Disabling The Explorer.exe From Starting With Windows 7?

Jun 10, 2012

disabling the explorer.exe from starting with windows 7. I want to just run media center without the explorer in the background. How can i do this.Also how do add my games and internet explorer to extras in media center.

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Disabling "Setup Is Starting Services" Screen?

Jul 6, 2011

For some reason, it goes all the way through the install, or so I think, then I discover that it's rolling back the changes. It reboots and I notice a new option on the boot menu for rolling back Setup, which is the default one. So now the computer keeps booting that option and restarting as soon as the roll back screen has been show for a few seconds.o I decide to choose the Windows 7 option instead, figuring I will try to reinstall again. Instead I get a screen saying Setup is installing services, and an error message saying "The computer restarted unexpectedly or encountered an unexpected error."So I've been reading tons of pages online and tried everything like disabling the floppy disk in the BIOS, running Windows in Safe Mode and then through a command prompt disabling some devices, and trying to upgrade from the DVD only to find out I can only do a clean install there.

Making a clean install is absolutely NOT an option. So since the installation saved all the old files, I overwrote the install files with the old files, but I'm still getting that screen. So I'm figuring that there is somewhere in the registry database, where I can tell it not to load install but instead boot directly into Windows. But where would I find that?

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Explorer Crash After Each Reboot Starting Browser

Jul 17, 2010

The first time I start a browser after each reboot, I get a Windows Explorer crash, but it's not a full blown crash. It just says "Windows Explorer has stopped working", but it doesn't seem like it closes and restarts.

I first noticed it with Firefox, but then I switched back to Google Chrome. Same things. I haven't tried IE because, well, I don't use it. After that, I never see it again until a reboot.

I'm on Windows 7 x64.

Crash details below...
Code: Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:APPCRASH


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BSOD Starting, Playing, Internet Explorer And In Idle. Error 116?

Nov 20, 2011

A couple of months ago, I bought a new graphics card: a Nvidia 560GTX (Gigabyte GV-NV56GOC) and a new PSU (Corsair CX500 V2 Builder Series, 500 W) to run it and after 3 weeks the PC began to fail with the 116 error.At the begining it crashed only at Windows 7 blue starting screen (after the loading screen with win logo and a progress bar). It happened once every 4 or 5 days.After a month it was almost imposible to run unless starting in "FailSafe Mode" and began to crash in the desktop in idle. I tested it with another drivers, clean installs, changing cabes, etc... and nothing worked, only with another graphics card (an old nvidia 220GT wich came with the PC) and worked properly so I decided so send the card in RMA.

A couple of days ago the seller sent me an email saying that they couldn't find any issue with the 560GTX and they sent the card to Gigabyte to further testing (I wil have to wait 20-30 days to have more info). Yesterday my PC with the old card (the 220GT) began to fail while playing Skyrim with a grey screen and a strange buzz in the speakers. After 2 seconds it restarts saying that there was an system error bccode 116. Today it has crashed 4 times in 5 hours while playing (same as yesterday), "youtubbing" or (I think, but not sure than) in idle with a white screen and a strange buzz in the speakers, but not starting like with the 560GTX.

I had to change my HDD a month ago too so I tested in 2 diferent HDDs, drivers are OK and I guess that the PSU is enough for the new card and more than enough with the old one. I also ran sfc.exe /scannow witho no problems.I'm running Windows Home Premium x64 (Service Pack 1) OEM, reinstalled one or 2 months ago. I will attach minidump files with errors of both cards.

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Disabling Sounds In Windows 7

Jun 14, 2011

I know I have not discovered anything new with the following problem, but I have not yet read a workable solution.

I find the "bleeps" and "bonks" most annoying when I am navigating around Windows 7, and I am well aware what it says in the personalise/sound menus. The trouble is that opting for "no sound", or switching off individual sounds does not work. I have spent many hours on this problem, to little avail.

if there is a glitsch somewhere in the system,and if there is a solution other than to turn the speakers off. This would be a bit drastic some some of the sounds are useful.

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Disabling The Keyboard In Windows 7?

Sep 19, 2011

For some reason something is disabling the keyboard in windows 7 I notice the speech and on screen keyboard on start up? could that be whats disabling the keyboard?

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Disabling Windows Aero

Oct 13, 2009

I ran the upgrade advisor and it said for my video card that I had to upgrade the video card. Any chance that by disabling windows aero i can skip having to upgrade my card?

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Disabling Non Windows Services

Nov 7, 2011

I'm trying to optimize my computer a bit, and in msconfig I have found many services from application that, at the best I only use occasionally. My question is, if I disable a service that is needed for an application, will it automatically be restarted when trying to run said application? Or do some applications really need to do something at startup to be fully functionally (seems a bit weird to me, but you never know...)

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Disabling Homegroup On Windows 7?

May 30, 2010

we have had issues for last week...with internet and affecting the tv.. how do u go about in disabling homegroup on windows 7..

