New Laptop 99% Disk / 50% Memory At All Times?

Sep 15, 2014

I've just purchased this stupid piece of junk and it's always at 99% disk, which makes it run like, well, a stupid piece of junk. It has decent specs (it's an asus tp550ld, with i7-4500U, and 8 gb of 1600 MHz ram, and a GeForce 820m), but struggles to do the simplest of tasks, such as opening new pages on browsing tabs, and even typing this out right now is a bit laggy. I bought this thing to play the odd game or two when I'm away from my desktop, but that's not really fun when you're on the lowest settings of Starcraft II and you're at 5 fps ( says I should be getting 68.9 on medium)

I've tried:

Uninstalling AVG
Disabling auto updates
Virus/malware check

I've considered trying:

Ripping this OS off of here and loading my own Win 8. It doesn't seem to have a bunch of bloatware on it but I don't know. I'd rather not do this as I spent a few hours setting this up/installing a few games last night.

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BSOD In Windows 8 At Infrequent Times (Memory Management 0x0000001a)

Mar 13, 2013

After spending hoursonline on these BSODs, I finally decided to spit the error out somewhere since BSOD can occur out of nowhere and situation is different for everybody.

My friend and I bought Asus N55 and N56VM on 27th Feb 2013 respectively. We both had Windows 7. Unfortunately, after a few updates, I got BSOD on the very first day. I've had Vaio F113fx/b before.

After days of trials on figuring out problem and experiencing BSODs 3-4 times a day on average, I planned to update to Windows 8. For the first 7-8 hours after install, it was clean and there were no BSODs but right after few games installations and updates, boom, had a BSOD on 'Memory Management 0x0000001a".

Therefore, I installed BlueScreen Viewer to find out what was causing these BSODs and same as before (in Windows 7), it's ntoskrnl.exe.

I've attached minidump files ....

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Maintenance :: ASUS Vivotab Running Windows 8 - 100% Disk Usage At Specific Times Daily

Sep 25, 2013

I have an ASUS Vivotab running Windows 8. I am seeing that the service process hits 100% disk usage from roughly 4:58PM - 5:04PM daily. I've made sure that my antivirus is't downloading updates or running during that time, same with Windows Update, Live Update, etc. How can I find what specific process is running during that time that is killing the machine given I know when to watch for it?

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System Error Memory Dumps Filling Disk?

Aug 14, 2014

I've run disk cleaner and System error memory dumps took almost 15GB WTF is that?

I don't get any BSOD nor crashes nor any stability issues, except some update which won't let me install.

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Debugging :: Windows 8.1 - Laptop Crashing Few Times Every Day

Sep 15, 2014

My new laptop is crashing multiple times every day. It freezes, reboots itself or I get BSoD. I use it mostly for playing League of Legends and watching videos on Youtube , but it crashes on everything.

I tried to reinstall Windows 8.1 (OS I had when I bought laptop), reinstall all drivers, install new drivers but its still crashing. Also tried to run it in safe mode but it crashed there too.

I got these BSoD:

HP Pavilion17-f001sm Notebook PC (my laptop) specifications:
CPU - AMD A8-6410 APU with AMD Radeon R5 Graphic 2.0GHz
OS - Windows 8.1 x64

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How Many Times Can Format Or Reinstall Windows In Laptop

Dec 30, 2012

how many times i should reinstall windows or other os or how much time i can formate my pc? is this any harfull effect by installing windows many tmes( i did 30 times till today). some of my fren tell me there is certiain coating or layering in the harddisk which may break or run out with repeated format or reinstall....and drive will crash ..

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Laptop Is Slow At Times And Browsers Freeze

Mar 29, 2014

I have been having a problem lately with my dell laptop. It suddenly freezes and goes really slow. I think there might be some files corrupted or something. I have run superantispyware, and malwarebytes. Superantispyware only found cookies. I dont have to set back to factory settings. My laptop is a dell inspiron 15. I am still trying to get used to windows 8.1 Here is the info

System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 8.1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3227U CPU @ 1.90GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9
Processor Count: 4
RAM: 6013 Mb
Graphics Card: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000, -1984 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 463460 MB, Free - 399321 MB;
Motherboard: Dell Inc., 033MX4
Antivirus: Windows Defender, Disabled

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Maintenance :: Lenovo G580 - Windows 8 High Usage CPU / Memory And Disk

Oct 12, 2013

I have high usage on my laptop lenovo g580 using windows 8. check task manager and I see cpu memory and disk fluctuating up and down to 3% can go up to 100 at times. When I open google chrome. Watch video or play games. I hear my fan turn on and i think my hard drive and i check task manager and i see the problem happening. I did a virus scan and searched everywhere online. I couldn't seem to find a solution. When I am not using the pc its a stable 3 percent but my memory is at 37 which i barely have anything installed but 1 game and a google chrome.

