Windows Updates Fail - Error Codes 80070643 And 8024200D

Nov 15, 2011

I have had problems with failed Windows Updates for the past 3 months or so. I tried the windows update troubleshooter and it did not work. I tried to perform a clean boot and install the updates, it also did not work. I was able to successfully install a few updates to the .NET Framework by completely uninstalling it and then re-installing it (and double checking that it installed properly). At the moment I have 17 updates that fail to install and they pretty much all deal with microsoft office 2010. The only two not related to microsoft office are:

Update for Windows 7 (KB2545698)
Update for Windows 7 (KB2547666)

I don't know what else to do. I currently have Windows 7 Professional x64. I bought the computer in March of this year and have not made any major changes. The only updates I have are from Windows Updates and the last time they successfully installed (besides the .NET Framework I just fixed) was 21/10/11 and it was a hotfix for windows (KB2482122) problems really started around 19/07/2011 (more than a few updates failed).

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Windows Updates Not Installing Properly (800B0100 + 80070643 + Others)

Jul 16, 2012

Just purchased a new MOBO and some other new hardware a couple of weeks ago. I am using the same Windows 7 Pro copy I had on my previous mobo and HD. After I installed Windows 7 Pro onto my SDD (with a HD as my secondary storage), I was getting BSOD and SP1 would not install (but other updates would prefectly fine). I re-installed (cleanly) Pro a couple of days ago. Now, barely any of the updates work. There are various failure codes, such as the ones in the title--and no distinct problem.

I was able to download some updates by only selecting 1-3 at a time. However, with 118 updates...I eventually lost my patience (plus, sometimes a few would still fail even at only 1-3 at a time).

The failure process at first was at the download stage - the progress would freeze randomly at 7% or whichever. After several more attempts it got through to the installation phase. Now installations randomly stop at a random file. Upon restart, Windows fails to configure updates and nothing is accomplished.

Now a weird thing is, that with some of my larger files (2+mb), I will sometimes see like 5.1mb - 10mb for the listed file size. Also, on my main Windows Update screen (the one which lists how many important and optional updates you can download), it says "79 important updates selected, 236.2 MB - 1,059.8 MB."

I have tried:
-Deleting all temp files
-Deleting DataStore

Random Specs:
Windows 7 Pro
ASUS P8Z77-V Pro
Samsung 830 64GB SSD

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Security Updates FAIL, Reattempt At Every Boot But Always FAIL?

Sep 16, 2012

Since early August all my Security updates have been failing. It adds time to each boot up period as it goes through the updates and then at the end will say it's failed and is reverting all the changes. I have already done some research on this issue and ran "sfc/scannow" as well as "chkdsk/f/r." Both seemed to go through with no problems. After that I did a Windows update and 12 updates seemed to go through with no problem until the required reboot where we're back to the same issue of failing and reverting.

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5 Updates Fail To Install Through Windows Updates Or Manual?

Oct 13, 2011

I have 5 updates that fail to install. I have also tried to manually install them, but they still fail Here are the updates:


The error code I get is "800736B3". I ran MS FIXIT and it said they did not detect any problems.

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Windows 7 Sp1 Update Error 8024200D And 8007000d

Sep 28, 2012

since the past 2 weeks i have been trying to install windows 7 sp1. When i use automatic updates sp 1 gets downloaded properly but while insalling i get the error 8024200D. I have used the system update readiness tool and microsoft fix it. Still the same error.

Here are the problems that i could find in CBS log SPI: (SPIRegQueryDWORDValue:400)Failed to open the registry root: n/a, key: SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionSetupServicePackSP1. er=0x2.

After i could not resolve this problem i decided to download and run the standalone installer of sp1. Then i got the error 8007000d while downloading

I also tried installing in both ways in clean boot with all services except microsoft disabled. Still the same error. And i want to know if sp1 will be required to run upcoming and latest games??

