Unable To Login My Profile

May 22, 2010

It seems that i am unable to login to my profile on my computer. For a start, my account has no password, so it would usually log in by itself. Second, upon clicking my account image to log in, welcome text displays, followed by a blank screen with the mouse pointer displayed, then it takes me back to the login screen.I was able to enable the hidden admin account during safemode, admin account logs in fine, but main account still refuses to log in. I deleted my system restore points (Regrettably), so that rules it out.

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The User Profile Service Failed To Login

Aug 31, 2011

I have a Windows Vista CPU that was updated a few months ago to Windows 7 Home Premium. Last week, we could no longer log on to this CPU and received the message in the title. Please note, we know the password...The machine no longer recognizes it, We only have one account on the CPU which is an administrator. So, we simply cannot log on to the machine normally. However, I can log on in Safe Mode. I changed the password in Safe Mode, restarted, went to the normal login screen, and still cannot log in with the new password. I have yet to find help for my specific problem.

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User Profile Service Failed Login?

Jul 24, 2012

A couple weeks ago, my Dell studio XPS laptop started having startup issues. When restarting my computer, the "preparing to configure windows" message came up, then immediately it would reboot. At the time I fixed it by doing a system restore to before the windows update. Well today I tried logging in and the message "user profile service failed login..." came up after which the system restarted. I tried doing a system restore, but it came up with an error 0x8000ffff. I've tried safe mode as well to no avail.

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Profile Takes So Long To Login To The Desktop?

Mar 24, 2012

For some reason unknown to me, logging into my user account on my PC takes around 20-30 seconds. I have the Guest account enabled, and log on to this is pretty much instant.I read around the internet that this is usually caused by having a solid colour as a background, but there have at no point been a solid colour background,I have images set as desktop wallpaper.I have only a handful of programs set to startup such as itype.exe for my keyboard, MSE, Xboxstat for my gamepad and Catalyst Control Centre.The Guest account has more programs set to startup yet takes considerable amount of time shorter to get to the desktop.This also applies to any subsequent account I create.

There are no desktop icons of any sort, and the user account profile size comes up as 343MB (which as far as I'm aware, isn't large). Windows is installed to a 64GB SSD. To help save space and reduce wasted write cycles, I've moved temporary files and cache stuff off the drive onto a normal HDD.This has been done for the Guest account aswell.I fail to see, however, why that should slow down a login time.Rainmeter loads on startup, but whether its on startup or not makes no difference.The accounts are local accounts as my PC is not part of a domain.I am stumped as to why my profile takes so long to login to the desktop (hence why I'm asking).In the event of it being relevent my specs are in the spoiler below.

Spoiler :
CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 965 @ 3.4Ghz (stock)
GPU: AMD Radeon HD6950
RAM: 16GB (4x4GB) G.Skill DDR3 1600Mhz RipjawsX (running at 1333Mhz due to CPU limit)
SSD: 64GB Crucial M4 (boot drive)
HDD: 1TB Samsung F3 (partitioned into three; programs, temporary files, games, page file)
HDD: 1.5TB Seagate Barracuda, holds documents, videos, music, etc)
OS: Windows 7 Professional 64bit SP1.

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User Profile Failed At Login - Event ID 1500

Jul 23, 2011

So im unable to create any new profiles without them getting the: user profile failed at login. I've tried the fix on microsoft website by going into safe mode and doing the regisrer fix but I've had no luck.

This is the event log:
- System
- Provider
[ Name] Microsoft-Windows-User Profiles Service
[ Guid] {89B1E9F0-5AFF-44A6-9B44-0A07A7CE5845}
EventID 1500
Version 0
Level 2
Task 0
Opcode 0
Keywords 0x8000000000000000
[Code] .....

Error: "The system cannot find the file specified". System restore doesn't work and I can't do a repair install as I have service pack 1 and cant remove it because I removed the temp files it requires to uninstall.

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Unable To Repair A Corrupt Profile?

Aug 8, 2010

I recently took my pc in for repair of the raid drive. The service center used a software which allowed them to change my password, so that they could access the pc. however I believe it damaged my profile because now, I can not change the password from password and outlook no longer remembers any of my email passwords, I must reenter them all each time I run outlook. I am trying to avoid creating a new profile.I am running Windows 7 Professional 64x with a mirrored 2TB drive. Simple peer to peer workgroup

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Unable To Access User Profile On Windows 7?

