Windows 7 Boot Error On Laptop

May 2, 2011

I am trying to fix a laptop and keep running into problems. Originally the message was BOOTMGR not found and to restart. So I put in the Windows 7 disk to try a repair...and it didn't find an OS to select in the list. I ran a bunch of stuff and finally got an OS to show up but windows still would not start stating winload was missing or corrupt. This time when I went into the repair utility it found the OS and I ran the automated fix...but that didn't resolve the issue. So I tried bootrec /fixmbr and /fixboot. At first fixboot stated that it could not run. So I saw something around to make the manufacturer partition inactive and to run the command...did that and fixboot ran. However, now it does not find the OS again and I'm back to the BOOTMGR missing. Not even sure where to go now or try doing.

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Laptop Won't Boot & Chkdsk Error?

Jan 15, 2012

Wanna start off by saying sorry if someone has already resolved this problem on another thread but I have read many and haven't found a problem that exactly matches mine.Ok here goes, I have a Dell Inspiron 1764 running on Windows 7 64 bit. I've had problems with this pc for months in that it suddenly lost masses of disk space and because of this I couldn't update any programs or even renew my McAfee which I gAfter some investigative work with help online I found that my 'My Music' and 'My Pictures' folders were located on the C drive and taking up a lot of space so I relocated these onto the D drive. This seemed to solve the problem, the C drive was clearer and everything was working fine, security checked for viruses and all seemed to be in order.

That lasted for about 4 days and then yesterday the laptop randomly crashed and then restarted and it appeared to be ok, I continued using with no problems and switched off as normal. I tried to boot on again last night only for it to hang on the Starting Windows screen, didn't even reach log in. It went to a black screen and then something else came up and asked if I wanted to Start Normally or in Safe Mode, I chose Safe Mode.Nothing happened for a while and then it went into CHKDSK but sat at 3% for about 2 hours saying loads of files were unreadable, it finally got to 30% after 6 hours but by then it was 1 in the morning I had to manually turn the pc off.I tried again this morning and had the same error but it automatically goes into CHKDSK, after about 5hrs it got to 55% and then went back to the Starting Windows screen, black screen and the CHKDSK again, this has happened 3 times now.

I've tried pressing F8 & F12 when first booting up and I've also inserted the Windows Installation Disk but this won't run. I gave up and switched off again, went through the same process but when it got to CHKDSK I pressed to cancel the check but it just sat there for 25mins and then asked me to choose Safe Mode etc, I choose SM again and it started to load files and has been sat at Loading Windows Files for the last 15 mins.

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Laptop Refuses To Boot Showed An Error 0211 Once

Jan 28, 2012

My friend just dropped off her computer saying that its not turning on.I plugged it in, and powered it up, and a black screen came on saying a few things, including the name of the HDD, the name of the computer, etc, but three of the lines it showed caught my eye, so i felt like i should share them with you:

-System BIOS shadowed
-Video BIOS shadowed
-Error: 0211 Keyboard Error

it said press any key to continue, so i did, and it booted to the login screen, but after that, it just went to a black screen with a mouse that was incapable of movement.I force rebooted, and now, just like she had described, it refuses to turn on. The HDD light is blinking, and the fans are going, but the screen doesn't show anything.Apart from that, I haven't had much time to look at it, so i apologize for not being able to give you all more to go off of.

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Cannot Boot Into Windows 7 / File /boot/BCD Is Missing With An Error Code Of 0x0000007

Mar 26, 2011

I cannot boot into Windows because it says that the file /boot/BCD is missing with an error code of 0x0000007. If I run Repair from my installation disk and in System Recovery Options, it says that it has detected problems and asks if I want to repair it. The items it wants to repair are: " The following startup option will be repaired:Name: {bootmgr}Identifier: {9DEA862C-5CDD-4E70-ACC1-F32B344D4795}

The following startup options will be added:

Name: Windows 7 Ultimate (recovered)
Path: Windows
Windows Device: Partition=C: (476938MB)
Name: Windows Recovery Environment (recovered)
Path: Recovery9426aa67-30ff-11e0-a348-506313b5e718Winre.wim
Windows Device: Partition=C: (476938MB)

A copy of the current boot configuration data will be saved as C:BootBCD.Backup.0002"If I click yes, it says that it cannot save the current settings for the BCD and refuses to continue. When I choose Startup Repair, it attempts to fix the problem but fails.