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Disabling (locked) Screen On Windows 7?

Feb 18, 2011

i would like to know how to disable the (locked) screen on windows 7. if im not do anything on the computer for a while the screen goes off and when i return it comes up with a little box saying locked what u have to click on to get your desktop back up.i would like to know how to disable it completely so the desktop stays on please or at least lengthen the amount of time it takes until it locks itself?

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Disabling Error Reporting In Windows 7?

Jan 25, 2013

I would like to know if I disable the "Error Reporting" program is this also the "Event Viewer" program ? or are these two separate programs ? I just do not feel comfortable having my personal home computer telling (mother Microsoft) any of my personal "Error Reporting" problems However I still want to be able to know when and why my computer rebooted in the middle of the night at the same time for no apparent reason.

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Disabling / Enabling Ie9 Through Windows Feature

Apr 16, 2011

Recently ie9 just hangs up everytime i run a new window and creating a tab/clicking the tools icon but wont hang the 2nd time(if i dont close ie9 completely.This happens when i install the april update. I already tried the reset button several times and disabling/enabling ie9 through windows feature but still no luck.

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Disabling App Installs With Windows 7 Home?

Oct 7, 2010

Finally took the plunge and got a 3 pack Windows 7 Home.

I've done searches in google and on the forums and everything points me to Local Policy (which I have done for years with XPPro), which Home doesn't have.

I read about Parental control, problem is, I need to disable my wife/in laws from installing apps and from what I read that doesn't really prevent them from installing apps anyways.

Is there anyway to do it in Home edition? Not really concerned with wife/in laws as much as I am with kids. Although they only have access to Miniclip and handful of other sites, some of these apps/links/download/installs can get nasty.

Also I've been using ProCon for Mozilla site control with WinXP Pro. Should I stick with that or does Windows 7 offer anything new as far as website access. I simply need to define which sites kids can access.

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Disabling An Internal Windows 7 Security Message?

Jun 26, 2012

I have a notification popping up that says "The operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your system Administrator."I know why it is popping up, as I blocked a file from running in my O/S (Windows7-64bit Ultimate), but I would like to disable the message from appearing altogether, as it is so invasive that it will minimize fullscreen movies & apps and pop-up whenever it blocks the file from running. I am logged in to the only (Administrator) account on this computer.I know of 3 ways to restrict a file from running in Windows 7:1.Right-clicking the file and selecting "properties" and then modifying the permissions under "SYSTEM" to "Deny" "Read & Execute"2.Local Security Policy Console3.Group Policy ConsoleI guess my question is.. How can I make this notification 'silent'? (or disable the notification altogether)

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Change From 32bit To 64bit Windows 7 And Disabling Dla?

Apr 27, 2011

how do i change from 32bit to 64bit windows 7.and how do i disable the dla or DVD RAM

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Disabling Windows Components - Error Occurred And No Changes Made

Jan 1, 2013

When I attempt to disable Windows fax and scan and internet printing client an error appears and all it says is that an error occured and no changes were made. It then prompts for a reboot as if something happened. I just did this install last week and finally have everything how I want it minus that. SP1 installed fine and no other issues. ic hecked the event viewer but see nothing in there when i try and disable the components.

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Disabling Network Password Prompt For Windows 7 & Ulitmate X64?

Nov 6, 2011

I have 1 desktop and 2 laptops all running Windows 7 Ultimate x64. Everything was working find till I had a fatal crash HD crash. Had to reinstall everything new on a Fresh HD.With the New install, my laptops can't access my desktop with out a network name and password?!? HOWEVER, my desktop can access share files on both laptops, but not the other way around. I've had things working before...and nothing has changed except the new OS install on a new HD.I don't understand what I am missing? All comps are able to see each other, I just cant get rid of the prompt for the user name and password when trying to access the fresh install on my desktop.I've gone in to the advance network sharing settings and check the radio button to "turn off password protected sharing" That should have done the trick.It seems to work on my laptops....but NO DICE????Last desperate thing, I even set up a HOMEGROUP(which i never needed to since i got the file share to work fine) BUT even in the HOMEGROUP, the same prompt for a user name and password keeps popping up when trying to access the desktop and Not from the desktop to the laptops?

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Disabling Windows Defender By Registry File Script?

Nov 25, 2012

I know how to disable windows 7 defender, manually and through registry, but here I need a patch or registry file that can disable windows 7 defender by simply double clicking on that. Where to download it from or if there is a quick way to create such file?

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Ppc Dont Shoowing Display On Starting & Start Showing Display After Starting?

Oct 29, 2011

PC don't showing bios display on starting & start showing display after starting window

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DWM Keeps Disabling Itself?

