Setting Up Wireless Internet Connection?

Apr 30, 2012

I recently purchased a new HP PC w/ Windows 7 Home Premium [64-bit] OS.When I ordered this computer from HP, it was supposed to come with a wireless internet card. However, the manufacturer made a mistake and did not install any card. I called and complained, now HP has sent me the following product:Linksys WMP600N Dual-Band Wireless-N PCI Adapter now onto setting up the connection....I did install a NETGEAR wireless card on the back of my old PC, about 6 years ago, so I think I should be able to install this card, however I did read some people have problems with the drivers on this card. Also, at my old apartment where I had wireless internet the first time, the landlord and maintenance people managed everything for providing the signal, so I don't really know anything about setting up router, signal, connection, etc.

Right now the primary internet connection in this house comes through the cable+phone company. There is an RCA Thompson Digital/Broadband modem or router or something, model #DHG535-2, and from there the connection plugs through ethernet cable into the Apple Mac that I'm using to type this right now.My new PC is in another room, and I will install that Linksys wireless card and use that PC most of the time. What I would like help with is:

1. What steps must I take to install the new PC

2. Do I need to get a wireless router, and if so, which ones will work best with the wireless card I received

etc. etc.I think I found my old NETGEAR wireless router, model number MR814v2(??), but I bought this 6 years ago and don't know whether it will work well or at all with the new dual-band card.

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Wireless Connection Limited Access After Changing Router Setting MCS?

Jan 5, 2013

I have found a wireless connection near me and connected to it. I saw that my speed is kind of good (about 14 Mb/s), I tried to get this speed higher.I went into the router setup from my browser, and changed some settings from thereOnce changed, I reboot the router to see if it changed my speed.The one setting that blocked my access to internet is MCS. I don't remember if that was off/disabled, but i changed it to MCS7, the last option available for MCS... thing.

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Internet Connection Over An Electrical Powerline Instead Of A Wireless Connection?

Mar 23, 2011

Internet connection over an electrical Powerline instead of a wireless connection?is it easy to setup, reliable, fast,..?More in particular a D-Link device:DHP-307AV PowerLine Homeplug AV Kit

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Can't Get Wireless Internet Connection

May 28, 2011

I have dell laptop -wireless connection; windows 7 os; vostro; my kids used computer last night; i wake up this morning- cant connect to internet; i have tried everything; i must have done about 5 system restores using different dates - no luck; tried safe mode.

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Wireless Connection But No Internet Access?

May 12, 2011

Great connection but no internet access. The wireless internet works fine on other lap tops and I have rebooted.

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Wireless Works - Wired Internet Connection Does Not

Jan 15, 2012

my buddy has a laptop issue when its a wired internet connection. when its wireless, it has no problems with the internet, everything works fine. but when its wired, webpages will still load, but Internet videos wont work, anything that consists of streaming doesn't work, and he cant even use logmein. i have connected other laptops to the same cord and there is no problems. so i know its not the cord and i imagine its not the router since everything still works fine with other computers.

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Wireless Internet Connection Lost After A Few Seconds?

Jan 25, 2012

The laptop can see the wireless networks (there are two wireless networks since it's a 2.4GHz/5GHz dual band router) and even connect to any of the two networks.It also gets an IP address from the DHCP server and the Internet connection starts working for a very short period (5-10 seconds). Then the connection is lost and though it occasionally returns, the computer is unable to access Internet most of the time. Apparently, it doesn't even get to the gateway. If I ping to the router's IP address there's no response, except for during the first few seconds after establishing the connection:[CODE]This behavior is absolutely consistent and can be observed each time one connects to the Linksys router from this laptop. Nothing I have tr includes: rebooting the laptop, rebooting the router, disabling one of the two wireless networks on the router, trying out various encryption settings (open, wep, wpa2), changing channels, disabling/enabling b/g/n modes, disabling firewall on the laptop, disabling ESET antivirus, reinstalling the wireless adapter driver, ... I could go on. I've been struggling with this for three nights and I'm getting desperate.

There are three other laptops (one Mac, two Windows PCs) connecting to the router without any problems. Strangely enough, the laptop only has this problem with the new Linksys router. It can connect to Internet via our old Airport Express wifi router without any problems. It can also connect to Internet via the Linksys router with an ethernet cable.One thing I have discovered is that rebooting the laptop in a safe mode with network enabled FIXES THE PROBLEM! However, when I boot back to the normal mode (even when disabling all startup items and all services, except for those needed for networking), the problem is back.

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Bad Internet Access Via Wireless Connection Windows 7 64?