Oct 20, 2012

This same problem happened about 1-2 months ago on the first user profile on the computer. My cousin and I searched google and all we could find was deleting 1 of 2 registries or something along those lines, we tried and it didn't work. Since the problem seemed like a one in a million shot, we eventually settled on copying the contents of the other user profile into a new user profile through the hidden administrator account. We just used that account instead. The other account is still on the computer as well

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When I Start The Computer Up It Says "the User Profile Service Service Failed The Login?

Oct 6, 2011

I have a Dell XPS M1730 with Windows 7 Ultimate and it was doing an iTunes update and the lid got closed during the update process. Now when I start the computer up it says "the user profile service service failed the login, user profile cannot be loaded". The computer starts up in safe mode and won't let me do a system restore because it says it is shut off.When I look at User Profiles in Windows 7, it states that the users profile is as backup and the default profile is the local profile. How can I fix my computer to get my user profile back up and working?

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Unable To Restore / Unable To Login

Sep 25, 2011

I have an ASUS N51Vf on which I just changed a defective hard drive with a new one, same size and specs as the old.After a clean windows 7 install all was working fine. I created a System Restore Point. No errors reported, restore point created.I then tried to restore all my data and settings with a back up I had on a external hard drive.This back up has been made with LaCie Genie Back up Assistant, a program with decent review online.After having finished to restore the back up, I was asked to restart windows, which I did. Windows restarted but then it failed to log in giving an error (which appears to be quite common googling it). A window pop up saying "Interactive logon process initialization has failed. Please consult the event log for more details."If you say ok the windows keeps appearing again and again.There was no way to access windows whatever mode (safe, normal and all the other boot option appearing when pressing f8) I choosed. Startup repair was as well ineffective (since there was no problem in the startup process itself.)

People online reported the only way to fix this was to check the event log files on another computer. So I installed Ubuntu on the unallocated space I left when installing win 7, I copied the logs files, I went through all the errors in the event viewer of another computer, particularly those in application.evtx, I copied safe version of winlogon.exe logonUI.exe and userInit.exe on windows/system32 through Ubuntu but nothing worked. Same error preventing log in.I then went into the System Restore Point nasty affair. As I previously mentioned, I created this point prior to restore the LaCie backup. The Restore point was there, accessible through the standard recovery options. What appears is this: standard final window of System Restore and I couldn't select any of this drive and proceed.So I go to the Command Prompt and I realize that windows has been installed on D:, not on C:, which appears to be the system reserved partition with 70Mb free. Something standard when you install Windows 7 apparently. Since my backup was made copying files from C: and I didn't care for the path when restoring my LaCie backup, I thought I messed up things attempting to copy to the wrong drive, even though no error was reported to me.So I formatted everything, reinstalled windows paying attention not to create other partitions. Clean install, all went through fine. I check on Computer what's the windows unit label, and it is C indeed. I didn't check for the presence of other partitions. I re-restore files from the LaCie Backup. At the end I try to create a new System Restore point, but a weird error tells me that I can't. Already suspicious, I restart, to find myself on the exact same position as before, unable to login, unable to restore (both same as previously described) and, moreover, checking through command prompt, win 7 appears to be in the D: unit again with the C: set up to be the system reserved!!

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"the User Profile Service Failed To Login"?

Dec 8, 2011

i recently received my new computer which is running windows 7. i created one user account to begin with and was using that for a few hours and then i decided to create a couple of other user accounts. it lets me create these accounts but if i try to log in to any of them (including the guest profile) i get the error "the user profile service failed to login". i have read a number of articles and watched a video on Internet about the issue. they all say to do roughly the same thing, go into regedit and then the profile list and they give some steps involving changing values and such. i have tried this numerous times in different ways and it will not work, it seems my problem is a bit different. in "profile list" in regedit there doesn't even seem to be any record of these accounts whatsoever and no sign of a "corrupt" account which the previously mentioned articles talked about

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User Profile Service Service Failed Login

Feb 10, 2011

When you boot you get the login screen, click login, then instantly displayed with this message:"User Profile Service service failed the login.User Profile cannot be located."You cannot log into windows normally or in safe mode, I don't use the PC as its someone else's so I don't have any other information as they don't know either they just turned it off and this is what happened when they turned it on.

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Unable To Login

Aug 9, 2011

Win 7 Pro, Boots up shows "press ctrl+alt+del" screen, Once this is pressed, the prompt for the password does not show (mouse moves not frozen) Unable to recover from rescue cd After toiling with this issue for some time I found that when the computer is shut down properly, the next login does not show the password prompt. If the computer is shut down via a 5 second power-button press, the password prompt appears the next time the computer is turned on after the "start widows normally" dos screen. I had an older image of the os on a harddrive (replaced HD with solid state) that I used to "restore" from. The issue happened again some 6 days later. I can not keep restoring/backing up all the time as it is very time consuming (there is a lot of changing data on this computer and having to back up like this all the time is not a realistic solution).

