Windows 7 Started Freezing On Start Up

Apr 25, 2011

I have recently installed Windows 7 (32 bit) on my Acer M1640 desktop replacing Vista. After installing W7, the system worked fine for a couple of days and then it started freezing at start up, right when Windows logo is on the screen. My computer does not move ahead at all after this freeze. When I go to Safe mode, it starts loading files, but stops forever at system32/disks/sys. I reinstalled W7 for couple of times but same thing happened each time. My W7 installation on my other desktop is working so for good, without any problem.

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Computer Started Freezing On Windows Loading Screen

Oct 16, 2011

my computer started freezing on on the windows loading screen, so i had to turn my computer off again, wait a few seconds and start it agin, it then worked on the second time. i couldnt get into any kind of safemode.when i got into windows i had loads of generic win32 errors, i couldnt acess the internet or any anti spy/virus programs. i shut it down and it hangs so i have to manually swith it off.i was on xp so i thought i would format my computer and install windows 7. This has helped with all the win32 errors but my computer still freezes on start up at the windows loading screen and still requires me to swith it off and restart it, this works most of the time. might have to do this 2 or 3 times.i have looked in the events viewer and it says i have 3 errors: error 6 kernel process power / restart manager.

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Random Freezing Started A Few Weeks Ago

Sep 5, 2012

I have gone through all of the suggested bsod fixes and still getting random freezing. I ran SF Diag. tool it pop'd up and error but still ran. I have attached .zip - not sure what else to do?

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No Programs Will Start, Unless Started From Task Manager In Admin Mode

May 18, 2011

I booted my computer today, but when I click any program in my taskbar, or int the start menu, they dont open. In the task manager they are there, but their working set is only 40-90K. Some programs can be started from file->new process, with run as administrator checked, but I cant see any pattern to which will start. If a process doesnt start from task manager, it freezes task manager, and I need to open another the end it. If I start a program pinned to my taskbar nothing will happen: The icon will get the running program rectangle around it, then it will fade away. If I right click a program in the start menu, the start menu and taskbar freeze, and I need to restart them from the task manager. I can run cmd from task manager. Ive rebooted multiple times, defragmented the disk(that fixed it last time this happened, but it may have been a cooincidence), run chkdsk, but nothing works. To make it wierder, if I press the hotkeys on my keyboard (browser, mail, etc), the program will start up fine, even if it cant be launched from task manager(firefox)

EDIT: While I was typing this I was running sfc /scannow , and that fixed it, but Id still like to know why. This is the second time this has happened, and both times its taken me most of the day to fix it, and both time different things fixed it

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Windows 7 Freezing On Start-up?

Aug 6, 2011

Ok, so normally I fix my own problems but this one has me stumped. Computer was working fine, turned it off because some electrician wanted to cut the power to fix something. It installed an update (unfortunately I don't know which one) and then shut down normally. I turned it off at the PSU and then about 10 mins later the power to the house was cut. Fast forward and the power is back on, all the other computer are working fine but this one now won't load windows 7 or windows 7 startup repair, it won't even boot my windows 7 installtion disk.Heres the symptoms:1. If you try and boot windows 7 normally you get the the "starting windows" message but no logo appears (left it there for 30 mins, no bluescreen or any changes).

2. Safemode loads up to classpnp.sys and then freezes3. Startup repair gets to "windows is loading files" and does fills about 10% of the line and then freezes4. Install disk completes "windows is loading files" and then freezing on the "starting windows" part.What I've tried:1. Unplugged everything but the HDD and the DVD drive2. New Videocard3. Different sata connection4. Default CMOS5. Plugged the HDD into another computer as a USB drive, worked fine, ran a chkdisk and it found a few problems and fixed them (but it still won't boot)

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Windows 7 Freezing On Start Up

Sep 30, 2012

ok my hp pavilon m9517c currently running windows 7 is freezing at the green bar loading ... i have tried these steps to try to fix the problem and nothing is working ?

1. clearing the cmos

2. replaced the cmos battery

3. repairing computer ... freezes same spot ...

4. tried booting into safemode but freezes

5. tried booting to a earlier time ... freezes

6. tried a clean install of windows 7 from a bootable usb but freezes at the green bar once again ...

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BITS Demand Started To Auto Started Error?

Aug 1, 2011

I am running Windows 7 on a Dell Inspiron 17R laptop. Inside the program "Dell Support Center" it tells me that BITS - Demand Started to Auto Started. I don't know what BITS is. It runs in the System Services. Should I disable the BITS?

