Desktop Was Shutting Down Because Of Thermal Event

Mar 6, 2012

My desktop was shutting down because of thermal event. I cleaned everything, applied new thermal paste, after that re installed windows but still it beeps when booting and shuts down all of a sudden. Occasionally it worked for an hour or so flawlessly. If it is again because of overheating it should shut down after 5 minutes or so when it heats up not when starting it in morning (after keeping it shut overnight). It shuts down even before booting.

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Shutdown Due To "Thermal Event"

Jan 21, 2013

What's happening is my system shuts down almost immediately upon power up. Yesterday I could keep hitting the power button and it would intermittently get a little further into the boot sequence, finally getting to the screen where the "Thermal Event" message displayed and gave options to either hit F1 to continue (where it would usually shut down again), or F2, where I would get into the setup, mess around a little without making any changes, then exit out and the system would boot up and run fine until I powered it down.

The issue began after I installed a new SSD and upgraded to Windows 7. I upgraded from a 32 bit version of XP to the 64 bit version of 7.

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Shutting Down At Welcome While Preparing Desktop?

Nov 22, 2009

When doing a clean install on the Gateway machines, Windows 7 goes through the whole setup and installation process. I name my user account and computer name, pick passwords and choose how I want Windows to update. When it goes to prepare my desktop, it is about to load and is saying Welcome, then welcome changes from Welcome to shutting down, and the computer restarts. After the restart the Gateway recovery manager comes up and makes me restore my vista installation.I am not using Upgrade media, however because the installation is doing the exact same thing on only the Gateway machines, and the HP installation went fine, it leads me to believe it is a issue with the manufacturer?

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Windows 7 HP Desktop Keeps Shutting Down Randomly

Sep 28, 2012

Basically I have an HP Pavilion a6230n desktop. It's about 5-7 years old now. The specs are AMD Athlon x2 5600 processor, 3GB of Ram, nvidia Geforce 6150 SE nForce 430, 15-in 1 card reader and light scribe cd/DVD drive. It's operating system is windows 7 professional 32 bit at the moment (before my reinstall last night, it was windows ultimate 64 bit) and the computer came as a factory default of windows vista 32 bit.

Basically for some time now (4 months now) my computer has been shutting down at random times wether it's being in use doing little things such as watching videos, browsing and etc or being on but not being used. I think it is not a overheating program because At times, i have let the computer to cool down, before I boot it up and wether it being on for 5 minutes, it will shut down randomly. Even at times while the computer is booting up as soon as the windows 7 loading screen is gone. It will shut down.

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Get An Event Error 6008 On Desktop That Personally Built?

Jul 28, 2011

I get an Event Error 6008 on my desktop that I personally built. When the weather was cooler the computer ran fine. Now that it is summer time (I live in CA and its about 100 outside and 80ish in the house) it shuts down when I'm running high resource stuff such as games and multi-tasking if I don't use a 6inch room fan to blow are directly into the case.

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Desktop Window Manager Responsiveness Has Degraded Event

Nov 8, 2011

Get constant "not responding" from nearly every program. Event log jammed full of event errors 500 & 501. Event: The Desktop Window Manager responsiveness has degraded.

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Zebra / UPS Thermal 2844

Aug 18, 2009

I have a thermal label printer that is manufactured by Zebra. It's used for printing UPS labels etc.

Windows sees it as UPS Thermal 2844 but says it has no drivers.

I've tried getting all the various driver packages from Zebra's web page for this model and it simply won't work. Windows says it can't even find a driver for the dang thing.

This is my work computer so I'm kinda SOL til I can figure something out.

I figure someone has to have run into this by now. I tried Googling but found nothing.

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Applied New Thermal Paste

Jun 12, 2012

Alright, this was my first time removing the current thermal paste and applying new one, the previous one was tough to remove because it was stone hard, although I didnt remove 100% of it i'd say I took out a good 70-80% of what was there.So when applying it, I hear some ppl say to put as much as the size of a bb just a small dot (this is for my laptop cpu and gpu) which I did, then evenly spread it around with the little spreader it came with. My cpu now gets hotter by 4-5c.

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WHEA-Logger Event 18/19 Errors In Event Viewer (Windows 7 Home Premium)?

