Unable To Login

Aug 9, 2011

Win 7 Pro, Boots up shows "press ctrl+alt+del" screen, Once this is pressed, the prompt for the password does not show (mouse moves not frozen) Unable to recover from rescue cd After toiling with this issue for some time I found that when the computer is shut down properly, the next login does not show the password prompt. If the computer is shut down via a 5 second power-button press, the password prompt appears the next time the computer is turned on after the "start widows normally" dos screen. I had an older image of the os on a harddrive (replaced HD with solid state) that I used to "restore" from. The issue happened again some 6 days later. I can not keep restoring/backing up all the time as it is very time consuming (there is a lot of changing data on this computer and having to back up like this all the time is not a realistic solution).

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Unable To Restore / Unable To Login

Sep 25, 2011

I have an ASUS N51Vf on which I just changed a defective hard drive with a new one, same size and specs as the old.After a clean windows 7 install all was working fine. I created a System Restore Point. No errors reported, restore point created.I then tried to restore all my data and settings with a back up I had on a external hard drive.This back up has been made with LaCie Genie Back up Assistant, a program with decent review online.After having finished to restore the back up, I was asked to restart windows, which I did. Windows restarted but then it failed to log in giving an error (which appears to be quite common googling it). A window pop up saying "Interactive logon process initialization has failed. Please consult the event log for more details."If you say ok the windows keeps appearing again and again.There was no way to access windows whatever mode (safe, normal and all the other boot option appearing when pressing f8) I choosed. Startup repair was as well ineffective (since there was no problem in the startup process itself.)

People online reported the only way to fix this was to check the event log files on another computer. So I installed Ubuntu on the unallocated space I left when installing win 7, I copied the logs files, I went through all the errors in the event viewer of another computer, particularly those in application.evtx, I copied safe version of winlogon.exe logonUI.exe and userInit.exe on windows/system32 through Ubuntu but nothing worked. Same error preventing log in.I then went into the System Restore Point nasty affair. As I previously mentioned, I created this point prior to restore the LaCie backup. The Restore point was there, accessible through the standard recovery options. What appears is this: standard final window of System Restore and I couldn't select any of this drive and proceed.So I go to the Command Prompt and I realize that windows has been installed on D:, not on C:, which appears to be the system reserved partition with 70Mb free. Something standard when you install Windows 7 apparently. Since my backup was made copying files from C: and I didn't care for the path when restoring my LaCie backup, I thought I messed up things attempting to copy to the wrong drive, even though no error was reported to me.So I formatted everything, reinstalled windows paying attention not to create other partitions. Clean install, all went through fine. I check on Computer what's the windows unit label, and it is C indeed. I didn't check for the presence of other partitions. I re-restore files from the LaCie Backup. At the end I try to create a new System Restore point, but a weird error tells me that I can't. Already suspicious, I restart, to find myself on the exact same position as before, unable to login, unable to restore (both same as previously described) and, moreover, checking through command prompt, win 7 appears to be in the D: unit again with the C: set up to be the system reserved!!

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Unable To Login

Aug 31, 2012

i can login i want change my password ]

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Unable To Login After Boot-up?

Sep 10, 2011

We have Windows seven installed on on my friends system and he is unable to log in because all he has is a black screen with no where to log in. At first I though he came across some pirated software but thats not the case here. Have cd keys that turn out to be legit. So on his login in page at start up all he has is the start up and shut down buttons on the bottom right of the screen and the ease of access button on the bottom left and in between is the Windows Seven wording. No place to enter login info. Have only one restore point that I can find and that is one I created when I first started on his system.I have also tried a system repair with no luck more than once and cannot do a sfc /scannow because the system reports back to me that there is a repair in process and I need to shut down and restart to complete that repair and then run a sfc /scannow which have tried several times shutting down and restarting with the same results ! Have run the repair from the installation and from the install disk till I have sorta lost hope and will have to revert back to a full installation again. Anyone have any Idea's or atleast point me in some right direction maybe it will help to know the location of the registry entries for the login screen and compare with my system. Just a guess.

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Unable To Login My Profile

May 22, 2010

It seems that i am unable to login to my profile on my computer. For a start, my account has no password, so it would usually log in by itself. Second, upon clicking my account image to log in, welcome text displays, followed by a blank screen with the mouse pointer displayed, then it takes me back to the login screen.I was able to enable the hidden admin account during safemode, admin account logs in fine, but main account still refuses to log in. I deleted my system restore points (Regrettably), so that rules it out.

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Unable To Login To Domain

Aug 20, 2009

We recently moved to a different domain, previous to that, OUR DC had our login script and all worked well. The login script is defined in our GPO and works well for everyone else (running XP), I'm the only one on Windows 7 and its not running for me.Its a simple .vbs script. The odd thing is, when I save the file to my desktop and run the .vbs locally, it runs fine, and maps the drives I need, etc., it just won't run when I log into the domain. If I log into another machine running WinXP, the login script runs just fine.

