I have a new lap top with windows 8 .I do not know how to see the time and date. It suddenly appears on lower left for some reason but I cannot see where to access it when I want it.
Windows 8.1 ... Noticed shortly after upgrading the Asus VivoTab Smart to Windows 8.1 (from Windows 8) -- that sometimes the system's date and time will be incorrect after a shut-down, turn on cycle. Sometimes the clock is as fast as three hours, but others much longer. Interestingly, if you go into PC Settings > Time & Settings and then toggle off the "Set time automatically" option, and then toggle it back on, the time and date are immediately corrected. However, the time would again be wrong after a shutdown. If the tablet is restarted, though, the time is correct again.
THE SYSTEM: Windows 8.1 (upgraded from Windows Store). Intel Atom processor.
1. Stopped the Windows Time service, registered it again and restated it. The issue remained. I entered the desktop and clicked on the time in the lower right-hand corner of the screen. From here I confirmed the time zone was correct and changed the date and time. That fixes the problem during the current session, but the time/date are again wrong on reboot.
2. Tried Safe Mode. In Safe Mode, the time is correct and stays correct.
3. Tried Clean Boot. In Clean Boot, with all non-Microsoft services disables, the issue returns and the time is wrong again.
THE BREAKTHROUGH THAT BEGS FOR AN ANSWER: While reading this thread, I read up on Windows 8's Fast Startup. Just on a lark, I went into the Power settings area of the Control Panel and turned off Fast Startup. Now the clock is correct. There's a downside , of course, to this in that shutdown and startup is notably slower.
The tablet now keeps perfect time -- but cannot have Fast Startup - which is a bummer for a tablet.
QUESTIONS: 1. Is this is hardware issue? Asus is offering an RMA -- but hate to add to a landfill when this is fixable with software. 2. Is there a way to check the BIOS clock on a Windows 8.1 tablet ? I believe it's a UEFI system.... 3. Is there a way to fix this so fast startup can be used -- and have correct time? 4. Is this a known issue? 5. Is there a way to make sure the Windows Time service is activated in a Fast Startup.
Either way, the other day I accidentally removed the date and time from the bottom right hand corner of the Windows 8 taskbar. I did this when i was trying to set the time from the Windows defaulted US Pacific Time to US Eastern Standard Time. How to get it back on the taskbar. Why my Java location on my computer is saying that it is "corrupted". I think it is related to Windows 8 upgrade.
I have saved numerous files to my hard drive which I am now going back through in trying to put the proper dates that they were made (most of them are audio files; but there are definitely files from every category) and for the most part, I am able to get all of the information that I needed just by right clicking on the file, scrolling down to "Properties" and then selecting the "Details" tab. Nevertheless, for some reason, a good 25-40% of them show a completely inaccurate date. So my question is: any failsafe/foolproof way of finding the correct date in question and on top of that, knowing whether or not that date is actually legitimate; whether that be with the use of some outside program, a command prompt, or some other shortcut?
I recently installed Windows 8 Pro on my Acer Aspire 5515 notebook. I set the time and date on the desktop clock, and every time I log in, the time and date are wrong and I have to reset them again. I have a dual boot setup with Windows 8 on one partition, and Ubuntu 12.10 on the other.
It doesn't appear to be an issue with the hardware of my computer, because the time and day stay set in Ubuntu. Some time ago, I was running a boot time diagnostic, and I got a warning the the was not timer connected to the apic...but that's all I could read before the message disappeared, I researched what I could and learned that this could and learned this had something to do with a physical component of my processor or related to my processor, but was unable to find out any more. As far as I know, this is the only hardware problem I have, and I thought this might be the cause of my erratic time/date.
1. My keyboard cant properly type in " without me inputting another input. so everytime i wanna type in " i need to click space just to make it appear. how do i make it normal?
2. My date and time keeps changing and it makes me lose track of time quite a lot. its already set to automatic internet time, but it keeps changing still. i keep changing it back, resyncing and stuff. How to make it stop?