Feb 4, 2012

I have a problem with internet access when connecting wirelessly on ONE Win 7 64 laptop on ONE router. The same laptop connects to internet just fine to ALL other routers, while ALL other computers (with different OS) connect to internet just fine via this router.The laptop in question connects well to the router itself and you can red everywhere that it is connected to internet as well. But when i try to load any pages in any browsers i get "server not found" in FireFox or "This webpage is not available" in Chrome. Email and torrent clients don't work either.This does not seem to be a DNS issue because accessing sites via IP address does not work. Pinging any sites or IP addresses does not work.The strangest thing is that the situation have been worsening slowly over last 2 weeks - at first everything was just fine, then i would have to reload pages every now and then, last days i would succeed less and less frequently and as of yesterday - no luck at all.

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Share An Internet Wireless Connection To Lan Via Router?

Nov 28, 2012

OS: Windows 7

Desktop connected to the internet via usb network adapterThe desktop has a lan card.How can I setup the OS so the wireless internet connection is shared to the lan connection to a router to the router can receive an internet connection.

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Why Does Wireless Connection To The Internet Keep Disconnecting Randomly

Jan 4, 2012

why does my internet always after like 5 min go to no internet acsess and i disconect and reconect its fine ?both regular computers work fine but my ps3 and laptop both work then all of a sudden the little yellow ! comes up and then it says no internet access

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Wireless Connection Says Connected But Cannot Open Internet

Feb 22, 2012

wireless connection says connected but cannot open internet

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Why Does Wireless Connection To The Internet Keep Disconnecting Randomly

Nov 28, 2012

Why does wireless connection to the internet keep disconnecting randomly

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Wireless Connection, No Internet (email) Access After Search

Jan 27, 2013

I a having problems connecting to windows explorer and my live email. After doing a google search for a particular site, it took me to a local survey. When I used the trouble shooter it tell s that I have a broken connection and I should try to reboot my router. Needless to say that this doesn't work but I have many things connected and all still work. First I tried to do a restore, which not only work. But it did not respond to it. Then I tried to do a wired connection, but that is the same. I thought definitely this would work. I am using a anti virus and firewall which I cannot do a scan or a update with and has not expired. Also using OS Window 7. No recent change made or downloads.

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System Recovery - Cannot Find Any Wireless Internet Connection

Apr 13, 2012

I did a system recover and it all went smooth until I actually booted up my computer. Now that I am here I cannot connect or find any wireless internet connects. I even tried a wired and it still wouldn't connect. I know I may have to update some drivers but is there anyway to do that without having the internet?

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Frequently Drops Of Wireless Connection And No Internet Access?

Dec 20, 2012

especially when playing online mmo's...sometimes the wireless connection just goes "no internet access", sometimes the internet speed just drops to near nothing (like waiting 30 seconds to load google).i tried to update the driver, that didnt worked...the router isnt the problem since my xp laptop is working fine.i dont know really much about this kind of the only solution i have is to reset my router or my wireless adapter and it works..for a certain amount of time.

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Internet On And Off, No Ipv6 Connection, Wireless Network Inconsistent

Jul 25, 2011

M wireless is flaky to say the least. Realtek 8185 adapter connects sometimes to the interwnt but is painfully slow. Drops connection all the time. My network name changes intermittently between "xxxxxx" and "xxxxxx 2", my network switches between home and public.

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Good Wireless Connection But Lost Internet Access?

Aug 24, 2012

All of a sudden my Windows 7 (64) machine lost internet connectivity. Nothing new was installed; no changes were made. It just lost connection. My Vista machine still connects fine. I'm scratching my head over this one. I reset the router and tried Windows troubleshooting services to no avail.

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Internet Connection Limited After Installing New Wireless Adapter?

Jan 19, 2012

I installed a new wireless adapter yesterday in the hope of increasing my internet speed. After installing the driver for the adapter I realised that my internet was no longer working. I can still see the connection but it is limited and doesnt allow me to connect to the internet. I also had a system up date the night before and hadn't been on the internet since that happened so am unsure if this has any part in it.I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the drivers for both the adapters i have to no avail, as well as plugging my pc into a laptop and using internet connection sharing which also doesnt work.If i run a network repair i end up with two problems found:

1)There might be a problem with the driver for the local area connection adapter

2)There might be a problem with the driver for the wireless network connection adapter They both have yellow signs with exclamation marks next to them.If i type ipconfig/all into the cmd line I get:

Windows IP Configuration

Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : Home-PC
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Mixed
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No

Tunnel adapter Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface:

Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-00-00-00-00-E0
DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : No
Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes

Shouldn't my wireless adapters appear here?

