Why Does Browse For Folder's Libraries Appear Rearranged

Jan 22, 2013

As you can see from the screenshot in the link below, I'm wondering why my Libraries in the "Browse For Folders" window appear to be rearranged. As I remembered before, I think Documents should be first rather than Music. I just wanna know what caused this and how do I change it back.


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Libraries Folder Opening On Start-up?

Oct 11, 2012

This issue was solved in this thread:[URL]...However, I am completely clueless as to how. I found the relevant file but double-clicking it merely opened my libraries folder (again).Step by step, what do I do?

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Change The 'Libraries' Folder Icon?

Jul 27, 2012

I use LibraryIconChanger for my libraries (videos, documents, music, and so on), but I can't change the 'Libraries' folder with it. The libraries folder is the one you right click to add a new library, just to avoid any confusion (though I'm sure you got that). I can't use Folderico on it because for some reason it won't allow it.

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Libraries - Include A Network Folder

May 29, 2009

How to Include a Network Drive or Folder in a Library in Windows 7 ?

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Folder Mount Points & Windows Libraries

Dec 22, 2010

I haven't reached my limit yet, but I'm down to a few unused drive letters, so I've been looking for a way to reorganize. I tried mounting my media drives in NTFS folders, which works OK, but is quite sub-optimal as you can't index them and thus cannot use them in the Libraries. You also can't run chkdsk on them at all.

Does anyone see any other options here? If I mount all of my media drives to letters, I run out of alphabet... if I mount them in folders I can't use index, libraries, or chkdsk. I'm not too excited about switching back and forth for disk maintenance even if I could just give up on Libraries...

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No Accessories In Start Tab, & Libraries Folder Mucked?

Jan 12, 2010

I have tried copying the folder over from another computer but it says something about merging and even after merging there is nothing there. I managed to copy the accessories folder from this computer to the start menu before but it opened like a normal folder and didnt expand, and it didn't contain paint, defrag, etc.

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Libraries Folder - Add Or Remove From Navigation Pane

Nov 16, 2009

How to Add or Remove the Windows 7 Libraries Folder from the Navigation Pane ?

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Renaming Folder Only In Libraries View (Windows 7 Feature)

Dec 9, 2010

I finally got around to recognizing the use of the Libraries feature in Windows 7, and can't believe I didn't realize it earlier. Anyways, my question is, I have 2 folders in a Library with the same name (but point to different locations), basically they contain the same files but one resides in My Dropbox and one resides on my local HD. When I rename a folder in Libraries (to distinguish btwn the 2), it also renames that folder in the actual folder location. I was wondering if I could ONLY rename the folders in the Libraries view, without having it reflect on the actual folder name. Also, I was wondering if any of you have used the Libraries feature as an Application Launcher (ie. creating different Libraries for Programs, Games, etc.), and would like to know how that works/worked out.

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[LIBRARIES] Redirecting "User Folder" On Desktop To Another Partition?

Mar 8, 2011

I have two seagate barracuda sata drives. My primary o/s drive (c:/) is a 160gb and the secondary is a 1tb . I use the 160gb for my windows installation and for program files. The 1tb is what I had the "My Documents" folder redirected to in Win Xp Pro. I am attempting to do the same thing in windows 7 which makes life easier if for some reason i would have to format and reinstall Windows.

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Open XP Icon Libraries Which Have Libraries Within Them?

Jun 2, 2012

I am new to Windows 7, and have the rest of my computers running XP.I have a number of icon libraries in a folder c:icons which contain contain icon libries within them. eg C:iconsanimals.ico contains further folders cats.ico, dogs.icoI have not been able to get Windows 7 to open these, although XP did. I would like to keep my Windows 7 desktop looking similar to my XP desktops.

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Can't Browse Through Folders

Jul 14, 2012

i can't browse my computer when i'm going to save a file either when i'm gonna upload something somewhere.


my guess is have to be something with the libraries but can't figure it out.. i've tried everything that is 'obvious' like dragging folders into the white area etc.

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I Can't Browse Folders

Oct 12, 2012

I can't see any folders to choose from, and even when I choose where to download stuff

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Cant Browse UNC Root From XP To 7 After SP1

Mar 15, 2011

If I browse my Windows 7 PC via UNC (\192.168.0.x) on an XP PC I am unable to get a list of shares. If I Directly open \192.168.0.xShareName that will work perfectly.
I have a vista PC on the same network and that can see the root fine. The only thing that I can think of is that SP1 has done something. but not sure why it would only effect showing the list of shares. As a side note in the event log i see the "Software Protection Service" keeps stopping and then starting, I tried googling it but no one seems to know if this is usual behavior to check the licence or if it shouldn't stop.

