I just purchased a new laptop with windows 8.1. I previously had two laptops and a desktop all running windows 7 and all connected to my network wirelessly. I had a homegroup set up on the desktop that works fine for all windows 7 machines, but I cannot get the new 8.1 machine to connect to it. The new machine sees that the homegroup is there but after I put in the password it says it no longer can find the homegroup.
I tried to run the homegroup troubleshooter and got a vague response about network problems, but no problems were detected by the network troubleshooter. I've also tried creating a local user instead of logging in with a Microsoft account but got the same message when I tried to connect.
I have Windows 8.1 installed on my laptop and following is the screen shot of the network information:
1. Basic Network information and setup information. 2. Properties of TIC/IP 4 connection under Advanced/WIN tab
Although, I can connect to other laptop if both are wired, but if other laptop is not wired then I can only see its name appearing in the homegroup connection but cannot connect to it.
I can't join my homegroup, it randomly stopped working a week ago (ish) when i try to reconnect to the homgroup now it says "A homegroup can only be created on a private network...change settings blah bah..." Although I have everything setup correctly and i'm trying to join a homegroup not make one. I read,
Homegroup - Create in Windows 8 and Homegroup - Join in Windows 8 did everything still nothing :I the 2 other computers connected to the main homegroup computer is working fine. Now i can't think of anything.
I have set up homegroup on my 2 computers. A windows 7Home premium and a windows 8.1 on my tablet. Windows 7can see and open windows 8.1 files with no problem. Windows 8.1 can see windows 7 files , but cannot open them .A window pops up asking for credentials. I don't know what to do with that
I'm unable to create a home group. when i try to do so, i'm getting an error message saying "Windows just detected an existing homegroup. To join it, click ok, and then open homegroup in control panel."
But the problem is, i don't have any existing homegroup on my pc. at the same time, there were no any other devices connected to my network. i tried with a pc aswell. but it didn't work, When i try to join, i'm getting an error like,
I'm running on win 8. i tried to clear all files on the folder
"C:WindowsServiceProfilesLocalServiceAppDataRoamingPeerNetworking" and tried restarting the homegroup provider and listener and they were running. And ipv6 is also enabled.
I am unable to create any Home Group as in my PC with win 8.1 pro, I get message that " To create or join a Home group your PC's network location must be set to Private". This I am unable to set as when i tried by going to pc setting-- network-- connection-- wifi connected, there I do not see option of "Find devices and content" to put it on. I do not know how to change PC network location.
I have two Windows 8 computers. On one of them (which says "private network"), I easily created a homegroup. On the other (which also says "private network"), I am unable to join the homegroup. Whenever I connect to the network, it searches and says "There is no homegroup on this network" and displays "Create Homegroup" in the Network and Sharing Center. However, when I attempt to create the homegroup, it says "Can't create a homegroup on this computer". If I leave the homegroup on the working computer, it still says "Create Homegroup" in the Network and Sharing Center and I am still unable to create the homegroup. Microsoft has worked on this for five hours and is unable to find a solution.
I cannot remove the Homegroup from windows 8.1. I followed the instructions for windows 7 but nothing happens and homegroup is still there in file explorer.
I have a desktop and a laptop both running Windows 8 and are both members of the homegroup. In File explorer both machines can see the other in the homegroup but when I double click I get a message (on either machine) "This PC is currently unavailable". This has only been a problem since using 8. When I was all windows 7 the homegroup worked perfectly. Both machines have been set up to share everything including the kitchen sink. I must have a setting wrong somewhere. This used to be an intermittent thing. When I had my old desktop (also windows 8) other homegroup machines could occasionally see the desktop but sometimes not!! I have a BT router that on an individual basis works fine. All machines are using the wi fi on the router.
Want my Windows 8.1 computer to join my HomeGroup which currently consists of my Win 7 desktop and Win 7 laptop.
In Network and Sharing Center it sees the HomeGroup and says "Available to Join". I try to join by inputting the password and after a minute it says "Windows no longer detects a homegroup on this network...."
Why is this happening? What to do? What is the point of having multiple computers if you can't join them.
I also see that I can't even access the other computer through network. It shows both computers yet when I click on one it says its not accessible, I don't have permissions, etc. I have done nothing to change anything. Why can't I see other computers on my own network? On my two Win 7 computers it was as simple as could be. Why is this Win 8.1 giving me trouble?
