Unattended Install Programs Automatic

Mar 3, 2010

I know there have been Windows XP unattended installs out there; Windows XP Black Edition.

Is there a way I can have my Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit install automatically, register my key, then install programs I want the way I want them installed?


Or would it be illegal?

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Possible To Make An Automatic Install Disk For Third-party Programs?

Jun 19, 2012

I have found tutorials (here and elsewhere) for custom Windows (7/XP/Vista...) install disks, should you wish to tailor your Windows install to your needs. However, I have not found anything relating to my current question.While I will create one of these Windows disks, what I am wondering right now is: Is it possible to do the same thing with multiple programs from different vendors?I would like to eventually create a Windows install disk that has been trimmed of all the excesses I do not need, adding drivers, SP1 and some critical updates instead. If there is enough room on the install disk, I would like to add some third-party programs to be installed as well. It may turn out that I would need a Windows disk and an applications/programs disk also (as the programs themselves would be rather numerous and/or bulky).I know it is possible, since the big OEMs do this, but would it be cost-efficient (read: free), or even possible, for an end user to do

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Unable To Install: Unattended File Error

Dec 1, 2009

I am trying to install with the downloadable executable from the student discount program, the files are located on an external hard drive.

I downloaded Windows 7 last night and started the install, it got up to the point where it checked for Vista SP1 and stopped. I had reinstalled Vista recentely and forgotten to install it.

I quit the Windows 7 install and installed SP1 for Vista. Now every time I try to launch the Windows 7 install I get the following error:

"The unattend answer file contains an invalid product key. Either remove the invalid key or provide a valid product key in the unattend answer file to proceed with Windows installation."

I tried deleting the temp file that was in the same directory as the install files for Windows 7 as well as deleting the expanded set up directory and letting it re unpack the files.

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[INSTALL] Auto-unattended.xml Not Recognized When Installing Windows 7 OEM

Aug 6, 2010

I have Windows 7 Home Premium 32 bit (x86) , trying to install on x64 architecture (dual core atom proc). I am trying to boot from the DVD, with the Autounattend.xml file on a USB drive (Mushkin 8GB, light blinks when accessed, so I know it is being read from). I have also tried using the file name Unattend.xml per other suggestions.My Autounattend.xml file does not get recognized. No errors are shown, but I explicitly set the locale, language, etc., to US English (en-Us), but I am still prompted by the Windows 7 DVD to select these settings.

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Get Windows 7 To NOT Install Automatic Drivers?

Sep 18, 2010

How do i get windows 7 to NOT install automatic drivers ?

I am getting ready to do a clean install of windows 7, but i want to install my own drivers ! How do i make this possible ?

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Stopping Automatic Driver Install?

May 14, 2009

I'm trying to install the new windows 7 nvidia drivers from nvidia but every time I uninstall the 181.72 drivers it automatically installs it every time I start windows. I have "No, Never install driver software from windows update" selected in the device installation settings in the advanced system window, so why does it keep installing? How do I disable this automatic install of the drivers?

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Install Drivers Manually Or Wait For Windows Automatic Update

Feb 23, 2012

I've notice that Windows Update, after just installing the OS, gives you some optional updates, and those updates are the drivers for your devices, and it seems that if an update for that drivers goes out, Windows will let you know so if you want to download it you can do so. Now my question is, Is it better to go to the manufacturers website and download the latest driver manually or is it just the same to let windows search for it automatically and download them when there is an update?...

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Can No Longer Install Programs Or Modify Existing Programs

Feb 9, 2011

So over the past few days it seems that I have lost control of my C drive and all of its contents.I can no longer properly access it, and everything opens in "Read-Only". I can no longer install programs or modify existing programs.According to the security permissions, I have none. Nor can I change my permissions because in order to change them I need access to the C drive, which I don't have.I have tried creating other users and putting them in the admin group, etc. but nothing is working.

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Windows 7 Will Download Programs But Not Install Programs?