Jun 23, 2009

Ive looked on google only thing i found is this guy with the same problem but no solution - Hacking Windows 7 beta problems - Computerworld BlogsIts happened on a few different builds now, latest is 7232 x64.Im running phenomII 940 BE on a DFI 790 fx mobo with 8600GT card.PSU- Antec 550W EarthwattsAt first i thought it may be an application like my antivirus causing the problem but ive tried lots of different apps.Has anyone had problems like this with Win 7 x64 When i apply the troubleshooter it reports DWM disabled (no other problems) & fixes DWM for sec

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Disabling Windows 7 PatchGuard With Windows 8 Boot Menu

Feb 20, 2013

I was having some trouble trying to disable windows patchguard. I currently running windows 7 but i have windows 8 also. So when i use the program that most people would use to disable the patch manager is not working for me. If there is a second way to doing this or how to have the patchguard show up on the boot menu.

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How To Remove The Disabling Add-ons Pop-up

Nov 30, 2011

IE has a system pop-up that tells the user that disabling toolbars will speed up IE. It appears at the bottom of the window. I want to know how to disable this from IE9.lsewhere in these forums are the instructions for using the Group Policy Editor to do this; but� gpedit.msc is not available in Windows 7 HomePremium edition. The post I saw says that HomePremium users have to edit the registry manually.I'm happy to do a registry edit but which entries do I have to edit and what values do I have to use, please?Other forums suggest setting the time delay to some seconds but this merely affects the time it takes for the pop-up to appear.

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Disabling Alt + Tab Screen?

Nov 28, 2009

I've been trying for hours now to disable the alt+tab screen. I want to record a sequence of keystrokes, I want to be able to record ctrl+alt+tab, but whenever I press the keys, the alt-tab screen comes up so the buttons won't get recorded. I also have to record them in the actual order, I can't move them around so basically:

I need to be able to press ctrl+alt+tab without bringing up the swtich screen. I need to record theese keys in order. Is there something I can change, maybe in the registry?

Is it possible to change the hotkeys in windows? So that ctrl+alt+tab does nothing, and then switch it back after I've recorded the keystrokes?

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Disabling Nvidia Gpu?

Feb 8, 2012

Msi FX600 (MSI Europe ? Notebook - FX600) laptop has two onboard video cards - one for games, other for desktop/browsing/etc. IS it possible to disable nvidia gpu in order to save some energy. As I know, at IDLE, when I am looking at my desktop, GPU is still working at 127mhz speed. How to absolutely disable it without removing it?

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Disabling Virtual Memory?

Jun 13, 2011

Is it safe to have 0 megabytes of virtual memory? I have 8 GB of DDR2 and i don't see why i would need virtual memory. Plus i need to save some disc space

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Speed Up Browsing By Disabling Add On's

Jul 16, 2011

I keep seeing a window pop up saying "speed up browsing by disabling add on's".Should I do it, and what is a add on?

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Disabling TouchPad On Laptop?

Jan 23, 2011

I do not like at all using my touch pad with my laptop as i have lost more stuff doing that. Typing along and it somehow highlights everything and if you aren't watching and aren't fast, the next key stroke zaps everything.So I found before on my old lap top that the fn key and the f3 key together will work as a toggle (that sometimes irritatingly toggles its own self) to turn touch pad on and off.On my new laptop I found it had a control to completely disable the touchpad which was way cool, one time, done. Now amazingly enough the control is not locatable and the touch pad is activated and the fn f3 fix does not work either.computer manufacturer says restore to default settings but I don't buy it there has to be another way as that will wipe out all my settings and more?

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Enabling/disabling WiFi

Feb 9, 2011

I have been using an Acer Aspire 7551G windows 7, and when purchased the Wifi was already enabled and has always picked up available networks.However I think I may have accidently disabled it, pressing the F3 key does not do anything so it is not lighted up or showing any available networks.

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Disabling All Addons But It Still Freezes

Apr 6, 2011

Whenever I get on the internet it freezes maybe every minute. I can still control the mouse but everything else is frozen. It stays that way for about 15 seconds and then unfreezes and I can go back to working. Nothing closes or crashes, it just freezes. I use mozilla firefox. I read somewhere that it might be add-ons crashing that make it freeze so I tried disabling all the addons but it still freezes.Should I just use IE9?

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Disabling WFP For Specific File?

Apr 11, 2012

I am having trouble with windows 7 because I am trying specific words from US English to UK English (E.G. "appearance and personalization").

C:WindowsSystem32en-US (Shell32.dll.mui)

Now, because of the windows checksum. It will not allot me to successfully edit it without it reversing the changes. I'm trying to teach my Windows to learn proper English. I have been trying to use WfpReplace but the server to download seems to be down. [URL]. Is there any way to do this in a more simplified way?

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Disabling Hp ProtectSmart Harddrive?

May 29, 2012

i play alot of music from my laptop, and everytime i close the lid my music stops and starts and plays for a bit and then stops and starts again, it happens all the time, i read in another forum that its because of the HP PROTECTSMART harddrive that helps ur drive from breaking from too much movement. now i feel its way to sensitive, anyone know how to disable it? ive tried looking it up in the control panel but im completely lost.


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