The problem details are:

Root cause found:
No OS files found on disk.
Repair action: Partition table repair
Result: Failed. Error code: 0x3bc3

I think that this is because Startup Repair is trying to fix the thumbdrive that I keep my Windows 7 install files in. I am overseas now and as my computer does not have an internal optical disk drive and my external drive is back home, thus using my thumbdrive is the only way to access the repair console.

I tried running a few commands, namely:

bootrec /fixmbr
bootrec /fixboot
bootrec /rebuildbcd

Fixmbr and fixboot work, but when I run RebuildBCD, it detects C:Windows as having a Windows installation, but if I type Y(yes) or A(all), it says that the requested system device cannot be found.

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Dual Boot Windows 7 And Vista Boot Error Winload.exe

Oct 14, 2009

I installed Windows 7 on a partitioned harddrive with vista on the other half. After the installation i have my boot menu with:Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows vista still works but when i try and load windows 7 i get a boot error message

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Windows 7 Boot Mgr Error 0xc00000e9: Unexpected I/O Error?

Feb 19, 2010

It's running Windows 7 Pro x64. When I attempt to start it up, it starts up the Windows Error Recovery program, suggesting that I launch Startup Repair, and allowing me to start Windows normally. In both scenarios, I get the same error.When I start normally, I get the Starting Windows text, then I get a solid white bar with Windows is loading files... above it. It fills up halfway, then I get Windows Boot Manager error 0xc00000e9: An unexpected I/o Error has occurred.This computer is a stock Dell Inspiron 530s, with no new hardware devices added or removed in recent memory (other than starting from a USB stick once or twice, but not since I installed Windows 7 Pro x64 on here).How should I proceed?hould I plug in a USB stick I have Xubuntu 9.04 on and backup all his files before I do anything?

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Laptop Cannot Boot Into Windows, Possible 0xc000000f Boot Failure

May 1, 2012

whenever I turn on the laptop, it seems to boot into Windows 7, in that the "Starting Windows" text appears and the little animation of colors forming the logo shows, but as some point it fails. This message appears on screen:autocheck not found - skipping AUTOCHECK After a few seconds a BSOD shows up, but too fast for me to make out what it says. It used to, but after some hasty fix attempts no longer does, cycle around to a menu that informed me of this error:Status: 0xc000000f Info: The boot selection failed because a required device is inaccessible. Here's the longer history:As some point in the past I decided to try out dual-booting Windows 7 and Linux on the laptop. I got it to a state where this worked fine. I had partitions roughly as follows:[Ubuntu][Windows 7]([Data and files][Boot]) The parentheses denote a logical partition. The Boot partition was very small and only held what was necessary to launch GRUB. This week, I realized that I hardly ever used the Linux partition and decided to get rid of it to reclaim storage space. This is where the trouble begins. I rebooted into a thumb drive that could run GParted and modified the hard drive layout in the following steps: Delete the Ubuntu partition Delete the Boot partition Grow the Data/Files partition to take up the space left by Boot Shrink the Windows 7 partition to make it faster to move Move the Windows 7 partition to the front of the volume Expand it to take up the remaining space. What I ended up with was: [Windows 7]([Data and files]) My naive and fatal mistake was to trust that the Windows Repair CD could fix any boot issues, and also that there would be no catastrophic hardware failures. Both of these assumptions turned out to be false.

First, the laptop's CD/DVD drive has either broken or is too unreliable to use. I have noticed it becoming more and more unstable over time, but now (when I need it most!) it simply does not seem to want to spin up and function at all. This forced me to create a Windows Repair USB drive. However, I can't load any installation media. This is because the laptop did not come with an install DVD. It had a recovery sector, which I cannibalized for the Linux partition. I did copy the stock recovery stuff to a series of DVDs, but, well...This is all to say that any solution that requires a DVD drive is straight out until I can replace it, which I'd like to consider a last resort.My expectations for the Windows Repair CD/USB have been dashed. Attempting to automatically fix boot issues either fails for some specific reason (I can probably reproduce it and provide the details, if necessary), with a dialog to send a report, or fails because it cannot detect any problems. I have tried a variety of things based on my own research to fix this through the command prompt: Running chkdsk /x /r on all drives. Does not find any errors. Running various bootrec commands: /fixmbr, /fixboot, /rebuildbcd, /scanos. All complete successfully, but the last 2 report finding 0 Windows installations. Using bcdboot and bootsect to recreate the bootloader. Again, no errors result, but it does not fix the issue. I guess it should have been obvious that none of the boot record fixes would matter, since the laptop does boot into Windows 7, briefly.