Aug 24, 2011

I have just bought a new acer aspier 5750z-4830 intel core b940 processor 4gb ddr3 memory 500 gb hdd 3 days ago and I am unable to install any new programs.I have tried to download meny sotwer not at the same time but the results are horrable.google chrome: 7 hours and never downloads. yahoo mesenger: connection is always lost and retrys never work. when i click cancle it says that it maybe my firewall but even when i allow the progrom through it won't work. so i turned if off for a little while still nothing. java: my laptop dose not come with java so i tried instlling it...121 hours to install this is rediclious.The download speed may not be so good right now beacuse we where hit by a storm 3 days ago however i have to ability to downlod but not the ability to install which i think is a bit weird

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PC Resetting When Left Unattended

May 1, 2012

The pc showing in my 'spec' profile is a new build, its been running great for about a week.I opened it up to drop in another 4 Gig of RAM and a Light (tiny little blue tube thing, just to give it a nice glow) and as far as i knew all was great.It was on last night, when i got up this morning all was still great. then at some point this after noon it had reset and stuck in the 'loading OS' screen saying BOOT (something) not found'.I immediately turned off the PC, opened it up and checked all was well, it was, so, i turned it back on. all was fine (apart from the usual 'windows did not shut-down correctly screen) so far its not done this while ive been sitting using it then later today i was streaming a TV show over to my playstation (PS3 media server) and about 20 mins in poof, the PC was resetting.It did it twice more.I have since removed the extra RAM I added and with or without it i am still having this strange issue. as it the only clue i had was the hard drive i have turned off the option to 'put hard drive to sleep after X mins' in POWER options.

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Booting An Unattended Windows 7 Installation From A Partition?

Apr 4, 2012

I have been given the challenge to make a way to install Windows without any installation media and without having to even touch the computer while it's installing. So far I've made a .wim image with the help of this guide and I've made an Autounattend.xml file with thI put the install.wim image in the sources directory on a flash drive and the Autounattend.xml file in the root of the flash drive, and it does exactly what I want it to - all except it's not on a partition. So I move it to a partition and add a boot entry using EasyBCD. It boots fine, but it acts like the Autounattend.xml file isn't even there. So right now I have the choice of hands free installation with media, or manual installation without media. My main question is why the Autounattend.xml file isn't working when I boot the same media from a partition

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Sleep Return Timeout For Unattended Wake Up

Apr 10, 2012

How to Change the Return to Sleep Timeout for a Unattended Wake Up in Windows 7 ?

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How To Check The Stop Code Of An Unattended Bsod

Jan 7, 2012

i have a feeling that there was a bsod when i had left my computer to download a file because when i came back some half an hour later, i found the error that windows has recovered from an unexpected error, plz check online for solutions....in fact today was the first time in around 2 months that i installed my windows updates, and i did them in stes of three with two batches.!st batch) KB2618451, KB2618444, Kb25720772nd batch) KB2538242, Kb2565063, KB2538243

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Automatic Install Sound Driver Windows 7 Driver In Computer?

Apr 28, 2012

Automatic install sound driver windows 7 driver in computer?

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Disable Windows 7 Update In Setup Unattended File?

Mar 26, 2012

is it possible to disable windows updates with a windows 7 setup unattended xml file?

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Make An Unattended Windows 7 DVD With Office 2010 Pro-plus And IE9 Integrated?

Apr 28, 2011

is it possible to make an unattended windows 7 DVD with Office 2010 pro-plus and IE9 integrated?doubt it cos not microsoft programs but google chrome and dreamweaver CS5 aswell?

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Windows 7 Unattended Alternated To Targetpath And Winnt /t: Option?

Sep 8, 2011

I am during a Windows 7 unattended installed but cannot find the alternate parameter for TargetPath that I use in Windows XP, is there one. Next, I like to redirect my Windows 7 install directory Windows to a different patition not the boot partition as I did in Windows XP where I used the winnt /t: option to specify the install partition. I am not talking about the Dual boot for Windows 7, XP and VIsta. this is putting windows directory on the boot partition which I do not want.

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Disable Media Center Starting / Updating Unattended?

Oct 31, 2011

sometimes I get this icon in my tray : . I guess it belongs to MC. I think it eats my resources and it even tries to turn on my TV card (LED is on) even if I don't intend to watch TV. I suppose that behaviour is unacceptable. My question is how to disable MC completely to perform any actions in the background while I work with my PC. In another words how to keep MC completely inactive unless I myself run it. In the process viewer I have gathered this is ehrec.exe executable.

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Unattended Remote Connect To A Desktop Using Existing MS Tools?

