Windows 7 Thumbnail Taskbar Won't Launch Programs Only Can See Them?

Jun 28, 2010

I'm running Windows 7 Utlimate 64bit, just started happening , when I click a folder or program on my desktop won't launch the program only will show in the THUMBNAIL TASKBAR on bottom and I can see the preview whats opened when I hoover over the program to launch as well NOTHING HAPPENS did I disable something I don't think

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Speed Up Time It Takes To 'close' Taskbar Thumbnail Preview Windows

Oct 23, 2012

Is there any way to speed up the time it takes to close the preview window? By default, it takes about 1.5 seconds for the window to close after moving the mouse off of the icon or preview pane.Turning off taskbar animations in the "visual effects" does not shorten the time. It just takes away the animation, but, it still takes about 1.5 seconds for the preview to go away.

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Windows Explorer Won't Launch From Taskbar

Dec 2, 2011

In my webroot Secure Anywhere program I keep getting w32.bamital.gen it wont seem to leave when I delete it from there. I decided to download MalwareMalbytes I ran it, deleted or whatever, what it said was bad. I rebooted, and now when I pin My Computer or anything there like my documents, etc. It says It may have been deleted removed or renamed; however I can still open it by holding windows key hitting e. Also from start menu.

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Taskbar Thumbnail Preview Disabled?

Dec 21, 2012

When I hover over a window in the taskbar, I only see words instead of a picture of the window; and I would like to change that. I have changed to an Aero Theme etc, but nothing is happening. I don't think I'm an admin on my computer. Please explain answers in layman's terms, I know nothing about computers.

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View Application Thumbnail On The Taskbar?

Aug 26, 2011

I had some trouble with my Desktop and have experimented with the themes. I have now lost the ability to show thumbnails of windows of the apps I have opened with a mouse over on the Taskbar

How can I view these thumbnails again..

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Solved Taskbar Thumbnail Flicker

Jul 3, 2010

Running Windows Ultimate 7 x64.I have had the problem a few of you have had with the thumbnail previews on the Superbar flickering when you mouse over the icon.Its deeper than just the superbar screwing up. When this happens I cant highlight and play more than one song at a time with WMP Have to minimize windows just to return to browser and switch back and forth to windows explorer.I have to reboot my PC just to play a DVD folder or DVD disc.The problem started well into 6 months or more of using Windows 7 so I knew it was a problem with either some software I installed or a Component problem. I use Acronis for back-ups and have saved full back-ups of Windows 7 that I know are non-problematic , so after restoring a good image on a freshly formatted partition the problem remained.Tried all the obvious things like video drivers and all but still felt it was in the motherboard chipsets. Something had gotten corrupted or changed.

I have a Gigabyte MB and downloaded the drivers for Windows 7, installed.still there. Tried north bridge and south bridge.What I ended up doing was installing Windows XP x64 on a extra partition which allowed me to use my original installation disc for my motherboard and was able to individually install the drivers for both chips...and after the installation of the south bridge, the computer needed to reboot, at which time it went into a deep process (screen display with please wait or whatever) that took several minutes to complete.I dont remember it ever taking that long to complete .....talking minutes. I knew something good was happening.I know these drivers are for XP while in XP but I really wanted to do this just to see if it might get in there and root around deep in those chips since they are the original drivers.I never used XP x64 before with this AMD x2 5600+ I am currently using so I spent a couple hours installing a few programs I use a lot and testing them.Finally I rebooted back into my 7x64 (use EasyBCD) and have not had one problem with it yet. It has been 2 days since I did all this.

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Taskbar Thumbnail Real Time Preview

Jul 20, 2010

i have loaded windows 7 but having a problem of the taskbar thumbnail preview it does not show the live preview instead it shows the title of the window open earlier it showed the preview.

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Taskbar Thumbnail Previews - Enable Or Disable

Jan 3, 2010

How to Enable or Disable the Windows 7 Taskbar Thumbnail Previews ?

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Taskbar Thumbnail Previews - Change Delay Time

Dec 10, 2009

How to Change Windows 7 Taskbar Thumbnail Previews Display Delay Time ?

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Taskbar List Or Thumbnail Previews Mode - Change

Apr 3, 2010

How to Change the Windows 7 Taskbar Thumbnail and List Mode Threshold ?

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Taskbar Thumbnail Live Preview - Change Delay Time

Apr 19, 2010

How to Change the Windows 7 Taskbar Thumbnail Live Preview Delay Time ?

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Windows 7 Won't Launch Programs?