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Windows Update Error Code 80070643

May 11, 2011

I have been trying to update these 4 updates for office 2003.Security Update for Microsoft Office 2003 (KB2509503). Security Update for Microsoft Office Excel 2003 (KB2502786).Security Update for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 (KB2464588). Update for Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 Junk Email Filter (KB2522981)

Whenever I try to install any of the updates it goes through the whole process until the very end, and gives me the error code of 80070643. Does anyone have a solution for this problem, I have been searching on and off for the past couple weeks and cant find anything.

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Windows 7 Service Pack 1 Fails To Install Error Code 8024200D

May 7, 2012

I have tried to install this update six times today (07/05/12) after it was flagged as an important update this morning. Looking at my update history it also failed to instal on the 18th October last year but it has not bothered me since and i have not noticed it until now. Of the seven attempts I had the following error codes from earliest to latest : 800B0100, 80246007, 80010108, 8024200D, 8024200D, 8024200D, 8024200D. I have followed advice from MS running KB947821 and FIX IT also disabled my Norton 360 firewalls and auto protect but to no avail. Also I do not have a DVD with Windows 7 as it was not supplied with my PC and I don't want to restore my computer and lose all my installed software.

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Windows 7 Update (KB2744842, KB2732059) Failure, Error Code 80070643?

Oct 3, 2012

Been trying since 9/21 to install these two updates. I have tried the solutions suggested at Microsoft Community to no avail. I was able to install a Win Defender update today, but not these two

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Updates Fail For Windows 7?

Dec 21, 2012

i am havin problems with my updates on windows 7 they get to 15% and fail and it restarts every time i try and update so it doesnt do any at all. its a laptop im on and using windows 7 ultimate

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Why Do Half Of Windows Updates Fail

Oct 2, 2011

recently I've been noticing Windows 7 doesn't even automatically check all the updates it claims are important. Yes, I have it set to install Windows Updates automatically, but this would still prompt me to "start" the updates.I'm pretty sure it has something to do with my having Microsoft Office 2003 (the 2003 version of MS Word, Excel, PPT, etc.) but, that's not an excuse. They're prompting me to install updates for my software they're JUST releasing, and yet they fail seemingly almost every time? Do they even test the sh!t they release to the public?And how come sometimes they'll install if I manually do it myself as opposed to when I try doing it automatically? Why should it be any different?

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Error Code 80070643, Unable To Update Or Perform System Restore

Oct 27, 2012

I am trying to rectify the error with windows update. Everytime I try to update it tells me it is checking for updates...Then "To check for updates, you must first install an update for Windows Update. Your automatic Updating settings will not change." I click Install now and get "Window could not search for new updates"An error occured while checking for new updates for your computer. Error(s) Found Code 80070643 Windows Update encountered an unknown error.

This problem first came to light a year ago when I downloaded a windows update that was corrupt.It forced the computer to loop the autocheck upon boot and could only be started in safe mode or by canelling the check.After looking through the forums I found an interim fix which disabled the autocheck and since have always recieved the message upon restarting "Autocheck program not found".I naturally thought this issue would be resovled in the next update and or a future fix.I had to go away for work at the start of this year and when I got back and windows updated it still had the autocheck message.Recently I have been unable to update at all due to the aforementioned error. The simplest soultion it would seem would be to do a system restore, this I have tried however every possible point seems to have a corrupt file on it.I ran a scan using Malwarebytes and found nothing.I don't want to format as the programs came pre installed and that would mean taking to back to the shop.

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Updates Fail To Configure?

Apr 29, 2011

I recently downloaded and installed a set of Windows Updates that came out on 4/26. I had about 8 of them. 4 of them installed successfully but 4 of them were downloaded and installed(on shutdown) but fail to configure on startup. The four I'm having issues with are:


Each of these are updates for Windows 64-bit. I was wondering if anyone else was having issues with these as well. I plan on waiting a day or two and try again. I've tried twice today with no success.For future reference, what can cause an update to fail to configure?