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Cannot Browse All The Website

Apr 7, 2011

I have a strange problem. Currently i'm running Windows 7 32bit. I surf internet on my home computer. Everything was going fine but today when i started my computer and tried to browse few sites all the sites did not load. google.com gmail.com tomshardware.com etc. loaded but facebook.com hotmail.com softepedia.com did not load. I have performed a full system scan with Norton Internet Security 2011 and MalwareBytes it detected one virus and i removed it. But still the problem persists what might be the reason?

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Unable To Browse Internet?

Jun 18, 2011

just got a new computer and i have some issues that i cannot figure out. i opened the comp, and everything starts fine. i can not use internet explor. for some reason. it will load google and Internet fine, but everything else it wont seem to. it gives me a failure to connect message. it also will not allow me to update windows, or even go to microsoft. i have turned on/off windows firewall ect. everything i can think of- which isnt a whole lot. i know it is connecting to the internet because like i said it will go to a coulpe sites. other than that it wont download or anything. my os is windows 7 home premium

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Unable To Browse For Picture?

Feb 22, 2012

I'm having what I consider to be a unique problem that even my roommate who works in tech support can't seem to figure out. I was recently a victim of...long story short, a "spider" program. I've since stopped it from collecting data, etc. and locked down my router to only allow certain MAC IDs, but now no matter which browser I use (IE,FF,Ch), I am unable to open a windows explorer window to browse for a file to upload...in this case I'm attempting to add a "gig" to fiverr.com and they require that I upload a picture, but nothing happens. The following are steps that I've already taken, yet the problem persists:Full AVG virus scan: leaned/quarantined all issueshijackthis: no rogue BHOs foundMalwarebytes full scan: all objects cleanedSpybot S&D full scan: all objects cleanedWindows event viewer: no mention or error of trying to open window to upload file.

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Only Tab Browse When Windows 7 Is Maximized?

Sep 23, 2010

I downloaded IE 9 beta with no apparent problem and the installation ended with a window which said some of the IE files were in use and could not be updated. I dont know which these were since nothing was open but I continued, restarted ok, and on from there.Problem: Open IE ok but can only tab browse when windows is maximized (double boxes.)CTRL+W, right click and select "Close Tab" to close a tab, and CTRL+TAB to switch between tabs works fine no matter what the size/orientation of IE. But click on the tab "x", depress mouse wheel to close tab, and click on tab to select it will only work when maximized (double boxes.) Seems like IE 9 will only work with windows maximized. All other features work ok.Installing with no add-ons, in safe mode, or with anti-virus off makes no difference

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Can't Browse Internet Even Though Connected

Oct 23, 2009

I just installed windows 7 home premium 64 bit, but for some reason, icant browse the Internet even though I'm connected. Ie thinks I'm not connected and nothing happens on firefox. I've tried the troubleshooter, disconnected and reconnected to the wireless network, and restarted my computer. Nothing changes.

I don't know if this is relevant but I got Microsoft tech support to help me download the file since I was having difficulties, and he somehow managed to disable all 3rd party programs. I'm not sure if that's related to this situation, and I don't know how to enable the programs again...

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Cannot Browse Internet And Ping?

May 3, 2011

i have some problem in my internet connection.for last 3 days i cannot browse any website using firefox or IE ,later i didn't make any change with my windows 7 systemwhen i try to ping in cmd, it shows request time out.but when i use my computer to play game that needed an internet connection, it's work fine. What should i do

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Can't Ping / Browse Or Open

May 8, 2011

i am using a windows xp sp3 desktop and i am trying to get to my wifes Windows 7 gateway laptop. Both are on the same LAN and workgroup. i however can not ping her static address on her laptop when she is connected via wireless N to our the share router. i go into the router and see that she is connected but from the desktop i can not ping her static address by Ip nor by name does not work. i also tried going thru network places nothing. i am just trying to copy and paste files to her C$ drive. i tried turning off windows firewall on the laptop nothing still does not work.

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Vista Can't Browse Workgroup?

Jan 27, 2012

I'm able to ping both ways and able to see another workgroup Vista machine from the XP side but not my laptop Vista.No antivirus other than MS Security Essientials, no third party firewall, removed all malware TSR's.Have files & Printer sharing turned on and double checked the workgroup BUT when I tried to change the computers name I get a "error occured validating..." message.

