Unable To Access HTTPs Or Secure Sites

Jul 1, 2012

All three of my browsers (Firefox, Comodo & IE) show up as blank pages. I can access all other sites, except when the URL has an Https on it. Using netstat i saw that port #443 was not in a listening state, yet none of my firewalls, (comodo antivirus, Windows firewall or peerblock) seem to be blocking the port.I am fairly new at this and i cannot restore to a later date as i do not know when this actually started up, and i cannot restore as i have data on this PC that i need, and am unable to backup into any other form.

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Can't Access Secure Sites

Apr 28, 2011

i have changed to windows 7 last week and yesterday noticed that i cant seem to access any secure sites, eg barclays log in page and tesco/asda payment page, (https pages). get the same problem on chrome, firefox and ie. My wife says she has used the computer to access bank account but i cant think of anything that may have changed since then.just noticed i can access gmail which is a secure site.

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Can't Access Some Secure Sites Windows 7/IE9

Feb 21, 2012

I use Win 7 and IE9. In the past two weeks, all of a sudden I can't log in to one financial site, and on another financial site, I can log in, but have difficulty getting to my account. I've spoken to the sites' tech people and all is ok on their end. I've run virus scans, both in safe and regular mode and nothing is found.

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New Computer Won't Load HTTPS Sites, Just Hangs

Aug 10, 2012

Got this new computer here and sites using https or have used https in the past will not load. Main example I have is facebook. Going directly from the home page to facebook on IE9 it just hangs there which i open a new tab without http it loads fine. In firefox i can load the login page however once i hit enter or login is just hangs there and nothing works.

Did some fixs:
Load all sites in Compatibility View
Reset my TC/IP settings
Did accelerated Graphics
Disabled Windows Firewall
Did IE9 with no Add-Ons
Reinstalled IE9, Firefox, Flash, Shockwave, Java
Changed home pages

None of these worked. I did find a separate issue that might be related to the issue. When I'm actually able to load facebook, I get Flash Security Error 2060 Sandbox Violation. Its looking for a link provided by zynga that actually isn't there.

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Windows 7 Unable To Access Microsoft Related Sites

Jan 21, 2011

I have an Acer Aspire 5542 Laptop running Windows 7 and have had no problems until recently. I went to check my Hotmail and found I could not get to Hotmail.com then my msn messenger signed out and would not sign back in.

I then noticed that I could not get to any Microsoft site but all other sites work fine. I am a computer tech and run a small home network the laptop being the only machine running windows 7 all other run XP or Linux all other machines can access all Microsoft sites so I am pretty sure the problem lies with the laptop, however after running every scan I can think of and coming up empty I wiped the mbr and recreated the hard drive partition and reinstalled windows with the factory restore disks.

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Unable To Access Sites But Broadband Connection Still Present?

Feb 12, 2012

Thought about time I asked the experts on this problem I've had for some time.I can be quite happily surfing the net and then if I try to go to a different site I get the message"Looking up www.xyz" where XYZ is the site I want to go to.I have had this problem for months well longer really. The problem is solved with a reset of the router, Now it happens across different routers so I discounted them.I though then it was my internet connection so carried on with a reset of the router.I have recently purchased an internet radio and the odd thing is it carrys on playing music proving my broadband connection is still there.The same happens with IE or Firefox.I am at a loss where to point the finger of blame.

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Secure Sites Don't Recognize Passwords

Oct 29, 2012

Starting yesterday, most of my sites that require a password (e.g. bank, mutual fund, credit card) would not accept the passwords. A couple would not allow me to change to a new password, even after I was sent temporary passwords to use to do that. I had to call the sites to have them try, and it took several tries by Support to change the password. Windows 7; Malwarebytes (paid version)and Avira Premium scan daily.

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Cant Access Secure Login Pages

Mar 11, 2012

my problem is that when i try to log into facebook,paypal,gmail,Internet,twitter,minecraft,..the works it continues loding then it says the connection has timed out.

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Cannot Access Secure Work Website?

Feb 23, 2013

I have an HP, p6710f, AMD Athlon II X4 640 processor with Windows 7 Home Premium on my desktop, as well as on my HP laptop. I am a medical transcriptionist, so I access a secure website to work. Suddenly my desktop will not access the site, but my laptop will. Tech support from my company did a remote access on my computer and could not figure anything out. I took it to a computer shop, they removed a virus (which they said was nothing major), and were able to access the website. I got my computer back but it still will not access the website. I made sure my modem/router firmware is up to date, but the laptop uses that as well. The interesting thing is my computer will not ping the website I work on, nor will the laptop, but yet the laptop connects and works but the desktop will not. Any ideas why this would happen or what could have changed on my desktop? Oh I will say that I restored my desktop, as did tech support, to a week earlier when it was working fine

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No Longer Access Secure Websites

Jun 22, 2012

I am running windows 7 and had temporary norton subscription. The temp subscription just expired and since it expired, I am no longer able to access any secure websites. Does anyone have a clue as to why this happened and what I need to do to repair this issue. I can't log into banking, email, Facebook, or anything that is secure but I am able to access ALL other websites.