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Unable To Login With Password

Feb 5, 2012

Not an administrator on my company laptop but am now unable to even login with the password I was given. It's a Windows 7 Dell laptop

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Unable To Login To Windows 7 64bit

Jun 20, 2011

I left my computer on while going out to grab a quick dinner and came back only to notice that it was out of windows and scanning for problems which I did not have anything to do with.I figured it was just some sort of windows update. Then, It showed me an unable to repair message.I've tried entering safe mode, system restore and basically everything there is to hit on upon restart and spamming the "F5" button.

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Windows 7 Installation Unable To Login

Sep 28, 2012

I have a Gateway desktop that had Vista as the OS. I upgraded to Windows 7. Everything seemed to be going along well and then it rebooted and asked me to login. It won't accept my login. I've tried clicking ok with no entries still won't work. I rebooted and attempted to F8 to get in via safe mode and that screen flashes so quickly I can't hit enter on anything. This computer is 4 years old. I'm about ready to toss in the towel unless someone knows of a simple way to fix this issue.

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Created User Account, Unable To Login?

Oct 15, 2011

I created a secondary user account on my PC. When I try to login, it will look like it's logging in, but it just logs back out, returning to the main screen to choose an account to login to.If I'm logged into my main account, and I switch users and try to login to the newly created secondary account, it logs me out of my main account, and doesn't login to the secondary account, and once again, returns to the main screen to choose an account to login to.This also happens with the guest account.In addition, it does not give me the generic error: "The User Profile Service failed the logon. User profile cannot be loaded"How can I fix this?

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Unable To Login With Password Typed In Keyboard?

Sep 15, 2012

#1. I changed the windows password for a user. After that, I am not able to login if I type the password in key board. If I type same password using On-screen keyboard option of Ease of access, I am able to login.

I thought it could be issue with key board. After login, I checked all keys are working fine.

#2.Due to issue #1, I created one more user and added it to administrator group. I am able to login to windows with this new user with password typed in keyboard. But after login when i type some characters, it displays other characters. For e.g., when I type '', it shows '#'

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Unable To Type Password At Login Screen?

Mar 15, 2010

I recently installed Windows 7 64bit on the second partition of my main HDD. It worked flawlessly until I restarted earlier today. Now whenever I boot into Windows 7 the login screen shows up with my account, but when i attempt to enter my password the keystrokes are not registering.I have tried using all 8 usb ports in the back of my comp, but the keyboard still does not work. My usb mouse works fine. I can also boot and login to Windows XP, on the other partition with no problems, and the keyboard works fine.

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Sticky Keys - Can't Type So Unable To Login

Sep 13, 2011

I have a problem of sticky keys, i rebooted to try to fix the problem but now I can't log on as I can't type. I have tried to start in safe mode but still asks me for the password!

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Login Error - Application Unable To Start Correctly

Jun 29, 2011

I am getting a Login Error on a Laptop. This is the error "The Application was unable to start correctly error(0x000005) click ok to close the application".

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Ctrl+alt+del Pressed, No Password Prompt: Unable To Login

Aug 9, 2011

my issue is as follows:

->Win 7 Pro
->Boots up shows "press ctrl+alt+del" screen
->Once this is pressed, the prompt for the password does not show (mouse moves not frozen)
->Unable to recover from rescue cd

After toiling with this issue for some time I found that when the computer is shut down properly, the next login does not show the password prompt. If the computer is shut down via a 5 second power-button press, the password prompt appears the next time the computer is turned on after the "start widows normally" dos screen. I had an older image of the os on a harddrive (replaced HD with solid state) that I used to "restore" from. The issue happened again some 6 days later. I can not keep restoring/backing up all the time as it is very time consuming (there is a lot of changing data on this computer and having to back up like this all the time is not a realistic solution).

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Unable To Switch User From Start Menu Or Login Screen?

Jan 24, 2013

I wanted to switch users a few days ago, but when I clicked the start button and clicked the arrow next to shutdown, it says lock, log off, restart, or sleep. The switch user option used to be at the top.I have tried going into the registry and finding HideFastUserSwitching, which I had to create a DWORD value for, because it wasn't there - needless to say that didn't work.I was told to also enable the Fast User Switching service in service.msc, but it wasn't on the list.I have tried going to task manager and clicking the 'users' tab which miraculously disappeared - replaced by a TCP/IP tab.

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Windows 7 Pro Login As Admin But No Need To Have Login Screen?

Apr 12, 2012

I'm using Windows 7 Pro. I have remove the login pw in my user account now I do not need to do the login and able to use the computer right away. But I found I am using the computer as a user not administrator. How can I skip the login screen and go straight into desktop as administrator.

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Windows 7 Professional Blinking Twice At Login And Again Once Login

Jan 25, 2013

There's nothing wrong with my computer that I know of, just noticing these black flashes for some time now and thought I would finally seek information on why this could be happening. It happens everytime I turn on my computer, two black screen flashes at the login screen and another black flash in the main menu screen right after logging in.

