Browsers/Mail :: How To Stop Automatic Start Up Of Email
Jul 24, 2013
I know you can sign off but when someone else gets on your computer emails open up for all to see.Is there any way to set it up so you can only view emails by signing in.
Likes to use the Windows 8 Start Screen that has all the tiles on it. Normally, she clicks on the "Mail" icon to get to her email, but now when she clicks on the icon it doesn't go to her email and instead it goes straight to her desktop. I tried clicking another icon; the "weather" one, and it too goes to the desktop. She told me she downloaded a couple games from iWin a few days ago and I noticed a new toolbar in her browser so I tried disabling that, but no change. I've checked what the default browser is, Internet Explorer (what she normally uses). I also tried making Chrome the default browser but still no change.
Latest Java updates (64bits and 32bits) work for a while then stop with no warning. Be it HTML chat rooms -not loading- or embedded videos or whatever else. That is on ALL browsers not just IE. Opera, Chrome, Firefox....they all stop working.
(on a strange note, trying to play an embedded video in Opera will result in Opera downloading it rather than playing it)
I shut down all anti viruses, turned off the windows firewall. Uninstalled and reinstalled javas. Even went as far as a full system refresh after which Java again worked for a while then stopped again.
When ever I click a mailto link in either Chrome, IE, Firefox and Opera it opens up a new chrome browser window. Before I installed windows 8 I had it opening up Outlook 2010 new email, now it opens up a new Chrome browser window.
How do I change it in windows 8 to when I click a link in any browser to open up Outlook 2010 new email as it did before?
When I click on email links on websites, instead of my mail program coming up with the address in the "to" line, I get a mail sign in page. To avoid it, I have to right click and copy email address, then go to my mail program and paste it in.
I cannot remove my Windows Live email account so whenever I want to send email, I had to click on the "Gmail" tab first then compose email and I don't want this because it's somehow not efficient.
I use the default Windows 8.1 Mail client but I never used my Windows Live account.
Is there any ways to remove Windows Live email or at least make Gmail as the default email address on Windows Mail?
All instructions for adding an e-mail account to the mail app, say to go to Settings and click on accounts. When I click on Settings all I get is Change PC Settings, and there is no account option there.
When I type something in Google chrome address bar how do i stop suggestions appearing in the address bar Ive gone into settings and advanced setting and unticked the things i am supposed to untick but nothing works I've gone on to extensions and added a history cleaner but this doesn't stop suggestions.
Why my mail keeps disappearing i use the normal mail app in win 8.1 and i keep moving mail i want to keep to a private folder but although i check to make sure it is there at a later date it is not, I only use this folder to store mail that i want to keep so it is not me deleting them by mistake.
How do I get an email program? I do not like Internet mail interface. I have roadrunner. The tech at the store said I could connect by Outlook but when I get to Outlook it wants my email and pw. There is no option to register. Sometimes when I try options in the Mail place I get a blank screen that won't close..there is no way to close it. I had to restart.
another one of those annoying little things, how to stop the annoying Checking Compatibility Ad ons pop up every time I open Firefox. I dont want it, dont need it - so where do I 'switch' it off? I have check through settings cant see it anywhere.
I have recently upgraded from XP to 8.1. Nightmare. I have dozens of issues but the main one exercising me at the moment is how to print only the first page of an email. I cannot find any options to do this. If there is an email thread extending to 34 pages, I only want to print the first page.
i use att yahoo mail when i click on an email address the mail program for windows 8 pops up i want the yahoo mail program to popup window instead like in windows 7 because it takes more than 3 minutes to receive my email on this mail program windows 8 has i want to change it i am using yahoo my email is with att
I have a new ASUS notebook and it uses Windows 8. On my home pc I have Windows Vista and was able to set up multiply email accounts in Window Live Mail. (my charter, my hubby charter, 2 school google accounts and yahoo).
I was able to read mail coming thru our main email acct (my charter), if an email came thru that needed to go to my hubbys account or another account I was able to drop and drag it to the other account listed on the screen.
I have most of my emails set up on my new ASUS notebook. Is there any way to drop and drag emails from one account to another? I can drag the email and hover over the new email account, but it does not drag it.
Windows 8 sucks big time. It reminds me of Win Millennium Edition. I have Outlook (actually all the Office Suite 2013).
