USB Bootable Formatting Tool?

Jul 7, 2011

What I'm looking for is a tool that will boot from USB drive, and automaticly format and partition all drives in a computer. Since this will be used on a lot of machines I would like something that requires the least amount of input from me. All data need to be wiped, all machines have one drive to be formatted/partitioned. I have tried "KillDisk" and "Dariks Boot and Nuke", but Boot and Nuke did not work properly and KillDisk required to much input from me. Afterwards the machines will be installed via PXE boot.

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How To Create A Bootable Iso Usb For Hitachi Feature Tool

Aug 18, 2012

I downloaded the iso image that is to be made in a bootable CD , but i want to burn it to a usb stick (i never got a working bootable CD in the past to work and i'd rather not waste 10+ cd's again).Either i get "disk error" when i boot from usb or just a pulsing.

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Windows ISO To USB Conversion Tool Doesn't Make The USB Bootable

Oct 19, 2012

I tried to use the tool windows provided to make it so you can put a ISO copy of windows on a USB...and it didn't make it bootable.

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Jun 25, 2009

I seriously needs some help with formattign my computer. I've got some virus' on my computer, and I'm not able to remove them (I have tried with Hijackthis and NOD32 Antivirus).

My problem is, that when I changed to Windows 7, my computer automaticly remved my recovery file, which holds my Windows Vista file. This means I can't install any operating system after format. I also need to format to clean up my computer etc. but that's unimportant.

This is a serious problem to me, because I use my computer for basically everything, and I have to use it on secondary college next year, and I can't afford a new one. so please help me, as fast as possible!

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Have No Tool Bar On Windows 7

Mar 6, 2011

I want to change my email default. All the infro says go to tools. I have no tools on my upper tool bar.

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Windows 7 Usb Dvd Tool

Aug 27, 2012

Not sure if this is in the right part of the forums? but here we go. I am formating and reinstalling windows 7. I have a Dell Inspiron 1720 laptop. Intel 2.3 ghz duel core, cpu. upgraded to 4 gig of ram. done months ago. New 750 gig HDD. New to this install. just bought it. Installed with a dell windows 7 disk. It activated fine. had a few problem with the install. could not install Windows 7 usb dvd tool could not install Office 2010. Did get NOD 32 install and all the windows updates. I figured there was aglitch in the install. I formated and reinstalled windows 7 from a usb drive i created on another computer. that i just installed the windows 7 usb dvd tool on. windows loaded fine, so first thing i tried to install the windows 7 usb dvd tool would not install. so formated and started again. All went well windows 7 activated fine. tried to install the windows 7 usb dvd tool again no joy. so I went ahead and installed all the updates. NOD 32. windows office all went well. tried again to install the Win 7 usb dvd tool no joy. I have googled the problem there is no info out there on this problem. I searched the problem in this forum nothing. I had this tool running on the original install before i started this whole thing and it worked fine. Any suggestion would be great! Nothing invested but time!

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RAM Diagnostic Tool

May 10, 2009

I purchased 4GB of RAm a few mnths ago and also got a copy of Vista HP64. From the get go I had all sort of issues in Vista - games would not run, the OS seemed to crash a lot, would get messages like MS Outlooks data file was not closed properly. Windows defender would crash all the time.Tried about 15 different nVidia drivers... gave up. I tried 3 different HDDs too.

So anyway I moved back to XP because I assumed it was simply Vista.

This week I downloaded Win7RC1!! I'd heard nothing but greta things on podcasts, in forums etc. So i installed.

From the start I've had again defender crashing, "windows logon" errors, action centre shows me a LOT of errors that it's detetced and fixed. I get a few "explorer has stopped working" errors too. UGH! Games do not work - they freeze either on loading or after 30 seconds or so of gaming. I've had 4 or so BSODs which I had heard were basically unheard of in Windows 7! They were of varying variety.

All these erros in 3 days worth of running Windows 7? Seems a lot.... and errors on core components of Windows 7 too.

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All In One Cleanup Tool

Jul 9, 2011

I am regarded as the family and friends computer problem solver and in a lot of cases e.g. slowdown/virus etc it is just doing a bit of housekeeping which they don't or can't be bother doing. However this takes a bit of time and I was wondering if there was a good tool out there that you would recommend to save me crawling through their PCs uninstalling unused programs, clearing out .tmp files etc etc - you know the kind of things.

