Transferring Windows 7 License To A Totally New Machine

Jan 21, 2013

I have a very close friend who is having pc issues, is short on cash, and needs her pc for work. Where she lives (Russia) PCs are insanely expensive and there really are not any decent ones available. I offered to build her a new PC from scratch to cut down on cost, but the cost of a new windows install is prohibitive. She already has a valid windows 7 home premium license with her old PC, and the old PC will be going in the trash after proper cleanup, or possibly being reused with ubantu or something. Either way, the old PC will not be running windows 7 anymore. I figured I could install windows 7 fresh on the new PC and use her old license key to activate it once she gets it. Is there any issue with my logic here?

Here's where things get complicated. There is obviously a lot of distance involved, so I will have to assemble the PC and then mail it to her. She is not PC savvy, so having her do really any of the installation work is out of the question. She needs her old PC to continue functioning, poorly as it may be, right up to the point the new one gets there. Mail takes 3 weeks or so, which means it is absolutely out of the question that I activate the new pc before mailing it, since I assume that would knock the old one offline and she can't be out of work for three weeks, or even 3 days for that matter.

I need the new PC to be as close to ready to go for her as possible on arrival. I would love to be able to install all of the updates, antivirus, core programs she uses for work, etc before mailing it off so that she can just boot it up, call Microsoft and get it authorized, but I am not sure if this is possible. I know you can use a thumb drive with a downloaded official copy of windows 7 for the install, which I already have, so that part is not the real issue. The issue is whether I can load everything up for her prior to sending it off, because if I can't it's a no go for her. She'd rather take credit and pay for an overpriced hunk of junk that wrestle with a windows install. Not rational, I know, but such is life and it is not going to change.

So what I'm really asking, is whether I could use an official copy of windows 7 home premium on a thumb drive, and get the system the whole way up to operational before I register it? If need be I have a disc copy as well. Usually it says you have so many days to register your product, but will it allow me to install the updates etc? I don't want her to have to sit around for a day doing updates and installing programs.

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How To Reformat Hard Drive After Transferring Windows 7 License

Jun 21, 2012

I've ordered new parts for a new computer and I read that I could transfer the license being used on this (current) computer to the new one because I have the full version of Windows not the OEM. I plan on (if possible) transfering my windows 7 license to the new computer/SSD and use this old hard drive for storage/backup. But I'm a little confused/unsure about a few things: 1. Do I install Windows 7 and activate it on the new computer/SSD first and then remove Windows 7 from the old hard drive? Or do I have to remove it from the old computer before attempting to install on the new one, 2. How do I remove Windows from the old drive? I haven't reformatted before but from what I've read from guides, I use the windows CD to reformat, but it reinstalls a clean version of Windows. How would I clean the old drive without reinstalling Windows?

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Transferring Fresh Install Windows 7 HDD To Another Machine?

Feb 15, 2012

For some reason, I cannot install Windows 7 onto this new gateway PC that I have, but am able to do it on my older PC. Both are capable of running 64 bit, both have new and working memory, hardware. Now I understand that when you do install windows for the first time, your hard drive "marries" your motherboard. Thus when I put the hard drive into the new machine after a fresh install, it gets stuck on "windows is starting" and refuses to boot (ClassPNP.SYS in safe mode).

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Transferring Files To New Machine On Windows 7 Over Network

Feb 21, 2012

I recently got a new PC and transfered all my old settings/documents to the new machine. First off, thats an awesome feature I wasnt even aware of! However, Im concerned about one thing; on my old PC, my wife used to have a profile that she used for work and had some confidential financial documents on. She deleted her profile some time ago when she got her own PC, but could it possbily have transfered her old/deleted documents onto my new machine? I only ask because I mainly use my new PC for work/presentations (in public places). While its unlikely, I just wanted to make sure no one would have access to those old documents should they gain access to my new machine.

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Transferring Data From A Virtual Machine To Windows 7?

Jun 13, 2011

I have window 7 home on my machine. I had a version of simply accounting that did not run on windows 7 so I install it on a vitual machine on windows 7. I have since bought a version that will run on windows 7 because I had some errors with my vitual machine witch will not run anymore. How do I get the data from the vitual machine. If I try to get it with windows explorer of windows 7 it does not see it.

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Windows 7 Totally Locking Up Every Few Minutes?

