Strange Clicking Noise Coming Out Of Speaker?

Mar 2, 2012

i have strange clicking or cracking sound intermittently. it look like a static interference noise (but it is not a static interference) this is worst when i'm listening to a video on Internet.

clicking or static could be hear, even when the video as stopped. look like the system can't keep up i played with the sound mixer. i got many applications running at the same time that sent me sound indicators

the clicking sound is lowered when i lowered the sound on the : "sound system", leaving the others on the max level. when clicking or static do occurs, i could clearly see on the system sound level bar, the increase or the movement that occured in the "system sound" application

this is clearly an electronic or drivers problem, not a speaker or physical one

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Different Noise , Glitch, Crack Coming Out Of Speaker / Headphone?

Jul 3, 2012

Since few month, I got strange sound coming out of the speaker. Since I don't listen too much music, I did not look to resolve the problem The noise is always present, but I could hear glitching when i play with my mouse wheel.When mouse is dragged travel trough some pages, I could hear clicking sound in the back.I did try to turn off every device that interface with the sound, no luck.My PC board is an old Asus P5B with the sound controller?

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Page Loading Clicking Noise?

Apr 3, 2011

I have an issue with my computer that is extremely annoying since it repeats over and over again. The issue is that a sound similar, if not identical to the "Page Loaded" sound from Internet Explorer. I haven't used Internet Explorer in two years, instead I use Firefox 3.16.16. This noise is not only annoying but scares me that a virus or trojan is running in the background using Internet Explorer to download more viruses (Which is the reason why I switched to Firefox in the first place.) The sound is so annoying that I literally have to mute my headphones and speakers to prevent that noise from playing. The sound plays even when Firefox isn't running and even plays when I'm playing some video games. I've had this problem before (With what might be my other computer, but it could very well be this one)[CODE]

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Very Slow Start Up And Clicking Noise?

Feb 14, 2013

Day before my laptop froze while watching a movie, so i put it off and restarted and then start-up took about 15 mins. its was freezing every few seconds with click noise which i think its from the hard drive. Now im currently using it on safe mode with networking.. its working fine but sometimes its freezes up for a couple of mins. the clicking noise comes onWhats my issue? faulty hard drive or ive hit a malware? ( i was messing with some usenet stuff )If i ive to format, how do i do it? Laptop originally came with vista ultimate but recently i send it for repairs to repair the dvd drive and the guy put in windows 7 ultimate for me, which i assume is a fake copy. So how do i format and i dont have the cd as well

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Strange Sound Coming From Graphics Card?

Nov 4, 2012

i have a problem:yesterday when i was playing a game on my pc a strange sound started coming form my graphics card. i have never experienced this before.i have an ati radeon hd first i thought it was one of the fans, so i rmoved the graphics card and cleaned the cooler and the fans as much as possible. i also cleaned the side fan of my chassi. the sound is still there.i tried controlling the graphics cards fans manually and setting them to 100%. i could hear the fans speed up, but the annoying sound was gone.whenever i start a game, movie or other thing that makes my graphics card work the sound returns.i filmed a video using my cell phone to illustrate the sound: strange sound - Internetdoes anyone know what the sound is? is it possible to fix it?

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Speaker Are Showing That They Are Working But No Sounds Is Coming Out?

Mar 26, 2011

my speaker are showing that they are working but no sounds is coming out

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Sony Vaio Netbook Is Making A Browser Clicking Noise?

Sep 7, 2011

my sony vaio netbook is making a browser clicking noise (like when you open a new page or folder)constantly shortly after startup if i turn the sound off ie mute the sound goes away if i close all browsers the sound is still there i have no other programs running.

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When Starting Windows 7 The Speaker Makes Noise Until Audio Driver Is Used

Sep 21, 2012

I have a computer with external active speakers connected to the 3.5mm phone plug. I'm using win 7 32-bit and when I start my computer the speaker starts to make strange sounds, almost sounds like an old modem. I have disabled the start-up sound since I don't want that, the noise is there until I do anything with the sound driver, or so it seams. If I for example I play a sound or even mute/enable the cd volume the sound stops and don't come back until the next time the computer is started. I have had the computer on for a long time without doing anything and the sound don't stop until I do something with any sound or sound setting.

Additional things I have tried so far to fix the problem but not succeeded:

1. I have been into BIOS and the sound does not start in BIOS, it is when windows is starting the sound starts.

2. Re-installed driver

3. Tried to set the register DrvAzComIdlePowerState and a few more to 00 00 00 00.

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Laptop Shuts Off After Turning On - Cranking Noise Coming From Fan Area

Feb 19, 2013

I have a Sony viao laptop vpc-f1290x. I probably will be unable to give any specs besides windows 7 and i7. Earlier I was playing stacraft 2 after waking it from hibernation and was listening to music with headphones on. I heard a horrific cranking noise and couldn't tell where it came from. A few minutes later I heard it again and realized it came from the fan area or so from the laptop. It turned off and I waited a minute and turned it back on. It started for a few seconds and turned back off. I left it for a few hours then turned it on again and it lasted to the desktop then turned off. I tried a different power source but that hasn't done anything.