Jan 24, 2012

Basically my laptop has been having very high temperatures for a long time (usually ~60C for CPU and often 100-110 for GPU...insanely high, in other words) For example, see how hot the machine gets just by resuming from a sleep (this is all within a minute or so):I have been seeing the following error in event viewer each time I start Windows (4 entries) for some time:So today I bit the bullet and had the back cover off the laptop and noticed what a bad state the thermal compound was in, for both the CPU and the chipset chip, so wiped it off using TIM Cleaner, and then applied new thermal compound and put the laptop back together. I was actually shocked because for the first time since I can remember, I could feel cold air blowing from the vents of my laptop! I logged into Windows and noticed that my temperatures had fallen and were staying at around the below:Not as low as I'd like but a massive improvement. Trouble is, I am still getting the WHEA-Logger event errors in Windows Event Viewer ('processor core') and wondered if this was not in regards to overheating after all?The plus side is my laptop is now almost totally silent - the way it must have been when I bought it new 3 years ago! But I was wondering how to investigate these WHEA-Logger errors?PS - I think I accidentally got some TIM Cleaner spilt on the carpet. Might be nothing to worry about, but I did notice the "Harmful" hazard symbol on the bottle?

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Installing Ups Thermal Printers On Windows 7

Mar 8, 2010

Right let me start of with saying it is a zebra ups thermal lp 2844 printer which is connected to the works fine with all the xp machines ( about 15 of them )we have just got in 4 new windows 7 machines, 2 running 32 bit and 2 running 64 bit.i get different error messages between the 32bit and 64bit machines.Let me walk you through, on BOTH machines i go:start > devices and printers > add printer >add network, wireless or Bluetooth then searches, "connecting to ups thermal 2844 on server" windows cannot connect to the printer. cannot create a file when that file already exists. windows cant find a driver for ups thermal 2844 on th network. to locate on manually, click ok. otherwise click cancel and consult your network administrator or the printer manufactorers website.So i then click ok and point to the correct file, which results in the following message: windows cannot locate a suitable printer driver. contact your administrator for help loading and installing a suitable driver. The driver i am trying to use is a new windows 7 driver which i downloaded from ( Driver - Search Results)i have also tried all the drivers we have on our server for these machines and also tried the disk that it comes with.

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Thermal Pastes And CPU Heat Sink?

Mar 4, 2011

Just a quick one (hopefully). The fans in my PC have been making a lot of racket and I was checking them and cleaning them today and trying to pin point which one was kicking up such a racket.During this I removed my CPU heatsink/fan and gave it a clean, but I wondered if I need to reapply thermal paste? I know when changing you're supposed to put it on, but I thought that as I have removed it, but not changed it, the paste won't be as good a contact between the CPU and the heatsink and won't disperse the heat as well (or maybe hardly at all?)Just checked the temp with only Firefox (and background tasks of course) running, and my Q6600 is running at about 45, 45, 45, 58. The final processor is always the hottest and it says the max it has been was 70.I'm loathe to do to much with the PC (gaming and I've got some videos to transfer to DVD, which always pushes one of the processors) if the lack of paste could damage the processor.

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Event Viewer Errors - Event ID 1001 DHCPv6-Client

Jan 16, 2009

Can anyone help with the following errors in event viewer

Event ID 1001 DHCPv6-Client

Your computer was not assigned an address from the network (by the DHCP Server) for the Network Card with network address 0x001C25E65B39. The following error occurred: 0x79. Your computer will continue to try and obtain an address on its own from the network address (DHCP) server.

Errors appear every 3 mins or so can you help fix please? has been happening sinc install.

Event ID 7000 Service Control Manager

The BANTExt service failed to start due to the following error:

The system cannot find the file specified.

Began this morning

Event ID 16385 Security-SPP

Failed to schedule SPPSVC for re-start at 2009-06-17T23:59:11Z. Error Code: 0x80070490.

Began 2 days ago

Event ID 2 Kernel-EventTracing

Session "Circular Kernel Context Logger" has failed to start with the following error(s) 0xC0000035

This has begun to appear this morning and every 2 or 3 mins

Clean install from Microsoft image and valid key from Microsoft.

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System Keeps Restarting Event Log: Critical Error - Event ID 41

Dec 10, 2009


Computer rarely restarts during the time I am using it. It restarts if I leave stuff downloading overnight or if I leave on during the day. I then have to re-install any software I installed the previous time because it says it was shutdown improperly ( CRASHED).

I then check the Event logger and see it has multiple crash reports.

