How To Change Username "New User" After Installing

Oct 17, 2012

Well basically I never changed my username while installing a new copy of Windows 7 I got with a new PC. Its stuck as "New User"

I've tried searching but found nothing to change that part of it, Its really no Big deal but its a bit Frustrating not knowing how to change it

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Change Username In Irctc Co In User Account?

Feb 4, 2013

Yesterday, I had changed mobile nos in my User I/d- Svignesh, but didnot change email address.Now, while login it asks for password. With old password I am not able to assess the login.The old mail is also inactive. Hence , I request you to direct the password etc, that has been sent to old mail.

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How To Change Username

May 2, 2011

Can I change my Username on my Home premium Laptop from Archibold to Theodora and changing all the file names at the same time.

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Windows 7 - How To Change Username

Dec 4, 2011

I'm using Windows 7 for the first time, and when I go to C:/Users the folder with the computers name is set to "owner". How can I change that?

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How To Change Username When Logging In

May 23, 2012

I'm using Win 7, I have only one user name registered in the computer. My login user name was changed to wrong name by external software, I cannot find the way to enter as my original user? How can I change the name of the user name when logging in?

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How To Change Username In Irctc

Jun 11, 2012

How to change username in irctc

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Asking For Username/password While Installing Windows 7 Home Premium?

Jan 2, 2012

I've got some driver problems so I decided to reinstall the same windows [Win 7]. While installing, The system restarted and showed up the Win 7 wallpaper asking for username and password. From what ? Also i didn't configured username/password before this. Tried the old username/pass but it says "This domain cannot be connected, blah blah blah...".

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How To Change User Name ?

Dec 15, 2009

I just had my computer reformatted and changed OS's from vista to Windows 7. Unfortunately my computer guy thinks he is funny and when it asked you to name your computer he called it "Homo".

I'll admit this was pretty funny when I brought it home and saw that but after a few hours with struggling to figure out how to change it, it just started to piss me off.

I've changed the User name to Scott and in the advanced settings I changed my computer name to Scott-PC, but everything is still listed as "homo". Call me OCD but this is driving me absolutely insane and my computer guy wont answer his f*cking phone to tell me how to change it. I've litterally spent hours trying to figure it out.

The closest I got was in some sort of properties menu where you can set what each account can do. I see it listed as Homo but there is a lock infront of it where you could usually change it.


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Installing On C: SSD And User Data On D?

Jun 14, 2011

As SSDs are undoubtedly the way to go for the OS and booting, I am curious how one can configure Windows 7 to install on C: yet save all user data on D: (which is where the 2TB drive is). The main reason being the space is limited on C (SSD is only 90GB) and the media structure of the user library with videos, documents, etc can easily span hundreds of gigs.Is the only way to do this to manually change the user location to D:? If so, how is this done?I'll be building a number of systems soon and want to have some sort of C: boot D: user data standard which falls within the management of the traditional Windows 7 Library structure.

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Cannot Change User Password

Jan 10, 2012

here is my system info.

OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional, Service Pack 1, 32 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU M 370 @ 2.40GHz, x64 Family 6 Model 37 Stepping 5
Processor Count: 4
RAM: 1903 Mb
Graphics Card: Intel(R) HD Graphics, 727 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 287535 MB, Free - 250541 MB; F: Total - 2042 MB, Free - 1964 MB;
Motherboard: Hewlett-Packard, 1413
Antivirus: System Shield, Updated and Enabled

The problem when I got to user account to change pw (I am the only on on my pc) when I go to change it the first thing happens is user account goes in to not responding then I get this message Unsupported Keyboard Layout Then it tells me on how my pw will not work on preboot security which I don't have on then it tells me to view a list of keyboard layouts it goes to not responding right away never get keyboard lay out screen. then I get password you typed does'nt meet requirements.