Mar 31, 2011

AVG stopped a program DWU.EXE from loading but since then I can not launch apps via the desktop or by directly clicking them unless I right click and load as admin. All virus scans (AVG, Windows malicious virus remover tool and Ad Aware) come out clean.Do not want to reload Win7 or restore if I don't have to

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Windows 7 Explorer Works No Programs Will Launch

Sep 24, 2012

After the latest windows updates (9-22-12), now I cannot launch any program, including outlook, IE, norton or quicken. I can bring up an explorer window, copy and move files, and use the search funtion. I am out of ideas. System restore is useless.

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Clicking On Start Menu And Taskbar Items Doesn't Launch Program

Aug 25, 2011

Essentially, upon starting up my computer, from time to time, I have no yet been able to isolate what may cause this issue, I will find that I cannot launch programs from their shortcuts in the Quick Start or Taskbar menu. As of right now I have not tried to launch said programs from the original .exe file in this scenario.I've noticed that when I try to open these programs from the Taskbar, the icon will be surrounded by a square to indicate that it is active, but, after a period of maybe 5 seconds or so, sometimes longer, it will disappear and the program will no longer look active. Opening up the task manager, the programs usually show up in the Processes under the appropriate name. Multiple instances of a program can appear, even when, under normal circumstances, multiple instances aren't allowed (such as with Firefox). The processes will usually show a static amount of memory used, like 108k for any firefox.exe in the process list, and will simply sit there until they are ended, despite the program not actually running. When this happens I generally have to restart the computer and hope it works on the restart.

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Can't Open Any Programs - Can't Get Online Or Launch .exe

Mar 28, 2012

I can't open any programs in Windows 7 from my HP laptop. I can't get online or launch .exe files. When I try to open anything, I get the spinning circle by the cursor but then nothing happens and it disappears. So it looks as though it's about to launch a program then doesn't. The IT guy at work told me to download Malwarebytes and run it but the same thing happens - I click on it and get the little spinning circle then it just goes away. And everything I read online says to download this program or that program but I can't even get online to do that. I've tried to do all of this in Safe Mode (Networking), also. Same thing - acts like it's about to launch then nothing.

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Can't See Nor Launch Programs On Start Menu

Oct 26, 2011

My computer recently prompted me to do a virus scan and after rebooting, it erased all the files and programs on it. I read some posts stating to "unhide" all the folders in windows explorer to help the situation. That seemed to restore alot of programs, but I still can't launch certain programs off the Start Menu nor can I see their shortcut in Windows Explorer. I'm able to open files using those programs from Windows explorer, I just cant open the program itself from the Start Menu. The folders of those programs on the Start Menu say "empty" and no program is displayed.

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Create One Shortcut To Launch Multiple Programs?

Jun 2, 2012

Ok, so i have a few questions. instead of making thread for each. i am posting them hear.

1. like the title says, i want to know how to create one shortcut to launch multiple programs( Two or three programs at once)?

2. My second question is, is there a way that i pin a folder on taskbar and when click on that expand( only icons and their name in small space) like a fan( pop in and out). just like the Rocketdoc.?

3. And at last. how can i prevent a program from appearing in taskbar. like i have installed a skin for WMP and i like it to stay on the desktop.

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Some Programs Slow To Launch From Start Menu

Feb 15, 2012

Some programs are slow to launch from the start menu (Windows 7 home premium), while they start quickly when launched from an explorer windows.

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Programs Slow To Launch And Close And Hanging?

Oct 30, 2012

I have a HP-Pavilion WE225AA-ABU p6324uk with MSI IONA 1.0 M/B and 3.20 gigahertz Intel Core i5650, 32 kilobyte primary memory cache, 64-bit ready processor with 4gb RAM and 750gb HD, running Windows 7 Home Premium (x64) Service Pack 1 (build 7601) Up to about 4 weeks ago, it ran fine, nice and fast, then it started to take a long time to launch programmes, even longer to close them down, I often have to use Task Manager to close them and quite often I get programmes 'not responding' and hanging.

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PC Running Slow With 6GB RAM - Programs Taking Time To Launch

Mar 8, 2012

I have a Toshiba Satellite P755-S5320 with 6 GB of Ram and a Intel Core i3 - 2330M CPU @ 2.20 GHZ. However, it is very sluggish. To launch mozilla firefox, it takes a good 12 seconds, and to open other apps such as Word 2007 it takes about 15 seconds...why with a processor such as this is it this sluggish?

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Certain Programs Taking Long Time (5 To 10 Minutes) To Launch

Aug 13, 2010

Running a brand new HP desktop machine. I've been using it for about a week with no problems ... until today. Certain programs are acting like they aren't launching, but at about 5-10 minutes later, they finally launch. Even the Recycle Bin took about 5 minutes to come up. However, Firefox launches immediately.