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Formatting My Old XP Drive

Dec 28, 2009

I am having a problem formatting a drive. When I first built this computer, I had two 500GB HDD's installed. Originally I installed XP on the machine. Some time ago, I installed Windows 7 on my other drive. I have been using Windows 7 for months now, and I no longer wish to use Windows XP.

I am running out of space on my Windows 7 Drive, I originally only allocated 90GB to it. I want to format my XP drive so I can move things around and get more space, but I cannot reformat, disk management gives me the error, "Windows cannot format the System Partition on this disk."

I REALLY REALLY do not want to have to reinstall windows 7. I basically want to format the XP drive and make that my new media drive, and extending the current Windows 7 drive to include the space that I will gain from moving my media drive.

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Font Looks Different After Formatting?

Oct 1, 2010

I've formatted my laptop a few days ago and thought that some fonts in some websites looked weird compared to before, I thought I was just being paranoid and that it was my imagination, but after a few days where I couldn't stop to think that, I took a printscreen in the other pc on the house and comparing side to side to mine it as clear as day that it's different On the left it's how mine is, on the right how the other PC is(and how it was before in mine). All I did was formatting and installing most of the programs that was installed before on the laptop, I didn't tweaked the fonts or anything. Oh, also this is not specific to a browser, the font on internet explorer or firefox looks exactly the same. I tried resetting to default and checked that the font used is Segoe UI size 9.

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Formatting Windows 7?

Jan 16, 2011

Can I install Windows 7 over the top of Vista

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Formatting A Drive For W7

Jul 17, 2009

I'm currently dual-booting Vista and 7, and I want to get rid of Vista, but I'd like a couple people to just confirm for me that I'd be doing it correctly because I don't want to mess up my MBR or anything like that.

I currently have Vista on my C drive and 7 on my F drive. If I go to Computer Management and then Disk Management, this is what I see:

First, because I have a ThinkPad, I have Q and S drives. But I believe they're irrelevant to this question.

My C drive, with Vista, says it's an NTFS drive, "Healthy (Primary Partition)".

My F drive, with 7, says it's an NTFS drive, "Healthy (Boot, Page File, Crash Dump, Logical Drive)".

If I were to just flat-out right click on the C drive with Vista and click format, and then restart, would I be screwed? Or would it load 7 because it would be my only OS? And if this would be a problem, how should I go about removing Vista?

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Formatting Without Getting Any Windows.old?

Nov 27, 2009

My friend wiped my friend's computer on a Vista installer by choosing "load drivers" or something in the partition screen and then pressing format. I can't find this anywhere, or what I mean is there are no drivers to load. When I try to format, I can only format so that my computer saves a Windows.old file. Does that get rid of viruses? Does it get rid of a slow computer?

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Formatting Dvd For Use In A Dvd Recorder?

Sep 19, 2011

I have a Sony dvd recorder which has decided to stop formatting dvd's (all types -r, -rw, +rw etc).I have a lot of tv programmes now stuck on the Sony's hdd that I need, and wondered if I could use my pc to format dvd's, so that the Sony's format function is bypassed.

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Deleting OS Without Formatting?

Jan 26, 2012

Okay, I want to do a fresh install of Windows 7 onto an SSD, then use my HDD which currently has Windows 7 on it for extra storage. However, I don't want to be prompted about which drive to boot from, nor do I want useless OS files on my spare drive.I don't have another drive to backup files to, so backing up then formatting isn't an option. What can I do to delete the OS files entirely and structure the drive like you would a typical backup drive?

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How To Do Formatting In Hp G62 Laptop

Feb 29, 2012

when i turn on my hp g62 laptop after some time it gose white screen for a long time

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Formatting Without Boot CD

Apr 14, 2012

I'm having a bit of a strange issue. What I am attempting to do is format my C (Windows 7) drive, in order to reinstall Windows from the installation disc.

Here is my problem. Whenever I try to boot from the disc, it just loads Windows normally and doesn't launch startup repair or anything. My thought is that this is due to the fact that my DVD drive, while fully functional, is not compatible with Windows 7. I know it works as when I first bought the PC it installed Windows7 just fine, so my thinking is that if I can get my C drive formatted, I will then be able to boot from the Windows disc and install.

I can't seem to find any option in startup that will allow me to do this. I also do not have additional DVD, CD or Blu Ray drives that I can install.