My main PC is a desktop running Windows 7 and my homegroup was set up on this PC. I have a laptop running Windows 8 and joined the homegroup - seemingly successfully as the control panel indicates that it is in the group.
On the W7 desktop. The homegroup icon lists the laptop and allows me to access the laptop files. The network icon lists both the desktop and the laptop. I could also access the laptop files this way, but do not need to as I can access them via the homegroup icon.
On the Windows 8 laptop. The homegroup icon just lists the laptop user name and then the laptop itself. The desktop is not listed. The network icon lists both the laptop and the desktop. This allows me to access the desktop files, but I would prefer to access them via the the homegroup icon.
I have a Samsung Series 9 13in laptop running windows 8, and I'm attempting to stream video to my xbox 360 (it's one of the new, "slim" ones). I've read you need your homegroup set up in order to facilitate this, but I'm having nothing but trouble with it.
When I try to change any settings on the homegroup, most of the settings are greyed out, and the ones a can change reset as soon as I do it.
Screenshot is here: [URL] ....
How do I enable these settings? Any tips for streaming from Windows 8 to xbox?
My problem is the inability to create a new Homegroup. The password I had for the one I created does not work since I left the homegroup. Now the only option available to me it to join a homegroup I have been invited to. I don' t know any user live near that has invited me to join so I think it is my old homegroup but that password is long gone. Now I cant share my videos and music with my xbox. I use an apple airport express that my computer and xbox sign in to but my xbox does not see my computer however, my computer sees my xbox.
I am trying to set up a workgroup, not a homegroup, and all of the target computers are setup in the default group "WORKGROUP." I'm using a workgroup to allow cross platform sharing. Anyways, when I right click on a folder then Share With > Specific People > Add the workgroup is not listed.
I am running windows8 pro 32 bit, with a Xerox workcentre 3119 laser printer attached to it, by usb. It prints fine. But... I have a homegroup with a windows7 home premium 64 bit machine on it.
I did a clean reinstall on the windows7 pc, and now I can't print to the Xerox from the windows7 pc.
I tried removing and reinstalling the printer on the windows7 pc,
I tried reinstalling the driver for the printer on my windows8 pc,
I tried removing all the computers from the homegroup and recreating the homegroup,
I tried removing the printer from the windows7 pc and changing the name of "workgroup" and then reinstalling the printer on the windows7 pc. But I still can print from the windows7 pc.
I have run into some networking problems and I think I have narrowed it down to the homegroup provider.
I have 4 windows 8 pro x64 computers connected to a router. Up until now, I have been able to disable the homegroup provider service because I don't want to use the homegroup and don't want to see it in my file explorer. I have been able to connect to all the shared computer drives up until I tried to disable the homegroup provider on my netbook. When I did this I lost the ability to connect to other shared computers. I re-enabled the provider, however I still cannot see drives on other computers. I can now see my netbook on the other shared computers.
I finally found a "problem" with the Windows 8 desktop. Its a problem in Windows 7 too but I had never started a Homegroup. The darn icon won't move and you can't delete it. There is a Windows 7 fix for the problem at HomeGroup Desktop Icon - Add or Remove - Windows 7 Forums and it works with Windows 8.
If you want access to the Homegroup shortcut be sure to pin it to the start menu (I guess we call that the Start screen now) before you delete it.
I use the Windows Account to login to my 2 Windows 8 laptops (Lap1 and Lap2).
Lap1 - Has 1 Windows Account (Lap1Acc1) Lap2 - Has 1 Windows Account (Lap2Acc1)
In Lap2, the Windows Account Lap2Acc1 had few problem with "Trust this computer" as Windows never sent the code in the registered email. So I created a fresh new Windows Account (call this Lap2Acc2) with new email. I deleted the Lap2Acc1 from Lap2 using User Accounts and created a new user using Lap2Acc2.
Now the problem is. Before removing Lap2Acc1, I didn't leave the HomeGroup and so, for some unknown reasons, in both of my laptops, in the HomeGroup tabs I see these users
Lap1Acc1 Lap2Acc1 (this was removed from Lap2 as a user, but it still exists in the HomeGroup) Lap2Acc2
I'm using Win 8 Pro and i'm on a Private network which happens to be my Home Network. I'm having problem saving HomeGroup settings; I went through Change Advanced Sharing Settings then I checked Turn on network discovery and Turn on file and printer sharing, I clicked save and but when I return to the setting page again, the settings are not saved.