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Laptop Making Really Loud Noise And Coming To Boot Manager Screen

Dec 6, 2012

How do I fix my comp? It is making a really loud sound and coming to a boot manager screen and the keyboard wont work.

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Laptop's Left Speaker Does Not Work / Only Right Speaker Works

Sep 2, 2012

I recently purchased DELL N5050 laptop. I installed Windows 7 Ultimate OS on it. I installed all the drivers required from this link: url...But whenever i play any media (viz., audio/video), only front-right speaker sound playing can be heard. The front-left speaker does not work. Its a brand new laptop. I tried re-installing all the drivers (which i thought may not have been installed properly).

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Cyborg Rat 7 Double-clicking Instead Of Left-clicking Once?

Oct 18, 2012

my Cyborg Rat 7 Doubleclicking instead of leftclicking once. I just got it today.

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Programs Can't Open By Double Clicking And Only By Right Clicking

Nov 16, 2012

i cant access folder by direct clicking ,only by means of right clicking.but their is no message found.

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Speaker Phone Does Not Work / How To Change Speaker Phone

Jun 12, 2012

I just installed windows 7 and my speaker phone does not work how do I cghange to speaker phone?

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Strange RAM Problem

Oct 6, 2009

I am running Windows 7 64 bit. It has been running great until today when it wouldn't boot. The Repair Disc wouldn't run and I thought that a BIOS flash I had done had gone wrong. I eventually did get it to boot but it wouldn't fully load. I decided to try removing RAM. I have 4gb in two slots. After removing one of them Windows booted fine. To check the RAM I took the second one out and replaced the first one, again Windows booted OK. I tried them both together again and I was back to Windows not loading.

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Getting Strange Boot Ups

Jul 26, 2011

My computer has been acting up recently. After trying to oc my cpu I've been getting strange boot ups. It starts up then shutdowns then boots up again. But it still works after that i just don't like that.

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HDD Noise Is Abnormal

Apr 3, 2011

Normally both of my HDDs (750 segate, 250 segate) never make any noticeable noise above the sound of my fans. A few days ago one of them (haven't narrowed it down to which one) make a loud beep sound and then revs itself up really fast. They both seem to be working fine, but they have never really made any noises until now and I'm worried about the health of the drive. It's one of my storage drives.

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PSU Making Noise

Jul 17, 2011

My computer has started to make a bit of sounds like a faint hum, or constant drone, kind of like a fan noise. I checked the intake, exhaust and cpu fans by stopping them spinning and the noise is still there. It sounds like its coming from my PSU. Does that mean its on its way out? I have a Hiper 530watt PSU which I have had for about 4-5 years now.

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Strange Keyboard On Windows 7?

Mar 24, 2011

since i installed windows 7 on my pc (formerly win xp) i've got a really strange problem,At first everything works fine, but after a few minutes or a few hours keyboard and mouse turn off. Not necessarily at the same time, but in the end none of them is working. But apart from that everything works fine, the computer doesn't freeze. Keyboard and mouse are both old PS/2 devices.Has anyone got an idea how to solve this issue?

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Strange Behavior After Updates?

Jul 10, 2012

Most of today, my laptop was acting fine. But after I installed the updates, something odd happened. I rebooted it to finish the updates as is expected, and when it rebooted, I got a sort of blank screen with a toolbar but with an error message that said it couldn't connect to my Windows or something like that. The error said something about Win32 being moved possibly or something. Sorry that I can't recall all of it. I rebooted again and since that time, it's been fine, although that first reboot after the error did give me a "PERSONAL SETTINGS (NOT RESPONDING) square.Any idea what could cause something like that just once?Everything seems fine now. I'm running a Dell Inspiron laptop that's about 15mo old, Windows 7, all the latest service packs. I just went over a thorough virus scan with someone in the virus area about a week ago and all was clear,will run scans again soon, should I post there again?

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Strange Folder Created Itself

Jul 31, 2010

Something has generated a folder C:24982372e61d90cbb1511cba10 on my HDD. It's dated 26-Jun-2010 and contains 27 folders and 115 files. Most of the folders have four digit names and contain three files each, to a total of 195 MB. All the folders have the same time-stamp, as do their contents. The storage is no problem but I hate having things around I know nothing about. "Who ordered that?" applies. I don't remember a crash but it's possible. I'm guessing that it would be safe to shift the lot to the recycle bin.

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Strange Folder Renaming?