2x flash at the login screen
1x flash at main menu screen

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Login To RDP Session From Windows Login Screen

Nov 26, 2011

I have an RDP Server on a windows 7 ultimate 32 bit and i would like to be able to use another system login screen to connect to this server. As in when i turn of display last local users, so that if i was to enter XXX into the username and XXX into the password and it will connect Although i wouldnt mind being able to set up roaming profiles between these systems either.

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Mouse Works At Login, But Not After Login?

Dec 27, 2011

I have a Microsoft Intellipoint 2000 usb mouse that has been working flawlessly for about 8 months, and a windows 7 laptop 64 bit. Recently however, the mouse would work at the login screen, but after I would login, it would stop working. Its drivers are up-to-date. It seems as though something changed recently that disables it after login, and if I reconnect it I sometimes get Error Code 43, and it says it is not recognized, then again, sometimes it will work flawlessly, until i put my computer to sleep.

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Login In IE9 Starts Looping From The Login Page To The Http Page And Back To The Original Page?

Apr 28, 2012

I watch videos from this site Poker Netcast | Live At The Bike | LABTTheir login is https.Ive been in IT for 15 years and even this has stumped me.When I go to login in IE9 starts looping from the login page to the https page and back to the original page and never ends. I load firefox, same issue. I load Crome, it worked for 1 day then same issue. It used to login in fine last week. It logs in fine on my 2 other PCs and my Kindlefire.I have checked for viruses with Avast and A-Malware Bytes in safe mode - nothing. These 2 pick up 98% of stuff. Personally I dont think its a virusn IE9 - Deleted browsing history, cookies, temp internet files, everything under the Geneeral/Browsing History section. Did a disk cleanup, put the site inthe trusted zone, turned off popup blocker just in case, Cleared SSL state, Reset IE9. Zippo

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Padlocks On Photos On Old Login, New Login Cannot View Photos At All

May 16, 2012

I've been using my parents computer for the last few months and decided to make my own user/log-in the other day. After doing so, I cut/pasted my photos folder into my new user directory (or whatever, I'm not very techie..). I have thousands of photos, my BF is a photographer, and I can view most of them. However, in one particular folder 90% of them aren't viewable! Says I don't have permission... When I log back into parents windows, I can see the photos in my directory (as they are no longer located in theirs) but there are little gold padlocks on the ones I cannot see on my log-in. I've tried changing permissions, ownership, you name it.. I've looked for help on line and tried everything. The only thing that seems to work is if I right click on each individual photo and change things that way.

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Unable To Format The New Flopy Drive Showing Error Windows Is Unable To Form

Feb 28, 2012

i have new flopy drive when i m formatting its showing the error that windows is unable to format the drive

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"Unable To Download... Unable To Open This Internet Site"

May 18, 2010

I am using Windows7 and IE8 on a Dell2350. The computer was working fine till last Friday and now I can't download anything. I keep getting a message saying "Unable to download... Unable to open this internet site. The requested site is either unavailable or cannot be found. Please try again later." The dialog box itself doesn't show how big the file is or the download speed or the time left. I also keep getting a message saying a program has corrutped my program setting.

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Windows Login Does Not Appear

Aug 1, 2012

Alls it shows is a Blackscreen after the Windows 7 is Starting screen appears This was after installing Windows 7

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Login Twice For Facebook?

Jan 30, 2013

I have to login twice for facebook

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Can't Login To Picasa Web From IE8

Mar 18, 2011

I can't connect me to the standard url...website. It keeps saying "redirecting", flashes back and forth, and finally says IE8 cannot connect to the webpage. I can sign-in to Google email & calender etc with no problem. But from there, cannot link by clicking on the "photo" drop down. I can't even get to the Picasa web log-in page. This had been working fine a few weeks ago.I can get to it ok from another pc Chrome browser.

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No Login Screen

Jul 8, 2009

Ok so I was on Windows 7 7231 x86

So I upgraded to Windows 7 7264 x86

And when It was done I turnd it on and there was no login screen

Just a black screen and my mouse

Im think that If I wait for the next build I can upgrade to that and it will be all good what do u guys think.

I dual booted it with XP so I can go on the XP Admin account and get all my stuff back so thats not a problem.

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Not Getting The Login Screen

Jul 14, 2009

after booting, I get a black screen. There is no way for me to login. I tried to login Safe Mode but after I cannot enter the password as the keys in the keyboard are not working and then it restarted to Normal OS and same problem happens.

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Can't Login When Wifi Is On

Dec 18, 2011

I can't log in when the wifi is on (laptop) and when I do log in (wifi off) I can connect to the router but I can't see the m: drive on the network. This is following a spyware contamination and a system restore, I've tried resetting the credential manager (services and registry) but still not working

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No Login Box After Update?

Apr 28, 2012

windows update happened on my pc yesterday and i shutdown left it running as it was late and there was a lot of updates. This morning I booted and waited for the windows is configuring 77k items!!! Then the welcome screen appeared with no login box for my password, Ctrl/alt/del does nothing I ahve to hold the power button to switch off.My pc is a dell inspiron with windows7 home premium.I have tried to hold the F8 key on bootup but nothing happens, so i cant easy do a system restore, The F12 key works but that jus gives boot device options or enter setup.

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