I was able to right-click a shortcut to a file on my desktop, click properties then change the icon. Its not working like that now. The icon won't change. Also, I use to have an Icon changer and manager program years ago. Any new program today that will change and manage my icons?
I need to have a shortcut in file explorer go down a list of three targets and pick the first that works. Since I need this for about ten folders, it isn't really efficient to use separate shortcuts and just test which one is working at the time. The problem is that the name of the target is always changing and can sometimes take a month to go back to the original name. I could also use a way of giving the file another name [so one file with two names]. are any of these possible.
If not, is there another file manager I can use with these capabilities.
I'm installing all my programs on Windows 8.1 and I'm finding that most of my desktop shortcuts will give me an error whenever I try to run them. Every time a program creates a desktop shortcut the icon changes to this default icon. One thing to note is I have changed the default program files destination folder to my HDD D drive and also kept a SSD C drive program files folder. However no matter what drive I select to install it gives me an error "path is not specified".
Creating a sleep shortcut. It works great but I would like to make one minor change. Instead of waking computer by using the power button, is there a way that I can go back to waking with the keyboard (like it is if I sleep from start menu). I changed the power settings and everything to disable hibernate as well.
Upto Windows 8 it was easy to change the folder that would open on clicking a Windows Explorer shortcut. All that was needed was to change the target in the Property Sheet to the desired folder.
In Windows 8.1 this is not possible. On opening the Shortcut Property Sheet the target Text Box contains "File Explorer" which is greyed out and can't be changed. My question is how to change the shortcut target in textbox from "File Explorer" to "My Documents" or the R: Drive as in my case?
My laptop has an HD screen, 1920x1080 to be exact. Some of my desktop icons are out of focus and blurry, but others aren't. At first I assumed that those icons were not compatible with an HD screen or something, but then some of them fixed themselves. Others are still blurry.
Windows 8. All I want to do is pin a desktop icon to the taskbar. I've gone to every app on this pc, right clicked, left clicked, middle finger clicked, nose clicked, no luck.
Don't want to over simplify, but wouldn't it be great if one of those computer guru's had thought of this instruction?
"To put a desktop short cut on the task bar, right click on desktop and select pin to taskbar" or "just drag that huge desktop icon in windows to the taskbar"?
I am trying to edit my host file, but the system is telling me that I need to be an administrator, when I am the administrator. I made an attachment in word with screen shot for you to see.
I observe Windows 8 use different font now and I can't find the old fashioned dialog for detailed customizing all desktop elements like it was used up to Windows 7. The display control panel only offers change size on couple of basic elements. Also, any hint turning off smooth scrolling of list and combo boxes, it's annoying slow.
But when I right-click on an item, and point to Send to, it doesnt have Desktop (Shortcut) features
I followed some instruction on the internet (shell:sendto and create Desktop (create shortcut).desklink but it's still missing (
Now I realize that my Windows 8.1's version is a Lite version (using WinReducer8.1). Someone who create this version had removed Windows Mail (Send To Desktop Shortcut) so every solution on the Internet is impossible to solve. Finally I have to reinstall an offcial windows and STD is back
I'm really particular about the way I use my desktop and what I would like to do is force the network flyout to appear when I hover over the right edge of my monitor.
Normally this flyout appears when you click the network connections icon in the tray but I am looking for a way to bypass clicking the icon. The end result should be the network connections flyout appearing with no mouse clicks or key presses.
I can simplify the request: I would like a piece of software that will allow me to perform custom functions based on whether or not I hover over a region of the desktop for a set amount of time.
I wonder is it possible to click on an app, a tile or anything else connected to the start page side of windows 8 and be able to put it a short cut or Icon on the desktop page for it, so it can be opened from the desktop.
I am using IE11.x for my default browser but have a site that I go to often that requires Chrome. I am wondering if there is a way to set a desktop shortcut for the specific url and have that url opened in chrome while keeping IE as my default browser?
So I have a high res display on my laptop and the File Explorer looks like the fuzzy poop you get. Usually you right click the app in the task bar, then right click the name, click compat tab, and then disable dpi scaling, but the compat tab is missing for some reason for File Explorer and only that app. So it looks fuzzy and crappy.
Setting up a new 8.1 PC for a customer. He was 97 years old on the 11th and still computer active.
Obviously, not going to get him accustomed to the new Metro tile format. Installed Start8. I want to be able to place a couple of shortcuts to the Desktop from the Game apps, mainly the Microsoft Solitaire Collection. (I have him setup with a Microsoft account.)