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Unable To Login

Aug 31, 2012

i can login i want change my password ]

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Unable To Login After Boot-up?

Sep 10, 2011

We have Windows seven installed on on my friends system and he is unable to log in because all he has is a black screen with no where to log in. At first I though he came across some pirated software but thats not the case here. Have cd keys that turn out to be legit. So on his login in page at start up all he has is the start up and shut down buttons on the bottom right of the screen and the ease of access button on the bottom left and in between is the Windows Seven wording. No place to enter login info. Have only one restore point that I can find and that is one I created when I first started on his system.I have also tried a system repair with no luck more than once and cannot do a sfc /scannow because the system reports back to me that there is a repair in process and I need to shut down and restart to complete that repair and then run a sfc /scannow which have tried several times shutting down and restarting with the same results ! Have run the repair from the installation and from the install disk till I have sorta lost hope and will have to revert back to a full installation again. Anyone have any Idea's or atleast point me in some right direction maybe it will help to know the location of the registry entries for the login screen and compare with my system. Just a guess.

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Unable To Login To Domain

Aug 20, 2009

We recently moved to a different domain, previous to that, OUR DC had our login script and all worked well. The login script is defined in our GPO and works well for everyone else (running XP), I'm the only one on Windows 7 and its not running for me.Its a simple .vbs script. The odd thing is, when I save the file to my desktop and run the .vbs locally, it runs fine, and maps the drives I need, etc., it just won't run when I log into the domain. If I log into another machine running WinXP, the login script runs just fine.

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Unable To Login With Password

Feb 5, 2012

Not an administrator on my company laptop but am now unable to even login with the password I was given. It's a Windows 7 Dell laptop

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Unable To Login To Windows 7 64bit

Jun 20, 2011

I left my computer on while going out to grab a quick dinner and came back only to notice that it was out of windows and scanning for problems which I did not have anything to do with.I figured it was just some sort of windows update. Then, It showed me an unable to repair message.I've tried entering safe mode, system restore and basically everything there is to hit on upon restart and spamming the "F5" button.

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Windows 7 Installation Unable To Login

Sep 28, 2012

I have a Gateway desktop that had Vista as the OS. I upgraded to Windows 7. Everything seemed to be going along well and then it rebooted and asked me to login. It won't accept my login. I've tried clicking ok with no entries still won't work. I rebooted and attempted to F8 to get in via safe mode and that screen flashes so quickly I can't hit enter on anything. This computer is 4 years old. I'm about ready to toss in the towel unless someone knows of a simple way to fix this issue.

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Created User Account, Unable To Login?

Oct 15, 2011

I created a secondary user account on my PC. When I try to login, it will look like it's logging in, but it just logs back out, returning to the main screen to choose an account to login to.If I'm logged into my main account, and I switch users and try to login to the newly created secondary account, it logs me out of my main account, and doesn't login to the secondary account, and once again, returns to the main screen to choose an account to login to.This also happens with the guest account.In addition, it does not give me the generic error: "The User Profile Service failed the logon. User profile cannot be loaded"How can I fix this?

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Unable To Login With Password Typed In Keyboard?

Sep 15, 2012

#1. I changed the windows password for a user. After that, I am not able to login if I type the password in key board. If I type same password using On-screen keyboard option of Ease of access, I am able to login.

I thought it could be issue with key board. After login, I checked all keys are working fine.

#2.Due to issue #1, I created one more user and added it to administrator group. I am able to login to windows with this new user with password typed in keyboard. But after login when i type some characters, it displays other characters. For e.g., when I type '', it shows '#'

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Unable To Type Password At Login Screen?

Mar 15, 2010

I recently installed Windows 7 64bit on the second partition of my main HDD. It worked flawlessly until I restarted earlier today. Now whenever I boot into Windows 7 the login screen shows up with my account, but when i attempt to enter my password the keystrokes are not registering.I have tried using all 8 usb ports in the back of my comp, but the keyboard still does not work. My usb mouse works fine. I can also boot and login to Windows XP, on the other partition with no problems, and the keyboard works fine.

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Sticky Keys - Can't Type So Unable To Login

Sep 13, 2011

I have a problem of sticky keys, i rebooted to try to fix the problem but now I can't log on as I can't type. I have tried to start in safe mode but still asks me for the password!

