How To Get Back My DOCUMENTS And DESKTOP Locations

Jan 30, 2013

I have an HP Pavilion s3700f desktop, Windows 7 Home Premium OS, 64bit. I used to be able to move items to DOCUMENTS and/or DESKTOP by right-clicking the item with mouse, but now those locations have been replaced with Compressed (zipped)folder for some reason. I can't figure out how to get back my DOCUMENTS and DESKTOP locations.

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Photos And Documents In Random Locations

Dec 20, 2012

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2430M CPU @ 2.40GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 42


I'm working on Family Tree Maker, collecting photos from family, scanning them, saving, putting in FTM as I have time. Only, I'm missing some photos (and other documents) that I know I had.

I did a full back-up of my hard drive months ago, and I've been going through each back-up file looking for the photos and documents and slowly finding them in random locations, one at a time, but this is very time-consuming.

Before the problem I bought a new laptop and just hard the hard drive copied from my tower to the laptop. (Love the laptop, BTW!) I took the laptop back to the store to get my new wireless printer working. When I brought the laptop home I found a lot of games and programs were missing. Fortunately I was able to restore them from disks or if downloaded the sites allowed me to download them again. I called the store and told them the problem, suggesting maybe someone besides their tech has access to the computers in for repair, and they denied it and gave me the brush off. (BTW, I'm not going to do anymore business with them!)

I also use Picasa to add captions and descriptor words and I've been using that to look for items, but when something is found each one has to be checked against my laptops current folders to see if it's missing or not.

Is there an easier way to do find my missing stuff? How did my photos and documents get moved randomly?

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Saving Pictures And Documents / Going To Two Different Locations

May 7, 2012

I just purchased a new desktop computer system.I am using Windows 7.I'm trying to think how to describe this so that it makes sense.I am the only person who uses this computer. The staff member who transferred my data from my damaged computer to the new one apparently gave the computer my full first name and then gave my "nickname" the Admin role. Now I appear to have two My pictures and my documents in the library. My photos are scattered between the two My Pictures. When I save something to my pictures it doesn't end up where I expect it to be. It could be in either My Pictures.Not sure if that makes any sense at all to you ... I don't want two sets of pictures and two sets of documents.When I save a picture I want it to go to the same place every time unless I designate it somewhere else.Before I start deleting/moving anything I need to understand why my pictujres are going to one area sometimes and sometimes the other.

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Why Do Desktop Shortcuts Change Locations

Feb 16, 2012

Using W7 home premium SP1. Everything is up to date, not running any virtual desktop, just a few widget type apps on my second display.

Sometimes when I do a restart or cold boot, some of my shortcuts have changed locations on the screen and I have to move them back to where I want them. I've never experienced this before until recently and I am looking for assistance on what is causing this.

ASUS P6T | i7-930 @ 4ghz | 5850 Crossfire | 12gb Corsair Vengeance | x-fi platinum | OCZ Vertex 3 120gb SSD | 1TB Black Caviar | Viewsonic 24" dual display | Antec 750w HCG

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Windows Isn't Saving Desktop Icon Sizes And Locations?

Aug 8, 2012

I've set my icons to a certain size ( small) and placed in locations. After a restart they go back to medium size and line up on the left side of the screen

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Setting Specific Window Size's And Locations On Desktop?

Sep 26, 2012

is there any way to position a series of windows on the desktop screen, which will remain there in the size you have set and precise position etc?E.G i have msi afterburner, GPUZ and coretemp which all start up and overlap each other etc,would be great if it was set in its spot upon windows start-up so i wouldn't have to reposition each window every time i start up my p

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Lost Documents, Can Get Them Back

Jul 4, 2011

I was using Illustrator CS5 with a number of documents open when I had to leave my office to deal with a screaming daughter. I was then a little distracted before I managed to get back to my laptop. To my horror my laptop had installed some updates and automatically restarted. And you guessed it my files were gone. I know I know I should have been periodically saving them as I worked on them and stupidly enough I had with one but not the others.I quickly checked the recycling bin to see if a back copy was there as I had heard that this is sometimes the case. I did find one document that was modified at the correct time and date but with some random name. I tried restoring it to find out what it was and now have no idea where it has been restored to.

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Move Back My Documents Folder To Root Directory?

Jan 31, 2011

Awhile back i moved the folder or pointed my documents folder to another drive(external one) for it to back up. Now my friend does not like it since she has two my documents folder, one on the c drive and the other on the backup drive. How simple is it to move everything back to c: drive, and if so, how do i do it again, just move backup drive to c:drive

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Cant Found Documents On Desktop

Aug 31, 2010

I saved a copy of a document to my desktop and also have one in another file in my documents. Now when I try to delete the document on my desktop, it says the file can't be found. I can't get it off my desktop.