In the Windows Explorer I cannot right click & send to an email. It just shows blank. And forget about reinstalling the whole thing, I don't buy that type of solution. Can't compute.
In Regedit, I have the same parameters shown above.
When I save & send using Excel 2013, Outlook just crashes.
I have a Gmail account and signed it in on windows mail program I know that Gmail let me to send 25MB attachment with my emails When I try to send an email with more than one attachment which is only 7MB at all, I face this error: "problem with windows messenger program, check with your provider for more info" and also this happens when I try to send them in a compressed folder. then I have to send them one by one... what is the problem?
I got a new computer but this HP printer does not have drivers for widows 8. (and don't have $100.00 to replace it yet). so I need to move this email to this pocket USB hard drive thing so I can take it to the XP computer. Once there I've got it made as I've been using XP for years and can do everything I need. I just need to move this email.
I use a gmail POP account to get my emails from my ip.
I want to be able to save an email to my local hard drive as txt or htm
When I tell EI 11 to Save as.. .txt, the file is unreadable.
When I save it as an htm and open it I'm sent to the gmail login but gmail seem to hang for a long time at login. I don't get to the inbox at all and need to close IE. How to save web mail to my hard drive?
I am trying to set up a new Toshiba Satellite C55 laptop. It has Windows 8.1 installed. The mail app has been uninstalled. I can go to the Windows store where the Mail app is a free download, but you have to be registered to download it. They require you to verify your e-mail address as a part of the registration procedure but the only computers I have with that address are running Windows XP so the verify box in the query will not work. In other words I can't set up an e-mail account since I don't have the Mail app and can't down load the free Mail app since I don't have e-mail in a Windows 8 or 8.1 machine.
I occasionally receive email attachments with a .doc extension that Windows Live Mail considers to be dangerous and has, therefore, deactivated. I recognise I can free the attachment by dragging it to the desktop or going to Home>Junk>Safety Options...>Security in Windows Live Mail and unchecking the box adjacent to 'Do not allow attachments that could potentially be a virus to be saved or opened'. However, in whatever application I try to open the file, nothing meaningful appears - it comprises hieroglyphics.
I have a POP3 email address (Tiscali) I have set it up on "outlook". I can send and receive Emails ok but cannot find an option to get a tone to sound when a new Email arrives.
I have looked at the Laptop's "Sounds" and found that the 2 items referring to Email Notifications are both set to use the Default sound. My volume is turned fully up. Sounds from Iplayer are ok.
I have Goggled for a solution but the methods suggested cannot work because the options are not viable.
My mail account is working perfectly OK except this morning I received an email - junk mail! (but just plain text) that I now can't get rid of.
I highlighted the email, clicked on the delete icon on the top right and in greyed briefly but remains in my inbox. Unfortunately Microsoft have seen fit to stop us manually dragging the file to the delete folder and has done away with the drop down menus that allowed us to do so much in the past.
Found similar problem deleting an email stuck in the Outbox, but no luck. The message remains!
Just updated my desktop and it came installed with Windows 8.1. Previously used Vista & XP. Thought I had set up user accounts etc correctly. Have a Hotmail and talktalk account supposedly installed but now my talktalk email looks totally different from Vista and will receive but will not reply or send. I log into it through 'google/talktalkmail otherwise using the mail icon it opens just like Hotmail and I have only my limited hotmail contacts. Where to access various settings etc. I do not have a 'start button' ...
Somehow I have 2 junk folders in my Mail app on win 8.1. One is a bogus folder that I did not create. How can I delete it? I tried and nothing happens.
Getting to grips with windows 8.1 on a new laptop having been used to XP Pro and Outlook Express
Anyway, I have a real bugbear with the mail app. e.g. I receive an email with an attachment, I click on attachment to open it, it opens in desktop (why?), once attachment has been read/filed or whatever and I close/delete it I'm stranded on the desktop (again why?), I then have to go through several button pushes (start/Mail app/mail account/open email) just to get back to where I was when I opened the email originally.
Surely there must be a simpler solution, am I missing something, is there a way to set it up so that when the attachment is closed it takes you straight back to where you were in the mail app?
Or is this just one of those Windows8 'quirks'......