Instead of storing my photographs on the C drive on my Windows 8 machine, I have them on a powered USB hard drive which is always attached to my PC. In the My Pictures folder in Windows (C:users[name]My Pictures) I've created a shortcut to the photos folder on my USB hard drive. This works fine when I navigate to it using Explorer or any other file exploring software.
However, when I use a photo editing application such as GIMP2, click Open and navigate to the My Pictures folder on my C drive, the shortcut folder is not shown. Other image folders which are actually in that folder are shown. To see the shortcut folder I need to change what is shown from 'All images' to 'All files'. When I do this I can then see the 'My Pictures - Shortcut.lnk'but if I then try and open that folder I receive an error message saying that opening the shorcut failed: unknown file type.
Why this should be? Similar behaviour is exhibited in Photoshop Express. When I select my pictures folder, the folders that are physically in C:users[name]My Pictures are shown but not my shortcut folder so there seems to be no way of accessing the photos on my USB hard drive. Another image editing app I have also ignores the My pictures shortcut folder, so I think it's a Windows thing rather than a problem with the individual apps.
I'm having a problem with windows 8 photo app. All of my images in my local drives are not showing in the photo app. It Says " All your photo sources are hidden. To show some, change your settings."
Recent apps (top left corner) list still functions as normal, yet selected "tabs" are invisible whilst taking up the same amount of screen space for its click function. (If I hover over the top left, and move my mouse out just a little, i can still click / right click as though it was still visible.) when there are multiple options, the unselected tabs still show an outline visible with a transparent midsection
I am unsure what might have knocked the colour out of the app switching thing (or whatever I might call it, a name for what I am looking has been aloof,) maybe a windows update, or my graphics. i tried rolling back my graphics to no avail. Perhaps it is some arbitrary setting.
The photo app is not displaying any library or file. Whenever I open any picture it opens in the PHOTO app but there is no next or previous feature. That's why I tried to include that folder (from which I want to see the photos) in my picture library. I included the folder into the picture library by right clicking on the folder and selecting the INCLUDE IN LIBRARY option and then PICTURES and the folder get included in it. I checked it manually. But the photo app is still not showing any single thing. its only written there IT'S LONELY IN HERE WITHOUT PHOTOS.
I just upgraded our computer to Windows 8, but it crashes during a Skype session. I installed the Windows 8 desktop version of Skype, not the app version. I need the small window on top of the screen, and this is only possible with the desktop version, not with the Windows 8 app version!!
I already reinstalled Skype, but the problem persists.
I purchased a new laptop with Windows 8 OS pre-installed and SKYPE application pre-installed as well.
This new way of Skype behavior is very annoying. How I may return into classical use of Skype, as it was in Windows XP and Windows 7, where I had a Skype shortcut on my desktop and clicking the Shortcut opens the Skype application directly in the desktop.
When Skype in Windows 8 opens in a new lay out feature is very uncomfortable and unfamiliar. how to get back to the previous classical way of behavior for Skype.
I just recently purchased a Skype number and I have a few emails telling me that I have a new voice message and I should sign into Skype to listen to them.
So I signed into the metro style Skype app on windows 8.1 but could not find voice messages. I tried on the surface rt app but no option for voice messages. I tried logging into the Skype website and again could not find my messages.
So how does one listen to their voice messages in Skype?
ok basically, if you look at the pic im providing, you can see how skype is grouping multiple windows in the taskbar consistantly and its the only program thats having this issue
I just bought a computer with Windows 8 and I have a little problem.
Skype and Messenger are together now. It's ok. But my Messenger contacts are on Skype AND on the app Messages. And when one of them send me a message I receive it on both Skype and Messages apps.
How can I change this ? Can I juste disable Messages app ?
I've been having an issue that popped up today. Out of nowhere, my game (age of empires 2 HD) froze for no reason, my audio cut out completely (was listening to youtube in the background), and my skype crashed, along with videos on youtube not able to be watched anymore (they would sit at 0:00 and never advance). I also tried to launch another game after this, and it crashed immediately. My flash plugin also crashes as well. I have had this computer for about a year, and although I've had bluescreens, I've never had this issue.