May 4, 2011

Is there a way to unattended remote connect to a desktop, using existing MS tools, and share the desktop, without having to wait on the other user to give me a thumbs up?I work on a remote PC, and need the user there to be able to view the desktop while I work on it. However I also need them to also not have to directly give me access each time, such as the case with the help me request application (Windows Remote Assistance normal setup)

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Brand New Laptop - Stuck On Blue "Bird" Screen After Windows 7 Automatic Update Install

Aug 4, 2011

I just received a brand new laptop less than 24 hours ago. It's an HP, 4 gig RAM, Windows 7 pre-installed, etc.I was using it all night on the internet, putting my music collection on iTunes, etc. I had a lot of fun and was very impressed with this laptop.The second time I turned on the computer (the first being the initial install), Windows Updates was configuring and installing all of these automatic updates that it downloaded the first time I turned off the computer. I couldn't believe my eyes, it actually said it was configuring over 22,000 updates after I booted it up. Yes, THOUSAND. This went on for less than half an hour.Then it went to "installing" the updates, which had a progress bar that reached 100% in maybe 5 minutes.Then it was "starting Windows".Then it got hung up on a blue "bird" desktop background that said Windows 7 Premium at the bottom. The mouse was completely moveable but there was absolutely no action I could take. I left it like this for 30 minutes thinking, "well, it's just installing, but it really should give me a progress bar so I know what the hell is happening."At the 45 minute mark, I couldn't take it anymore. I called HP (the manufacturer of the laptop) for support. The guy asks me for the serial number, and I regretfully wasn't pleasant. I think I said "serial number? I haven't even owned this computer for 12 hours yet!"Anyway, he had me force a shutdown. And then upon booting the computer, I got the "this computer wasn't shut down properly". This is complete BS for a computer that even as I write this,hasn't been in my possession 24 hours yet. I am returning this piece of crap, but I want to know how can I prevent this from happening to the next computer I purchase. Is it necessary to not use Windows Updates, because whoever made these has their head up their ***? I mean "configuring 22,687 updates" on a brand new, 64-bit Windows 7 machine?

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Remotely Install Windows Updates And Install Programs

Feb 13, 2013

I am part of a large organization that has a large amount of computers on our domain controller. I have Administrative rights to the computers only, and network access rights on our network. I keep a number of computers up to date, including various 3rd-party programs (i.e. java, flash, etc), and I currently manually remotely connect to each computer and install the updates to the programs from a network share, then run Windows update, select all the critical updates (as well as all the applicable optional updates), then disconnect and move on to the next one. Needless to say, time quickly adds up.

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Word Does Not Install / All Other Office 2007 Programs Do Install

Oct 13, 2011

I am trying to install office 2007 as part of a system rebuild after installing a new hard drive. I get a window saying install was successful, I can open power point or excel but when I try to open word it hangs up at the word logo page. I have done remove programs in control panel, I have used revo uninstall to try to clean the registry. I suspect a corrupted fragment in the registry but don't know how to get at it.

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Office 2010 Programs Won't Install / Launch After Install

Jan 8, 2012

one of my co-workers wants me to get rid of some viruses and install office 2010 home and student on her computer with the key she bought. her computer runs windows 7 64-bit. after backing up her data, i finally ended up doing a factory reinstall from the backup partition. so i downloaded all windows updates and installed antivirus and firewall software. then i downloaded the office 2010 trial and tried to install it. it seems to begin installing without any problems. then a splash screen for powerpoint appears. it says that its "processing" and does that for about 20 minutes and then there is a balloon that pops up saying that office is downloading files. after all that happens, an error message appears that says something like "powerpoint cannot be opened. please try again later or repair this software in the control panel" with no sort of error code. i then tried repairing it from control panel which claims to complete successfully. so i restart and try to install again and the same thing happens all over again. if i try opening word, excel, powerpoint or onenote the splash screen appears and does the same thing that i described powerpoint was doing. ive tried uninstalling and reinstalling to no avail. i also tried installing the 60 day trial for office 2007 that came preloaded with the computer and then installing office 2010 over it. same thing happened.

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"The Unattended Answer File Contains An Invalid Product Key"

Apr 17, 2011

a few months back, I use windows update to install a windows update. After, some strange things have hapend. When I booted my computer on, my monitor went into powersave mode and wouldent come out of it, so I switched the port and it worked fine. I then went to play minecraft, I noticed it was very laggy. I checked my system score and it has dropped by 1.1 points for some reason. I tried to use recovery to roll back the update but it didnt make a difference, so I tried to re-install the OS. I went to control pannel -> Recovery -> advance recovery methods and reinstall windows. It restarted, and once it restarted and boots into the part when I am reintalling the OS it it gives an error:"The unattended answer file contains an invalid product key. Either remove the invalid key or provide a valid product key in the unattended answer file to proceed with this windows installation."What I have tried:

Re entering the product key
Try to install it many times
reinstalling drivers
using recovery

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"Recovered From Unexpected Shutdown" When Computer Unattended?