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Cannot Boot Laptop / Windows Can't Find Any Hardrive To Boot OS

Dec 27, 2012

Today when I was surfing on my laptop (G74S Series) I wanted to restart the laptop because the internet crashed and it usually helps to restart. But I restarted it holding down the power button thing.So, I restarted it and while I was waiting, staring in to the screen, the blinking "_" thing when you start up was doing that for a while and nothing was happening, and a couple of seconds later the computer tells me that it can't boot the laptop/pc because no drive was found. I saw an error code but I didn't catch it, but it was something like "0x0000".So then on later, it sent me in to "Image Restore" But I have no image to restore with, so I cancel it, and then it sends me into the menu where. I can choose to "Restore Computer" or "Scan for startup errors" or something like that (I don't really have a such accurate memory.)And on the top it also says "os unknown on (unknown) local disk".Everytime I start the computer it sends me to that menu where I can choose to restore my computer etc..And I can't really do much about it since I don't have the windows 7 disc/dvd thing either.And this all came all so sudden I don't really know what to do.I don't have any backu or anything, and windows can only detect my /D: drive and not /C:, and I have my OS on /C/

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MBR Error 1 On Boot - Windows 7 (32-bit)/XP SP3 Dual Boot

Nov 9, 2012

I have a laptop I bought a year ago on which a created a dual boot Win 7 (32bit)/Win XP SP3 install, each on a separate partition. It was my first Win 7/XP dual boot install, and my first personal system that I allowed to have a Win 7 install on it at all, so although I have plenty of experience working on pretty much every previous version of Windows, I have very little experience with Win 7 and dual boot configs.

Today about 2 hours ago my audio spontaneously stopped worked for no good reason, so after shutting down each program to see if that cured it (which it didn't), I restarted the system. Out of the blue, for the first time I've ever experienced it, I received the msg "MBR Error 1" - Press any key to boot from floppy. I don't have a floppy of course on my laptop, and if I press any key I simply get the same msg. I turned the system off for a few minutes to make sure it was a good cold boot, but every time I still get the same msg. I tried switching the BIOS setting from IDE to AHCI (IDE is required for XP to boot, AHCI required for Win 7), but I still get the same error msg before I'm even prompted with the OS boot selection, so it made no difference of course.

I looked up this issue and found various suggestions, but none of the ones I found took into consideration a dual boot config., they were all Win 7 specific solutions. I don't what to try and repair the MBR only to have it screw up my dual boot config and be unable to access XP, which is what I use almost exclusively, nor do i want to lose access to Win 7 if at all possible.

I had a backup HD of my complete system that I saved several months ago when I upgraded my HD, and I periodically refresh the most important files on it, so I'm currently running on the laptop in question using my old HD, and it's working just fine. Worst case I can just clone my old HD to my newer HD that's screwed up, but I'll still lose a lot of changes I've made to the OS since I upgraded the HD and have to reinstall and config a number of programs, so that's my last option. I'll also have to back up about 200GB of data from the newer HD which is much larger than my old HD, and then restore it back after the clone, something that will take a lot of time and unncessary effort if I can just fix the MBR.

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Boot Error - Status: 0xc000000e Info: The Boot Selection Fails

Nov 27, 2009

I Installed Acronis Disk Director Suite 10.1 yesterday on my Windows 7 and got this problem when it boots up I get the option to choose OS. Windows failed to start. A Recent hardware or software change might be the cause. To fix the problem:

1. Insert your windows installation disc and restart your computer.

2. Choose your langugae settings, and then click next

3. Click "repair your computer."

Status: 0xc000000e

Info: The boot selection failed because a required device is inaccessible.

Then I tried to run the Windows 7 installation disk, I go to the cmd prompt and run the



list disk

select Disk X (X=disk where I installed all the OS, should be Disk 0)

list partition

select Partition X (X=partition containing OSX)

Virtual Disk Service error:

The pack is not online

and then i run the Bootrec /ScanOS, it came with 0 identified Windows Installations, this is why I come into the cmd prompt as I could not select the installed OS.

I've tried that from bootable cd to repair the install but the partition of windows7 is not recognized still.

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Gateway One ZX4300-01e Will Not Boot. Error Message / Reboot And Select Proper Boot Device

Jan 14, 2013

I am receiving an error message on my Gateway One ZX4300-01e. It continues to ask me to: Reboot and select proper boot device or insert Boot Media in selected boot device and press a key.I bought this computer on ebay. it was a seller refurbished item and does not have a boot recovery disk.