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Browsers Can't Load Profile Settings On Main Windows Profile

Oct 8, 2011

so I was on my desktop main account and then let my dad log on to a guest account I recently created for him since his laptop isn't working, then when I came back I logged onto my profile I couldn't open any browser, in the case of firefox this came up (firefox can't load host something, missing profile) and chrome (your preferences cannot be read)

then I couln't open some shorcuts (windows cannot find the target. and my utorrent setting reset as well, like if I had never used it, BUT the guest account works perfectly.

I'm able to open firefox with open as administrator but all addons, bookmarks are gone, I can't open the document, picture, and music links on the start menu either

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Login Error - Application Unable To Start Correctly

Jun 29, 2011

I am getting a Login Error on a Laptop. This is the error "The Application was unable to start correctly error(0x000005) click ok to close the application".

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Ctrl+alt+del Pressed, No Password Prompt: Unable To Login

Aug 9, 2011

my issue is as follows:

->Win 7 Pro
->Boots up shows "press ctrl+alt+del" screen
->Once this is pressed, the prompt for the password does not show (mouse moves not frozen)
->Unable to recover from rescue cd

After toiling with this issue for some time I found that when the computer is shut down properly, the next login does not show the password prompt. If the computer is shut down via a 5 second power-button press, the password prompt appears the next time the computer is turned on after the "start widows normally" dos screen. I had an older image of the os on a harddrive (replaced HD with solid state) that I used to "restore" from. The issue happened again some 6 days later. I can not keep restoring/backing up all the time as it is very time consuming (there is a lot of changing data on this computer and having to back up like this all the time is not a realistic solution).

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Big Mess After Creating New Profile And Deleting Original Profile?

Jul 9, 2012

Originally I had all my data files in drive D and only programs in drive C. Somehow my old user profile got corrupted and the Backgound wall paper is not working properly. So I created a new admin profile to fix it but now I have a mess.After I created a new admin profile and moved the old users folder/files to the new user , I decided to delete the old profile after everything seems to be working properly . When deleting the old profile I elected to save old user files to my desktop ( fortunately) . I now have a very fragmented system . Some of the folder/files are still under my old username in D drive, nothing in my new user name in D drive plus almost all of the folder/files from the old user ( in drive D) are now in a folder on the desktop where windows elected to place them when I elected to save the folders/files. I really need all the old user folders.I would like to have the Data in either under my old or new username in Drive D instead of fragmented all over the place. I realize I ended up in this situation because I didnt understand fully what windows will do when creating and deleting user profiles.

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On Windows 7 Created Temp Account For Guest Use - Error "unable To Load Profile"

May 24, 2011

on windows 7 created temp account for Guest use with user password.when try to login is gives the following error "unable to load profile"

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Unable To Switch User From Start Menu Or Login Screen?

Jan 24, 2013

I wanted to switch users a few days ago, but when I clicked the start button and clicked the arrow next to shutdown, it says lock, log off, restart, or sleep. The switch user option used to be at the top.I have tried going into the registry and finding HideFastUserSwitching, which I had to create a DWORD value for, because it wasn't there - needless to say that didn't work.I was told to also enable the Fast User Switching service in service.msc, but it wasn't on the list.I have tried going to task manager and clicking the 'users' tab which miraculously disappeared - replaced by a TCP/IP tab.

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Creating New Profile / Run Program From Another Profile?

May 18, 2012

i have problems with adobe cs6 installing, and it's been suggested i install it under a new profile. no problem with that, however, will i be able to access / run it under my 'normal' profile? finally, will doing this affect any of my existing programs in my 'normal' profile?

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User Profile Service-service Failed Logon-user Profile Cannot Be Loaded

Nov 17, 2012

when i try to create a new user profile ~ with or without a password, it shows up on the main login page, but when i click on it to open, the message "UserProfileService_service failed the logon_user profile cannot be loaded". i have searched microsoft support with little solutions listed. and the ones that are listed seem too technical for me to be trying on my own. there are many posts there with this problem, but they all seem to be several years old.

i am using windows 7. i have never been able to create any accounts other than my administrator account & the one account i use for all my general computer use. i have been using norton 360 with no problems. i have resorted to just using any "log in/log out' links on all the sites my husband wants to use.i am really not all that confident doing anything super technical to fix this, since i don't have a real understanding of different extensions or types of files. i am afraid i could really mess everything up really bad. but, it would just be SO MUCH EASIER & FASTER if i had my account & my husband had his own account.

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User Profile Service Service Failed Logon / User Profile Cannot Be Loaded

Jul 13, 2011

My wife's Dell desktop (after a nighttime thunderstorm) will not permit her to log on. When she enters the password she gets the following message: "The User Profile Service service failed the logon. User profile cannot be loaded". Has anyone encountered this issue and is there a user fix, or should we take the computer back to where it was bought for service?

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