I am not finding a way to include my icloud email address in the Win 8.1 mail. I had Windows live mail, but the download to 8.1 has left me to see a dll is missing window when I try to view my mail. I like being able to sync my mail with devices...but it appears Win 8.1 may not allow it.
Due to changes of servers used by BT, we have had to reset all of the technology in the house, but I got stich when I looked at my laptop, as I could not find out how to change the details to start again even though its the same e-mail address.
I was used to using windows 7 but windows 8.1 is causing me some problems
I'm wanting to change the email address I use to log on to my system. Is there an easy way to do this or do I need to back up all my files and move them over to a new account?
How do I change the email address associated with my Windows 8 computer?
I got a new laptop with Windows 8 for Christmas. It was my first exposure to Windows 8 and I sailed through the installation/setup pretty quickly. Unfortunately, I've forgotten most of what I did and now I have a problem.
When I sign in to Windows 8, it shows me my main email address. But I've just moved and cancelled my account with that ISP. In another couple of days or weeks, the account will die and what will happen with regards to signing on to Windows 8. I assume I need to go to a website somewhere and re-register my laptop in some way to use a different email address.
Microsoft Account keeps rejecting my email address saying it must only contain letters, numbers etc. I used the same email address to register for this forum.
When I set up my computer, I accidentally made a typo in my email address. I'm trying to download some Microsoft software from the internet and this typo is causing me dramas because it's not a real email address and I can't go any further with downloads without verifying the email address by accessing a verification email in an email address that doesn't exist!!! Confused? Yup, me too.
It seems like such a simple thing but I cannot find a way to go back and change the administrator email address. I can't find an option to do so in account users. I have made a new account user using my real email address but... I just keep hitting brick walls.
So my new windows 8 laptop came today and as you can imagine I was very excited. Because of the excitement, whilst setting up my microsoft account I made 2 spelling errors in the email. Now that my pc has been set up and stuff, my microsoft account isn't because their activation email is going to an email address that doesnt exist...how do I change this bloody email to a correct one without having to redo everything...
So it just seemed to happen the other day but when I go to search for something in the address bar it would normally search bing, however I noticed today it searches my ISP which is charter.
I tried going tools>manage add-ons>search providers but bing is the only one listed. Is their another way to get my address bar in IE11 to search bing every time?
I have Windows 8 which I have been using for 4 months now with little problem.
Last night I noticed the internet address bar does not have previously typed urls there no more, all it has is the start page url. So, when you click on the down arrow at the far right of the screen to select your previously entered address like say google.com, it shows nothing. So now every time I wish to visit a previously viewed page, I have to type in the url.
How to import an address book from Thunderbird to Thunderbird? My hard drive crashed but I was able to recover the data. I just need to import it to the new Thunderbird.
As I'm used to having the address bar @ the top of the page, (like it is in the desktop version)..it looks like MS would have offered an option to do so in the 'metro' version. I hope that some user can come up with a 'hack' to get that done.
What has happened but loads of emails has been sent out to most people on my address book , i clean my puter every time I use it , I have done the scanning and everything ...
I finally managed to import all my contacts from roadrunner and Live to Outlook, but the contacts appear under PEOPLE. How do I get them to the address book so that when I click TO: to send an email the contacts appear?????
Since last Win 8 update Outlook 2003 no longer autofills the address. I erased the nst file and started a new nst file with each new email sent but it still will not autofill address. I also reinstalled Outlook 2003 and still no joy. Outlook also locks up for a few moments when I enter the first letter and try to autofill.
we run Exchange and have Office 2010. Is there a way to export the entire address book to a csv file that will include all information, such as mobile number? I messed with it, but the numbers were not exporting I only see names. Active Directory is where we add the information, then it syncs with exchange. Do I do it via the active director? If so, how? If via outlook, how? Again, I am wanting to be able to export all numbers attached to the name.