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Unstable Internet Connection When Changing From Cable To Wireless?

Jan 20, 2012

I have this problem with my laptop. If i am using a cable to connect to the internet and then unplug it and switch to wireless connection, the internet connection gets unstable. The thing is it says it is connected to the right wireless connection AND it claims to have internet connection. - And i do - for a few minutes.. If i deactivate/activate the wireless internet i am able to surf around for a few minutes again, but then it does the same thing again - shows up as having internet connection but im unable to connect to it..Strangest thing is that i am sometimes able to connect to the internet ONLY if another computer is using the wireless internet too.. It still shows up as recieving a nice signal with internet access even though i cant connect to the internet.

The same problem also occurs sometimes when im switching from one wireless connection (at home etc) to another (work etc)..I've had this problem for a few months now.. Comming to think of it i might have had this problem ever since i got my laptop.. Rebooting my computer fixes it every time, but it's not a permanent solution.. Im running original Windows 7 Home Premium x64 which came with the laptop.. Also im not using static ip or anything like that - switching to static ip doesn't do the trick.. Running ipconfig /all command from cmd also shows me as connected to the right router.. The problem occurs every time i switch between cable and wireless and not only at my home or work but also at friends..I'm not sure if i need to leave any more details, if i've left anything out just let me know.

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Laptop's Internet Connection Is Slow When Connected Via Wireless?

Jan 30, 2012

It's been some time since my Dell XPS M1530 laptop has been having Internet issues when connected via Wireless. It currently sports an Intel 4965 AGN ard with Windows 7/8 pre-installed drivers and is connecting wirelessly to a Thomson router.It connects smoothly, but its reception of packages sucks: I can't connect to FTP, load pages at all, and downloads are around 8 kB/s. (Max should be 250 kB/s). Whereas other laptops are able to load pages normallyAll cords are correctly connected, and I don't believe the card is the one malfunctioning since I can connect to other routers flawlessly.

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Connected To Wireless Network But No Internet Connection Error 138?

Mar 4, 2012

Can't delete Norton's, when trying to uninstall I get a blank Norton's window.Thinking it could be related to Norton's.

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Wireless Internet Works, Wired Connection Doesn't Work

Dec 3, 2011

I formatted both my laptop and desktop computer. When i did with my laptop, everything was great. Wireless still worked. Of course i have my linksys router connected to get the wireless.

I then formatted my desktop. Its a dell. When i did this, everything seemed great. However, i noticed that if i remove my wireless router and just connect my cable modem wired, it works. However, when i connect my wireless router, then my wireless internet works but my WIRED connection does not work. It has this message that says can't connect.

I don't think this has ever happened before. I mean, there were many times where my desktop got formatted and my wired internet worked and i could not get my wireless connection to work. But never had i had my wireless work and my wired connection not work. The one thing i did this time was after i installed the drivers with my windows cd, i then deleted the old windows file that was about 25 gb.

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Full Bars For Wireless Network Connection But Internet Keeps Dropping

Apr 13, 2012

For the last 3 months my internet keeps dropping in and out, sometimes for a long period of time. But it always shows full bars in the wireless network connection on our computers. I have been on the phone to the internet company for hours and hours (each time speaking to a different person-so no help there) and they can't figure out what is wrong.

They sent me a new modem which worked for 10 mintues and then was dropping in and out again. The same issue is happening on my roommate's computer too, and I am able to access other wireless networks in other locations too with no trouble. So not an issue with our computers.

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Internet Access Randomly Drops On Wired & Wireless Connection?

Jul 18, 2012

I've got an older Acer Timeline 4810t running Windows 7. We recently switched from Cox Cable internet to AT&T U-Verse, and I've started noticing that my internet connection will randomly go out when I am connected. This occurs whether I am on a wired or wireless connection. Specifically, I will be browsing the web and, randomly, when I try to pull up a website, I get an error indicating that I cannot connect to that website because I am not connected to the internet. When I check the status of my connection in the bottom right corner, it will show that I am connected to the internet. If I disconnect the ethernet cable (or disconnect and reconnect to the wifi network), the internet service is restored, although it continues to randomly lose connection.

I initially thought that it was a U-Verse issue, so AT&T came out and replaced the router. Unfortunately, I still got the random drops. I then thought it was a Windows issue, so I reformatted by hard drive and reinstalled Windows - still having that issue.My wife has an older Macbook and does not have this problem. We also do not have this problem with any of the tablets or phones that connect to the network wirelessly.I am beyond frustrated and do not know what to do. I also don't know if this is a sign that my laptop is at the end of its life, which would be unfortunate since I've only owned the laptop for about 3 years (my last laptop, a Dell, is on year 7 and still churning).