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How To Send Documents To The Desktop

Jun 2, 2011

How do I create a shortcut on my Desktop for some of the files in My Documents?

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Save Documents On Desktop?

Oct 11, 2011

I have always been able to save documents, copied web pages, photos, etc. to my desktop. Never used to be a problem. While on a document, I would click "save as." A box would appears to the left with all he places I could save the file, including "desktop." I would just click "desktop" and he file would be saved there.The past couple of weeks, when I click "save as", the dialog box that appears to the left no longer has the word "desktop" in it so I cannot save to the desktop any more, at least this way. The 'desktop" saving option just seems to have disappeared.

I have seen some responses to this problem on various websites but I really have problems with these. They are too technical for me, an every day end user without tech expertise. Or the response suggests a round about way to save to the desktop (e.g, saving to documents and dragging to the desk top. Don't know how and don't want that much trouble. Other suggest saving to favorites and doing a bunch of other stuff. Unintelligible and too much of a hassle just to save to desktop.

Why did this simple way to save to desktop disappear and is there any way I can restore it? Please be gentle and simple. I need hand holdingI have a Dell insperon computer. Windows 7. The problem occurs on Internet Explorer (IE 8) and on Firefox 7.Driving me nuts.

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How To Send Documents To Desktop

Mar 11, 2012

I lost my documents. How do I put it on my desktop ?

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Removing My Documents Icon From Desktop?

Sep 22, 2011

I have win 7 home prem & would like to remove desktop icons that I never use (from the desktop). These icons are: documents, libraries, control panel, my documents, desktop. I normally delete icons by right clicking on the icon & selecting "delete." However, when I do this to "my documents" it starts to delete the data not the icon. I'm now afraid to delete the any of the above because I don't want to loose the information. I tried using "personalize" from the desktop but no luck.

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Transparent Gray X's On Documents On The Desktop?

Dec 13, 2012

Maybe this has something to do with the last round of updates. There are now transparent gray x's on the corners of the documents on my desktoop. They are on both .docx and Wordpad documents. I opened one of the documemts and it opened find but I cannot understand the purpose of these odd gray x's.

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Missing Documents Saved On Desktop

Dec 2, 2011

When I try to retreive documents that I have saved on the desktop they are not there. However if I try to save another document the previously saved documents are showing up to the Saved Documents dialog drop down box. Where have they gone?

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Desktop And Documents Folder Merged?

Jun 19, 2012

I accidentally merged the desktop folder and documents folder. (Not sure how). Nothing is missing. I just have no "desktop" folder under my user folder and all of the individual files from the documents folder are on the desktop. I'd rather not system restore.

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All Documents Empty And Icons Disappeared From Desktop

Aug 14, 2011

I had a virus and now all of my documents are empty and the icons are gone off my desktop.

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Profile Corrupted, Lost Desktop, Documents, Etc Folders?

Jul 20, 2012

OS is Windows 7 Home Premium x64. My friend mentioned that he tried to install a Acer webcam driver/application and after restart, the profile is corrupted.We have already agreed to re install the OS. However, I have noticed that under the User folder of that (supposedly, one and only) account, most of the desktop which my friend's data resides are missing. Namely, desktop, documents, etc.

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Desktop Erased / Can't Locate 'My Documents' Folder And 'Start Menu' Folders

Jun 22, 2011

I recently restarted my computer only to be met with an empty desktop.Also, My Start Menu is empty. I can't locate any of programs or documents.a Right clicking and going to windows explorer, I could only view : "My Computer", "Windows (C); and when I click on them, they contain few irrelevant files.In other words I can't find my personal saved documents, "my document" folder , recycle bin and all other programs.My wifi still works so the only thing I can do on my system is browse on the internet.However, I can open a microsoft office file, PDF files, if I download it directly from my email or from an external drive.I can save files on my new blank desktop.I presume this is a virus attack.

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How To Get Desktop Back To Original

Aug 5, 2011

the bar that used to be along the bottem has now moved to the top of my desktop how do i get it or move it back to the bottem

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Take 45 Seconds To Get To Desktop And 45 To Get Back In?