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Debugging :: Windows 8 - Laptop Crashes Several Times - Error Displayed On Start Up?

Feb 26, 2014

My windows 8 laptop (studio 1537-DELL) crashes several times and I have this error displayed on start up:


My folder is uploaded.

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HP Laptop Win 8 Pro Stops At Start Up With 4 GB Memory

Aug 26, 2014

Big problem with my laptop. Due to the fact that it is a compaq610 notebook pc and I have upgraded him to win 8 pro the machine was going very slowly. so i bought 2x 2GB DDR2 PC2 6400 sodimm ram. When I put in 1x 2GB there is no problems except its still to slow.

HP says that there can be a upgrade till 4 GB 2x2GB, so i bought that and when i installed it the win 8 start up hangs when the Windows 8-loge appears and than the dotted circle stops and everything freezes!

When I go into the bios, I can check the memory so check of 4 GB of memory goes well until 24% than the graphics does strange blocked screen n different colors. Strange that each mem of 2GB single placed works fine. How to get the 4GB working on my laptop?

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USB Memory Stick Not Recognised On Laptop

Oct 15, 2014

I have 3 USB ports on my new Toshibal laptop running on W8.

It will not recognise any memory stick in any port even tho; the stick will read on my desktop running on XP.

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Maintenance :: High Memory Usage (89%) On Laptop - Windows 8

Jul 12, 2014

I am having problems with my memory it has jumped to 89% and stays there. I tried to restart i looked at the processes it seems that non-paged tools is taking the most. I used RamMAP tool to find this problem.

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Hardware Drivers :: Adding Memory To ASUS Q200E Laptop

Mar 11, 2013

My Q200E Asus laptop came with 4g of memory. I would like to add another 4g's to bring it up to 8g's. I can find no instructions for doing this and am not entirely sure if it can be done. I have removed the back cover and see no memory sticks at all.

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Password Reset Disk For Laptop?

Feb 22, 2013

My laptop wouldn't accept my password, I tried about 9 times. Then I got a box stating:' You need a password reset disk', but how do I do/get that?

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Network / Sharing :: How To Allow Disk Access On Win 8 Laptop To XP PC

Sep 8, 2013

I'm trying to allow my win xp desktop pc to be able to access the hard disk on my win 8 laptop.

I put them in the same workgroup and then map the laptop's disk on the desktop pc. I can now see the laptop's disk in "network drives" in the xp but when I try to open it, I get an error message that I am not allowed to access it.

So, back at windows 8, I go to my disk Properties, Security tab and try to Add permissions for the winxp pc, which is what I think I'm supposed to do to solve my problem. However, at the "Select Users or Groups" window, I click on Locations and the only thing that appears is the Windows 8 laptop. Isn't the desktop pc supposed to be appearing over there as well? I can't add permissions for a pc that doesn't exist in Locations.

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Maintenance :: New Laptop / Constant 100% Disk Usage And 50% CPU?

Sep 15, 2014

The new Windows 8 touch laptop I just got is running ridiculously slow. Apps take minutes to open sometimes because the disk is constantly being used by several processes, even when idle.

The main culprits showing in Task Manager are "Service host: Local system", "Windows Modules Installer Worker", and "Antimalware Service Executable". Between them they are using 97+% of the disk and about 50% CPU constantly. It's gotten a bit better since I uninstalled all the trialware garbage that came on it, including McAfee, which was a massive slowdown. I plan on just using Windows Defender for security but it still says it's turned off, could that be the problem?

But for real, I'm pretty sure McAfee slows down the system more than the viruses.

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Maintenance :: Disk Usage Stuck At 100% - Laptop Freezes?

Aug 16, 2014

I have a HP Pavillion Sleekbook 15-b002ee with Third generation core i5 processor 1.7 GHz, 500 GB Hard disk and 4 GB of RAM installed. Windows 8 came pre installed on it.

