Unable To Delete Folder And Can't Read From Source File Or Disk?

Jul 10, 2012

1. there's a folder in my seagate 1tb goflex external hard disk, which am unable to delete. wen i checked the properties it showed that the space occupied by the folder is 1.5PB!!!! its ridiculous n strange at the same time! if i try to open the folder it says "you need to format disk before you can use it".2. every time i try to copy some files onto/from my hard disk it says "can't read from source file or disk". i have some valuable data worth 700GB on my hard disk and am unable to transfer em onto any other device so i can format my hard disk.

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Can't Read From The Source File Or Disk

Dec 16, 2010

i get this problem in few of my files in hard disk, which is Disk D, first one is Disk C, any1 have cure for this, at first i only have this error in 1 file, now in 3 files, but these files are working perfectly, just cant copy paste.

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Cannot Read From The Source File Or Disk?

Feb 28, 2011

Cannot read from the source file or disk?

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Unable To Delete Folder From Hard Disk - Permission Denied

May 27, 2011

I am unable to delete a folder form my external hard disk. It says permission denied. It requires permission of the administrator. I am logged in as an administrator. I did everything possible with the security. It just doesn't work.

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Ppt.part Could Not Be Saved, Because The Source File Could Not Be Read?

Feb 21, 2011

I'm trying to download a powerpoint but everytime i try it says this ppt.part could not be saved, because the source file could not be read.I don't understand why? I've tried different browsers and even different computers but this still happens, yet my friends can download it without any hassle and when they try sending me it the same thing comes up, Does it have something to do with my internet provide (Virgin) It's really annoying as i need to download powerpoint for my college work.

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Rar.part Could Not Be Saved, Because The Source File Could Not Be Read

Sep 4, 2011

I am currently facing this problem with both Firefox and IE --> "rar.part could not be saved, because the source file could not be read"it doesn't matter which type of files (.avi or .mkv and so on) I tried to download, but this problem keep on showing up.It happens only to my this recently bought computer and I tried it with my old computer, downloading using the same link but everything is ok......

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How To Solve While Copying Can't Read From Source File Or Disc

Nov 1, 2011

while i am copying files from my hard disc to my pc, it is showing "can't read from the source file or disc.

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Source Path Too Long - Can't Delete Folder

Mar 4, 2010

I just upgraded from Vista to Windows 7 last weekend and I must say its been a really bad decision, Win7 is not so much of an improvement to me. We always think the grass is greener. The other idiot thing I did or didn't do was not back up so I could roll back to Vista so I am stuck with this now and I really hate it.

My issue (1 of many) is I can't delete a folder, I am guessing its some residual from Vista its 'My Documents' but inside it is an endless list of empty folders 'My Documents/My Music/My Documents/My Music/My Documents/My Music/My Documents/My Music...etc.

When I try to delete I get this message... "The source file names are larger than is supported by the file system. Try moving to a location which has a shorter path name, or try renaming to shorter names before attempting this operation" I have tried everything, I have tried renaming every file in the folder, they just keep coming back, no matter how many i delete. I have tried using software such as Unlocker or devices to delete on boot, I have moved the folders location, even tried mapping a drive and deleting with command prompt - nothing.

I am at a loss, I have been trying to delete this thing since last sunday night after the upgrade, i must have spent hours doing this. Done everything suggested here: Cannot delete file or folder | Windows Problem Solver

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Read Disk Error, Press CTRL ALT Delete To Reboot

Oct 12, 2011

Have had this message on my Dell Inspiron 1525 Laptop... Cannot not get into the system at all... I have tried the Dell start-up disk, tried the F8 on intial reboot and nothing is working...

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Disk Read Error Has Occurred Press Ctrl Alt Delete?

Feb 6, 2011

I turned my computer on today. When I checked it some time later, I had an error of messages saying lots of files (mostly .dll) could not be found (or something along those lines). Explorer.exe kept crashing, before a constant bombardment of similar messages came up. After a while, clicking ok to all of them, the computer froze.When I tried restarting, I got the message "A disk read error occurred Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to restart"

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Disk Read Error Has Occurred Press Ctrl Alt Delete

Feb 13, 2011

I turned my computer on today. When I checked it some time later, I had an error of messages saying lots of files (mostly .dll) could not be found (or something along those lines). Explorer.exe kept crashing, before a constant bombardment of similar messages came up. After a while, clicking ok to all of them, the computer froze.When I tried restarting, I got the message "A disk read error occurred Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to restart"

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Unable To Read Files In Folder

Dec 11, 2012

Recently i have changed the permissions of a folder (not to make it used by the users of the system),due to some problem with OS i reinstalled the OS,then recognised that i have changed the permissions to the folder and with the admin rights of the new OS i am unable to read the files in the folder.