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Formatting Usb In Using Laptop?

Apr 25, 2012

how can i formating usb in my laptop?

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USB 'E' Requires Formatting?

Oct 24, 2012

I have a word doc on my USB that I don't wish to loose and now I'm getting a message to format! I've tried many approaches over the past week but with little success. The size of the file "c:UsersuserDocumentsSAVED FILES$ROOT00105Finding Form 1Part 3.docx" exceeds the 64KB limit for FAT 32Another company states that the Status of the file is 'Excellent', the size is '95 KB', the Date Created was '25/09/2012' and the Date Modified was '04/10/2012', Time '18:10'. That is the correct file although I'm not sure if 95KB is all the data?? It was roughly 20 pages of text

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How To Do Partition Without Formatting

Dec 14, 2012

my has one partition. can I partitioned without formatting?

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Get Data From Hdd Without Formatting It?

Jan 27, 2013

get data from hdd without formatting it?

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How To Set Up The Modeling Tool In 3d Maya

Sep 27, 2012

how to set up the modeling tool in 3d maya

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New Registry Backup Tool

Jun 1, 2012

I received Don's permission to tell you about this program. It is for the average user like me who cannot run ERUNT on Win 7 with a schedule and without the hard workarounds.It is being released from Beta Sunday June 3rd '12'.I have system restore and Acronis but sometimes you cannot get to system restore from within windows or for corruption issues and Acronis takes awhile.This can be found @ where the owner, Shane has developed this for the normal user. Read the threads about it, watch the videos etc. It is so ez with three tabs to backup, restore and settings. There are even shots to show you how to restore if youcan't boot up. The last part was too hard for me so he made it easier. I only know him because he replied to my request for an ERUNT replacement -he was the only one of ten people.It is going to have videos, tutorials and prntscns shots to make it ez.I asked around for along time because so many techs swear by ERUNT and I wanted it or a replacement. Unfortunatley the author of ERUNT developed it up to XP but Win 7 users were stuck unless very techy.This is what I was avidly looking for and he said awhile ago he woud do it.So, if you are like me and make errors you would like to erase, add another backup tool to your toolbox.It is freeware and he promises there are no nasties.

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Tool Bar / Right Click Features

Feb 12, 2011

Just learning the ropes on Windows7; used Vista for coupla years: TOOL BAR: What happened to Edit function of for that matter File? RIGHT CLICK: What happened to Copy to and Move to ? The point being, how do I move selected files to another location on my computer?

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How To Use The Windows 7 Snipping Tool

May 27, 2011

how to use the windows 7 snipping tool?

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HP Printer Tool Box Not Compatible?

Oct 30, 2011

When I made the move from Windows XP to Windows 7, I no longer have the HP printer toolbox icon on my desktop. Even tho I had to do a clean install from the original printer CD, I can't find it.

Before posting here I tried looking on the web+I'm thinking the toolbox is not compatible with Windows 7?

It was always nice to be alerted when I was running low on ink,+ now I don't even have the option to clean the print heads. If the program is not going to work with my current system, is it possible for me to manually clean the print heads?

My printer is an HP PSC 1401 All-in-One

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Snipping Tool Has Vanished

Jul 3, 2012

I have been using the snipping tool quite regularly but come to use it tonight and the programme is not in my programme list any more . Also a search can't find the program on my laptop. Any suggestions please to find the programme?

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Snipping Tool Not Installed

Dec 19, 2012

I am running Windows 7 and need to use the program Snipping Tool but can't find it in my Accessories program list.Do I need to download the program off the web?

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Windows 7 Backup Tool?

Apr 23, 2012

I back up my music, photos, docs from time to time using win 7s built in backup toolWhen I back my stuff up does the software backup just the new entries? As it would be pointless already backing up stuff that's been backed up previous.

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Way To Re-arrange Tool Bars

May 28, 2011

I have two toolbars in IE 9 that are both very short. I would like to merge them on the same line. I used to be able to do this by clickin on the handle on the left end, then move it when a 4 point arrow showed up, which it is now NOT showing up.

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Chrome Tool Bar Customization?

Dec 21, 2011

Installed Chrome 16.0912.63, and am happy with it except for one thing, would like to customize the toolbar so the forward/back arrows, refresh, home, etc. icons are on the right side of the screen. There seems to be very few toolbar options, or my searching is really really flawed

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