Spacing Is Single And Space In-between Each Line Will Not Delete?

Feb 10, 2012

I copied a couple of lines over to word at 20 points and shrunk it to 14 points and now I have a space in-between each line. My spacing is single and the space in-between each line will not delete? Also in Excel I have 25 lines to my page no matter if it is 8 points or 20 points and atuo correct don't work so how can I get the Point size to match the line hight?

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How To Change Default Line Spacing In Wordpad

Mar 15, 2010

I use wordpad 10+ times a day and what really bugs me (and I betI'm not alone) is having to everytime click twice the line spacingmenu to get things 'as they should be'.So, there is the trick to make an .rtf file with, say, one space,save it somewhere with all the formattings the way you likethem and then make a shortcut for it and just replace thewordpad-shortcut you've used so far wih that.BUT, I'm just geeky curious if someone really knows away to set the default some otherway.. So that I evenwouldn't have to delete that single space in the 'template'.rtf file

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Delete Single Files From Backup

Nov 29, 2009

I'm using WIN 7 backup. I know I can delete a whole backup folder, but is there a way to selectively delete single files?

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Outlook Doesn't Delete Email - Only Draws Line Through It?

Nov 7, 2009

For some reason when I try to delete an email from my inbox, it doesnt actually delete it, but draws a line through it? How do I change the settings so it just fully deletes it? Also, I seem to be linked up with a bunch of RSS feeds that are in my "Unread Mail"? How do I unlink with them so I don't continually get a bunch of junk mail like this?

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How To Delete Old Folders To Free Up Space

Jan 18, 2013

How do I delete old folders from windows to stop it from using up disk space.

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Add Delete To Recycle Bin To Context Menu On Folder Space?

Jul 21, 2012

I want something on the context menu that:1. I can right click on empty folder space within the folder2. Context menu says "delete folder to recycle bin"3. The folder and all its contexts disappears and therefore so does the window I just used to delete itYou can do this with filemenu tools, but only for PERMANENT delete. I think this is too dangerous. Also sometimes I regret deleting something immediately. I just do it out of convenience. I have looked into the custom commands of filemenu tools and it does not facilitate this action.

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Line By Line Justification Of Text In Word 2007?

Sep 12, 2012

I would like to know if its possible (and how to do it if so) to justify a paragraph of text in Word 2007 to gradually get narrower.What I mean is, id like the first line of text to be longer than the one after and so on until I end up with something like this,I want the 2nd line to start further to right of first line and end closer to left and so on. Im struggling to show an example but hope you know what I mean. Basically centre justified but going down in a V shape

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How To Change Icon Spacing On Desktop

Nov 17, 2008

I can't find where, like in XP and Vista, to change the icon spacing (horizontal and vertical) on the desktop.

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How To Change Icon Spacing On Desktop

Dec 14, 2010

I have Windows 7 Home Premium and would like to know how to change the icon spacing on the desktop so they are closer together. I used support on my pc for "icon spacing", but couldn't find instructions on how to change it.

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Windows XP And Windows 7 On Same Partition - How To Delete XP For More Space

Dec 8, 2011

I have win 7 and xp on the same partition I want to get rid of XP altogether so I can get back my 8 gb of space.

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Does Allocated Space For System Restore Affect Allocated Space For Backup

Jan 7, 2012

I just allocated more space to my system restore to ensure that when i back up files/docs there will be sufficient space. But does the allocated space for system restore affect at all how much space is allocated for backup? If not, i will would like to turn back down the allocated space for the restore.

Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit
Service Pack 1
Computer is ASUS laptop
4 gb of ram
64 bit system

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Delete Computer From Domain / Delete Users Profile

Oct 29, 2009

I need to replace a W2K computer on a domain with a Windows 7 computer(laptop), but I want to keep the same computer name.I need the ip, username, profile to stay the same. Can I delete the computer from the domain and name the new computer that name I deleted and still keep the users profile on the new machine, as if it was the old one?

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Can't Find Option To Delete Thread On Phone Will Delete

Jan 28, 2013

Moving to general can't find the option to delete thread on my phone will delete.this thread when im home.

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Not 1 Single BSOD

Jun 17, 2009

I've viewed so many threads regarding the fabled 'Blue Screen Of Death' and was wondering if I was doing something wrong.....

See, i haven't had 1 single BSOD since I started using Windows 7 build 7000.

Has any1 else had as much good luck as I have or am I 1 of very few?

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Single Player Is Asking For A Cd?

Aug 29, 2011

i got a copy of cod 5 waw from my friends pc but the single player is asking for a cd

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Cannot Print Anything On-line

Jul 10, 2011

I have no problems printing coupons while on-line. However, my wife, cannot print anything on-line.

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Audio Lag On Line-in And Mic?

Jun 12, 2009

Under xp i had my guitar connected through my effects peddle, to the mixer and then to the line in on the pc. I have the exact same setup on windows 7 but for some reason i'm getting a fraction of a second lag between plucking the string to the speakers making the sound. I've only had this problem since installing windows 7. has anyone else had this issue and if so is there a fix? i'm using onboard audio as don't have a sound card just yet.

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Can't Hear Line In?