Why can I not sync my Global Address Book? When I add info via active directory, it updates in the GAB, not in the contact list, and the contact list is what shows on the phone....and is what we need to update as we add info!!!!! Why isn't this possible? That isn't "syncing" that is just refreshing what is already there! We have around 500 employees, and having to log into each of there emails and add new contacts manually is NOT ok.
How do I sync my droid with exchange's GAB? Like I said, I can copy all of the GAB to contacts, but that doesn't do anything? It doesn't update in there when you add or change information..
When I type something in Google chrome address bar how do i stop suggestions appearing in the address bar Ive gone into settings and advanced setting and unticked the things i am supposed to untick but nothing works I've gone on to extensions and added a history cleaner but this doesn't stop suggestions.
When I click on email links on websites, instead of my mail program coming up with the address in the "to" line, I get a mail sign in page. To avoid it, I have to right click and copy email address, then go to my mail program and paste it in.
I cannot remove my Windows Live email account so whenever I want to send email, I had to click on the "Gmail" tab first then compose email and I don't want this because it's somehow not efficient.
I use the default Windows 8.1 Mail client but I never used my Windows Live account.
Is there any ways to remove Windows Live email or at least make Gmail as the default email address on Windows Mail?
I have a Toshiba laptop and Windows 8.1 operating system. When I click on the Internet Explorer tile on the Start page, either the latest accessed application's webpage is displayed, or an error message saying that the website address not found. Therefore if I want to access a webpage, I cannot enter its address in the address bar of Internet Explorer. instead I hold down the Microsoft Logo and press s for search. I works, but I do not understand the contradiction between the error message and the fact that internet Explorer is actually working.
All instructions for adding an e-mail account to the mail app, say to go to Settings and click on accounts. When I click on Settings all I get is Change PC Settings, and there is no account option there.
I am running iCloud on multiple PC's. Everything was fine until I had it running on two 8.1 PC's, then I started having problems.
In total, iCloud was running on one Win 7 Pro PC and two Windows 8.1 PC's. My theory is that the two Windows 8.1 PC's were syncing via iCloud and Skydrive (or Onedrive) which is set up by default. But they were able to read each other's settings okay. But Win 7 doesn't have the same sync settings, so the bookmarks were being written in 8.1 and then multiplying in Win 7.
I'm not sure, but this is my theory. Running on all Win 7 is okay. Running on all Win 8.1 seems okay. But combining the two OS's with iCloud seems to cause some problems.
Why my mail keeps disappearing i use the normal mail app in win 8.1 and i keep moving mail i want to keep to a private folder but although i check to make sure it is there at a later date it is not, I only use this folder to store mail that i want to keep so it is not me deleting them by mistake.
How do I get an email program? I do not like Internet mail interface. I have roadrunner. The tech at the store said I could connect by Outlook but when I get to Outlook it wants my email and pw. There is no option to register. Sometimes when I try options in the Mail place I get a blank screen that won't close..there is no way to close it. I had to restart.
I have recently upgraded from XP to 8.1. Nightmare. I have dozens of issues but the main one exercising me at the moment is how to print only the first page of an email. I cannot find any options to do this. If there is an email thread extending to 34 pages, I only want to print the first page.
i use att yahoo mail when i click on an email address the mail program for windows 8 pops up i want the yahoo mail program to popup window instead like in windows 7 because it takes more than 3 minutes to receive my email on this mail program windows 8 has i want to change it i am using yahoo my email is with att
I have a new ASUS notebook and it uses Windows 8. On my home pc I have Windows Vista and was able to set up multiply email accounts in Window Live Mail. (my charter, my hubby charter, 2 school google accounts and yahoo).
I was able to read mail coming thru our main email acct (my charter), if an email came thru that needed to go to my hubbys account or another account I was able to drop and drag it to the other account listed on the screen.
I have most of my emails set up on my new ASUS notebook. Is there any way to drop and drag emails from one account to another? I can drag the email and hover over the new email account, but it does not drag it.