Heres a screenshot: [URL]

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Windows 7 Freezing For About 30 Seconds When First Start Online?

Apr 17, 2012

when I forst go on line and click on or try to type it freezes about 30 seconds before it responds?

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[CRASH] Windows 7 Not Loading, Freezing At Start Up Page?

Feb 5, 2011

I had to perform a force shut down today, upon restart win 7 attempted to load up but got stuck on start up page, again performed force shut down to see if it would load up but with no prevail. if left for 40 min or so it will finally get to login/password screen but after password input nothing happens.I have tried start up repair F8 but again after completion the screen freezes. also where there where more options such as safe mode these have know gone and i am only left with start windows normallyrepair modei did carry out a safe mode but it froze half way through and know that option has gone.i have no backup disk but i did backup win 7 to my external hard drive but am unsure wheter i can load from lap top details are as follows.

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Windows 7 Continous Freezing After Clicking Start Menu Button

May 19, 2012

I have been having a Windows 7 issue for a week now. Last week, my desktop computer had the "blue screen of death" and it sort of fixed itself and rebooted, and it seemed to be working again. However, in the past 2 days, everytime I turn on the computer, and then when the desktop pops up, and I click the start menu button, the whole desktop freezes and I can't click anywhere else. I tried going on safe mode and do a system restore, but the choices of time to reset my computer was still after the blue screen of death.It's really frustrating, because I can't turn my computer off properly anymore cause it just freezes, I can't backup my files, because it's frozen, and I can't backup in safe mode.

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Computer Freezing When Start It Normally?

May 21, 2012

i don't know much about computers, but i also can't download in safemode with the tool that was offered by this site so i'm not sure what all i should be includingi have an hp pavilion g7-1219wm notebook with windows 7. maybe about a month ago or a bit longer, the computer froze up while i was watching a movie on netflix. for a few days then, it'd been going slow and freezing momentarily but this time it would freeze for long periods of time and a few times i shut it off by holding down the power button (which i know you aren't supposed to do, stupid me) then when it wouldn't restart, at all.i did a recovery and re-installed most of what was in windows updates (except for two/three which refuse to install) but all of a sudden, it began freezing again. when i attempt to start normally, it seems fine - for under five minutes then everything freezes. i can move the mouse around but that's the only thing i can do. i've been using it fine in safe mode with networking thinking this month, we'd be able to get it fixed but that's not happening and to top it off, it's begun to freeze even in safe mode with networking

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Computer Freezing Soon After Start-up?

Nov 13, 2012

I have a samsung laptop, and run with Windows Seven. About a month ago my problem started. My computer will freeze and require me to manually shut it off and restart. At first it happened infrequently, but as of yesterday it freezes right after it starts up. I run spy-bot search and destroy, which I did using the guest profile. It found and fixed about 62 problems. I hoped that would have fixed the problem, but unfortunately it hasn't. Right now I am operating in safe mode.

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Explorer Freezing On Start Up?

Jan 21, 2012

Whenever I start up my computer, explorer seems to freeze up and I am unable to select anything. The mouse cursor moves fine, and I can highlight over the start button and the icons in "Rocketdock", but I am unable to click anything. The only way to solve this issue is to CTRL-ALT-DEL and cancel (I do not have to go to task manager and/or end processes. I just have to CTRL-ALT-DEL and go back to the desktop).

I've recently installed new hardware, done a fresh install of Windows 7, and have done chkdsk; these did not fix the issue.

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Freezing Was Screen And Now Black After Start Up

Jul 9, 2012

I have a samsung R700 laptop, which decided this morning to die. I had downloaded some films last night (which I have done many times with no problems previously), switched off the laptop (which rarely do - prefering instead to hibernate.) When I switched it back on this morning, windows was carrying out about a million updates. After around 10 minutes, the screen came on, and everything looked normal. I tried to open a document, but the laptop screen froze, and although the curser was there and moving, I was unable to close or open any other pages/applications. After restarting a few times and having the same thing happen, I started in safemode, restored it back to last month, and tried again. In safemode I can scan (have used 3 virus scanners which have been reccomended) but all results are clear. I can access the internet and all of my documents. Restarted the machine after an hour switched off, and when booting up in normal mode, the home screen is just black. There is a white cursor which moves, but no taskbar or icons etc. Safe mode is still functional.