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Internet Wireless Connection "connects" But No Internet Access

Nov 27, 2011

I was installing a software on my other laptop (it had SQL software with it) and I ran into some trouble as I got error problems that the installation of the software had failed and now whatever I do, I can't access the web! Sure enough, my wireless connection connects successfully and it indicates that I am on the "Internet" but every time I try to use either firefox or internet explorer to go to a web site, it says I don't have a connection.

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Internet Wireless Connection "connects" But No Internet Access

Nov 27, 2011

I was installing a software on my other laptop (it had SQL software with it) and I ran into some trouble as I got error problems that the installation of the software had failed and now whatever I do, I can't access the web! Sure enough, my wireless connection connects successfully and it indicates that I am on the "Internet" but every time I try to use either firefox or internet explorer to go to a web site, it says I don't have a connection. It is extremely odd and I don't know what it might be..

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Home Wireless Connection, Continually Identifying Network, No Internet Access?

Feb 9, 2011

I have recently been having difficulties with connecting with my wireless connection. We have a in-home router that is connected to two computer's downstairs by cable. I however own a Acer, Windows 7 laptop that I mainly use upstairs and I get a Excellent signal strength.I have connected to my Home wireless connection before with no problem but recently the connection keeps coming up as ~Identifying... No Internet Access.Also when I have had connection to this network prior to this problem the connection is under Home. But when I try to connect to the same network it comes up as Public or just keeps Identifying. I have the connection set to Connect Automatically.Also the yellow triangle with the exclamation point almost always pops up immediately when I reboot my system or after I Disconnect and Connect the network again. I have tried Disabling and Enabling the network in the adapter settings and this does not work either. In the manage wireless networks tab, I have repeatedly deleted the connection and reentered the security password and again put it as automatically connect but it still comes up as Identifying. I have seen many people with this same problem and have tried many of the suggestions to no avail.It is rather bizarre because my connection will be in this Identifying state for a while and randomly connect properly and I have no idea what makes it go off and on so erratically. I just had it working again for a few days and it is again acting up.

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Setting Up Wireless Receiver To Receive A Specified Wireless Router?

Oct 12, 2011

Is there a way to setup your computer to connect only to a specific wireless router in your area? I live in a college dorm and there are a lot of wireless connects available so I'm thinking that there might be complications with my computer with all the information in the air.

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Windows 7 To Windows XP LAN Internet Connection Wireless Sharing

Jan 27, 2011

I have a laptop running Windows 7 and a netbook running winXP.The laptop is Ethernet connected to the internet.I have created an ad-hoc network using the laptops wireless card and then joined that using the netbook wireless.Is there a way to give internet access to the netbook through the ad-hoc network?

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Setting Up A WiFi Connection?

Jul 21, 2011

I've tried to set up a Wi-Fi connection to use for Nintendo DS/3DS, but nothing seems to work. I don't have a wireless internet connection, so I bought the Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector, but that does not work with Windows 7... I've also tried another Wi-Fi USB device, but that doesn't seem to work either. I guess I should get a wireless router that allows Wi-Fi connection, but which would actually work for Nintendo DS/3DS?

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Making A Mess Setting Up Outlook 2007 With MS Exchange Connection

Feb 17, 2013

I have Avast anti virus running as my preferred AV software. To date I have not needed to use Outlook, but this year its usefulness increased as it saves me accessing work emails through my browser (as well as maintaining the calendar and stuff). So, I start the first run set up. All went well until it asked me to log on to the exchange server. When I did so it refused, eventually telling me I had to turn off the SSL(?). From what I could see, I could only do that after the address was entered into the profile, which it won't let me do. I did some digging and read (somewhere) that Avast was the problem. I tried temporarily disabling filters and logging on again, but no different. As a test, I fired up my laptop, also Windows 7, disabled the Avast filters, started Outlook for first use, set up the Exchange connection, logged on fine. Restarted the filters, all good! So next I try to reset Outlook to first run on my desktop. Can't do it. It resets Outlook to default, but doesn't bring up the set-up screen. I suppose I can uninstall Office all together (I'd only need to back up OneNote at this stage) and run a registry cleaner, but I'd rather not at this stage. I tried importing the registry settings from the laptop (no lectures please). This sort of worked; it now tries to log on to exchange on start up, but still fails. Something is still blocking the connection. Any ideas on what the block is?

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