Mar 4, 2011

I currently run everything in admin mode. most of my games force me to. When my pc just turns on it is quick instant response time, but after running for half a day it becomes slowed.. When i click on a program to start you know how it goes to a lightey darkend screen and the yellow dialog box asking to run the program? Well this is how it works. i get a full black screen for about 15 seconds. then the yellow dialog box then the black screen again for 15 seconds. this is on any of my programs. then back to desktop then the program starts. and not even then does the program really start takes about 15 more seconds then black screen then the program starts running. BUT it still isnt.. the screen goes black, then goes to a lighter shade of black, then dark black, then lighter shade of black then the program starts time elaspes 45 seconds or so.. this is for any program.. and when this occurs the black screens i get this EEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRR sound from my speakers and if something else is running say teamspeak they all disappear for that time till the program starts.

Also another way to see this issue is when i alt tab out. Takes 2 seconds when the pc is just start or before hand. now it coudl take 45 seconds to get to desktop and 45 to get back in. while this could also cause programs to stop responding and screws with the icon placement on my desktop. Another way of it showing is when i press on the start button and it takes up to 15 seconds to appear. or when i try to pull back up a web browser same amount of timeThis all start occuring after i placed in a second graphics card. although i cant understand why that woudl be causing the issue.restarting the machine is the ONLY way to get this to stop happening and it is truely fustrating i run a very high end computer.

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Desktop Back Ground Could Not Be Changed

Oct 1, 2011

I'm having trouble with changing my desktop background. My laptop is a Toshiba and I use windows 7. I've tried changing it but it won't work and when i was trying to fix it last sunday my desktop screen went black (my icons are still there but the backgroundis black) and i cannot change it whatsoever.

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Remote Desktop Icon Back

Sep 9, 2010

I had my Remote Desktop pinned to the taskbar, I added the Quick Launch and was going to add Remote Desktop to Quick Launch so I unpinned it from the taskbar and now it's gone. How do I get the icon back?

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Dragged Program To Desktop, How Do You Put It Back ?

Nov 23, 2009

I have windows 7 and really like it but theres something im confused about.

I dragged a program by mistake from the start menu to the desktop but I want to put it back and do not know how to do this.

when you open up explorer theirs no program menu i can see, I know about add and remove programs but i simply want to put the program back where it was?

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How To Get SHOW DESKTOP Icon Back On Toolbar

Oct 15, 2011

I know that I can access the desktop through the far right of the toolbar, but I want what I've had for years the simple little show desktop icon on the bottom left/middle. I created the "showdesktop.scf" file on the desktop, but I can't seem to get it to pin to the taskbar it will pin to everything else: the start menu, windows explorer, my grandpa's beard but how can I get it to just sit there on the taskbar?

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Can't Get Back To Desktop Using Windows Key On Newer Games

Nov 22, 2011

I've noticed on newer games that when I tap the "Windows" key on my keyboard, I can't get back to my Desktop. This is a bit of an irksome problem for me... I'd like to monitor some things in my Task Manager from time to time and can't do this without being able to get that Windows key to function properly (don't want to buy FRAPS etc because I don't mind exiting the game keeping it running to do it the good old fashioned way for free, when I can get it to work like that). I've tried Ctrl+Alt+Del, pulled up Task Manager, but when I'm done and it does launch that in my Desktop, I then am unable to get these games to launch back up when I'm done checking CPU/RAM and temperatures (so far this is going on with Fallout 3 and Skyrim; Sims 3 and Oblivion etc. are unaffected) how I can use my Notebook's screen to look at other things online and etc. while gaming on my external 23" Monitor. I haven't quite worked that out yet and I'd really like to stop using my old Desktop to do that (it's slow, dying and redundant in addition to a waste of electricity to be doing that).

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My Computer Desktop Icon - How To Change Back ?

Dec 18, 2009

I added it to the desktop and the normal icon was used (picture of a PC). Now it's suddenly changed to the default windows explorer icon ! How to get the default icon back ? I tried removing it from desktop and adding it again, but did not work.

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Move Offscreen Window Back To Desktop

Mar 31, 2010

How to Move Offscreen Window Back to the Desktop in Windows 7 ?

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Get Start Button And A Few Missing Icons Back On Desktop?

Jun 5, 2012

how do i get my start button and a few missing icons back on my desktop?

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Delete A Desktop Item But It Keeps Coming Back - User Account

Oct 15, 2012

I received my new laptop from the administrator at work, it came with a browser and recycle bin on the desktop. I found a work around for removing the recycle bin so that is no prob. However...

When I delete the browser icon it asks for an administrator login (which I have been given) I enter this and the icon is then deleted. However the icon keeps coming back! This seems to happen when I log back on or sometimes just after a few hours.

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Converting ClarisWorks Documents To Word Documents?

Dec 1, 2011

Does anybody know of any file converters out there (free if possible) that can convert ClarisWorks files to Office Word files? I have a lot of old documents that I wish to convert.

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