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Old XP Failed Boot Causing Error On Boot

Jun 8, 2012

I upgraded to Win 7 Ultimate from Win XP Pro after my OEM disk picked up a few more scratches than it needed.During a re-installation it partially installed the windows XP setup with an error message of 'HAL.DLL' missing.I believe the residual setup loader is causing problemS.My PC insists on trying to boot from CD/DVD regardless of what I select.If I select boot from CD/DVD with my new Windows 7 disk I get the SAME message as if I didn't select boot from DC/DVD: Windows failed to start. This could be from a recent hardware or software change.

1.Please insert your windows install disk and click restart
2.Change language setting and click next.
3.Click repair... etc.

If you don't have the disk contact admin....ect.

Status 0xc000000f
info: Selected entry not added/ application is missing or corrupt.
Enter Escape.
Escape = reboot to error listed above...
Enter = OS choice menu with:

1. 'windows 7'
2 'older verion of windows'

I select the ' older version' and the system gives me the same listed above error...I select 'windows 7' and, well.... here I am, posting this thread from my PC, Windows 7, updated, gageted and all running smoothly...Hibernate sometimes boots and sometimes shows the same error.....Start menu 'Shut down' and 'Restart' also don't work on the odd occasion....I researched and downloaded EasyBCD to delete the 'older version of windows' but it appears to have only 'deleted' it from Windows 7's 'eyes' because ultimately the thing is still showing on my OS choice menu and is evidently causing a few hiccups.

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Boot Manager/dual Boot Error

May 5, 2009

I'm having a problem every time I power on the system. I'm dual booting vista ultimate with win 7 build 7100; with vista I have no problem, but with 7 every time I start the system the first boot attempt gives me the error 0xc000000e after the boot manager display: "the boot selection failed because a required device is inaccessible".;after a reset the system boots 7 with no problems. Win 7 is installed in a brand new hd(seagate barracuda 1.5tb) and vista on a second hd.

I've search the web for people with a similar problem with no success. I've tryed already many solutions but the problem persists(latest bios for the motherboard, latest intel sata drivers, etc). I'm hoping that this could be a bug in win 7 instead of a hardware failure for the hd. Again, the strange thing is that this only happen after the power on. After that first error, no matter how many reboots, the system always boot without problems.

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Windows 7 Boot Error?

Jul 29, 2011

I have recently tried to boot Windows 7 Ultimate on my machine but while trying to boot it, it gives me an error Saying. Boot error Code : 5. I have no idea why this happens? could somebody explain to me, and what information about my system would i have to provide so that you may know the reason.

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Windows Boot Mgr Error

Jun 27, 2012

Recently got some new Dell XPS 13 laptops. They're great, minus the absence of a NIC for easy network booting. After many different attempts to get the thing booting an ISO image burned to a bootable USB drive, I went out and bought an external USB CD drive. I performed the following steps to transform one of my .wim images for 64-bit Windows 7 Enterprise into an ISO: How to Convert a WIM File to an ISO File |, I can begin booting from the CD. However, when it gets just past the "Windows is loading files" screen (I don't get to any part of the initial Windows 7 setup), I get the good old "Windows failed to start" message: Windows failed to start. A Recent hardware or software change might be the cause.

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Windows Error Recovery When Try To Boot

Oct 5, 2011

I did the stuff that is listed below, but first, my issue and a yes or no question: If I boot windows, without the Linux CD in, it shows me the "Windows Error Recovery" if I hit start windows normally, it starts loading the windows 7 screen, half way through the Windows Logo, it freezes, then brings me back to the windows error recovery, so I tried "Launch startup repair" it then brought me to a "Windows boot manager" and says 1. Insert your windows installation disc and restart, 2 choose your language settings and then click "next" 3 click repair computer.

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Runtime Error! Will Not Boot To Windows

Nov 29, 2012

This error keeps popping up and I can not get into windows.Runtime error program: C\windows\system32\nvvsvc.exe.This application has requested the Runtime to terminate in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information.I have tried using a boot disk system recovery from a command promp, also I can not get into safe mode. I have tried system restore from the boot disk with no luck I dont know what else to do! My computer is a HP pavilion HPE AMD fx-6100 6 core processor with 10 gigs with nvidia geforce gts520.

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Windows 7U Cannot Boot Due To 0x80070002 Error?