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Will Browse But Unable To Download Anything

Oct 27, 2012

I have a Dell 9200 (4GB ram) just did a clean install of Windows 7 64bit.All went OK but now in a strange position it can browse internet no problem, get to any any sites but will not download anything?When I click on download .. normal download box opens but nothing in the 'download To' or' Transfer rate' fields.Eventually they time out and drop.The top bar of download window shows 0% and does not change.And nothing is ever downloaded.Tried several sites nothing will download.It has however downloaded many windows updates and installed them, so it must be able to get data OK.Only thing other than standard install is after OS loaded I moved the default user profile location (as per tech doc here)I have tried different ports on router and even swapped ports & cables of PC's that are working still dame browses happily, but no downloads.First thing I want to download is anti-virus cant even download Kaspersky file.On network & sharing it shows that connected to LAN and if I open the LA icon .. it does show as active and happily sending & receiving.

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Cant Browse Website Content?

Jun 13, 2011

am using windows 7 and i cant browse some web content usinginternet explorer 9. it does not give any error, it just does not allow me to click any further

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Unable To Browse Internet

Sep 4, 2011

I am unable to browse the net. i have tried to use different browsers but the problem is same. it says unable to locate the DNS/ webpage. i tried using data card and WiFi. my internet connection is perfectly establishing but still unable to browse. Win 7 is the os i am working on.

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Internet Connected But Unable To Browse?

Jun 19, 2011

win 7 64 bit. all drivers updated with all microsoft updates applied. I have a Clear 4G modem.Strong signal. Other devices may connect and browse. The asus will browse great with good speed then suddenly not use the intenet. At first I thought it was a modem issue. Tried flushing the dns and winsock blah blah. Only a restart will resolve the issue.sometimes only for a minute sometimes I can go days with no problem. I have AVG protection and have run the malware tool. Oh, can ping websites thru cmd with zero loss

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When Try To Import Favorites, It Tells To Browse?

Dec 30, 2011

Let's start at the basics. How do I import my favorites from my copy on my external hard drive to my new internet explorer? When I try to import my favorites, it tells me to browse. So I browse to my favorites file and it insists that I go down to a single item and it says there is nothing to import.That will do for tonight. I feel like I've finally gotten into the 21st century. Now I have to figure if I like it or not.

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[IE8] Browse In Same Windows 7 Option No Longer Available?

May 18, 2011

Having problems with and docx files opening within the browser. In XP you would just check the browse in same window option in folder options, file types. However this option no longer exists after XP. Is there a registry setting that controls this? I have seen this issue a couple of times and I have tried the following KB article steps, but the issue still persists.Windows 7 ProfessionalIE8Office 2010 How to configure Internet Explorer to open Office documents in the appropriate Office program instead of in Internet Explorer

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Computer Can't Browse And Brings Internet Down?

Feb 24, 2012

I just received my new desktop computer. (my old one is like 9 years old so...) I wanted to install windows myself, so I opted for a formatted HD.It looks like I bit off a little more than I can chew... managed to get windows installed. I do have an internet connection. I can connect to google and msn. However, whenever I go to a different web page, pretty much any web page, my internet will stall when loading the page. It will say "waiting for www.blank.com..." however, it will neveractually load the page! It will continue to stall until it brings my entire internet down, and I have to restart the router.I do have the up to date video card drivers installed. I installed an OEM version of Windows 7 but completely legit. I dont have any anti virus software installed. This happens in both IE and Firefox (I had to dload firefox from my laptop and do it via USB)Additionally, windows updater will also stall when downloading updates, and bring my internet down. Strangely enough, it will be downloading updates automatically down at the tray and tell me I need to restart my computer, but not force it on me.

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Unable To Browse But Connected To Internet

Mar 27, 2012

I'm a windows 7 32 bit user. I have problem that i can't browsing. From what I check the default gateway have different value with the DHCP server value.

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Lost The Ability To Browse Websites?

Mar 2, 2011

I have a problem that drives me nuts: in my main account I lost the ability to browse any websites. I can successfully ping to the Default Gateway and websites but when trying to open a website I always get the "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" message. I also can ping the computer from the router or another computer. Also Windows Update and Microsoft Security Essentials have no problems searching or downloading updates. And in another account on the same Windows 7 installation I can browse websites without any issues. I already tried to shut down the firewall but that didn't solve the problem.

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NO PACKET Receive / Can't Browse In Internet

Mar 14, 2011

im having troubled with my acer netbook wireless network connection.i can connect to servers..but i cant browse in the internet. .the notification icons..prompts that i am connected at all.until i view my status.. 650 send packet data but 0 receive??and if i tried to direct into websites.. it will just say "taking too long to respond" or unavailable.i dont know if there was something wrong setting on my network ip or what??

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