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A Disk Read Error Has Occurred, Press Ctrl+alt+delete To Restart

Jan 29, 2012

I just got a brand new custom built pc. It had Windows 7 home premium before on it, and ran fine. When I put my disc of Windows 7 ultimate, it intsalled and on first boot, just crashed and showed " A disk read error has occured. Press ctrl alt delete to restart"

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Unable To Delete Folder

Nov 20, 2012

i'm having problems deleting a folder. before it stated that i needed SYSTEM permission, so i changed the ownership to COMPUTERNAME/MYUSERNAME. And i'm still unable to delete the folder.

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Unable To Delete Folder

Nov 1, 2010

Recently I did a fresh install of Windows 7 Ultimate (not an upgrade). It's a hard drive that had already had Win 7 Ultimate on it, but I had run into some snafus, so I just re-installed fresh. As you probably already know, Windows 7 detects previous Windows installations and puts it into a folder called "Windows.old". After my new installation was done, this Windows.old folder was pretty big, around 25 gigabytes. From some searching I did, I found out about using Disk Cleanup, and you put a checkmark in the box for Previous Windows installations, and then let the program run its course.

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Unable To Delete Folder?

Jun 8, 2012

I had installed windows 8 RP on a separate partition. I wanted yo get rid of it so I removed its entry from boot menu but now I am unable to delete the folders left after it such as windows, windows.old and programfiles.

The error is that you need permission from trusted installer to delete file.

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Unable To Delete A Desktop Folder?

Feb 25, 2012

i am unable to delete a desktop folder. i cannot move the folder to another folder too. i tried google to find any answer but not yet find. i tried safe mode, unlocker (software) and system restore but none of them works for this problem.the folder was created by camtasia studio 7. when i produced a video file for Internet.when i tried to delete this folder i got the following message:could not find this itemthis no longer located in c:usersusernamedesktop. verify the item's location and try again[code]still i keep looking on internet to solve this problem. if any one you knows the solution of this problem i would be very nice of you,

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Unable To Delete Folder From Desktop?

Sep 12, 2011

Last night I decided to install a game, so I made a folder on my desktop. I finished installing it last night. Today I decided I dont need it any more so, I went to delete it. The file says that I need administrative privillages. Then says u require permission from Owner-HpOwner to make changes to folder. I am the admin though, just got my computer last night, it was pre-owned. Just displayed in the window of future shop, but still pre owned. I changed the account name from owner to corey...

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Unable To Delete Windows.old Folder?

May 17, 2012

i cant delete all from that folder there is pop up " Files arent in this location" (something like that .I tried in safe mode but same result.

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Unable To Delete Mysterious Unnamed Folder

Jan 22, 2012

My computer crashed a while ago so I reinstalled 7. Now I have a folder in C: that has no name and is impossible to delete. My hard drive is small and this folder literally takes up more than half of it. The error is that I need permission from myself to delete it. I have already looked at many threads and tried to solve this but nothing works. I already have assigned permission and ownership to myself and tried deleting it from safe mode. It theoretically has data from a previous install but I can't access anything in the folder. I just want to get rid of it.

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Unable To Delete Folder In Start Menu?

Nov 22, 2009

installed a program and have moved the app to the start menu but the folder it installed cannot be deleted. when going into programdata/microsoft/windows/startmenu/programs and trying to delete it it gives the error;could not find this item, verify the items location and try again despite this it is always there, every reboot. ive tried taking ownership of the file (i have a menu option to do this) and everything else i can think of it still gives the error!

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How To Delete Windows Folder From External Disk

Jan 21, 2012

I took the 500GB disk from my dead notebook and decided to keep old data within it as an external storage in a USB case. The drive was bootable as Windows 7 pro x64, but now I want to remove all system folders from it, keeping all backups and private data untouched, but I need special rights for most of the folders/files inside Windows folder: it requests for TrustedInstaller privileges. I'm using a Windows 7 enterprise 32bit, logged in as a AD domain user that is also on local Administrators group. I tried taking ownership, but it failed.

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Unable To Install Windows To Hitachi Hard Drive - Disk Read Error

Nov 11, 2012

Originally got message - Disk read error occurred press ctl alt del to restart. Then tried plugging this drive using a USB connector into my desktop PC to see if I could run some chkdsk. Then my desktop PC displayed messages telling me my firewall and virus software had been turned off and the computer crashed. ROOTKIT? So I was left with 2 drives not working. I re installed windows on desktop but using ISO on flash drive BUT can't on the 500GB Hitachi HTS545050B9SA00 for some reason. Windows setup loaded and Deleted old partitions and formatted. When I tried to install, it froze. It now just boots up with a windows loading screen and I'm also unable to boot from flash drive as it freezes. This is on a Sony Vaio VPCEB4E4E.