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Newly Built Computer Random Freezing And Freezing On Starting Windows 7

Aug 17, 2012

I recently built my first PC three days ago...

i7 bloomfield 960 processor
4x4 vengeance ram
crosair hx850 PSU
evga x58 ftw3 mobo
hd 6870 radeon graphics xfx

When I first installed windows it started to work just fine but I soon noticed that it would randomly freeze every 15-30 minutes of use, but not on a particular program or anything. I assumed it was drivers so I installed the latest drivers for my GPU and MOBO and keyboard. It seemed fine again until it started crashing again. I ran a GPU burn test and a CPU burn test it passed both. (I tried runing memtest86+ but it froze at like 12%) Then I tried fixing the registry so I downloaded ccleaner and fixed the registry problems. Freezes continued. I finally decided to re install windows so I did and the problems still continued. I am at a loss of what to do and can't think of anything else.

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Windows 7 Installation Not Getting Started

Oct 12, 2010

when i start the windows 7 install, it takes forever at the loading windows screen, thn goes to a blank screen with just a cursor on it. it wont even start the install screen. i have to install windows7, because anytime you unplug my computer when its on, it corrupts the os so it wont start. and the cord got caught in the sweeper and unplugged.

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Windows 7 Started Acting Up?

Jun 8, 2011

I have been using 7 for several months now but it suddenly developed several faults. wmp locks up wont play at hard drive light stays on after boot up

dvd drawer wont open after boot up

cant run ms updates just locks up

wont log off need to use power switch

this is what I noticed so far and this all happened all at the same time.I run system shield for protection. Not sure what to do

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Persistent Freezing Blue Screens And Freezing

Mar 14, 2012

Computer is currently suffering from persistent freezing and bluescreens. It seems to happen almost randomly, and usually very soon after startup and loading of Windows. System restore has not helped.'fraid that's all the info I can give right now. Any recommendations? If anyone wants me to run hijackthis or dxdiag and post results I'd be more than happy to (assuming I can get that far before it freezes!). Safe mode does work, and the problem does not occur while in safe mode.

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Windows 7 Security Center Can't Be Started?

Dec 6, 2011

im running windows 7 64bit. i cant get it started. its not under services. or in the control panel. i did a full anti virus scan. and a malware scan. PC is clean. i went in the action center. and tried to turn it on but i get this popup

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Laptop Started The Windows 7 Installation Again?

Mar 8, 2011

Im trying to install new Windows 7 on HP Pavilion laptop but,Windows start the Windows installation again after finished installation process.-Disk is formated, no partitions (NTFS).boot priority settings: 1. CD/DVD drive

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Windows 7 Cannot Be Started On Safe Mode Too

Jan 31, 2013

I have win 7 do not start on safe mode and last says auto check not ok.when i escape it goes back to reboot on same status. The same is taking place on win vista too but vista do not start on safe mode but never say about auto check...I accept it might have happened as i was trying to some programs taking ownership...could fail in proper compuer name is same in both window with two different drive in system ..Drive C has vista and DRIVE D HAS WIN 7?

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Windows Security Center Service Can't Be Started?

Mar 20, 2011

after i managed to remove a virus on my computer (system defender) i get this message to turn on the windows security center service, but when i try to do that i get the message "the windows security center service can't be started".. the security center properties is on automatic... but the message is still on.. i tried to do a system restore but it doesn't give me an option date before the virus attack. i have windows 7 home edition..

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Lots Of Windows Opening When Computer Started?

Dec 1, 2011

A few days ago I removed a virus from my computer and after some work I thought I had restored the computer back to normal. Everything seems to be running fine but now everytime I start my computer there are about 20 windows that open up. Almost seems like it is a brand new computer. Some of them are windows programs that are starting i.e. fax/scan etc that have never opened before as well as about 15 windows that open folders that say: windows-startmenu-programs-startup-then a myriad of various HP, lightscribe, games etc. It appears it is opening every file. How do I keep them from opening like before.

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Windows Security Center Service Can't Be Started

Oct 20, 2011

When I try to start Windows Security Centre a message appears:" The Windows Security Center service can't be started."

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Windows Work Station Not Started Error

Jan 20, 2012

I receive this error stating that Windows Work Station not Started Error 1068 dependancy service or group failed to start. I tried to start the work station from services.msc but it failed

I am trying to log into my Acronis Account through their program.