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How To Change User And Computer Name

Jan 26, 2013

I bought a used computer & changed the old name to my name & deleted the old log-in names. The old name still shows under C:\Users file, along with other names, such as All Users, Default, Default User, and Public, but my name does not show up anywhere except under Libraries. Also, all the names in the C:\Users files has a lock on them except for Default and Public. How to I completely remove the former owner's name from my files? And, why do the other files show a lock on them?

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User Account Name Change?

Jul 16, 2011

I changed my user account name on Windows 7, and now the account is inaccessible. I have another account on the computer, but I cannot change the name back. Is there any way to make the account accessible again without re-installing Windows? If not, would a full back up from the other account back the data on the inaccessible account up as well as the other account's data?

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Change The Name Of User Folder?

Sep 19, 2011

I installed windows 8 developer preview last night for dual booting purposes last night on a separate 20Gb partition. When I was using Windows 8 I Changed the location of my music library to my user folder on my windows 7 partition. Now when I boot in windows 7 the folder that was previously named after my username is now titled "my music" All of the contents of my users folder are in the folder. I cannot rename the folder back to my username by right clicking it and trying to rename it.

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How To Change User Account

Mar 11, 2012

I have had this pc for a couple years now and i had bought it from an individual.It at one time had windows vista ultimate 64bit and was upgraded to windows 7 ultimate 64bit.I do not have a CD program to repair the system. My problem is i have 3 accounts registered and i am the administrator.The other 2 are user accounts.I use to awhile back be able to access the "change your user account,Change your account type,and manage another account" feature.I cannot for some reason any more,i click the short cuts and nothing happens.I tried searching the net and didn't find anything that could help me out.

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Change The User Folder Name?

Jul 18, 2012

how to change the user folders name. I had try man things but nothing works.

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How To Change Admin User

Aug 25, 2012

My ex set up my notebook for me which runs windows 7. He set himself as the administrator and me as a standard user. As he's no longer about how do I switch me to admin instead of him? And no he won't give me his password to do it (I've asked)

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Change User Account Type?

Nov 11, 2012

My account was an administrator account, but since I made a Guest account then my admin account has been restricted as well and I cannot change the security settings nor through safe mode, nor built-in admin account and nor using netplwiz. There all always some files or folders that are not accessible. Unfortunately they are a lot.Also I tried everything while I removed the guest account but the problem still persist.

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Change Account User Name In Windows 7?

Jun 4, 2012

I have laptop gifted to me, with a user name which I want to change.I have the following steps in mind:

1. Create a new administrator account
2. Copy the profile from old username to new user.
3. Backup the entire registry.
4. Edit the exported .reg file to find and replace old user with new user.
5. Login as the new user.
6. Delete old user
7. Restore the new (edited) .reg

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Can't Change User Account Folder Name

Oct 15, 2010

Changed User account name in Control Panel but the User folder in explorer remains the same. No option to Rename at rightclick. I notice in User Accounts it says the name change is for Welcome screen and Start Menu. Why can't we change the User folder name?Is there any option besides to delete account and start over? It is the only account and Admin. Will we lose anything other than files in User folders?

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User Accounts Administrator Change?

Dec 18, 2011

Okay so this is my problem; About two weeks ago my mother got to keep a laptop from work because she was moving schools and it was "outdated".It was on a school domain so it had her login from the schools.At the login page all i had to do was type "" and the password and that was fine. She did not use the laptop anymore so she gave it to me.Even though she was a administrator i was getting sick of logining in as her all the time so i tried to create a new account. I want in to controle pannel and tried to make one but it came up with domain and user name. i tried to create a account but it was saying the rustrelationship with this domain and Lt-D-8JK12S. (the laptop) were denied.I went through another way to create a account through some workgroup thing , it worked. When i had to log on i would have to type Lt-D-8Qjk12Susername and password It only happened about two days ago that it started to have some problems.I could only log on to my account even though it had many different users in the laptops hard drive. it would say that i got my password wrong when i tried to type.the main problem is that i cant do anything because i am not an administrator and i kept being denied when trying making system changes and copy files on to a memory stick.