4GB of RAM
AMD Athlon II X2 250 Processor @ 3.00 GHz
64 bit

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Windows 7 Programs Don't Open From Taskbar?

Feb 22, 2011

I apologize - I know I made a post about this a while back, but I have since forgot what the solution was and so I have to ask again.Anyway, I have Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit. A problem I run into every once is when I click on a program icon in the taskbar that program never opens. This doesn't happen a lot, but enough to be annoying. I have never found any solution or even a clue to what could be causing this in all the forums and web sites I've visited.Whatever info you need me to post I will be glad to do it.

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Windows 7 Taskbar Pops Up When Other Programs Are Running?

Jul 28, 2011

this is really annoying when playing a game as it causes the game to drop out and go back to the desktop. it also does it when watching a Internet video on full screen or watching a video in windows media player blocking the controls and being generally unsightly in both cases.

i don't want the taskbar gone completely, i just don't want it interfering when i'm not using the blasted thing!

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Cannot Pin Programs To The Taskbar

Feb 22, 2012

it has the option to do so but when i click it nothing happens. before this when i could pin programs it said that windows is using too much ram and that my computer is slow, witch it is not.

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Can't Pin Any Programs To Taskbar

Oct 23, 2012

Today I lost my quick launch Google Chrome in the task bar. When I tried to replace it, it would not allow me. I tried to pin other programs and could not get any to work. I also opened the program(s) and from the task bar right clicked the program while in the task bar, but there was no option to pin. I did the same by going to the start menu, again no option to pin.

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Taskbar Recent Programs

Nov 1, 2009

I enjoy windows 7, and I love the new jumplist feature. Problem is, in order to use it I have to enable the "Store and display recently opened items in the start menu and taskbar".

I can pin folders that I frequently visit, and the same goes for just about anything else - I do NOT want to see the recent files, websites, or folders that I have visited. If I disable it completely though, it completely destroys the ability to use custom jumplists.

Steam has a very cool jumplist feature, I'm able to change my status on it, pin favorite games to it, as well as open specific tabs. The program "Jumplist Launcher" also lets me create categories to use for programs and games, and I love it.

In order to use all that however, I have to enable recent items. Those items clutter the crap out of my jumplists and they're annoying to clear, so I'm wondering if anybody knows how I can completely disable the ability to see these. Can anything be done other than simply deleting everything in the recent items folder?

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Unable To Pin Programs To The Taskbar

Dec 3, 2009

am i correct in saying that you are unable to pin programs which are ran in compatibility mode onto the taskbar?

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Programs Keep Opening Below The Taskbar

Dec 23, 2009

I had this problem with some programs, when I was running windows Vista Ultimate 32-bit and now that I’ve upgraded my notebook to Windows 7 Pro 64-bit, I’m seeing this problem happen much more often.

When I open some programs, either the main program window or message box’s or menu’s, open up extending below my taskbar. In Outlook 2007 when I try to set up email accounts, the setup wizard go’s below my taskbar which means I can’t click on next or Finish. True Launch Bar is also another program that does the same thing and half a dozen other programs.

My screen is set at its max 1900 x 1200 resolution and the DPI is currently at 170%. Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT.

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Why Don't Programs Display On The Taskbar

Dec 30, 2011

if I were to minimize a program, the only way to access it again is by pressing Alt + Tab.

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Programs Have No Icons On Taskbar

Jul 29, 2012

Used the universal theme patcher, to use themes from Deviantart etc. Got it working fine but some of my programs have no icons o_O, Ventrilo has none, GPU-Z, Battlefield 3, etc. They all show up with that icon that windows uses when it doesnt have one, Any way I can fix this?

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Office 2010 Programs Won't Install / Launch After Install

Jan 8, 2012

one of my co-workers wants me to get rid of some viruses and install office 2010 home and student on her computer with the key she bought. her computer runs windows 7 64-bit. after backing up her data, i finally ended up doing a factory reinstall from the backup partition. so i downloaded all windows updates and installed antivirus and firewall software. then i downloaded the office 2010 trial and tried to install it. it seems to begin installing without any problems. then a splash screen for powerpoint appears. it says that its "processing" and does that for about 20 minutes and then there is a balloon that pops up saying that office is downloading files. after all that happens, an error message appears that says something like "powerpoint cannot be opened. please try again later or repair this software in the control panel" with no sort of error code. i then tried repairing it from control panel which claims to complete successfully. so i restart and try to install again and the same thing happens all over again. if i try opening word, excel, powerpoint or onenote the splash screen appears and does the same thing that i described powerpoint was doing. ive tried uninstalling and reinstalling to no avail. i also tried installing the 60 day trial for office 2007 that came preloaded with the computer and then installing office 2010 over it. same thing happened.

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