This is a simple executable shortcut that you can pin to the taskbar or use on the desktop to enter the Start Screen, the only reason I made this is for use with Tihiy's StartIsBack as he enabled the Right Win Key to enter the Modern UI Start Screen instead of the Desktop Start Menu, unfortunately I don't have a Right Windows key so this seemed like a good solution instead of having to use the Charms Bar.
It is just one line of code that I made with Autoit and I added a Windows 8 logo Icon
Also I would just like to mention that I did not come up with this idea, there was already one very similar but it was set for the left Win key and that was useless for me, original mod can be found here [URL]
My parents borrowed my laptop, and somehow deleted the desktop app that brings up your desktop from the new Windows 8 start menu.
I've tried to get it back but it looks like they deleted it right from the computer, is there any way to get it back?
There is usually a big rectangle that says desktop, and when you click it your desktop comes up, but we can't seem to figure out how to find it and put it back!
I am currently on 8.1. I can't figure out what else I have to do, to save a config file to the root of C. It's an old application, and that's where the config needs to go.
I am worried that the medicine is worse than the illness in this problem - all the messing around with ownership might have damaged my windows installation.
Who needs to be the owner of what, on C: for me to simply save a file there?
My user is already the owner, and it's an admin user. I propagated across C: and then added System and Trusted installer with Full admin access.
Yet i STILL cannot write to C: Getting message: Error 0x80070522: A required privilege is not held by the client.
What more do I have to do, to write to my own c: drive on my own computer.....
Anyway, I'm curious about making file shortcuts between hard disk. Example, real folder is in D: drive. I want to make a shortcut for that particular folder in E: drive. Is this possible?
I want to have an icon(shortcut) on my start screen that opens a rom file with the emulator with just one click. Is that possible? This way I could have every single game(rom) on the start screen to choose from instead of going to desktop, open the emulator and select(search ) the rom.
It happened after my computer froze and I had to press the restart button manually. To be honest my desktop is loading up slower too. My desktop doesn't have a black wallpaper, it's original and blue hence why I am confused.
I have created a shutdown shortcut on my Win 8.1 tablet that works nicely.
My tablet has a physical button on the side that is used to put the tablet into instant sleep mode. You press the button and the tablet immediately turns off (goes to sleep). You press the button again and the tablet immediately turns on again (comes out of sleep).
I would like to create a shortcut on my desktop (NOT the Metro start screen) that will function the same way the physical button does, that is, the tablet will immediately turn off (goes to sleep).
Someone posted something close, but not quite the same thing; ....powrprof.dll.SetSuspendState Sleep. When I create a shortcut with the above code the tablet actually *shuts down*. I know this because when I press the power button the tablet goes through the cold start up routine.
I would like the shortcut to do EXACTLY the same thing that happens when I press the power button on the tablet; go *immediately* into sleep. And pressing the power button after that should turn the tablet *immediately* back on.
I'm using Windows 8.1 and it's modern internet browser (which opens in full screen etc etc), just because it's fast (I tested it, faster than anything else) and looks great. My problem is not THAT big, but if there is an solution I'd like to hear it.
How can I pin this modern browser to my desktop, or taskbar (down there y'know) as a shortcut?
I've been reading some threads that say - it CANNOT be done,
other threads that say: - IT CAN be done with some Registry Editing or something,
and some say - it CAN be done with Metro App link (I tested it, great app but won't include Explorer)
Is it possible to do it with regedit? And if so, I'd like to know how and what is the exact path to create a shortcut (I'm not THAT good with reg editing)
The other day my son stepped on my laptop and messed up the screen. Now when it starts up I get red lines going across the screen, but can still see the bios info and the windows logo and spinning dots when Windows loads just fine, however when Windows starts I just have a blank screen. Obviously the screen was damaged, but it seems to display the lower resolution okay. I just can't lower the resolution in Windows since I can't see what I'm doing. Plugging in an external monitor doesn't work, there's no output there. Is there way to change the resolution settings if I take it the hdd and plug it into another computer as an external drive? The laptop is an Intel cpu and my other machine is an AMD cpu, so I don't think just trying to boot the laptop hard drive in the desktop would work.
Am "using new HP laptop 2000-2d27dx Windows 8.1. Only way I shutdown or restart is going to "charms" panel - Settings - then click Power off icon and choose Sleep, Shutdown or Restart. Is there a way to put a SHORTCUT for Shutdown and Restart on the desktop and/or the Start screen?
I have added some websites shortcut on my metro desktop; i.e. youtube, Yahoo mail etc. I would like to change the picture on this shortcut Icon.. Is it possible..