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Office 2010 Updates Fail To Install?

Jan 22, 2012

I was trying to install updates on my wife's computer for office 2010, when I received a message that updates failed. On going back to previous updates, I realized, that none of the updates had installed. I immediately checked to make sure the office setup exe file was enabled, and it was. Windows updates install just not office updates. (Amd 64 dual-core 6 gb ram 2 itb hdd. windows vista home premium 64-bit). What can I do to get these updates to install? Event viewer gives this output: Product: Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 -- Error 1606. Could not access network location %APPDATA%.I also got a error code:80070643. What do I need to do to get the updates to install?

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Install/uninstall Failing, Some MS Updates Fail

Aug 21, 2012

Friends "out of the blue" my rock-solid-for-three-years windows 7 Ultimate x64 rig seems to have a permissions issue [I'm guessing]. I went to uninstall a program, and it failed. tried to install a program and it failed. Did windows updates, selected about 10 or so, most installed ok, but three failed. I created a new administrator-level account [the system has only had one in its history, the main/only I have ever used], tried to logon for the first time, and it failed.This system is on a LAN [wifi bridged AP] and is a Homegroup owner, but it is not on a Domain.


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Multiple Error Codes On Windows 7 Update?

Aug 1, 2012

I have just recently built a gaming machine and I have had this problem ever since I first installed Windows 7 Home Premium x64. When ever I try to update I get error codes 800736B3, 80004005, and 80070002. I have tried Windows Fix-It, and SFC. I have also noted that most of my problems are with security updates.


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Three Updates Fail To Install KB2737019, KB2729449 And KB2687623

Nov 19, 2012

I am running Win.7 64 bit Home Prem. Those updates won't install. I have tried to download from the net and they still wouldn't install. I even tried The Fixit link.I tried to reload Net Framework 4 but I couldn't. It wouldn't uninstall or repair.

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Multiple Error Codes - "Windows Could Not Format A Partition On Disk ?

Mar 22, 2011

A couple of weeks ago a storm blew through and knocked out my power for a moment, then it came back on. Within a few seconds, another wind gust and it ripped our power lines down.Got power back a few days later, and have been busy trying to fix this on my own but to no avail.

My computer booted into system recovery tools, start up problem fixes etc. none of them worked, leading to the decision to format my SSD and try to reinstall windows 7. I get to "windows is copying files" and it stays stuck at 0% for about a minute or two, then I get "Windows could not format a partition on disk 1. The error occured while preparing the partition selected for installation. Error code: 0x8007057.

I concluded that I should try deleting the partition and creating a new one. That however, got me this message:Failed to delete the selected partition. [Error: 0x8007017].So I decided to try and format the drive, to this result:

Failed to format the selected partition. [Error: 0x8007057].

Same result as when I was trying to install. Puzzles me! I've still got a lot to learn.I've tried removing unnecessary RAM, same results.Having the same problem with a Vista 64 bit install disk, and have tried to install on my SSD and HDD with no differences.


ASUS Sabertooth X58 MoBo
Core i7 920
6gb DDR3 1600mhz corsair RAM
RiDATA 32GB SSD (OS drive)
1TB Western Digital HDD
and one other 500GB HDD (I forget the brand)

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Certificate And 400 & 404 Error Codes?

Oct 19, 2012

For the past few weeks, I'm getting all these error codes and have NO clue why? They are to sites I use every day. One moment I can access the sights and next moment I get the error codes.I've run the Windows Repair Disk, CClean, Malwarebytes and Spybot and nothing I've done has helped. Any ideas will be appreciated because I've gotten a rotten headache again today trying to figure this out.If I recall, I think it all started when the Babylon Toolbar forced it's way onto my computer. I have no idea how I got it but I believe it's been deleted....and not even sure if that is the start of the problems/ I just remember having to delete it and then got these others problems afterwards. Whether there is a connection or not, I don't know.