Shows as
Level: Critical
Source: Kernal-Power
Event ID: 41
Task Category: 63

I show 20 of these crashes so far and I just built the system yesterday. I need help in determining what could be causing this. The motherboard? Old Videocard? Windows 7? 64 Bit platform? Any thoughts?

I just built a brand new i7 920 System.


i7 920 ( Stock Speed )
Asus P6T SE Motherboard
Windows 7 Pro 64 Bit
Power Supply Antec 750W Modular PSU
CPU Cooler: Zalman CNPS 10X Extreme
Samsung DVD burner
Seagate 1TB Drive 7200 RPM's
RAM: Kingston Hyper X 6GB of DDR3 @ 16000MHZ ( stock also) KHX1600C8D3K3/6GX

All parts are brand new except for the videocard which is a NVIDIA Geforce 7300 GS

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Event 1014, DNS Client Event Warning

Jan 26, 2012

This has been popping up in my event log and preplexing me... I want to get rid of it, but don't know what exactly is generating it and wondering if anyone has any insight...

Log Name: System
Source: Microsoft-Windows-DNS-Client
Date: 1/26/2012 9:21:14 PM


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Re-applied Thermal Paste Now PC Won't Boot-up And Makes High Pitch

Jan 29, 2012

So I wiped my cpu with cleaning alcohol, dried, wiped it with a very thin layer of thermal paste(silver one), then put everything back together, not the fan wont even spin, but it twitches, and when power runs through pc, I hear a very high pitch noise.

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Showing A Message " Processor Thermal Trip "?

Dec 8, 2011

showing a message " processor thermal trip "

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Event 100 And Event 200 Stuck At Welcome?

Oct 6, 2011

Just installed Windows 7 fresh on a new intel 320m 160gb. After i type in my password at the login screen windows hangs for about 15 - 20 seconds on welcome with the moving circle. Total boot time is about 40 - 50 seconds. I've checked the event log and an event 100 and event 200 show up at every boot and shut down but it does not tell me what process is causing this. I've tried a clean re install of windows 7 with a non sp1 and an sp1 disk and get the same results. I used windows boot or starup repair and it said something about an audio device? So i unplugged my Asus xonar but im still getting the same hang time on welcome. So far nothing is plugged in the computer except for mouse keyboard monitor and ethernet cable. I'm on a home network with one computer.The setup is gigabyte z68x ud3h b3 G skill 16gb ram or now 8corsair 800ax psui7 2600kgtx560I've installed plenty of windows 7 on many intel ssd's (mainly x25 m) and this is the first time ive seen this slow of a boot time and its especially odd that it gets hung up on the welcome screen. I've tried searching fora

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PC Not Shutting Down Normally?

Aug 29, 2012

It's all about my friend's PC and it has the following configuration:


The first thing i want to do is to buy a new single RAM memory of 2 GB at 800MHz, because personally I think that the RAM is the weak link of the system.The first question is: What is the best combination? To have 3GB of RAM at 667MHz or 2GB at 800MHz.Now with the currently configuration (1GB at 667MHz) the level of used RAM memory in idle is 75%.The other problem is that every time when the PC is shutting down, the green light turns off and the red one is blinking very fast, giving you the impression that it's always lit; and the red light intensity is very low; (it emits less light). The PC has 2 coolers (one for CPU and other to the power source ...and the VGA doesn't have a cooler) and when the PC is shutting down the phenomenon with the lights happens and one of the coolers will never stop (i don't know which of them).the red light is blinking very fast at low light intensity and a cooler is on.and those will never end up until you will press the shut down button for a few seconds.The system was configured (installed the OS and the other programs)... by a guy with knowledge and he said that this happens because of the newer OS installed. (Windows 7).This problem doesn't appear when restarting the PC.It appears only when the system is shutting down.The second question is: Can the small capacity of RAM (1GB) lead to this phenomenon?

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PC Keeps Shutting Down?

Mar 22, 2010

I am having an issue with windows 7 64bit. Every time i am done using the pc, it will randomly shut down, at different times. I have no clue what the issue is. I do not have a heat problem , nor PSU problem. When I am on the computer, whether it is 20 mins or 4 hours, no problems, but when I am done using it, and nothing is being used, it will just shutdown.