May 8, 2012

Brand new Dell Inspiron running Windows 7 Pro 64 bit... when I come in the morning, or when out for extended periods I come back and get error message... attached is the text from the log report: Problem signature: Problem Event Name:lueScreen OS Version: [CODE]

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Wake Events: How To Discriminate Between "unattended" And Manual

Sep 19, 2012

I recently set up an HTPC for my mother to replace her rented DVR (Cable company charges $13/mo for the DVR but a CableCARD is just $2/mo). I have everything pretty much like she wants it, but there is one remaining issue. She has an LG TV and wants everything to come on with the MC remote so she can ditch the extra remote. The TV has an RS232 port that I have hooked to a serial port on the HTPC. I can use this to control power on the TV. It's relatively simple to use Intelliremote to send the "OFF" command to the TV when she pushes the power button on the remote to put the HTPC in sleep mode, but I want the TV to power on only when she wakes the HTPC up with the remote.

THE PROBLEM:The system event log can be used to trigger a task on wake that would power on the TV but it turns on even when the system is doing an unattended recording or some other scheduled task. (I don't want the TV coming on at 2AM when a backup starts, for example.) How can I exclude these unattended events so that the TV is only powered on when the HTPC is awakened with USBIR remote or keyboard?

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How To Install Programs On D

Jul 18, 2011

My C: drive, Windows 7's dedicated partition was given only 48.8GB of space (from the original configuration), and recently crashed. For Graphic Design school I need Adobe CS5 and Microsoft Office, which are huge space hogs, and I am certain my recent C: crash was because of the lack of space ("in the red" literally), in spite of keeping it free of extraneous junk and defraging. My personal files, Docs, Pictures, etc., were on D: and unaffected. I tried to install Adobe CS5 on my D: drive, and while it gave me a choice of where to install it [D:/Program Files/Adobe -created while installing], it installed on C: anyway (!!), and only folders with data files and shortcuts are shown on D:! I suppose I could enlarge my C: partition if Windows 7 will allow, but it makes no sense to me with a total of 1TB on the hard drive why I cannot install programs on D: and leave C: for just the OS/System files. I haven't tinkered with Regedit since Windows 98, but I gathered from other posts that that was a possible solution- essentially directing installs to D:, but I would need definite values before I tinker. What are my options?

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Can't Install Programs?

Jul 4, 2011

When I try I get a message that another program is being installed. Please wait. Windows installer is trying to install a program but it is missing msi. Sorry if I don't explain very well but I have attached the messages I get.

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Can't Install Or Run Any Programs?

Sep 25, 2011

A friend of mine called me over because he was having troubles, and it seems that I cannot run any program (Firefox, avast antivirus, EVERYTHING) and I tried putting malwarebytes on his computer, which I had the install file on my USB drive, it wouldn't open up and install boxes whatsoever.On top of that, I have a Portable Antivirus on my USB drive that is run directly from my USB drive, but double clicking it would not open up anything.I looked at his "Services" and a lot of them are disabled. When I tried to turn on his avast antivirus service, it says access denied. I looked under Computer Management -> Users -> and went to his account, and his account is Enabled.I tried all of these in Safe mode too. There are no odd looking programs and no odd looking startup services or programs under MSCONFIG.I ran AVG rescue disk from a CD on boot and it did not find any viruses.Lastly, I had my computer with me at the time and downloaded a DEFAULT EXE reg file, which supposedly restores the file associations back to normal for .exe files. I ran that but it didn't do anything.He doesn't have his Windows 7 disk anymore, so I can't run a Repair on it.

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Certain Programs Will Not Install

Jun 12, 2011

This applies to my Acer Aspire netbook running Windows 7 Starter. When attempting to install TeamViewer (and some other apps), I get this message: "A required privilege is not held by the client" Is this a limitation imposed by Windows 7 or, perhaps, Avast confining it to Sandbox?

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Cannot Run Or Install Any Exe Programs

Oct 1, 2012

I cannot run or install anything.

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