Windows 7 Desktop Icons Slow To Load

Oct 23, 2011

On the Win7 (64-Bit) I notice lately that the desktop icons are slow to display. They start with 'white boxes' and then slowly they fill-in with the correct icon.I tried the following, and now the icons show right away, but then the screen blinks (for lack of a better word) and the icons show as 'white boxes' and then in a second or two they return to the regular (colored) icons. Anything else I can do to make the icons appear as fast as they did orginally and stay that way rather than turning "white" and then changing back to the regular colored icons?

1. Close all folder windows that are currently open.

2. Launch Task Manager using the CTRL+SHIFT+ESC key sequence, or by running taskmgr.exe.

3. In the Process tab, right-click on the Explorer.exe process and select End Process.

4. Click the End process button when asked for confirmation.

5. From the File menu of Task Manager, select New Task (Run...)

6. Type CMD.EXE, and click OK

7. In the Command Prompt window, type the commands one by one and press ENTER after each command:

CD /d %userprofile%AppDataLocal
DEL IconCache.db /a

8. In Task Manager, click File, select New Task (Run...)

9. Type EXPLORER.EXE, and click OK. =====================

After the icons show the first time (when computer is turned on), I notice the MSE icnon in lower right has a red X on top of it and when the X goes away (in a sec or so) the icons turn white and then in a second go back to their ususal color. If I click on the MSE icon (with the red cross on it) the MSE will open and in RED it states "Real Time Protection is Not Turned On." And then in a second or two the Red Cross goes away and the the wording turns Green. I think there might be something wrong with the MSE or it does NOT work well with Win 7 64 Bit. Maybe I should do a System Restore, to remove MSE and get back AVG?

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Desktop Take A While To Load And All The Icon Thumbnails Load Slowly?

Apr 7, 2012

Im having a couple problems with my computer, firstly when i boot up The icon for the LAN onnection has a red cross to say its not connected even though it is and it will recognise that it is after approx. 5 minutes and will only say network instead of the actual name if my connection (network99) secondly when i log on from booting up the desktop take a while to load and all the icon thumbnails load slowly one at a time and its really slow.

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Desktop And Start Icons All Changed To Paint Icons?

Aug 9, 2012

All my desktop and start icons have changed to paint icons on my other laptop. When I click on any of them they try to open in paint program.

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All Icons On Desktop And Computer Have Turned To Notepad Icons

Dec 26, 2012

all my icons on desktop and computer have turned to notepad icons... and they open with some text on notepad... looking for a solution to go back to normal settings...

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Desktop Icons Keep Reverting Back To Default Icons?

Jan 8, 2013

At start up the icons are back on the grid and pushed to the left.

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Windows 7 Slow To Load Up?

Feb 20, 2013

Windows 7 on my computer takes a while to load up. Once windows shows up it shows the circle thingy for about 30 seconds before running. Sometimes it does not ever finish loading and I am forced to reboot with the power button. It has done it since day 1 of owning the machine. I am not sure why it takes so long to load up, because it is a fairly high end machine. the machine has an I7 2600K 3.4GHz, with an Nvidia 670 and 32 GB of DDR3 RAM. I do not understand why I would load so slow, once it finishes (if it does) it runs fine. I have scanned it over and over with Norton, Malwarebytes and bitdefender, with no viruses showing

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Program Icons Are Missing (NOT Desktop Icons)

Jan 5, 2013

Some of the icons normally showing what a program type is are missing now. I HAVE all the DESKTOP icons and those in the system tray. But in Windows Explorer lists or in Word Perfect and Word lists of file names, many of the small icons that normally appear next to a program's name, or showing what type of document or file it is, are now missing. Not all, just some. I have mostly open square boxes. It doesn't matter whether I'm looking at a list of files I've created, or looking at the items in various system folders: most are just empty open squares instead of the individual icons. I have Windows 7 64-bit OS , both Mozilla 17 and IE9 browsers.

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EXE Files Slow To Load From Networked (Windows 7 X64) Computer

Jan 9, 2012

I added a second machine to my home network, and want to share files back and forth between machine A and machine B. Both are Windows 7 x64 ultimate. I have a shortcut on B's desktop to a folder located on A called "sharedfolder". When using system B and I click in Asharedfolder, I can then click on a pdf, or an avi, or txt, or whatever, and it loads just as quickly as if the file were on B's hard drive. But if I click on an exe file, it take about 15-20 seconds to load. No prompt, no nothing, it just takes that long. It happens with or without no antivirus running.

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All Desktop Icons Changed Into Vlc Icons?

Jul 15, 2011

all my desktop icons turned into vlc icons,

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Desktop Icons Changed Into Vlc Icons?