I bought this laptop 11 months ago and it worked fine for 10 months and then from the last month its presenting unusual problems. My disk usage is stuck at 100% and the laptop freezes and never lets me work or do anything. Heres what i have already done to solve the issue but have been unsuccessful:

1) I have reset my PC completely and reinstalled windows 8 using the factory setup. Didnt solve the issue, newly installed windows displays the disk usage 100% and the performance is same i.e the system freezes.

2) I have tried adjusting my paging file, no change made a difference to the performance of my laptop. The default system managed Paging file size is something around 3.89 Gb. Does my problem have anything to do with my paging file?

3) disabling the "Windows Search" and "Superfetch" services and still it didnt solve the problem.

4) I have also run checkdisk on my hard drive completely. It took me a complete day to do so but still no change.

5) Before resetting my laptop, an error called "Kernel_data_inpage(http.sys)" used to come on my upgraded windows 8.1. Whats the issue?

So what should i do? Is there any problem with my hardware? Is my hard drive having bad sectors and is that causing the problem?

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Setup Installation :: Recovering Laptop From Recovery Disk?

Sep 15, 2014

I have a dell laptop with winows 8 preinstalled on it. Soon after the purchase of my laptop I created recovery disk. It had only a single partion that time (Only C drive). Later I created a new partition 'D' from the existing space in C drive. Now my question is , can I still use the windows recovery disc that I created at the time when I had just one partition (just C drive)??

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Maintenance :: Google Drive Using Nearly 100% Disk Speed On New Laptop

May 1, 2013

My new laptop (Dell Inspiron 15RSE, 1TB @ 5400rpm, 8GB, i5-3230M@2.60GHz, AMD Radeon HD 7730M) is using the Google drive app to sync files between my Google account and my laptop. but it's using 100% of the disk speed and killing the performance of everything else.

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Maintenance :: Brand New ASUS X501a Laptop 100% Disk Usage?

Jun 18, 2013

I purchased an Asus x501a laptop with Windows 8 preinstalled at the beginning of the month. They sold me Nortons 360 which I installed. The laptop keeps freezing and if I look in the task manager the disk useage keeps reaching 100% every few seconds and lots of things aren't working properly; the internet connection keeps falling off, when using apps such as facebook it keeps freezing; internet pages are taking seconds to load instead of miliseconds. I can't believe this should be happening to a brand new laptop. Before I take it back I want to check whether it is actually a windows 8 problem (I suspect it is) as it uploaded 46 or more new updates to Windows 8 when I switched it on and these could potentially mean something else on the ASUS kit is outdated.

It is not a touch screen laptop (why would I buy one of those windows when I can successfully use my ipad and phone for this). The reason I bought a laptop is that I don't want touchscreen and just want an old fashioned computer to do use for work/other simple tasks. I will keep my ipad for social media use etc as the facebook app on windows 8 is designed for a touchscreen which I don't have! Maybe I should have bought something with Windows 7 on it??

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Accounts :: Dell Studio 1537 Laptop / Win 8 - Password Reset Disk On CD?

Aug 25, 2014

I see the write-up on how to make a password reset disk on a USB flash memory stick. But is there a way to make a password reset disk on a CD?

1. Inserted a blank CD in the optical drive.
2. Opened control panel and clicked "User Accounts". But in the left panel there is no option "Create a password reset disk". All I see are:
Control Panel HomeManage your credentialsManage your file encryption certificatesConfigure advanced user profile propertiesChange my environment variables.

Do I HAVE TO insert a USB stick to see the password reset option? (I don't have a spare USB stick to test with)

Running Win 8.0 on a Dell Studio 1537 laptop.

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Have To Reboot Windows 8.1 Several Times

Aug 21, 2014

Im having a nightmare getting my Windows 8.1 to boot properly. I've Had Windows 8 for over a year now! and I was forced to roll back to Windows 7. But now it's time to get it working properly!

Here is my problem:

My pc boots to a black screen after windows logo (no cursor or anything) and when it does i have to reboot my pc about 5-6 times before it actually boots properly. Now here's the biggest problem--> when I have made a succesfull boot (after rebooting 5-6 times) i have to shutdown my computer and wait 2-3 hours at least, before i can recreate the error again. This makes the problem solving process even more painful.

I've tried just about anything that I could find on the web and weirdly enough, My problem doesn't seem to be quite the same as all the other posts -_- ..

