I uninstalled a program, the file is still in the program files (x86). When I deleted the file a message came up. "Folder in Use - The action can't be completed because the folder or a file in it is open in another program. Close the folder or file and try again." I keep trying and pressing the button again the same message. How do you delete the file?
I have this problem all the time. I try to delete a file that is not open and get the message in this screen capture. Usually (but not always) I can reboot and delete. What causes this and how can I prevent it?
i get this error when ever i try to delete those file from Windows.old (i just reinstalled my windows 8 pro), i tryed many thing including cmd, unlocker, etc. with no luck. Any ways to delete this 2 files?
.wav file that doesn't get deleted. After i hit enter various del commands don't get executed and the cmd prompt stops(doesn't let me type). This is frustrating because it is causing windows task to run excessively when it's folder(downloads) is open. [unlocker fixed it]
So i'm trying to delete this file i have in my downloads folder, which is a normal .avi file. however, this file is really broken, it wont delete. I suspect this file makes my folder not showing thumbnails and acting slow and sometimes wont show anything at all, just a loading bar thing.
i tried deleting with cmd prompt, while explorer.exe is off, but command prompt stops responding. i tried searching the folder for viruses, finds nothing. i tried downloading Unlocker to delete it, but ends up with unlocker stops responding. i tried quarantine the file, it gets into quarantine in NOD32 but the file is also still in my download folder, and NOD stops responding.
i get no message at all trying to delete it, it's just that nothing at all happens.
What is wrong with this file?! It plays fine though, just like a normal .avi file. Is there anything else i can try? cmd prompt and NOD32 don't get the windows "has stopped working" message, they just stop responding to me clicking any button in NOD32, or writing new text in cmd prompt. i can exit them as normal.
Windows 8.1 ... My anti-virus program is Bitdefender Total Security 2013. It has detected a virus called "Adware.DomaIQ.I". It has infected a file named "7-zip.exe". The anti-virus cannot delete the virus for some reason. I tried to delete the exe but I get denied saying that I need permission from the administrator even though I'm in the administrator account. I have checked and the drive and even the infected file says all users have full control.
Information Windows 8.1 Lenovo Thinkpad T530 Bitdefender Total Security 2013
Wav file that doesn't get deleted. After i hit enter various del commands don't get executed and the cmd prompt stops(doesn't let me type). This is frustrating because it is causing windows task to run excessively when its folder (downloads) is open.
The file usually has a name similar to V10009C.log. When this file first appeared I opened it with notepad and it was a bunch of jibberish (i.e. REDIRECTURL ), but within all that gibberish I was able to note that it was showing files I had recently accessed (i.e., V i s i t e d : "username"@ f i l e : / / / C : / W i n d o w s / S y s t e m / N e w % 2 0 f o l d e r/filename.extension).
I was able to "securely" delete the file. However, a few days later I noticed a new file appeared with a similar name. When I looked through that file it seemed to have all the previous information from the previous file I deleted and information on files I had accessed since deleting the old file. What this file is and how it keeps adding information of files accessed? I really do not want to have this file reach some absurd file size as it seems to be retaining / recovering information even after deletion. Also, there is a file in the same folder called WebCacheV01.dat that has grown to 33 mb. Can't see its contents and I can't delete.
I found a registry trick that is supposed to add an option to "delete on reboot" when you right click a file. To allow you to schedule files to be deleted when the computer restarts (incase they are currently in use and cant be). The registry edit looks like this:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT*shellDelete on rebootcommand]@="CMD /E:OFF /C REG ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentversionRunOnce /v "Del %1 OnNextReboot" /d ^"cmd.exe /c DEL /F /Q "%1"" /f""
A: how to edit the registry to make this trick work in windows 8 too.or if not possible B: how to remove the registry edit and take away the broken "delete on reboot option"
I need deleting a file in my print que. It says it's deleting the file but nothing happens and other files sent to the printer will not print. I haven't found much that is specific to Windows 8 64 bit with an internet search.
I was deleting old unused folders on my Desktop when I ran into this wma file called "Untitled1" that doesn't play.
I remember one point in time it was useable and worked normally, but for some reason it won't now.
I just want this annoying file gone forever and I've been trying to search up the error code it keeps giving me (Error 0x80070057), but no such luck in solving my problem.