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How To Delete An Undeletable File Folder

Aug 11, 2012

Here is some of my system information:

OS Name, Microsoft Windows & Home Premium
Version, 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601
OS Manufacturer, Microsoft Corp.
System Manufacturer, HP
System Model, HP G61 Notebook PC
System Type, x64-based PC
Processor, AMD Athlon II Dual-Core M300, 2000 MHz, 2 Cores, 2 Logical Processors
BIOS Version/Date, HP F.13/25 Jan 2010
SMBIOS Version, 2,6
Hardware Abstraction Layer, Version = "6.1.7601.17514"

My computer came with Internet Explore already installed, but I use only Firefox and Safari. So, I wanted to uninstall IE. But after I did that, I was looking through my program files, and the IE file folder was still in there. So, I tried to delete it but it said I needed permission from "TrustedInstaller". So, I gave full permission to myself but it still didn't work. Then I downloaded LockHunter and it said that the file folder was unlocked but when I went to it, it said that I still didn't have permission to delete. Then I thought that if I opened the IE file folder, I could delete the stuff in it one-by-one but I only got to delete 13 out of 27 items. I closed the file folder and tried to delete all again in the hope that I deleted something that would unlock this option for the IE file folder but it didn't. I then downloaded Unlocker but when I clicked on it to start it up, it wouldn't open. Finally, I added "Take Ownership" to my Explorer right-click menu, and that worked. But now it says, "Folder In Use: The action can't be completed because the folder or a file in it is open in another program." So I opened Task Manager and looked but no .exe or .dll or anything else pertaining to the IE file folder was running. Sometimes when I get this message I can restart my computer and it will work but it didn't do anything this time. I'm running out of ways that I know how to fix this. I usually don't need to ask questions, especially ones so long-winded, about computers but I'm feeling kind of lost here.

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Unable To Delete File In Windows 7

Sep 25, 2012

I have a (legally owned) .m4v file residing on my NAS. It's currentliy mapped to W: and about 3 folders deep. My NAS is a WD MyBook Live. When I try to delete the file, I get an error that tells me another process is using it. All other files on the drive work just fine.

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Unable To Delete Mkv Video File

Jun 7, 2010

I have a .mkv video file which I cannot rename, move, or delete. Every time I do so this message shows: "The action cannot be completed because the file is open in windows explorer. Close the file and try again." If I try to delete the folder, a similar message pops up saying that a file is in use in another program.


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Unable To Delete A Desktop File

Oct 7, 2012

been to a wedding over the weekend, before going I created a desktop file, wedding, with route to both hotel & venue, hotel reservations, etc., now I am back I want to delete the file but I am getting the message:"You need permission to perform this action.You require permission from 'pc name''my name' to make changes to this folder Wedding Date created 02/08/2012 7:57pm" as I am the only user of this pc I don't know what I have done to protect the file, no body else touches the pc, have right clicked to see if there is an option for open as administrator.how can I delete this file.

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Unable To Delete A Desktop File?

Oct 7, 2012

been to a wedding over the weekend, before going I created a desktop file, wedding, with route to both hotel & venue, hotel reservations, etc., now I am back I want to delete the file but I am getting the message:"You need permission to perform this actionYou require permission from 'pc name''my name' to make changes to this folderWeddingDate created 02/08/2012 7:57pm"as I am the only user of this pc I don't know what I have done to protect the file, no body else touches the pc, have right clicked to see if there is an option for open as administrator.

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Unable To Delete A Video File

May 17, 2012

I have a .MKV file on my computer that I'm unable to delete.

when click on "delete"
it shows "Preparing to Recycle" from Discovering items
Time remaining: Calculating
Items remaining : Calculating
speed: Calculating

Hold shift + delete Preparing to delete ... the rest are the same as above

1: everytime i rename the file , = Windows Explorer is not responding
2: click on the .MKV properties, nothing happened....
3: try to replace with another file with a same name = doesn't work.
4: boot from safe mode, still won't let me delete it
5: it won't let me move the .MKV to other folders as well
6. Cannot take control of it.
7. tried renaming the .mkv extension to .txt no winrar no luck.
8. tried deleting the file containing it no luck.

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Unable To Delete The Files And Folders In The External Disk?

Jun 12, 2012

i have files and folders in my external hard drive- transcend 320 GB. but now it is almost full with the documents. i want to delete some folders and file but it is not possible to delete. How to delete my documents in my transcend external hard drive?

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Can't Rename, Delete Or Move Folder Or File

Oct 21, 2011

Since 2 days, in a certain folder, I cant rename, move or delete folders or files. Now, it has spread to my desktop as well. If I rename a folder, even a new folder, the name changes ''magically'' within seconds to restore to its previous name. If I move the folder or file, it comes back and if I delete it, it restores. I tried to make a system restore, even format (!), the problem persists. I use this folder to tag and rename my new mp3s so I have to be able to 1) rename, 2) move the folders the files and folders in it.

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