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Can No Longer Access Secure Websites

Jun 22, 2012

I am running windows 7 and had temporary norton subscription. The temp subscription just expired and since it expired, I am no longer able to access any secure websites. Does anyone have a clue as to why this happened and what I need to do to repair this issue. I can't log into banking, email, Facebook, or anything that is secure but I am able to access ALL other websites.

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Unable To Get Internet Options For Secure Tab

Jan 29, 2012


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Unable To Connect To Certain Sites?

Mar 27, 2012

earlier today my wi-fi sort of cut out i guess. it will only let me access a few websites (this being one of the only tech websites i could get to work off google) like google and Internet. say i type in yahoo.com in the address bar, after i go to it, it will sit there loading forever. i'm not sure what happen'd because this is the first time ive seen this.

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Outlook 2007 RPC Over HTTPS Issue

Jan 20, 2009

Our organization uses Outlook 2007 with RPC over HTTPS (Outlook Anywhere) and it doesn't seem to work with Windows 7.

I have Windows 7 Beta 1 (Build 7000) and Outlook 2007 sp1 with all hot-fixes. I've read in several places to use NTLM however this is not an options for us.

Has anyone identified the issue or know of a workaround??

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Unable To Connect To Wifi - No Network Access/limited Access

Nov 10, 2011

Last night I was on the internet at home absolutely fine and my laptop automatically downloaded an update, since then I have been unable to connect to my wi-fi. I deleted the updates and was still unable to connect, so I tried to used a system recovery restore point and every one I use starts but fails to complete.So, I did a factory reset after around 8 hours of trying to sort it out today and I STILL have the same problem. I can plug in the cable to connect and my housemate is having absolutely no issues connecting and neither is my phone so now I am at a total loss what I should do to resolve this. Prior to the factory reset I was able to connect to the wi-fi but it was stating no network access/limited access and now it simply won't connect to my internet at all. It finds my full strength signal but will not connect.My drivers for the Broadcom 4313 802.11b/g/n card are the most up to date and the laptop (HP G62) says it is working fine.

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Pinned Sites Are Slower Than Non-pinned Sites?

Jun 22, 2012

When browsing a website that I have pinned to my taskbar (Facebook for example) I've noticed that the pages take longer than usual to load. When it does load, the page becomes very choppy when I'm scrolling up/down and is generally slow to respond. It's the same for any website I have pinned to my taskbar.

The strange thing is, If I open up IE9 (non-pinned) and browse using the address bar everything is smooth and fast. I've cleared my temp internet files and reset IE to default settings with no luck. I've also tried un-pining then re-pinning website but it's still the same. Is there a way I can clear the cache for individual pinned sites?

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Unable To Access NAS

Jan 17, 2009

I've installed Windows 7, is nice I must say but there is a problem I cannot access a NAS that is attached to my network.

I have configured Windows 7 for be inside the correct workgroup and activated some stuff in the panel for access remote files, but every time that I try to connect to the NAS I get an error 1208. The NAS is a NexStar LX

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Unable To Access Administrator

Oct 21, 2012

My 15 year old son was trying to bypass Cyberpatrol and in the process of tring to change his account from an adminstrator to a standard user I've made things worse. I changed the administrator account in his name to a standard user account but there was no other administrator account on the PC other then something called CYBERPATROL_SERVICE which is an administrative account istalled automatically by Cyberpatrol. This was the first mistake. Then he guessed the password to Cyberpatrol and attemped to uninstall it...it only 'half' uninstalled it, leaving a real mess of error messages and no access to let me change anything. I can now neither reinstall cyberpatrol or unistall it, nor can I see a way to log back in as an administrator to effect any changes to put things right. Three emails to cyberpatrol have elicited no response so I'm coming to the conclusion the onlu way out is to reinstall Windows 7 and find a different web filtering program- is there any way to log back in a an administrator? I didnt delete the admin account, only changed it to a standard type. Then If I can get back in as a administrator how can I get rid of the unwanted Cyberpatrol?

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Unable To Access Any Program?

May 2, 2011

I have a laptop computer with Windows 7. This morning, every time I try to enter any program, I get a message which reads: Choose which program you want to open this file". This has never happened before. I tried going into Safe Mode, but the same message pops up when I attempt to open any program there as well. I tried scanning the computer with AVG, but am unable to because I get that same message. Is this some sort of virus? And what can I do to remove this message?