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How To Change User Account Administrator

Nov 2, 2012

How to change user account administrator and doesn't need to log off,im new window 7 user and im a gamer too,i have a online game played that is able to have dual screen, last time im using windows xp on playing online game and i can do the dual screen type of play by changing the administrator and doesn't need to re boot my computer. Now im using window 7 and tried the same procedure by creating a new user account administrator in control panel, but when i right click the game icon and run as administrator it just directly go to the client game, but in xp you can change direct the administrator, but here in windows doesn't.

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Can't Add, Delete Or Change User Accounts

Nov 24, 2012

I have been working on a friends computer, trying to clean it up a little. I am logged onto the administrator account that he had set up, but it also shows it as a guest account and I can't do anything with the other accounts. I am trying to delete some of the standard user accounts that he doesn't want on it anymore and I can't do anything with them. When I try to create a new user account it shows "The specified account name is not valid, because account names can not contain the following characters:/[]";:|<>+=,?* Please type a different name"

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Ineffective Change Of Windows User Name?

Dec 15, 2012

I have changed my Windows (7 HP) user name, i.e. the name of the only user account, from, be it, 'James' to 'Alex'. I have even changed the computer's name to 'Alex'.hen creating, be it, a PDF file, the file's information tells that the owner is 'AlexJames'. In other words the old and apparently removed account name is still in use.A place it says (translated into English): 'User profiles on this computer: (...) AlexJames'. This profile has a size of, be it, 30 GB, whereas my C drive has 60 used GB.I want 'Alex' to own and/or to be the author of documents, images, and other files I create. I have read similar topics in this forum

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User Account Picture - Change

Nov 23, 2009

How to Change Your User Account Picture in Windows 7 ?

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User Folders - How To Change Names

Mar 26, 2011

i am selling a laptop to a co-worker but am having troubles changing the user name. This is windows 7 home premium 64 bit. The folders under "users" are the "public" and the my name. I want to change it from my name to their name but it has a lock symbol on the icon and I cannot figure out how to do it. I was able to go into user accounts and change the name there, no problem. But the "users" folder will not change also.How do I do this? I do not want to do a fresh install or anything - this laptop is only one month old but I ended up not liking it. I already installed Abode professional, Office Professional 2010, and a bunch of other software that the buyer is paying me extra for, so doing a clean install would screw that up for them. Is there any way to change the folder name or are they just stuck with it?

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Can't Change User Picture After Upgrade

Dec 21, 2009

I upgraded from Vista Home Premium to Windows 7 Professional. I used the Easy Transfer program to migrate my files. I reinstalled some of my software before moving my user settings back onto the system.

I went in to change my User Account pictures and there is no option to save changes to either account. It shows the picture selection but no Save Changes button at the bottom of the window.

I'm back to hating Microsoft unless this is my user error. (and using Windows doesn't count as an error)

The upgrade has been working pretty well for Microsoft and I'm really pleased with the improved performance but get irritated by the little challenges.

Any suggestions?

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How To Change User Profile To Administrator

Dec 21, 2011

my windows 7 PC have no administrator account, i did try to active to this method "cmd, run administrator ,net user administrator /active :yes. that time become this error system error 5 has.

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Change From Administrator To Standard User?

Jan 4, 2012

how do i change from administrator to standard user

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How To Change User To Admin In Windows 7

Jan 24, 2012

my pc got problem my admin acct has been change into gest account...i cannot change it back to admin..

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Change From Power User To Administrator?

Mar 24, 2010

change from power user to administrator?

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Prevent User Password Change?

Dec 28, 2012

as an administrator, Im trying to prevent users changing their own passwords. Tried net user...system error 5...access is denied. Under computer management there is no Local Users and Groups. Using Home Premium SP1 64bit.

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