Here's a list of things that I've tried that i can remember:

Updated all drivers to latest versionsReinstalled several timesenabled UEFI boot (and disabled)Booted with only 1 monitor connected (tried VGA and DVI)disabled fast startup

(I didn't connect unessecary hardware or had cd's in the machine. Only a monitor, keyboard and mouse)

I've properly tried more than that, but can't remember it all.

I was told that i should try to connect a monitor using a hdmi cable, because Windows 8 could shoot the signal out of the HDMI port.

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How To Keep Taskbar Down The Bottom All Times

Dec 27, 2013

I have just bought a Asus t100 tablet for my parents. I need to know a couple things:

I would like to have the taskbar down the bottom at all times. When I goto chrome app the taskbar is gone.

Can I have the chrome app into a window so I can easily just close it?

I know you can just swipe it but my parents are used to the window style.

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Maintenance :: Iphlpsvc Consumes 12% CPU At All Times?

Jan 20, 2013

iphlpsvc service (ip Helper) consumes 12% CPU at all times. The same service in windows 7 behaves without problems. On both machines run the same programs.

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Debugging :: Getting Blue Screens Probably 1-2 Times A Day?

Jul 3, 2014

I keep getting blue screens probably 1-2 times a day with MEMORY_MANAGEMENT 0x0000001a. Attached is my debug information.

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Debugging :: BSOD Every 5 To 10 Minutes / Other Times None At All

Apr 28, 2014

Get tons of BSODs, a different explanations very time. I get Memory Management, Kernel Security Check Fail, NTFS File System, System Service Exceptions...

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Disk Management Not Start Virtual Disk Service (VDS)

Jul 19, 2014

Unable to start Disk Management. I tried the following without success:

- Check file integrity
- Repair with DISM
- Start the Virtual Disk Service and Volume SHadoy Copy manually and set them to Automatic and Manual (it starts, but Disk Management cannot connect to it)
- Disable Firewall and Antivirus
- Verified that my system is malware free
- Tried opening it in Safe Mode

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Error / No Boot Disk Has Been Detected Or Disk Has Failed

Jun 18, 2014

on my computer with windows 8 format as I am. Dvd format to format I've installed disk, but I erased or something during the installation, format the error output. The computer BEGAN to GIVE the following ERROR :


Error: no boot disk has been detected or the disk has failed.
<img class="decoded" alt="" src="" />

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Disk Usage - Getting Error Messages Saying That Disk Is Almost Full?

Jan 9, 2014

I'm running windows 8 on a partition so I use it mostly for gaming. I have 115 GB on the partition, and when I totaled all the files in my Bootcamp drive it comes to a total of about 80 GB, 50 from games, 20 from the OS. However, I'm constantly getting error messages saying that my disk is almost full and that 105 gigabytes have been used. I've tried CCleaner and disk cleanup but nothing big is found. So why would it be using space greater than what can be seen in the disk when using explorer and is there any way to fix this error (if it is one)?

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PC Restarted Couple Of Times While Watching Video

Jan 8, 2014

I've had a problem for about a couple of minutes and nownow it's gone.

I watching a video and suddenly the pc restarted and booted to motherboard screen and then restarted again, this time it booted to Windows logo.

It did this twice and then I hard shutdown the pc.

The light of the power button indicating that there's power was off.

So I unplugged the 24pin and 8pin power cables (corsair ax850)and connected from another power supply I had (gigabyte 500w) just to see if there's power coming to the board and the light was on.

So I plugged back the corsair cables back and the light was on again. I turned the pc on played a couple of games on it and everything was back to normal.

Could this be a cable issue or motherboard socket issue?

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Maintenance :: Speed Up Some Apps Save As Times?

Jun 21, 2014

I haven't noticed this as an issue until some recent Windows 8 auto updates (last 2 months, is generous estimate). "Save as..." take about 20-30 seconds, for 2 3rd-party medium weight word processors, to display the folder window where your want to save. It looks like it takes the computer a while to "round up" all the directory info to display it in the "save as..." window.

I did read here & elsewhere on changing the general option in the properties of a folder. I don't think that worked. I did also read (here?) about disconnecting the networked folders. I did do that, rebooted. There was no speedup. But then I remapped them all, and now MS-branded apps like wordpad & word/excel, do show the "save as..." window within a second or 2, as before. (Note: I do clean up the reg daily).

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