Jun 15, 2012

Critical updates were installed for my Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit desktop yesterday, today I put the computer on and just after the Windows loading screen I receive a Bluescreen for a millisecond before computer immediately restarts. I am them prompted to do a repair when computer restarts which after many minutes brings up the error message 0x80070002. The computer is a self build and has been fine for 3 years but this appears to be a major problem. I cannot afford to lose my files (most are backed up but not all since I only back up every month to an external drive). From the repair screen, I have tried to restore the computer before critical updates were installed (what I feel is causing the problem) but the restore point fails. I cannot enter the desktop and now the startup repair simply hangs.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot, Noosinstalled Error

Jul 21, 2012

i had a installation of windows 7 64bit until I changed the pc name to monster-pc and installed a update, which somehow corupeted the regestery after doing 10+ start-up repairs (all failing) i decided to get a spare HDD and use xp on it, and try to fix the regestery files, which didn't work and now it has no BCD and says Noosinstalled when i use start-up repair & nothing i do works (I have all my gaming data on this windows 7 hard disk

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Windows 7 Will Not Boot On Laptop

Jan 31, 2012

I have a ToshibaL675 -06j laptop that will not boot up.I tried every thing that i know without sucess like safe mode ,last good config restart normally ,repair etc..I don't want to loose my data it only a year hold laptop. When i bought the laptop i made the recovery disc..but i haven't put them on to scarte to loose my data...

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Laptop Won't Boot To Windows 7

Nov 18, 2012

I have another laptop from Dell that has Windows 7 OS. Within the past couple of days it started rebooting on it's own. Now it boots to a black screen with a flashing cursor in the upper left hand corner. I have gone into the setup and noticed that it was trying to boot from Diskette, then CD/DVD and finally the Hard drive. I changed it to boot from Hard drive, but still received the same problem. I ran the diagnostics and received Code 4400:011A in one of the results after the diagnostics finished. Could the hard drive be going? Do I need to reinstall the operating system? I also tried to do a repair after using the reinstallation CD but it shows that I have no restore point and said it could not be repaired.

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Laptop Won't Boot Windows 7?

Feb 18, 2011

I have a Windows 7 DVD that I want to use to format a laptop (and reinstall Windows 7 on it), however, the laptop won't boot from the DVD. It shows the flashing cursor for 2 minutes and then boots the HDD.

The DVD does boot on my non-laptop PC.

Edit: Apparently, the DVD won't show up in Windows' Computer either. Is the DVD drive dead?

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HP Laptop Will Not Boot Into Windows 7

Dec 27, 2012

I have an 2 year old HP Pavillion dv7-4165dx entertainment Lapton triple core AMD chip. A few days ago, I plugged the laptop to my Big screen to watch Hulu, well it took me a few mins to get the audio to respond correctly, BTW this was not my first time plugging to the Big Screen. While watching the programs noticed there were a few freezes, unplugged the HDMI cord, screen never went back to single monitor mode, so I did a hard reset. Laptop took a little longer than normal to load into windows but it got there.

Firefox was running a little buggy so I went to check the antivirus program, Trend Micro 2012 Titanium and the its not running nor can I open the console. Checked for a restore point, there was none left. Rebooted into safe mode check Trend Micro still has the same issue, still unable to restore. Finally, reboots once more and computer goes into start windows normally or start windows repair (recommended), starting normally and repair gets you to the same place the HP recovery manager that does not work.

One takes a little longer than the other, I have tried all the options on the recovery manager panel none seem to work. So during research I found that I could download Systemssweeper (now Windows defender) by MS and boot to CD Drive and scan for viruses. Accomplished few viruses found, cleaned rebooted, went back to HP recovery manager, same results nothing working. Unmounted the HD, plugged to a working laptop, used local antivirus, no viruses.

Removed all information needed i.e. photos, music, important files, etc. Downloaded Malware Bytes, on the working laptop, scanned the HD, as an external, few malware programs found and cleaned. Downloaded Superantispyware, on the working laptop, scanned the HD, as an external, few tracking cookies found and cleaned. Mounted HD back into laptop, tried to load into safe mode, laptop just black screened with a revolving wheel for 8 hours.

Last item I tried was EBCD, but that program did not give me anything better than booting into Safe mode w/ cmd prompt. Also went into F8 menu to load Safe, Cmd Prompt, recovery, tried them all. I am not a programmer so I do not understand how to use Dos to access the information I need. I know basic commands. I would prefer not to wipe/restart but if that is the last option I am not opposed to it.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot On Laptop

Feb 11, 2013

When I turn my laptop on, instead of loading Windows 7 like normal, it goes to a screen saying that Windows failed to start and a recent hardware or software change might be the cause. It then gives me two options, if I try to run it as normal it just goes back to the same screen and if I choose launch start-up repair, it gets frozen on a blue screen with a white bird. I have tried to load it in safe mode, it just goes back to the screen again, and I have tried using a start-up repair disc, but this also becomes stuck on the blue screen with the bird.