Aug 12, 2011

I have my audio source I have plugged into line in.If i right click on the speaker icon on the tooltray, and select 'recording devices' I get the recording window - there I see the "Line In" - the bar graph next to it pumps up and down suggesting my sound reaches the PC.I then double click on "Line In", click on the "Listen" tab, and click on "Listen to this device" - but I don't hear anything.Clicking on the speaker icon i select playback devices, and right click on speakers (I tried the same thing with headphones), and click 'test' I hear the test sound. I select properties and check the levels, they are turned up.I check the Volume Mixer - the things which can be turned up are turned up.

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What Does It Mean That Printer Is Off Line

Mar 21, 2012

pc shows printer off line, print que does not show a port.

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Dual OS Converted To Single OS?

Nov 7, 2011

I was running Vista and Windows 7 as a dual OS on two HDDs. I have just removed the HDD with Vista on it and reverted to a purely W7 OS however, when I now bootup, I am still seeing the message on screen giving the choice of W7 or Vista.

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Second Taskbar On A Single Monitor

Nov 11, 2009

Does anyone know of a program that will allow you to have a second taskbar on a single monitor?

I know the creator of Ultramon said he is considering adding support for this in a future version of the program, but who knows when that will be. I really can't believe no one has done this yet.

Any help?

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Upgrade From Single HDD To Raid 0?

May 1, 2012

I cannot aford to buy SSDs yet and wanted to know how if at all I would clone my HDD to my Raid 0 Dynamic HDDs, windows wont install to them, and casper just overwrites one drive killing the dynamic setup and making a second single HDD clone.

I am using the trial edition of the current version of casper and trying to figure out if buying the full version would make a difference, the original drive is a 1.5TB and the two Dynamic Drive Array are 1TB, all seagates.I have 24GB of ram, a 2GB 550 Ti and a LGA1155 2.8GHz CPU running Windows 7 Ultimate Premium 64bit with a passive 3D LG monitor trying to run five game Accts simultaneously with TS3, Skype, GB3, Spybot and Logitech Services in the back ground

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Single Drive To Raid 0 ?

Sep 28, 2009

I recently built a computer with only one drive, I was wondering if it is possible to install another one and have them runing on raid 0 or do you suggest another type of raid maybe with 3 drives.

I have an asus mobo p5q3 so I can use Drive Xpert technology but a lot of reviews says that the speed of the drives is split in two when using these 2 sata connection (white and orange).

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HDD Single Beep During Shutdown?

Apr 10, 2012

whenever i shutdown my pc the last thing i hear is the hdd come to a loud beep noise for a second. the noise is in this video at 1:13... he says its the hdd emergency shutdown.inside a notebook hard drive - Internet

how can i fix this problem? i ran some sort of hdd check and it said it was ok. the drive i have is the western digital, blue, 500gb, is someone with a different hdd model number but the exact same problem... windows 7 and hard drive shutdown problem - hard-disks - storage

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Cloning From Raid O To Single Ssd

Sep 25, 2011

I bought a intel 320 160g gen3. Looking to clone my raid o to it. I may be over simplifying it but can't I just install the SSd in the 3rd Sata spot clone to it from the raid then just change the bios to boot off of the SSd and change it to ahci? Then keep the raid o as is for storage of games and such. I am not putting any important data on the raid o purely a gaming computer. Fresh instal isn't an option btw.

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Possible To Have A Single VM Running On Both Machines

Sep 23, 2011

I have a desktop and a laptop. The desktop specs are listed on my System Specs. Some remotely related laptop specs: [code] Both are running Windows 7 Ultimate x64, dual booted with Kubuntu Linux x64. Would it be possible to have a single VM running on both machines such that its guest OS thinks it is running on an 8-core, 16-threaded CPU? (Both PCs are connected to the same LAN)

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Get Two Applications Run On Two Monitors With Single PC?

Jul 23, 2012

How to get two applications run on two monitors with single PC ?

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How To Allocate More CPU And RAM To A Single Process

Nov 28, 2012

how do I allocate more memory to my computer? I recently reinstalled win 7 and memory is low.

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Message Pop-up Saying Out Of Memory At Line

Mar 15, 2012

Every time I go to a website, I am gettting a little pop-up message saying, "Out of memory at line: 1". I hope someone can tell me in simple terms why this is happening and how I can fix it.

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Error In Line 0x000000

May 19, 2009

I just recently decided it was time to upgrade to Windows 7 x64 from Windows Vista x64. I downloaded the RC1 from and burnt it to a CD using ImgTool, all of that went smooth. I run the setup and it asks me if I want to upgrade, so I choose Yes, since I don't feel like losing all of my documents and such just yet. So about an hour and a few restarts later, it is on the final step which involves copying about 400,000 files over which seemed to be the longest step.

When it got to around 360,000 it came up with an error about "WerFault.exe" and it said something along the lines of "Error in line 0x000000, click OK to terminate program." that wasn't exactly what it said but it was similar. So I hit OK, and it pops up 2 more times for 2 other files that I forgot to write down.

After I hit OK for the other 2 popups, about 10 seconds go by and then it says "Windows cannot complete the Upgrade. Your previous settings will now be restored." so I hit OK and it erases all of the changes it has made.

I am unsure of why it is doing this for me, could it be because I am trying to upgrade? Or whats the problem?

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Power Line Adapters

Aug 6, 2009

Can someone tell me if its possible to use different Power Line adapters of different makes or do they all need to be the same make??

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