Jul 23, 2011

all icons changed to vlc(google talk,picasa,recycle bin etc when i was downloading a video from Internet i need a help

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Desktop Icons Changed Into Vlc Icons

Jul 30, 2011

All my desktop icons changed into vlc icons

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Some Custom Icons Will No Longer Load

Feb 3, 2013

I've been playing around with my icons on my desktop, getting some off devientart. Recently some of the icons i've changed (a few shortcuts and .exe's) now show up as white squares or a smaller version of the icon with a white outline around them. Yet others such as one i used for CCleaner and Minecraft remain how i have set them.I've rebuilt the Icon cache.db a few times, done multiple restarts, and have "tried" to extend the Icon cache in the registry (although my new string value doesn't seem to save into the registry) but neither have fixed the problem.

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Desktop Loading Animation Makes Desktop Slow After Restarting?

Dec 29, 2012

recently i have a problem with my laptop, when restarting it loads normally but after a second desktop load something i dont know caused the desktop unclickable and the loading animation circle is still spinning, after about 2-3 minute it finished and my laptop works well as usual again (no slow), i wonder what makes that happen, sometimes its very annoying when we want to use the laptop immediately after restarting or turning on

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Windows Desktop Will Not Load

Jan 11, 2012

Whenever I start,it does the usual windows sign,but then its black screen.I can hear starting music but a black screen.My login is set to auto,so no point showing the login screen as well.

Last night it was working perfect,have not done anything unusual,not downloaded any software or torrent,yet the problem is here.Mind you I am writing this on safe mode..seems as though it loads perfectly well on safe mode.

I did the windows repair thingy,but still black screen and no background music this time.

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Hiding Desktop Icons If Not Viewing Desktop?

Apr 23, 2012

I've been looking around for something that can hide my desktop icons (or basically anything except my background & bottom navigation bar) if I'm not viewing the desktop.In other words, when I have a (not full screen) window open, I want to be able to see my desktop background but not the icons on it. When I "view" the desktop, or don't have anything on top of it, I want the icons back.

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Very Slow Down Load Speed?

Mar 12, 2012

a few days ago my down load speed dropped from 3mb/s to about 30kb/s same with upload. Service provider has done diagnostic and all is well plus the line speed is fine when checked with another PC. Full scan with MS security essentials checks all is well. Have about 120 open ports in netstat which I'm told is fare to many.

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Itunes Slow Load

Feb 7, 2013

my itunes is loading slow occasionally. sometimes it opens right away. and sometimes it takes 5+ seconds.. i also have an SSD.. i was wondering why there was inconsistent load times?

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Why All Desktop Icons Appear In The Desktop Folder But Not On The Desktop Itself

Dec 19, 2012

Why all desktop icons appear in the Desktop folder but not on the desktop itself?I set my desktop to show the Recicle Bin icon only, but if I open the Desktop folder in Explorer they are all there: Computer, Control Panel, Libraries, Network, User's Files, and Recycle Bin.

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Click On All Programs, Everything Slow To Load?

Jan 16, 2012

If I click on All Programs and then on C drive, it'll open up with a blank page and then a green bar starts moving slowly across the top. When it gets to the end, it just sits there.Pictures, Games and Music do the same thing. Games is blank and no green bar. The CPU, according to the meter, is running at about 1 or 2 %. Checking with Task Manager, nothing else is running.The only way to get it to work, is to Log Off and then Log back on. It'll be OK for a while and then does it again.

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Internet Slow To Load On Laptop?

Jun 18, 2011

HP G71 laptop is super slow to load internet. Either mozilla or Explorer.

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6 Core Computer So Slow To Load?

Dec 12, 2010

I recently bought an AMD 6 core pcIt's really slow to load, it takes a good 3 minutes to load, and theres hardly anything to load, where as my dual core laptop loads just as fast :/

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Can't See Only Some Of The Icons On Desktop On Windows 7

Jun 21, 2012

I have recently preinstalled my Windows, it's Windows 7 X64. When I download something it goes to my desktop. But when I tried to download some word files and looked for them at the desktop they weren't there. I clicked to download them again and I saw it's really downloading them on the desktop, not another folder and it wanted to save them as xxxxx(1).doc, which meant they were already there. I looked again, I couldn't see them. Then after a minute maybe all the icons suddenly appeared on the desktop. Then another time I was downloading a zip file. It appeared on my desktop, but then when I tried to unzip it on my desktop again I couldn't see the unzipped file and this time it didn't appear. When I open libraries or some program and try to open a file on my desktop I can see them all, they're there. But I can't see them on my actual desktop.

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Windows 7 Desktop Icons Gone?

Jan 14, 2012

My father is having a repeated issue with his computer. All of his desktop icons are disappearing, but he has show desktop icons checked.The first time, all of his icons disappeared but I was simply able to go into his desktop folder under cusers and have him drag them back onto the actual desktop. I have no idea why this worked, it makes no sense to me, but it solved it. About a week later, he lost all his icons again. This time, however, his cusers/NAME/desktop folder is empty

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Icons On Windows 7 Desktop

Dec 13, 2012

It seems that out of the blue my icons on desktop except for the internet icon will not allow access to the related site. what could be wrong?