Mar 14, 2012

Last night something horrific began happening that's continued today: Every few minutes the entire system locks up no matter what I happen to be doing at that moment: I get the hideous "Not Responding" message when I'm in Firefox, Word, and even in Windows Explorer..."OS (Not Responding). Between last night and right now, I've had to manually shut down the machine with the power button countless times; I have to shut it down and turn it on to be able to use my computer! Last week, I got a new PC with Windows 7 Professional 64 bit (from 32 bit on the old one). I somehow created THREE User Account Control accounts in an effort to set up a Standard account like I had on the previous system (Ellen-PC), so I wouldn't have to have permission to do anything. But I still need permission on the UAC I logon to now which is Ellen Administrator. I've tried to change it to Standard account with no success.

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Windows 7 Home Premium On HP Mini311 Totally Corrupted

Feb 25, 2012

I have an HP MINI 311 with Win 7 Home Premium 32 bit and the computer starts up fine but has tons of execute errors and doesn't display the desktop. I get environment error when trying to run programs and the shellexecex 203 error also. I have no recovery disk and recovery manager does not work. What is the best way to re-install my OS? The recovery disks you get online for recovery manager only fix startup problems which I don't have. Do I need to re-format and buy a new OS?

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Windows 7 Machine Cannot Access Win2003 Machine In A Workgroup?

Jan 4, 2012

i have Lan, all computers are windows 7 proffisional and one machine is windows 2003 , workgroup . i made shared folder in windows2003 , some computers can access the shared folder and others can not.when i open network , i see the 2003 computer, when i try to access it , it asked for user name and password. the user is administrator for all , when i enter the user and password from many computers in the lan it is work correctly but in one machine with the same settings its says , you have no permession to access this computer.

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Transfer Windows 7 From DE-commissioned Machine To Another Machine

Sep 22, 2010

I have de-commissioned an older machine that I had installed W7 on, I wish to install the W7 from this machine to another, is this possible -if so how?I think I have read somewhere, that once W7 is installed on a machine - it can NEVER be used on any other machine, is this correct?

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Recycle Bin Is Totally Useless?

May 2, 2012

The ENTIRE purpose of the recycle bin is to provide the means to preserve deleted files in case they were accidentally deleted. When this feature was first introduced, it was a major improvement over the previous permanent deletion paradigm.However, ever several months, my recycle bin get corrupted, and the only way to delete files is to empty the recycle bin. As such, this feature has become a significant liability as I cannot ever expect to recover deleted files.Yes, I am rather peeved. This is a basic feature of the OS, yet it has failed at least four times over the past 18 months. No, there is no malware on my computer. No, there are no disk problems. No, nothing is reported in the Event Viewer. This is simply a major flaw in a very basic system component.

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Totally Delete Skype?

Nov 24, 2011

I am scared silly to attempt totally deleting Skype, then downloading, not very good at the computer, can someone pop in by remote to delete Skype so it is done correctly and nothing left that should have been deleted

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Hard Drive Had Totally Crashed?

Jun 12, 2012

I have a Acer Aspire Laptop that was running Windows 7. The hard drive had totally crashed so I ordered one from Newegg. It came in and I installed the Western Digital Hard Drive. here was no problem in installing the hard drive. After installing I checked the Bios and the drive was recognized.I had ordered from Acer a set of Recovery CDs which I used today to recover Windows. All went well and I had the system up and running. There were a 109 Windows updates that I started. Went in the other room and came back in about a half an hour and the laptop was dead. I went into Bios and no drive was recognized.

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Cannot View Anything On Desktop Just Totally Black

Feb 1, 2011

i dun know what happened the last thing i know was that my toddler was pressing all the keys on my keyboard.but manages to turn off the computer using the normal keys. at the same time i installed the winamp player.right now everytime i turn on my pc,after signing in and boot up, the only thing i see is black and one folder file.(my computer/file). I can't see all the icons on my desktop, and even the start menu buttons are all hidden. i tried right click on my mouse but not doin anything.

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Totally Random Blue Screens

Dec 19, 2009

ive been using win7 for almost half a year now, and never had ANY problems until recently when ive started getting some totally random blue screens. i saved the crash info from one of the crashes:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1044

Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: 4e
BCP1: 0000000000000007
BCP2: 000000000013D493
BCP3: 0000000000000001
BCP4: 0000000000000000
OS Version: 6_1_7600
Service Pack: 0_0
Product: 256_1

Files that help describe the problem:

Read our privacy statement online:

If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline:

i have no idea what this means, and i tried to google it, but no luck in finding the same.

