How To Show Both Program Folders In Start Menu

May 22, 2012

I'm just migrating over to Windows 7, and am having a hard time with the start menu. I've downloaded Classic Shell so the menu looks like XP again, but I noticed that when I look at 'all programs' some of my programs aren't there. Turns out Windows 7 has two program folders, apparently one is for purely 64-bit programs and the other for ones that still use 32-bit. Does anyone know how I can get both of these folders to show up in the start menu, preferably combined? At the moment, I can only find the 64-bit folder, and can't find the 32-bit folder in the start menu at all.

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Start Menu - Show All Programs Automatically

Jun 5, 2009

I would like to know if is possible to show All Programs in the start menu automatically when you click the orb. Because clicking every time to show the list of All Programs is not very nice since I don't use the recently programs open function.

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Music Link Won't Show Up In Start Menu?

Jan 1, 2011

for some reason when I go to start menu properties, and customize, the Music shortcut is ticked to be displayed as link but it's not showing up. Anyone have any ideas what could be causing this?

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Get Recently Used Programs To Show Up In Start Menu Again?

Jan 1, 2011

A while back I used a few different programs to tweak Windows 7. One of the programs I used caused the recently used programs to stop showing up in the star menu. Under properties now I can't even set the number of programs to show because it is grayed out and unselectable. Any body know how to get this function back? I have ran SFC to see if there was something corrupt in Windows 7 with no errors returned. I think there is something turned off in the registry but have no idea where to look.

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Folders Missing From Start Menu?

Jan 4, 2013

We have a Windows 2003 Domain and just got some new Windows 7 professional machines.. The problem I am having is that the Accessories, Startup, and maybe other folders are missing from the start menu..

If I login as the Domain admin I get them.. The user is setup as a local machine admin, but they are missing.. We are not blocking anything in Group policy on the domain that I can see.. I have looked numerous times. everyone keeps pointing to the folder being hidden..

This is not the case.. Is there a domain level policy that controls this??

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Folders Pinned To Start Menu?

Nov 10, 2011

Alright, I was wondering if it was at all possible to get a folder pinned to the start menu AND have it have the expansion arrow to the right, like Visual Studio, and Steam do.My idea is to make categories of folders, like system maintenance, and have a debugger, a registry cleaner, anti-virus, etc in this folder and then be able to access it from the start menu pinned folder directly without having to open the folder explicitly and run the .exe.

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Windows 7 Recovery - Empty Start Menu Folders

Jun 5, 2011

I followed this thread [URL]to restore the items of the start menu. :thumbup2: However, I still have this isse of the folders in the All Programs section being empty.

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Desktop Erased / Can't Locate 'My Documents' Folder And 'Start Menu' Folders

Jun 22, 2011

I recently restarted my computer only to be met with an empty desktop.Also, My Start Menu is empty. I can't locate any of programs or documents.a Right clicking and going to windows explorer, I could only view : "My Computer", "Windows (C); and when I click on them, they contain few irrelevant files.In other words I can't find my personal saved documents, "my document" folder , recycle bin and all other programs.My wifi still works so the only thing I can do on my system is browse on the internet.However, I can open a microsoft office file, PDF files, if I download it directly from my email or from an external drive.I can save files on my new blank desktop.I presume this is a virus attack.

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Pin Links To Folders/files On Removeable Medias On TaskBar/Start Menu?

Apr 23, 2011

Unfortuanteyl it seems to me that Windows 7 does not accept if users want to pin folders or files which are on removeable medias (USB-Sticks, DVDs, TrueCrypt volumes,...) to the TaskBar resp. Start menu.

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Start Menu Program Tasks

May 28, 2009

The new feature of Windows 7 that puts the little arrow on the right side of certain recently used programs, and when expanded shows different tasks. How do I disable this feature? I don't want to see the little arrows, all I do is open the programs, the arrows sometimes get in the way and annoy me. I searched but these keywords didn't yield anything specific to what I was looking for.

I assume it's pretty easy to change, I think I did it on this (Build 7000) computer, but I just setup a Vlited RC1 and can't figure out how to get rid of the arrows it added on the right of the programs on the start menu.

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Start Menu Shortcut Program

Feb 17, 2010

Download a Shortcut that Opens the Start Menu in Windows.

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Start Menu - Pin Or Unpin A Program To

Dec 9, 2008

How to Pin or Unpin a Program to the Windows 7 Start Menu ?

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Cant See Program Files In Start Menu

Oct 26, 2011

My computer recently prompted me to do a virus scan and after rebooting, it erased all the files and programs on it. I read some posts stating to "unhide" all the folders in windows explorer to help the situation. That seemed to restore alot of programs, but I still can't launch certain programs off the Start Menu nor can I see their shortcut in Windows Explorer. I'm able to open files using those programs from Windows explorer, I just cant open the program itself from the Start Menu. The folders of those programs on the Start Menu say "empty" and no program is displayed.

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Start Menu - Typing Program Name Is Not Working

Oct 21, 2009

I'm still new to 7, but for some reason when I want to type a program name in Start Menu doesn't seem to work or doesn't find the program.

Is this something to do with searching preferences?