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Cant See Event Log

Feb 2, 2012

I have a checkpoint VPN service to connect to the office but for some time now the service isn't starting...even after re installing. so I looked for the event log or the user & groups in the "Manage" option from "My Computer" but it's missing.... as if my user on the laptop (I have only one - me) is no longer the administrator.

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Computer Shutting Down By Itself

Nov 3, 2011

my computer started to shutting down by itself a few days ago. It will shut down just from turning it on, sometime a few minute while its on, and even a hour later. One time, it shut down by itself but the PSU is still running. [code]

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Computer Keeps Shutting Down?

Jul 18, 2011

i have a windows 7 laptop, and i'll be either working on a document or trying to upload an edited video to Internet when my computer inexplicably shuts down - taking with it all my hard work. i've run malwarebytes antimalware and it finds nothing. i also installed a norton security suite from comcast recently, so i don't know if that has something to do with it.

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Windows 7 Box Shutting Down?

Jun 21, 2012

I have a non-tech friend whose windows 7 machine has started shutting down as soon as he signs in. I have used combofix previously but he cannot get windows up long enough to run it in normal node. I had him boot into safe mode and checked out msconfig and the registry to see if anything was hung out there. I don't have any other options other than running combofix in safemode but I understand that is possibly problematic.

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Internet Shutting Off?

Apr 21, 2012

I've been having this problem where my Internet shuts off about 1 or 2 minutes after I open my browser. Its not a problem with my Internet connection (I have a 5bar connection) and I can use my I-pad on the internet with no problem. Im wondering what's wrong and how I can fix it.

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Pc Restart Instead Of Shutting Down

Jan 17, 2012

it is a week or so that I have a problem with my PC.When I shut down the PC, instead of turning off, he restart.Before restarting, for a brief moment I can see a BSOD screen, but I cannot read it.After the PC restart, I see a small window telling me that the PC was restored due to an error. [code] A week and a half ago, I installed two add-on cards ( a PCI USB card and a PCIE USB 3.0 card), and with the PCI I has troubles to make it run, so I uninstalled it and I sent it back to the store.With the USB 3.0 instead everything was fine.I dont know if this is related to the problem I have right now.

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BSOD When Shutting Down Pc

Jun 22, 2012

My problem is when I shut my pc down I get a BSOD which says physical memory dump with error 0x000000 (thats all I seen, sorry) and then my pc restarts. It happens sometimes but this morning it happened when I was on my Google chrome. I have cleaned my registry, defragged my hd, ran my anti virus. I even bought new RAM because im a newbie to problem solvering crashes.

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PC Randomly Shutting Down?

Jul 14, 2012

today my pc has randomly shutted itself down 4times. first 2 happened when i was on Internet, and the last 2 when playing, minecraft and dungeon defenders!
anyway, had this for ages and no problems. today the crashing started, it says nothing. it just shuts itself down. i tried looking at windows logs but found nothing.


os: microsoft windows 7 home premium 64-bit 7601 multiprocessor free service pack
cpu: amd athlon(tm) ii x3 425 processor
motherboard: pegatron corporation - violet6
ram: 6gb.

it might be because of overheating. its 10+ hours a day on and its summer and freaking hot, i don't know

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Windows 7 Keeps Shutting Down?

Aug 26, 2010

I just installed Windows 7 Professional 32bit Operating System on my computer and I will have it logged out but not shutdown when I leave work on Friday but when I return to work on Monday it is mysteriously shutdown. I have checked the power settings in the Control Panel and everything is set to never turn off. Iam not sure where to go or what to check from here

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Shutting Down For Hours?

Apr 19, 2012

my PC recently started to get stuck shutting down and I have to use the reset botton a couple of times and then it shuts down normally.I recover it from a early date and it work OK for a couple of days but it is back doing the samething again.

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PC Randomly Shutting Down?

Jul 14, 2012

today my pc has randomly shutted itself down 4times. first 2 happened when i was on Internet, and the last 2 when playing, minecraft and dungeon defenders! anyway, had this for ages and no problems. today the crashing started, it says nothing. it just shuts itself down. i tried looking at windows logs but found nothing.


os: microsoft windows 7 home premium 64-bit 7601 multiprocessor free service pack
cpu: amd athlon(tm) ii x3 425 processor
motherboard: pegatron corporation - violet6
ram: 6gb.

it might be because of overheating.

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Computer Keeps On Shutting Down By Itself?

Oct 20, 2011

my computer keeps on shutting down by itself while I'm using it. What should i do ??

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