So far, I have tried restoring my computer to a previous setting. This works for a few hours, but then it reverts back to the crashing of games/videos/skype.
Edit: just incase this could be relevant, I was experiencing BSOD's early after I bought this computer. Here is a thread from the BSOD section about it: WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR on new system
i come across a little issue with windows 8, skype stops responding then once skype stops responding everything else just laggs with it, but by the time i get windows taskmanager open to close other apps it just responds normally. is there a way i can speed up windows 8? i stopped about 14 apps from startup that i thought was the problem then my computer just came up with the same not responding thing for windows 8 skype desktop application not background application, is it because i have a third party app for microsoft ? or should i swich back to the default skype? i don't like the default skype but if i have to use it i will. if there is any tweaks to make windows 8 apps always respond quicker
Have Skype on windows surface, however sometimes when I answer the camera doesn't turn on but I can hear voice. I believe it might be might be that I have two different versions on this computer because I can answer one pop-up but still see it ringing. restart tablet and call the person from my windows app and it is fine.
here's the catch---why when I go to my control panel can I not find the program? it shows up on my app screen but clicking all relevant selections on the control panel-it is no where? my past experience says maybe I have two versions on the computer or I need to install and reinstall the program with the latest, but unless I go looking for the actual folder it is non-existant.
Whilst on holiday I used a friends laptop with Windows 8 so that I could use Skype to call people. It was not set up so I had to do it. I didn't realize that I had synced my Skype to my friends Microsoft account and to her hotmail address. Now whenever I get a call or message to me on skype, she now gets it too.
I have tried to log out and other things, but it says that it is now tied to her. I'm running a different Windows to her so I am unable to work my way around it.
HowI can remove my Skype account from her Windows 8 account?
Ok, I'm using the Modern Skype app and I want to change my picture.
So I click on my user pic and I am taken to My Pictures folder.
But I don't wanna be there, so I "Go Up" to the Users Folder and click/open Play. But I do not see App Data listed.
What I would like to do is browse to this specific folder without leaving the Modern Skype app.
Why? Because that is where the picture I wish to use is located. I am well aware that I could drop out of the Modern interface and copy/move the file from there to the My Pictures folder.
I have just refreshed my pc because I was having numerous problems with it and it turned out to be a bad stick of RAM. However, now I am having software issues. Whenever I try to make a call on the desktop version of skype, the program crashes. Whenever I try to open HP support assistant, the program crashes. When i am using the metro app version of skype I get a weird artifacting type problem on any of the buttons. I have this same problem in internet explorer and on Netflix. Netflix will not play on Chrome. It will play on IE, but with the button artifacting problems. My computer will not pair via bluetooth with my phone.
there is no user interface in skype software except for the blue background.There is no Username and password field in the software.I am currently using the most recent skype update.
SKYPE needs an ID (usually a Microsoft ID). Now is there anyway I can test a connection from My computer to phone or the reverse. AS I have only a single Microsoft ID I can't test this. I don't want to wait until I'm over at someone else's house to set this up. Is there a way you can test a SKYPE video call between your own laptop and your mobile. I just want to see if the video works both way.
When I open it and log in it doesn't I'm online. I can't even send IM mesages, I only see gray circle on the right side spining. Sometimes when I restart it It all works. But most of the time it doesn't I tried changing port number, reinstaling skype etc. Also skype.exe can't be killed in TM. I get info that Acess is denied.
he Skype Integrated Metro only works intermittently. I can see the Caller but they can sometimes see but not hear me. I've checked sounds settings within the App without success.
No such problem when using the Desktop Skype. Might the combination of Metro App and Desktop version be causing trouble? Should the Desktop version be uninstalled?
Just tried the Logitech Web Cam software and found a log-jamb with the sound slider. Don't know why but I've now got it working again with both App and Desktop versions and back in business again.