Windows 8.1 ... My anti-virus program is Bitdefender Total Security 2013. It has detected a virus called "Adware.DomaIQ.I". It has infected a file named "7-zip.exe". The anti-virus cannot delete the virus for some reason. I tried to delete the exe but I get denied saying that I need permission from the administrator even though I'm in the administrator account. I have checked and the drive and even the infected file says all users have full control.
Windows 8.1
Lenovo Thinkpad T530
Bitdefender Total Security 2013
I accidentally made a Microsoft Account on windows 8. I deleted the account with microsoft, but when starting the pc there still a user (administrator) with the same deleted account name and requires password. I tried to remove the administrator account, to change it, etc, nothing works.
I have a game file that I have deleted/modified many, many times with no problem and now it seems I don't have permission to do so.
I used information from Take Ownership of a File, Folder, Drive, or Registry Key in Windows 8 to add the convenient "Take Ownership" option for files and I have ownership of the file in question.
It shows that I have "Full Control" over the file.
But when I try to delete the file I get:
When I click "Try Again" I get:
why I lost permission to do this all of the sudden and how do I make sure it doesn't happen again?
Win 8 Pro x64. I had to use my Administrator account today and then returned to my named Local/Admin one. Now, when I go to reboot, Windows gives a message that "Other people are logged on to this computer. Restarting Windows might cause them to lose data." What I don't find is a way to sign out of that Admin account. Is there, short of disabling it? Seems sort of a Catch-22.
So I was selling my computer to my grandmother, and my dad took it over to her house to set it up. He somehow managed to completely lock everything down. He created an account for her, but we never once were able to log into it. But he also deactivated me as an administrator.
So now I have my computer back, and I am trying to set up the accounts, but I cannot do anything as I am no longer an admin. From what I have gathered, im up the creek without a paddle!
How do I create an administrator account without an admin accoutn already in place?
I signed into my new HP laptop with the account I had for windows 8 on my desktop. This account is now the administrator for my laptop. I do not want to keep the laptop and I want to remove the account from the laptop. I've followed many instructions but cannot delete the account as it doesn't give me the option to delete this account.
I've mistakenly changed my guest account to administrator and my previous administrator account to local account in Windows 8. Now I'm unable to remove the guest account as administrator or switch it off.
I have only one user account which has now become local account.
How to become administrator if your using a guest account, I lost and forgot my password in administrator and can't access to my files, my problem I need to retrieve my files, I can't download any application because they ask password administrator. What can I do? . I'm using windows 8 OS.
I have a 2-month-old Dell Inspiron 15 notebook running Windows 8.0, and trying to upgrade to 8.1. I have plenty of HD space and 4GB memory. I have 2 user accounts, one with admin designation. I want to change the admin to the other, but I cannot. When I try to change the user accounts, I get a message requiring the account with admin to OK any changes.
When I enter that account's password, I get a message that the password is incorrect. I changed the password in the "reset password" site online, but that password doesn't work in the change users part of the PC. So I am stuck. Right now, I cannot affect any changes to the system, because that requires the OK of the admin user account, and that in turn requires a password, which seems not to match the password that I entered for that account.
Just performed a clean install of Windows 8 Pro. x64 on a new system. As soon as Windows finished installing, I opened secpol.msc, enabled the built-in administrator account, rebooted and deleted the first account I made during Windows setup and am now using the built-in administrator account as my main account. I don't care if the Metro apps. don't work.
What I want though is a way to change the account picture for this built-in administrator account. When I go into the Metro UI, click on the my username at the top right of the screen and click on "Change account picture", nothing happens.
When I go into the desktop then Control Panel -> User Accounts, there is no option to change the account picture.
How to change the user account picture for the built-in administrator account?
I have the following issue, i am using Windows 8 administrator account and in it when i try to resize any open window on the desktop - browser, program, explorer, it shows where it will be resized without actually showing content inside until it is resized. Opposing to normal user account with administrative privileges where when you resize something it is instantly shown inside the window so you can see how it will look with that size.
I only have one account on my computer, which appear to be "Build-in Administrator". I can do everything on my computer, but the only thing that I can't is open all the programs that It came by default when you install the Windows 8 Pro (messaging, music, new, photos, videos, weather, reader, skydive, sport, store, camera, travel, games and etc).
Every time I tried to open one of them it says:
"Photos (or any) can't be opened using the Build-in Administrator Account. Sign in with a different account and try again".
i have recently migrated to Windows 8 from Win7 Pro and am coming to grips with the elevated security MS has dropped on us.Either by design or accident when i installed Windows 8 i made my account a standard account not an Admin account.
Following the steps outlined on this site, which has been highly useful, i have learned that the home edition of Windows 8, which i have, is rather more useless in changing many settings that were taken for granted in win7.
My issue in changing my account to an admin account is after successfully activating the admin account and signing into that, the changes i make in that account to my standard account, are not saved or reflected when i log back into my standard (or what should now be an admin) account.
My standard account remains a standard account no matter how many times i log into the admin account and change the account type.I am more than frustrated by the lack of ease Windows 8 has infused into what should be a simple process of having my account be the administrator account.
The in-built account on my laptop has been somehow disabled and now I can't install any programs as it keeps asking for admin password even though it is disabled and I can't seem to re enable it.
I have an administrator account created for Window 8.