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Strange Screen And Totally Freezes After Logging In

Feb 17, 2011

Every time i turn on my computer and work on it for a few minute, it freezes! and give me this strange screen,Everything works okay up to this point. it freezes and just stay dead until i manually restart it. i'm not sure if this is due to the graphic card or something. i'm a total noob. if you have any idea what the problem is and how i can resolve it.

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[CRASH] Computer Locks Up Totally Randomly?

Jul 18, 2012

I've been getting random lockups for quite some time however here is the kicker,it ONLY happens with more than 4GB of RAM installed...anything less than 4GB I am perfectly fine but anything more my computer locks up totally randomly.Random bits of information: Tested all of my RAM sticks individually and in any combination I can think of,as long as the total is nothing more than 4GB I'm fine and dandy but soon as I hit 6,8,10(Due to what sticks I have I can only go up in multiples of 2GB) I get random lockups.Lockups can happen on desktop when I'm afk and the computer is completely idle,after 2 hours of intensive gaming killing splicers in Bioshock 2 or just while I'm transcoding a movie on the fly(This actually seems to be relatively safe,does not happen often)On the lockup whatever sound that was playing repeats(The last 0.2 seconds of it or something) so it sounds like BZZZZTTTTTT no matter whatNew motherboard,new PSU and hard drives passed a chkdisk recently(Albeit with some grumbling from them about bad sectors)SFC scan completed,no problems to report with my file integrity.PSU has plenty of power for the systemJust recently installed SP1(After the problem started) in an attempt to fix it,to no avail by the looks of the recent lockup and now I have no updates pending so windows is fully updated.

Obviously checkSUR ran with no problems before installing SP1Booting into an Ubuntu liveCD and running random stressy things for the computer does not produce the same effects,it runs perfectly fine.Computer temp is high but within an acceptable range most of the timeOnce it crashes/locks up once it sometimes does the same on boot again and again till I just leave the thing alone for an hour or two and try booting it up againEvent Viewer just shows this for each event when it locks up and I'm forced to reboot it manually:[CODE]

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Replaced An XP Machine With A Windows 7 Machine?

Feb 20, 2012

I replaced an XP machine with a Win7 machine. When I VPN into our 10 network I can't get to any 192.168 addresses. The XP machine works fine only the Win7 doesn't. I looked at a lot of settings but I can't find anything out of sorts.

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Completely And Totally Wipe Out The Hard Drive And Upgrade?

Nov 15, 2010

I have an HP desktop running windows vista that will soon be passed on to me. If I buy an "Upgrade" version of windows 7, is there a way to completely and totally wipe out the hard drive and upgrade, or would I have to buy the more expensive "full install" version of 7?

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Connecting 1 Windows 7 Machine And 1 Windows Xp Machine To Share Files

Feb 6, 2011

ive got 2 computers hooked up to a router by Ethernet sharing an internet connection, the internet connection works fine for both computers. i would like to share documents also between the computers

-one is a windows xp 32
-one is a windows 7 64

ive set up many networks in the past with a bunch of xp machines without any trouble but now i am having trouble my first step was on the windows 7 machine, i went to control panel -> network and sharing center -> setup a connection or network -> set up a new network this is where i believe i am making a mistake of some kind, it seems that the windows 7 machine is assuming that i want to set up the network wirelessly, when it is connected to the router via Ethernet. it simply brings me to a screen that says choose the wireless router or access point you want to configure, and hangs there with a greyed out next button everything seems to be going fine on the xp machine, i created a new network called "share bear", told it that the computer connects through a residential gateway, enabled file and printer sharing, rebooted the machine, and confirmed that there was a new folder in the network places for shared documents..i went back to the windows 7 machine where it was still hanging, rebooted it, looked for the new network in network and sharing center and it wasn't there, i tried again to "set up a new network" on the windows 7 machine with the same hanging screen

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Totally Remove CTRL & Mouse Wheel Zoom From All Applications?

Feb 13, 2013

I wish to totally remove the CTRL & Mouse Wheel/Scroll facility from all applications. I am aware you can do this in some programs individually, but sadly not all have this facility.My Logitech MX Performance mouse is amazing, especially the free-wheel!! Sadly the majority of programs I use do not appreciate this feature, especially when using CTRL & C to, oh wait, your not copying, your magnifying to 300%...

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Computer Shuts Down Every 30 Minutes Totally Have A Work Group For Home Use Through Comcast?