I also searched up "How to delete undeletable files" and tried some things out, but none of the ones that seemed closest to my problem worked out...
Here is a picture of the error pop-up window I get when trying to permanently delete the file or move it: [URL]
The attrib +s +h command that is used to make a file a system and hidden file is no longer working. When i try to use the command on a folder, the folder just shows up as a normal hidden folder which can be easily viewed using show hidden items in view option. It looks as if every system file is not recognizing itself as a system file.
Also every folder in my system has appeared a desktop.ini and thumbs.db folder.
How to make the 'Libraries' folder structure appear when doing a file open file save. In both case I can see the folders labeled Desktop, Documents, Downloads, etc. but I cannot see the Libraries folder.
I don't know how I did it but I got both Windows 7 File Recovery and Windows 8 File History active at the same time. I upgraded from Win 7 to 8 Pro and transferred settings so win 7 file recovery was already active, when I tried to turn on win 8 file recovery I got a message saying I cant because win 7 FR was active. So I deactivated win 7 FR then activated win 8 FR, for giggles I went back and turned on win 7 FR and it worked. Now I have both active, from what I have read this was not possible. Did I break my OS or am I just lucky?
In Windows 8.0 File History, it had the nasty habit of duplicating your library files on your backup ( in my case, my external USB backup drive ( Replica 2 Terabyte ). By DUPLICATING, I mean they get copied over and over and over again... This happens to ALL of them, even though you have not touched the majority of them for YEARS. (File History is suppose to copy them over the FIRST time, then copy a new copy with a new name (old name plus date) if you edit the file in any way). I turned of file indexing on ALL my drives, except my C: drive, to see if that would stop it ( this is recommended in many threads on other sites ).
When in file explorer the zip icon under the share tab is not active. When I click on a simple folder, it does not highlight. If I right click on the folder and go to send to all I get is the dvd drive unless I shift right click first then a drop down of more selections appear but not send to compress. Is this something that need to be activated. I can un-zip a fle from the view tab.
I have an issue running a program that is contained in a self extracting zip that is supposed to run automatically.
The SFX files unzips the contents to a folder on my hard disk (no problem), but then tries to run another program (installer.exe) that is located in the extracted folder.
The program fromm inside the SFX runs fine if I set the compatibility to XP manually, but the problem is that the the SFX extracts the files to a different location each time it is run.
Is there a global way to make a program (installer.exe) run in compatibility mode wherever it exists?
I have been trying to add a .exe file to my Startup files. But for some reason the file does not run at the start up.Take a look at the screenshot to see the setup. cW8oETE.png
The paths which I did use are:
C:UsersDyonAppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsSt art MenuProgramsStartup C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsStartup
Is there another way to add files to the Windows 8.1 Startup files? I have done some research on Google but did not find anything.I have also tried adding a key to the register which did not work either.For the registery I have used both using the direct .exe and the .lnk file. wYMGhdU.png
I tried searching it on Google but didn't find anything, the backup file created in XP and Win7 is saved with .bkf file extension,
I want to know the same for the file history in Windows 8, what's the extension or the files are simply saved in the same directory structure with same file extensions as originals,
I have a folder called C:8e2766e5fa559c32dee2f00483e114 that contains a file called MPSigStub.exe. I can't delete it even though I've look at the 'take ownership' tutorials. Keep on getting '....require permission from IAIN-PCIain to make changes' error.
Is it possible to delete IE10 in Windows 8 Pro? I did try all the methods in the Internet that I can find to disable the IE10, (only disable the IE10 but not delete from the system), but it will not let me install IE9. I need the IE9 to work for the state reporting system.
I am having problems deleting a folder. I'm getting the message 'Could not find this item'. The error message gives the location as C:Users.......My Music
(I had a similar problem (but different location) before in Windows 7 and was able to delete it going to the 'Run' window, entering 'cmd', which brings up the 'Command Prompt' window).
I'm attempting to follow this procedure in Windows 8.
But in the command window after C:Users|.....> when I try to change to that folder using the command 'cd My Music' I get the reply 'path not found'.
There is an item listed on my all apps screen that does not even exist on my hard drive anymore. How do I go about removing it from the all apps screen?
For that matter, how do I go about organizing my all apps screen to my own preference?