How do i manage the Pop up for UAC? Everytime i run app/install app, it asks for username and password for admin. But i am sure, the account is an admin account?
How come come administrator account can change the password of the LOCAL ADMINISTRATOR account (default admin)?
Windows 8.1 and I have noticed that even after setting my (online) Microsoft account as Administrator, and disabling UACP, many actions still require me to "Allow" them.
So my question is, can I tun that so called "Microsoft Admin Account" to behave just like built-in Administrator one so I don't get those annoying prompts ? If not, is there a way to make everything on my PC run as Admin ?
I know how to set Admin right on a per-app basis, but that's not what am looking for, as I am the only one using this PC. And want to keep using my "Online" account coz I sync a lot of things.
I had uninstalled Windows 8 and reverted to W7. After regreting it, I went back to Windows 8 and I have been installing updates and stuff. It's all back to "normal". There is one thing that is bothering me though: When I've tried to add a picture to my administrator user account. By the way, I AM the only user and the option to browse and camera are grayed out.
I'm currently using Windows 8.0. Would like to check if it is possible to allow a particular software to be run as Administrator, even when I am using a "standard account", without the need to enter the administrator password everytime I open it? Essentially like making an exception to allow the software to make changes to system while in a standard account.
Reason being, I am using a Standard account, but do not know the administrator password. But there is this particular program that I am required to use, but everytime I open it will prompt if I would like to Run as Admin. And if I click No to that, some functions will not be workable in the program.
So I had enabled the Administrator account for a bit, then went back in and Disabled it after I created a second account that had administrator privileges. Now under Network I still see 2 Media servers, listed under media Devices, for this computer.
1. Computer Name: Administrator 2 Computer Name: My E-mail account, the active account I am using
How to remove the listed Administrator Account since it is not needed, and no longer active?
one of my computer is in workgroup. The user has forgot his password, how to login to administrator account and reset his password. or is there anyway to reset the password
how to make anything else installed windows 8.1.1, and have enabled administrator account. (net user administrator /Active: yes).I do not want after install, oblige me to create a user account.
My brother accidentally changed the properties of the administrator account to standard account and after that i'm not able make any changes in the computer...i tried the command thing and it did not work...
I have win 8 when running apps in "run as administrator" and when running most of apps, windows give me this message:
" do you want to allow the following program to make changes to this computer? . . . to continue, type an administrator, password and click yes. "
but yes button in deactive and there is not any password field to fill it.
I dont know in which type is my user account ?? standard or administrator?now I can't do many of actions in windows for this reason and can't enable administrator account and switch to it.
I know of the basic way to make a program run as an admin (rightclick, Properties -> Compatibility - > Run this program as an administrator)
Prob I have found out, If I put the .exe on another site for someone to download, when they download it to their PC, or if I just simply move the .EXE to another part of the PC, the admin rights are taken off.
If there a way to keep the "Always run as an administrator" on there at all times.
I purchased a Inspiron 17 7737 directly from [URL] on 12/5/2013. It was delivered on 12/182013. It had Windows 8 as the operating system. I had assumed that it would have the latest version of Windows when it arrived since 8.1 had been issued in October. I opened the Store app and the upgrade to Windows 8.1 was not available to me. I understood that this was a problem for others and did not pursue it further at that time. I was out of town for 2 weeks in January and did not use the laptop during that 2 week period. When I returned, I opened the Store and found prominently placed the invitation to the free upgrade to 8.1. I was signed in using the Administrator account and when I hit the download button for 8.1. I was given the message "You need to use an account with Administrator privileges to install Windows 8.1, try logging in with the user account of an administrator of this PC and try update again".
I verified that my account had Administrator privileges and tried again and got the same message. I created another user account and gave it administrator privileges and tried the download again signed in on that account and got the same message. I called technical support and for over 5 hours over 2 different days, the technician attempted to resolve the issue by uninstalling and reinstalling Windows updates. When that failed to resolve the problem, he "refreshed" my PC which, I understood put it back to the status it was in at time of delivery. He then had to do all the Windows updates (approximately 65) and tried to download 8.1 again.
This did not change the error message when trying to download to 8.1. At that point, I was told that they were elevating it to a technical team who would research all the logs from my machine and come up with a solution. They indicated that they would call me back when a solution is found. Although my Administrator account was not recognized when attempting to do the 8.1 download, it recognized the Administrator role when the technician needed administrative approval to do all the uninstall and reinstall activities when trying to resolve the issue.
How can I delete admin account which I have created by accident? My main account is live account and I don't want any other accounts on my laptop. Is this possible or I have to reinstall Windows?
Also, how can I manage for my main account to have all permissions?
It should be as easy as deleting the picture, but it's not... nothing is as easy as it should be in this train wreck. How do you delete an old account picture? I've tried just replacing it, but that turns into a whole puzzle you need to unravel first. If you pick the picture you want to replace, you would think that you would make it the big one of the 3, but you'd be wrong... that would make too much sense. If you hit browse and pick a new picture, the big one moves to the right and the new picture becomes the big one. Eventually you end up with 3 pictures and you get stuck in a sort of Rubic's Cube just trying to get the picture you want. This is some really bad software. Even the most die-hard M$ defenders have to know it, whether they want to admit it or not. So... how do you remove all the old pictures and only have the one you want.