Feb 6, 2013

computer shuts down every 30 min totally- I have a work group for home- use through comcast, running windows 7- on hp computer.

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Can't Open A Shared File On A Windows 7 Machine If It Is Already Open On An XP Machine In Same Network

Jan 23, 2012

I have a small network of six computers. Five of them run XP and I just added a Windows 7 machine. I've got a Microsoft Access 2003 database that all of the computers share that is hosted on one of the XP machines. The Windows 7 machine can access the Access database through the network just fine, as long as no one else is accessing it. However, if someone else on an XP machine on the network is using the file, it won't open on the Windows 7 machine. Doubling clicking the file on Windows 7 gives me the circling blue icon for a second or two, then nothing happens. If the XP user exits the database, then I can open it fine. Permissions on the XP that is hosting the database is set to allow everyone. And all the XP machines can access it at the same time.

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XP Machine Can See Machine But Can't Access Shared Folders

Jul 31, 2009

I have Windows Seven 7600 and i'm trying to share files with a XP SP2 machine!


-XP machine can see Seven machine but can't access shared folders!

-Seven machine can see XP machine but when i'm trying to see shared folders it gives me an error(see on screenshot)

-Network map doesn't work(see screenshot)

-Both machines have same workgroup MSHOME but when i go to homegroup it says there is no people in the homegroup!(see on screenshots)

Other info:

Before i couldn't turn network discovery on,every time i was set it to on he was going to off so I searched on this forum(great forum) and finally i was able to turn it on,maybe others have this problem so there what i did:i go to start=>run=>services.msc and i turned on(also i switched them to automatic startup) these services DNS Client, Function Discovery Resource Publication, SSDP Discovery, and UPnP Device Host services.

IPv6 currently is enabled!

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File Sharing From A Windows Xp Machine To A Windows 7 Machine?

Aug 7, 2012

well i'm try to copy files from my xp machine to my win 7 machine i can see the xp machine but i get a message that says "make sure that the xp machine allow incoming connections for file sharing" and i have done just that i think but its a no go i've just about everything.

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Installing Windows 7 Using An Old HDD On An Old Machine To Install Windows 7 On A New Machine?

Dec 17, 2012

Installing W7 using an old HDD on an old machine to install W7 on a new SSD to be used on a new machine.I'm currently using this old machine from '09 and its performance levels have died down a lot. I bought all the components to build a new machine except I didn't want to spend extra money on another HDD to install the OS on my new 180GB Intel SSD. So basically, I want to use the HDD from my old computer, install W7 onto the SSD, then transfer the drive to my new computer, and use it on the machine and just reinstall all my other files.

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Windows 7 License Transfer?

Aug 4, 2012

Its been a little while since I've been here and I have a quick question about this new fangled Windows 7. I have it and Windows XP installed as a dual boot on my machine currently. However, I'm ready to get rid of XP entirely and switch to 7. I have a new SSD coming and I could just clone the drive but instead I was wondering about doing a fresh install on the new drive and just formatting the old one.

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Windows 7 License Question

Feb 27, 2012

Now first off, I would like to make myself clear; I am not attempting to break any laws/rules, I am attempting to find out the rules so as NOT to break them. My question is this: If I make a virtual machine of Windows 7 with 5 users, on a Linux server, and have 5 Linux machines hooked to it, would I be breaking any MS licensing laws if each "Windows user" accessed that Virtual machine from their Linux machine? And to be honest I'm not even certain the Virtual machines can be accessed this way or if they have to reside on the actual Linux client

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Transfer Of Windows 7 License Between PCs

Sep 9, 2010

I bought the retail version of Win 7 Home Premium when it came out, and put it on my laptop.I'm now building a PC for my parents, and I was thinking about transferring the Win 7 install to the new PC.I still have the Vista for my laptop that it came with, but would probably want to keep Win 7 on it until i'm happy that the PC is working ok.Having never transferred licences between PCs? Will the two versions run concurrently (I know its a license for one, but i'd like to know what happens!) or will the 'old' version stop working correctly?

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Windows 7 Upgrade License

Aug 30, 2011

My partner bought 3 upgrades as a group to Win 7 but we were concerned as we live in different places as we both want to install them that Microsoft might not let us do it with this type licence.

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License Information For Windows 7

Sep 6, 2009

How to See Windows 7 License Information ?

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How To Cancel Windows 7 License

Sep 10, 2011

I am planning to retire my laptop but I how do I cancel the Windows 7 registered license which I bought and installed it separately?

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