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BSOD With Different Error Codes Each Time

Apr 27, 2011

Started getting blue screens for about a month(maybe, i cant remember cause its been so long!) now and i'm going insane because i've spent a LOT of time and effort attempting to fix the bsod's only to failim going to try and include everything i can and not miss anything important and end up looking like a noob.

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Stylish Error When Installing Codes

Nov 19, 2009

im trying to use stylish to change firefox into glass theme and to change google to dark theme , when i click install with stylish i get a message saying "sorry an error occurred loading the code".

is there anything i need to configure in firefox to run this

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Bsod Keeps Restarting With Error Codes

Mar 19, 2012

ok my computer crashes and works then crashes and works. i did system restore 2 times and my issue is not resolved. plz help me. i get the equal_or_not_less error blue screen error. ive uploaded the zip file eith my dump files from the bsod posting thread on here.

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BSOD Multiple Error Codes?

Apr 20, 2012

i've been getting BSOD for about 2-3 weeks now since updating some drivers on my laptop and it is really annoying. I have Windows7_Vista_jcgriff2 with all the required files needed for someone to look at.

System Specs: Windows 7

- x86 (32-bit) or x64 ? x86
- the original installed OS on the system? No was originally Windows 7 Home Premium
- an OEM or full retail version? OEM
- What is the age of system (hardware)? 3 years
- What is the age of OS installation (have you re-installed the OS?) 6-7 Months

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Random BlueScreens, With Different Error Codes

Sep 12, 2012

Blue screens are coming at different times with different messages. I have not noticed a pattern, or certain thing happening at the time of crash.

Attaching file from the seven forums diagnostic tool.

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Frequent Bsdos On Number Of Different Error Codes

Dec 28, 2011

I've been suffering more or less frequent BSODs for a while. They usually come when I'm playing something, ranging from Orcs Must Die to Fallout 3. Most often they appear when I'm on Skype, chatting with people while playing Magicka or League of Legends. These BSODs are often accompanied with loud, "buzzing" sound which disappears only after the computer reboots itself. There have been many kinds of files which seem to be the cause behind the crash such as win32k.sys, dxgmms1.sys, nvlddmkm.sys, usbohci.sys and so on, but I don't know what to do about them.I've updated my GFX, chipset and soundboard (I think, it's integrated) drivers and flashed the BIOS. I've also reinstalled the OS once, few months ago I guess. I've checked RAM with memtest, turned out fine, same with hard drives. I haven't monitored computer temps very closely, but I have removed the side of the case so the air should be flowing freely. The crashes are also quite random.

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BSOD At Frequent Intervals - Various Error Codes

Feb 20, 2012

Got a new PC couple of weeks ago and have been having problems from day 1. I am getting increasingly regular blue screens. It's not just when trying to load software, or actually do anything. It can be sitting idling and suddenly it dies on me.

Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit
First OS installed (new build system)
System age 3 weeks
OS age 3 weeks

I've attached all the dump files I could find.

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BSOD Happening At Random Times With Different Error Codes?

Nov 19, 2011

I have had my acer aspire for about 6 months and for the past 5 months this BSOD keeps happening at random times, and the symtem reboots and then restores.I have tried various methods to stop this happening - and I am now at a loss - I have tried puting hotfix on and also restoring to factory setting, i have heard about updating the bios etc but i am not great with the technical side of things.My computer came with windows 7 on it and it no disc - so how do i unistall it and then reinstall? i am hoping that i dont have to do thi however i see no other option.i should add that i contacted acer and that they have agreed to take it back and look at the hardware, however it its a software issue which i think it is - they will charge me 80 to fix it.

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Frequent Random BSOD, Multiple Error Codes?

Dec 6, 2011

About a 2 month ago I built a new PC, installed a fresh copy of win 7 x64 and started getting random BSODs. It only happened once/twice a week but has started happening more requently, 5 times in the past 4 days. I've done several MemTests (both slots, single slot, different RAM in each slot) and no errors have come up. I've tried to the best of my ability to update my drivers but I may have missed something. Also, the bugchecks are not consistent (1e, 7e, 3b, ect) although 1e and 3b are the most frequent.

