails on one device it will be the same on the other? Also why the Junk option on the ribbon is greyed out on the tablet? One last question, which seems daft, is I can't fathom how to highlight a list on the tablet. On a laptop I would hold down the shift key and then use the down arrow, such as if I want to delete a load of emails.
In IE when clicking on an Email address / link it used to start Outlook (W7 and earlier) or Outlook express in XP - remember that one.
Now in Windows 8 it starts that HORRIBLE windows mail metro app --which wants a Microsoft account and all sorts of other BS
This apparently can be customized to open your desired application ( from IE ==>tools==>Internet options==>programs --then I'm stuck as they've changed the old settings from default e-mail program to something I haven't a clue what to enter.
I've got these screens (enc) -- what do I do to get OUTLOOK to open instead of the Windows mail app.
Sometimes stuff is dumbed down so much that the application is useless -- and then they go to the other extreme where you need a Doctorate in Computer studies to fathom it out.
(Using Windows 8 x-64, IE10 but 32 bit version of office 2010 so the pgm I think is in program files(x86)msofficeoffice14outlook.exe)
I don't use Skype and I'm not interested in it; my query is about making regular phone calls from Outlook 2013.
I recently purchased a Plantronics Savi 745M and it came with a USB cable that can be used to connect to my computer. Although I didn't expect it to work just like that, I then tried to dial from Outlook but it says "Call Status: No Microsoft telephony services are installed." So I thought that maybe Telephony services weren't running, but they are; it is now obvious that to install and properly configure my system for this to work.
Exactly what I need to do to get Outlook 2013 to integrate with my telephone so that it can dial? I also own a USB fax/modem and the thought there was that maybe once I plug my landline into it, then Outlook would then be able to dial.
I'd be satisfied for it to work with my landline, but if there is also a way to get it to work with my cell, that would be great, too! Note that my landline telephone integrates with my cell, in case that makes a difference.
I purchased a new notebook and it has Office 2014 installed.. I was using Outlook on my old notebook, is there a way to migrate my account/folders/emails to my new notebook? I want to just pick right up where I left off, not have everything 'archived' and start new or anything..
All of a sudden find cannot print emails in outlook keep getting this message "Something went wrong and we can't sign you in at the moment. Please try again later".
Have tried several times but still getting same message, has outlook turned itself off somehow.
I don't know if this an 8.1 or an Office problem, as my previous version of Outlook ran under 7. However, that version didn't need to hog 12-13% CPU all the time, whereas this one does.
After being forced to switch to Outlook Express, I am no longer able to get to my Contacts. Somewhere, it said that I need to go to my "Settings," but I cannot locate any way to get into it.
For some reason only shows my email inbox. There is no inbox for Gmail. I checked my aliases and they are both listed. Outlook 2013 shows all my inboxes. My Lumia phone shows all my inboxes.
With Google I managed to import my contacts, but I can't seem to find anything useful for importing email from Outlook to Live. For some reason Roadrunner and Outlook don't work well. I don't have many emails to import but is it possible to import a whole folder? Or do you have to import one at a time. If so, how?
I have an Acer desktop pc at home, running Windows 8 Pro, and I use Outlook 2010 as my primary (POP3) email tool. Obviously I have an extensive contacts file in there.
I have just bought a SP 128Gb and installed Outlook 2013 on the one month free trial. So, far I like it.
I took it in to work today and the IT guys set it up for connectivity to the Corporate WiFi, VPN, etc. How can I copy my contacts info from my home pc into my Pro?
I recently installed Win 8.1 Pro...there's some things I like and some I don't. I'm learning about File History and the System Image tools. Why MS went backwards in their backup tools from Win7 is a topic for another day...but I have a question about getting File History to backup certain files.
1) From what I'm reading & inferring, the only way to get File History to backup my Outlook 2007 PST file would be to add its containing folder to the Library? For example, add C:UsersUsernameAppDataLocalMicrosoftOutlook to the Library?
2) I'm guessing for other user files, preferences, data files, etc., that are usually located in the AppData Local or Roaming folders, that we have to add their containing folders to the Library?
Is this correct...or does File History back these up by default somewhere (besides System Image).
P.S. I hate this File History thing and the buried System Image tool that's also been handicapped. I want Win7's Backup & Restore back, where we could select any files we wanted for backup, schedule time of day to run backups and images, etc. I can only think MS did this to dumb down things for users.
The number of emails displayed per page in is 35 ( reading pane is off ), how to reduce this to 25 so that I don't need to scroll down ? I realise that I can obviate scrolling by reducing the zoom from 100% to 75% but I don't find that very comfortable, the text size is then too small for my liking.
I'm wondering if I can get infected just by opening an spam email, or do I need to actually click on a link inside the email? Also my email seems to be loading images by default is that even safe?
Every time I click reply on an email in Outlook....I start getting pop-ups. Very annoying. I checked and have them disabled......but they are everywhere all the sudden. How do I get rid of them?
I have tried numerous times to get Kaspersky Anti Spam to load as an add-in to Microsoft Outlook 2013. I am using the following version of Kaspersky:
If I go into the add-in menu on Outlook the Anti Spam add-in is disabled:
So I re-enable the add-in:
and the add-in appears in the Toolbar/Ribbon:
Then when I close and restart Outlook 2013 again it disappears making it unusable:
I have removed (using the removal tool) and reinstalled Kaspersky and I have repaired Microsoft Office which is effectively a reload of the Office suite but the problem still exists