Also, I'm unable to go into regedit. I got a message which reads: File not found.

EDIT: I am able to access my programs in the Start menu. Now, I'm thinking that I might need to delete my shortcuts and replace them with new ones.

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Unable To Access Network

Jun 6, 2012

I am having problems with my daughter's laptop accessing the internet with her wifi, She accidentally reset her laptop back to factory settings. She also didn't make any recovery disks. The problem is now the laptop keeps asking for a network user name/Password when she tries to access the internet. I have researched this issue but to no avail. I am curious as to how to resolve this issue. I feel the only way may be to reset the wireless router back to factory settings and start again.

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Unable To Access To File

Sep 16, 2011

i am unable to access certain files on windows 7

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Unable To Access Internet?

Oct 7, 2011

I have windows 7 premium desk top and out of the blue I was unable to access internet. I Then booted my lap top and all was good. I notice on the internet settings on laptop the IPv4 stated " internet" and the IPv6 states " local " on the desk top IPv4 state "internet" and the IPv6 states " no internet" upon rebooting the computer in safe networking mode I was once again able to browse in safe mode.

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Unable Ato Access Internet

Dec 6, 2012

All of my internet browsers are not working! this includes firefox internet explorer and chrome how can i make them run?

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Unable To Access Images

May 25, 2011

I recently reinstalled my copy of windows 7 on my laptop. I saved all my files to an external hard drive so that I could reload them after I was finished. I forgot I had some folders locked to my user account so after the install I cannot view or transfer them back to my laptop because it recognizes my computer as a different account.

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Unable To Get Internet Access

Feb 21, 2012

I am connected to th net but I have no internet service, The trouble shooter cannot find the problem,

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Unable To Access Wireless Internet?

Jun 29, 2011

I have a wireless router "Belkin", and when I am try and access the internet I receive an error message "Server not found" this only occurred occasionally an once I would connect directly it would solve the problem. And I would again be able to go wireless. However, the problem has occurred and now persists. My IT guy at work suggested that I remove my wireless driver and reinstall I did that and I am still experiencing the same problem. Here is my "ipconfig/all":

Windows IP Configuration
Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : MININT-1GU3A0D
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . : Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
DNS Suffix Search List. . . . . . : Belkin


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Windows 7 X64 - Unable To Access Facebook?

Nov 16, 2012

I am using Win 7 64bit. I am unable to get to Facebook (and Mozilla, probably many others) through IE 9, Firefox, and Chrome.

If I use Win XP, I can access Facebook from all three browsers. I have tried multiple PCc/Laptops and the same thing happens....it works in XP but not in Windows 7 x64.

If I run an XP virtual machine within the Win 7 machine, I can access Facebook.It seems to be something with Win 7 64bit (maybe 32bit as well?)

If use a web proxy like HidemyAss.com I can at least bring up the Facebook login page, though cookies become an issue.

I have followed multiple suggestions from other sites i found such as clear cache, DNS cache, resetting TCP/IP stack etc.

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Unable To Access Computers In Workgroup

Nov 29, 2011

I've added a new laptop to my home network (now 3 computers, all of them with win 7 ultimate 64) . I didn't use home group because i don't like it, so i configured everything manually and everything worked great, file sharing. printer sharing, everything. And then I added a password to my user on the new laptop to protect it and the sharing between the laptop and the two other computers stopped working. when i try to access the laptop from another computer it reports i have no access, and when i try to access one of the computers from the laptop it asks for a user name and password.i uninstalled firewall - didn't help. reinstalled. i removed the password - problem solved. added password again - problem returns.

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Unable To Access Printer In Windows 7?

May 19, 2012

I have a canon lbp 3300 printer attached to a windows 7 system. Recently i changed its user access configuration through device and printers. But now i am not able to access this even in administrator account or in any account having admin privileges.

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Unable To Access Administrator Account?

Jan 9, 2011

In Win 7 Home Premium, I apparently did something wrong as I can no longer access the administrator account on my desktop. I am logged in as a guest and have tried just about everything suggested here. I have started in Safe Mode but can't access admin. I have used the installation disk to do a repair and used the activate command in the command prompt. I used the "enableadmin" mentioned on this site. Regardless of what I do here, when I restart I am back in Windows as a Guest. Even doing a system restore made no difference.

It would appear I have to do a clean install but before doing so thought I would ask to see if there is anything else

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Unable To Access Control Panel?

Jun 8, 2011

Recently, I lost access to many of the programs from my desktop. For example...when I try to open My Computer, or Recycle Bin, or Control Panel, I get an error panel stating....."This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Please install a program, or if one is already installed, create an association in the Default Programs control panel." Unfortunately, I cannot access the Default Programs program either, for the same reason.

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