System Info:

CPU: i7 2600k 3.4 Ghz (2 months old)
MoBo: Asus P8H67-MLX (2 months old)
RAM: 2x Silicon Power 4Gb DDR3 1333 (2 months old)
Graphics Card: Zotac GTX275 (18 months old)


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Random BSOD Even When Idle Multiple Error Codes?

Dec 19, 2011

New to the forums and really hoping someone could help. I have been having multiple BSOD over the past few weeks at random points, sometimes under load while playing games other times just when the machine is idle or simply logging into windows..I am running 16GB of Corsair Vengeance ram (2x8GB kits, so 4x4gb sticks in total) I have run memtest overnight with all chips in, just the one set (tested both sets) and also each chip individually with no errors. I have also swapped the chips into different slots and still getting BSOD.I have checked the BIOS and all memory config and voltages are as per spec. I have also monitored my voltages from PSU and those are within the acceptable ranges. Temps have been good aswell with CPU idel at aroun 30 with a max of 65 (Core i7 2500K) GPU's are running between 30 - 80 degree's (GTX 580's in SLI)I have also tried updating drivers but still cant shake these nasty BSOD's

Full Details

- Windows 7 Ultimate x64
- original installed OS on system - Yes first install
- full retail version
- age of system (hardware) - Less than 3 months (complete system)
- What is the age of OS installation - Less than 3 months

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Random BSODs With Error Codes Or Crash Dumps

Jan 8, 2012

I have had four BSODs recently, two with error code 0xA and the two older crash dumps occurred on system sleep/resume. I do not know much about what caused the first two, they seemed to happen when I put my laptop to sleep with very low battery but haven't happened since because I've been careful to watch the battery a bit better. The third occurred while streaming a .mkv file to my PS3 with PS3 Media Server. It was about an hour into streaming when the BSOD occurred. My video card drivers were old at the time, so I upgraded them trying to fix it but obviously I haven't fixed it yet.

I also ran Memtest86+ which could find no memory errors. The most recent BSOD occurred while I was transferring some files with Filezilla. I also had Chrome open with a few tabs, but the laptop was not excessively hot or anything. The transfer had been running for about 10 minutes when the crash happened. I have attached the results of running the jcgriff2 BSOD Dump & System File collection app and system health report. More than anything, I'm worried about the most recent 2 BSODs.

The system is:
Windows 7 Professional x64
MSDNAA edition
Original OS installed was Windows Vista
Windows 7 was installed ~1.5-2 years ago
Model: Acer Aspire 6930-6942

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4 Blue-screens In The Past 2 Days, 4 Different Error Codes?

Jul 22, 2012

I used to get intermittent BSODs, maybe once every 2-3 weeks. Now I've gotten 4 in the past 24 hours, all with different errors. I can't think of any changes I've made to cause this, and 3/4 times it's happened while playing a game, watching something on VLC, and with ~15 tabs open on Chrome. The game is different every time too. The other blue screen was just after restarting after a blue screen.

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BSOD Occurring With Increasing Frequency, Different Error Codes

Jul 24, 2012

Have been getting BSODs more and more frequently over the last week. Can't think of anything special that triggered the behaviour though. It mostly happens when the computer idles and I'm doing other stuff, and doesn't seem to relate to computer load etc.

Did a bit of digging myself and used WhoCrashed to identify Comodo Backup and Daemon Tools as possible culprits. They are both uninstalled now. Installed drivers for the bluetooth which were missing and giving an exclamation mark in device manager. After that no exclamation marks or errors there.

Today I did a full memorycheck with Memtest86+, which passed all runs.

Got another BSOD couple of hours ago (0x00000124), with no lead from WhoCrashed on the root cause so now I resort to asking the gurus.

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