This is the error in their program: x019203E8+0x019A4E31+0x019A0021+0x019A0046

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Windows Search Service Started Then Stopped

Jan 20, 2013

I can no longer search in outlook. I've traced this back to the search indexing - if I go to control panel > indexing options it states "indexing is not running".Sure enough, if I go to services the Windows Search Service is stopped (even though it's set to start on "automatic (delayed start)")If I try to start it manually it says : "The Windows Search service on local computer started and then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they are not in use by other services or programs".Goggling the error takes me to this very specific microsoft support article which covers exactly this error: Windows Search Service will not start, Error: "The Windows Search service on local computer started and then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they are not in use by other services or programs".The article states the solution is to delete all the files in the "C:windowssystem32configTxR" directory. But I tried this and only some were deleted, but 3 remain as they were "in use".I've googled around for ways to delete locked files, and tried every trick in the locked files book - but I just cannot get rid of these 3 files - and if these files are what's stopping the search service from starting then apparently I'm screwed...

I've tried deleting them using an admin cmd prompt, safe mode with command prompt, removing the system/hidden attributes etc etc, even lockhunter gave up on these files complaining that it was the system that was using them so it couldn't delete/rename them or kill the locking process.I use the outlook search all the time (I have zillions of stored emails) and not being able to search is a nightmare...

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Shutting Down Windows 7 Started Taking 20-30 Seconds

Nov 1, 2012

My PC started taking ~30 seconds to shut down recently. This never happened before. I must add that it doesn't always happen. If I restart / shut down soon after turning the computer, it shuts down in under 5 seconds. But if I use it for several hours then it takes half a minute or so.I can't think of many things I changed, but I remember installing a number of Windows updates and also new Catalyst 12.10 video card drivers.Things I've tried: Checked the "ClearPageFileAtShutdown" setting, it's 0. Tried this tutorial and used the 2 second thing, no change. Enabled verbose startup, shutdown, logon, and logoff status Messages. This was pretty useless as when shutting down it cycles through "Stopping services" and other stuff faster than I can read, but then gets stuck on the "Shutting down" part, not very informative There doesn't seem to be any hung apps because I get no prompt to end task (I got that a few times before, and it seems to happen way before it goes into the "Shutting down" message).

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The Windows Security Center Service Can't Be Started

Feb 29, 2012

when i turn on Windows Security Center Service it says The Windows Security Center Service Can't Be Started.

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Forget Windows Password When Started The Computer

Feb 9, 2013

i forget my Windows password when i started my computer .. my computer tells my password is wrong..

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Windows 7 Started To Display Wingding - Fonts Cannot Be Found

May 23, 2012

My Windows started to display wingding fonts.Idk how to explain but I always get 'Font '?' cannot be found' when started my laptop. Almost all text are wingding. And when I check in Fonts i got 3 fonts left. The problem is I got no other PC to copy the other fonts. Looking for zip files of all fonts?

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Windows 7 Spontaneously Started Using C UsersPublic As Default Profile

Jun 3, 2012

My Windows 7 Home Premium x64 spontaneously started using C:UsersPublic as its default profile and as such all my usual settings have turned to poop. Things were working fairly fine but I was having a couple little errors like when I was trying to change my wallpaper so I thought I would do a restart. When it booted back up most of my normal desktop icons had gone. When I booted up Firefox all my usual addons and the way I have it set up was gone or different.

I was concerned as I thought I had lost all my desktop icons so I opened up C:UsersMY PROPER USER NAMEDesktop and all my icons were sitting in that folder. I right clicked on one of the icons on my desktop and saw that it said it was residing at C:UsersPublic. Also if I open up "my documents" or "my pictures" etc. all my normal stuff isn't there as it is using C:UsersPublicDocuments etc. I'm also afraid that it'll be using a LOT of wrong settings for my programs as it doesn't seem to be accessing "MY REAL USERNAMEAppdata" for some things (ie. Firefox).

I had been using my computer perfectly all morning (and it's been flawless for months). Put it to sleep this arvo which is something I don't do very often at all. Woke it back up a few hours later and everything was totally fine. Went to boot up ME3 for the first time and it gave an error saying I must "update to the latest PhysX" error. I downloaded and installed the latest PhysX. The game booted fine. I exited the game, was getting a strange error when I tried to change my wallpaper, thought I would reboot, and ever since it hasn't bee accessing my profile.

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