I've tried this several times but nothing seems to be working out. The same thing still happens when I go through Charms >> Change PC Settings >> HomeGroup >>Libraries and Devices.
I have a Desktop and a Laptop, both wirelessly connected to a router, and part of a HomeGroup. Sharing over HomeGroup works like a breeze. Occasionally I need to copy something large between the 2, so I connect an Ethernet cable.
To actually transfer the files, currently I have to : disconnect wifi from both, else step 3 won't work assign addresses to each of them, setting no gateway try to browse the network, upon which I can force the conversion of network type to private upon which I might still have to manually type in the IP address in UNC format ( have to authenticate as my user account on the other machine. Then I have to share the required folders... Sometimes "pulling" the files doesn't work, upon which I have to assign write permissions onto a folder on the destination computer and "push" the files. Ugliest thing I have encountered.
I hate this process with a passion, because I have to do it every time. I have no clue how or why Windows decides a particular network to be "Identified" or "Unidentified". I would like some way of forcing Windows to treat all PC-to-PC connections as private (this arrangement is obviously VERY private, about as private as it gets), so that sharing is enabled, and so that it is recognized as a part of the HomeGroup, and then if I change the order of preference to Ethernet > WiFi, I should be able to have it automatically transfer over WiFi+Ethernet, just WiFi, or just Ethernet depending on which link is up....
I'm setting up for the first time a Homegroup (on Windows 8.1) between laptop and desktop. So far, Im impressed with the speed of transmission from one computer to the other. However, I noticed that I can only access the C: drive as well as the Library stuff such as Music, Pictures, Desktop, Downloads, etc folders. I would like to be able to access from my laptop the OTHER DRIVES on my desktop PC. What's the best way to do this?
I have a big problem in homegroup configuration. To Clarify this is my set up:
Router is in the living room. Computer PC 1 connected via ethernet cable in the living room. Computer loptop 2 in bed room connected via wireless.
When computer 2 is connected via ethernet cable to router, homegroup is working and every thing is ok. but when use WiFi, I can't access to shared files.
My homegroup wont let me allow devices for some reason. I go to settings in the control panel and try to change it and the window just closes then I go to windows 8 settings in homegroup and I see this (attachment) and its grayed out and locked. What do I do?
I have a lenovo G505 laptop - it will no longer connect to my BT home hub despite it showing as being available. I suspect it might be to do with the fact that it is has a passkey - I entered it yesterday when prompted and it connected fine, but now I'm not being given the option of entering the key.
I've also tried connected using the BT wifi (as opposed to homehub) but once again it will not connect me. I've been through all the troubleshooting options, and searched under every term I can think of, but nothing is working.
I'm using Windows 8.1 Professional. After the update to 8.1, I can't connect to my network printer which is connected to a Windows XP Home machine. Everything was working before the upgrade. I can currently see, connect, access and modify files on all the computers. I keep getting a message that I don't have permission to access the printer and I can't access the permissions on the Windows XP computer. I'm also using a Windows 7 computer which has no problem accessing the printer.
I upgraded my Windows 8 PC to Windows 8.1 yesterday and I am unable to reconnect it to my Homegroup (comprising of 2 Win 7 machines) or in fact get any communication between the Win 8.1 machine and the Win 7 machines. Prior to upgrading the Win 8.1 was part of the Homegroup. From the Win 8.1 machine: it initially detects the Homegroup as shown below,
it then asks me to choose file types to share and then asks for the Homegroup password which is when I hit problems as shown below:
In advanced sharing I have all 3 network types set to discoverable.
As part of the debugging process I discovered that the Win 8.1 was not time synced to the others, when I attempted to sync the time from the various time servers in the Windows drop down box I found the Win 8.1 encountered errors and would not sync. I was eventually able to sync it to time-b.nist.gov.
The other odd thing is that the keyboard does not work properly, specifically the characters above the numbers on the numeric keys are not correct, for example press shift 2 gives # instead of @. Have a suspicion these 2 things are somehow related.