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HP Laptop Won't Boot Into Windows 7

Jul 2, 2012

I have an HP Pavilion (AMD Turion) dv6 running Windows 7 as an upgrade from Vista. Shut down to hibernate and then managed to pull mains lead out, no battery installed. Now will not boot up all I get is caps lock and num lock lights flashing plus black screen .Have read other HP thread and tried booting with CD of partition wizard and also tries booting with repair CD but no joy

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Laptop Does Not Boot Windows 7

Apr 29, 2012

my laptop does not boot window 7 error code showing ''SIPYF IS COMPRESSED'' mya laptop is lenovo ideapad U350

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Getting 2nd Windows 7 HDD To Boot In New Laptop?

Jun 14, 2012

Decided to installed the HDD with Windows 7 Ultimate from my old laptop into the 2nd drive bay of my new HP Pavillion DV7 Laptop. What should I do to get the 2nd HDD with Windows 7 Ultimate to boot so that I can use programs that aren't on the primary HDD of my new laptop?

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How To Boot Windows 7 On Laptop Hp

Sep 30, 2011

how to boot win 7 on lap hp pavillion dv6

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Laptop Cannot Boot On Windows 7?

Jun 11, 2012

laptop cannot boot on windows 7?

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Laptop Won't Boot Windows 7?

Sep 17, 2012

I am having an issue with my Windows 7 64 bit laptop. I did an update and pressed the restart now to let the changes take effect, when it restarted it got to the starting windows screen but it stopped there for a while then flashed a blue screen quickly. Then it restarted itself and goes to a menu that says windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause I have two options Launch Startup repair (recommended) or start windows normally. When I choose the Launch startup repair it says windows is loading files and then it shows a black screen with a mouse cursor, I can move the cursor but nothing loads.

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New SSD, Boot Error, Windows Suddenly Not Genuine

Jul 17, 2012

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7
Processor Count: 4
RAM: 8175 Mb
Graphics Card: AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series, 1024 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 114470 MB, Free - 65830 MB; D: Total - 76832 MB, Free - 44153 MB; E: Total - 400003 MB, Free - 399901 MB;
Motherboard: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd., P67A-D3-B3
Antivirus: Microsoft Security Essentials, Updated and Enabled

This weekend, I bought and installed a new SSD into my computer. I re-installed my Windows 7 (Home Premium x64 OEM) onto it, (fresh install, no migrate) and immediately formatted my mechanical HDD. I went into my BIOS and changed boot priority. (I set it to CD first, because I was re-installing from the disc, followed by my SSD.) I changed BIOS Drive positions, with my SSD as #1 and HDD as #2. On my Mobo, my SSD is plugged into SATA3 Port #1. My HDD is plugged into SATA2 Port #1. As soon as I got Windows installed, I started re-installing programs, setting up my admin account, and generally resetting my system, theme, Rainmeter, etc. Then I started getting messages that I wasn�t running Genuine Windows. I clicked the �Resolve Online� button, and downloaded the authenticator software, which told me I needed to buy a copy of Windows.This irritated me, because I am running a key I bought legitimately, and I have the packaging and CoA. I called Tech Support. I spoke with a very helpful gentleman. He checked out my product key. He had me activate my product, which I hadn�t done on my new install yet, and I got a �Genuine� tag to appear under the Windows Experience Rating in �My Computer>Properties�. He said I was good to go. Now, 48hrs later, I�m getting the "Not Genuine" message again. I have a screenshot of Windows claiming to be Genuine and Not Genuine at the same time. (See Attached photo.) I have installed a lot of updates since my re-install, so I do seem to be getting those. So, although I formatted the original Mechanical HDD, I have to assume there are some residual Windows files still on it, (but I'm not finding any) because apparently Windows thinks it�s running on two machines now, I assume. I�m also getting a strange message in my Boot process, which asks me if I want to Boot into Windows 7, or into Windows 7. A 30sec timer then appears and chooses the highlighted option, and continues to boot normally. This computer is custom built, and I purchased an OEM version of windows separately from the builder - legit, physical packaging - and I opened the packaging and installed it myself about a year ago. It has been fine until I installed the new drive this weekend.

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