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Can't Open Any Program From Start Menu Or Taskbar

Jun 23, 2012

I can open any file from my saved files but can't open any program from start menu or taskbar

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How To Pin Program From Removable Media To Taskbar / Start Menu

Dec 21, 2010

If I mount a removeable media such as USB Stick or a TrueCrypt file volume (with rm option) then I cannot pin prgms from these medias/drives to the taskbar nor pin files to the Start menu. Is there really no way to disable this No-Pin-Protection? Under WinXP this worked without problems.

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Grayed Out Recent Program List In Start Menu

Sep 21, 2009

Grayed out recent program list in start menu, How to enable it?

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Stop A Program Appearing In Shortcuts In Start Menu

Oct 20, 2009

Just wonderin if there's anything i can do to stop a certain program appearing in the shortcut menu when you click on start.

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Clicking On Start Menu And Taskbar Items Doesn't Launch Program

Aug 25, 2011

Essentially, upon starting up my computer, from time to time, I have no yet been able to isolate what may cause this issue, I will find that I cannot launch programs from their shortcuts in the Quick Start or Taskbar menu. As of right now I have not tried to launch said programs from the original .exe file in this scenario.I've noticed that when I try to open these programs from the Taskbar, the icon will be surrounded by a square to indicate that it is active, but, after a period of maybe 5 seconds or so, sometimes longer, it will disappear and the program will no longer look active. Opening up the task manager, the programs usually show up in the Processes under the appropriate name. Multiple instances of a program can appear, even when, under normal circumstances, multiple instances aren't allowed (such as with Firefox). The processes will usually show a static amount of memory used, like 108k for any firefox.exe in the process list, and will simply sit there until they are ended, despite the program not actually running. When this happens I generally have to restart the computer and hope it works on the restart.

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Start Menu - Add Libraries To Search In Start Menu

Oct 1, 2009

How to Pin Libraries to Search and See More Results in Start Menu ?

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How Add Custom Entry To Start Menu Shutdown Menu

Jan 4, 2012

I need to know if is possible to add a custom entry to shutdown menu, that's in the Start Menu.

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Why Is Context Menu In Start Menu And Taskbar So Small

Feb 10, 2012

I know that the full version can be achieved while holding the shift key, but is there way to bypass that and have the regular full sized menu by default?

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Context Menu On Start Menu Don't Work?

Mar 26, 2011

1. When I open Start Menu and right-click some icon on "program or open recent program" the menu context don't show "fixed on the taskbar".

2. When I right-click on "open recent program" icon on Star Menu I can't delete from list.

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Install Menu Won't Show Up?

Jun 14, 2010

I accidentally installed 32 bit windows 7 on my pc earlier today. As such, I've been trying to do a clean install of the 64 bit from the windows 7 OEM disk.I seem to be running into a problem though, once the computer boots from the Windows 7 disk nothing happens. I get the load bar for "windows is verifying files" (not sure if that's what it is exactly, but it's something like that.)After the load is done, the generic startup/shutdown screen for Windows 7 shows up, the pointer switches over to show me it's busy for about 3 seconds, then nothing else happens. I tried waiting ~10 minutes and still, nothing happens.

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Gateway Dvd Does Not Show In Menu

Oct 5, 2012

DVD drive {D:} stopped showing in menu. Deleted upper & lower from registry as suggested. Rebooted, etc. etc. Did a system recovery back to when it did work - still N/G.

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Menu Show Delay Time

Jun 5, 2009

How to Speed up the Menu Show Delay Time in Windows 7 ?

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Unable To Start Most Programs From Taskbar And Start Menu?

Jul 1, 2012

When I start up my computer, my Steam starts up, then I manually start Chrome. Chrome comes up fine, Steam does too, but when I try to right click on Steam and click friends, all it does is create another steam process running at 100-108 K. Then if I close Chrome and try to reopen it, it will do the same. This happens with EVERY program after I start up. There's a 5 second window where I can open programs without issue, then after that it will only start 108 K copies of them. It takes me around 30 restarts just to get it working properly, if not more.

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Sound At Start And Sequence Of Start-menu-items?

Mar 2, 2012

1. Which DLL uses W7/64 for the sound at start-up of Windows? I would like to edit it for my own sound.

2. How can I alter the sequence of the entries in the Start-menu? Now the sequence is in sequence of creation, I would like to group them by application-area.

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Hidden Folders Won't Show Up

Aug 31, 2010

I am trying to get my music off my ipod to my laptop win 7 home. 32 bit. When I goto folder options and select show hidden types. I hit apply and ok. but it wont show up and when I return to the menu it stays on hide hidden files.

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Why All Files And Folders Show As LNK File

Sep 1, 2011

Yesterday night I was in my friends house and he seriously needed help. Hope you genius people help him. All his folders, file and shortcuts show as LNK file in Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit. I tried scanning his PC with avast!, MalwareBytes, Hitman Pro 3.5 and SAS, but the result was the same. How did it come up? My friend was chatting with his uncle in Skype, he asked him to download 3 pictures, the pictures where names as LNK file, my friend opened the file and after that all his programs, files and shortcut was defaulted to (file name).LNK. He wasted $35 to renew his windows, and he doesn't wants to format either. So is there any way to revert to normal state rather than formatting or system restoring?

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How To Show JUNCTIONS (folders) In WinExplorer

Oct 11, 2010

When I enter at the command prompt of C:

dir /a

then a (JUNCTION) folder "Documents and Settings" is listed which points to


However this Junction is NOT visible in WinExplorer? How can I tell WinExplorer to show Junctions as well (maybe in different color) ?

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