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Computer Won't Load Any Programs After A Few Seconds And Gets Slow?

Jan 15, 2013

I am currently running Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit and as of this morning whenever I startup my pc I have about a 10-30 second window maybe (sometimes even shorter) that I can actually get programs to open before my pc just seems to get very slow and nothing at all will open. For example things like ctrl+alt+del takes about 15 seconds before it just goes to a black screen and says the process cannot be completed, whenever I pull up the start menu it will freeze and nothing opens from there, and even trying to refresh the desktop or shutting down/restarting crashes it. I have gone into safe mode with networking to get on Chrome and try to find solutions but nothing has worked. I've ran a full system scan with Malwarebytes and the first time it found only one infection and I quarantined and removed it, but the problem still occurs.

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Internet Being Extremely Slow - Pages Will Not Load

Mar 10, 2012

i started up my pc today, everything was cool. i went out for a bit and when i came back, the internet was going horribly slow. pages show in text version, some don't load at all. Internet keeps giving me the 'there was an error loading the video, please try again later'. i ran a check, i'm getting 4mbps, i normally get 9 or 10 but 4 is fine for me. i'm not downloading anything and the only internet connected program i'm running is chrome.

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Warcraft 3 TFT Game Load Time Slow

Nov 4, 2009

Ok so both of my desktop and laptop had Windows 7 64bit installed

My desktop is Q6600 2.4GHz 2.4Gb RAM

My laptop is Core 2 Core Intel 2.0GHz 4Gb RAM

Somehow my laptop load the game "Warcraft3 TFT" much faster than my desktop?

I've tried defragment my HD on desktop

By the way both systems are clean installed which I format everything to make it brand new (nothing really installed in the system except game and some random softwares)

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Corrupt Desktop Icons In Windows 7

Oct 4, 2009

From what I've read, Windows 7 has a known problem where desktop icons become "corrupt"; as in a white folder look. It happened to me in July, by finding, deleting, and re-creating the IconCache.db folder. That worked for me. Well, it happened again, so I looked up the procedure again. There was a registry fix, but I didn't see what was supposed to be changed. Then I found the IconCache.db method again. But this time, It wouldn't let me (sole user & administrator) open the Local Settings or Application Data folders to get to IconCache.db! Grrr. So I thought I'd try it in Safe Mode. Same thing- it wouldn't let me open those folders. Then, still in Safe Mode, I noticed the icons appeared ok. For good measure I right clicked the screen and hit "Refresh". I don't know if that was necessary, but after re-starting, the icons were ok again. Sometimes you stumble upon something good. Anybody know if the icon problem has been corrected in RTM?

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Windows 7 Desktop Icons Won't Open?

Oct 16, 2011

I have a one year old HP pc with Windows 7. My problem is that quite a few of the desktop icons wont open, such as itunes, Advanced System Care4 etc. If I dbl-click on one, the pointer flickers momentarily and then nothing however if I open the task manager they are listed as running. Today I clicked on itunes and it didn't open so I gave up and left and watched an entire football game on TV. I came back 3 hrs later set down at my desk and all of a suden itunes popped up. Three hours to load the program. Same will happen with AVS4. I have turned off all start up items and shut down microsoft items at start up and that worked once then the problem began again so I tried it again but this time it knew what I was doing and went around the fix. )

I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling softwares, registry fixes, registry cleaners ,Malwarebites,IOBits, AVG scans, Microsofts "sfc /scannow" but no signs of a virus or registry corruption. Even tried a memory scan. (said programs won't open from All Programs list either)

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Windows 7 - Desktop Icons Keep Moving Around

Nov 13, 2011

My Desktop ICONS keep moving around. Not every time I log on, just enough to be a PITA.

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There Are No Icons Or Taskbar On Desktop In Windows 7?

May 5, 2012

When I start Windows 7 only the wallpaper shows up, there are no icons or task bar. This is a newer HP desktop computer, only 4 months old and has very little use and almost nothing loaded on it.The problem is intermittent. Somethings it boots normally with full icons and taskbar (but the problem returns in a day or two, or the next time I restart the computer).I have seen on other posts to check whether "explorer.exe" is running. Have checked Task Manager and it is.Antivirus Programs (all up to date and run several times with no issues (in safe mode))

1. Microsoft Security Essentials

2. AVG 2012

3. Malwarebytes

4. CCleaner

Have run System Restore 10 to 15 times (sometimes will restore to normal for a day or two, then problem returns, most times still no icons or taskbar).Have run

1. System Restore

2. Check Disk

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