Mar 28, 2011

Just bought a new PC. Runs Windows 7 Home Premium 64-Bit. I'm new to Windows 7 but have used previous Windows versions for years and years (but not Vista). And I've never seen this happen with any other operating system. Out of the box, Windows 7 sets up this "My Documents" & "Public Documents" system of folders (and the same for pictures, music and videos). And that's great for separating each user's documents and providing common folders which all users can see. But, shortly after setting my new PC up (installed a printer & some other hardware bits, installed Office & copied my document files across from the old PC), Windows suddenly renamed the "My" & "Public" versions of the documents, music & videos folders. Looking at it all via my own account (I'm admin, by the way), I had folders called "Documents" & "Documents" instead of "My Documents" and "Public Documents" (and the same for music & videos). But it kindly left me with "My Pictures" and "Public Pictures" folders. This has actually happened on two machines now. It happened on the original new PC. But the store exchanged it with an identical new machine

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Strange .dll-file Interfering

Apr 19, 2011

When I woke up this morning and turned on my computer, two popups appeared: One from ESET SS4 telling me that C:Users*user*AppDataLocalMORYRUs.dll was infected, one from Windows RunDLL telling me that the same file could not be loaded.I googled the filename without luck and could not think of the usage, so I closed down rundll32.exe from my processes in the task manager and deleted MORYRUs.dll. I also launched CCleaner to clean up my registry files. Now, each time I reboot I get the annoying popup from RunDLL, telling me that this file can't be accessed. How do I get rid of it

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Strange Screen Came Up During Startup

May 4, 2011

For the past two or so weeks I've been getting this screen after turning on or restarting my computer. I'm not sure what it is or whats causing it, and all I have of it is this picture I took with my phone.The text appears in the upper left hand corner of the screen. It doesn't stop me from booting or anything, all I need to do it press a key and startup continues like it normally would.

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Strange Reboot Problem

Aug 3, 2009

I just installed Windows Seven 7600 x64 RTM on my notebook, and sometimes this happens:

1) The screen becomes black, however the "led light" on the monitor is still on

2) I close the notebook (physically close)

3) I re-open the notebook

4) I can see the desktop for a moment

5) The computer reboots

Also, it takes almost 7 minutes for Windows 7 to boot.

I have no crash dumps either. My drivers are the latest nVidia drivers for Windows 7.

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Strange Icon On Taskbar?

Feb 15, 2012

this thing shows up every now and then in my Taskbarshows up just for a second and then disappearsit looks like camera, a gear, and printerany ideas on what it might be?

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Really Strange MBR/BCD/NTOSKRNL Error

Nov 4, 2009

I seem to have a unique fault on my Windows 7 install.

Upgrading from XP

Spec: AMD Dual-core 3gig, 4 gb RAM, WD 500GB primary HDD, ATI gfx

So - downloaded and installed Windows 7 from a memory stick.

Installed apparently ok.

Re-booted - came up with the "popular" NTOSKRNL.exe missing/corrupt error.

Re-copied various files; hal.dll, ntoskrnl.exe etc as directed on various sites - no joy.

Thinking it could be a MBR fault and not being familiar with Vista/Windows 7 I stuck in my old XP install CD to use Fdisk.

With the XP install CD in the drive, Windows 7 boots perfectly! (Doesn't even attempt to load XP install/repair)

Take out CD - NTOSKRNL error.

Once in Windows 7 - everything works fine.

Looking at various other options, came acorss a couple of tips about BCD and bootrec such as:
How to use the Bootrec.exe tool in the Windows Recovery Environment to troubleshoot and repair startup issues in Windows

Error message when you start Windows Vista: "The Windows Boot Configuration Data file is missing required information"

Bootrec used to say the only OS was C:Windows.old.00

Ran fixes as above - now says there are no OS installed.

Windows 7 repair console only finds Windows 7 OS

Am starting to go insane.

To summarise:

Recieve NTOSKRNL.exe error when booting up PC

Boots Windows 7 fine with WinXP install disk in drive

Bootrec finds no OS

Windows 7 repair finds Windows 7

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Strange Folder On C: Containing Mrtstub.exe?

Apr 30, 2012

I have a folder whose name is a large mixture of characters and letter. Required Admin privilege to open and in there is one file mrtstub.exe, 83 KB dated 3/4/12.Looked it up and some sites state it is a virus, might be a virus or is part of the Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Software. I've software in MS updates but I've never seen it run and don't know how to run it or if I want to run it. I have MSE updating but not running real-time protection. Use it as a manual scan once a week.So the question is, can I delete the file and the folder. I mean it is dated 3/4/12.

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It Go To System32 When Right Clicking...?

May 18, 2011

Whatever program I have, say like MSN, Google Chrome etc...When the program is running and is minimized,If I right click on a running program (say like MSN) which takes me to its menu, and then selecting one of the task in that menu (say like you chose to set your status on Away in MSN), It opens up System32 folder instead!?

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Why Are Speakers Clicking On PC

Sep 9, 2011

why are my pc skeakers clicking slow then fast then slow etc..I dont know if it is high cpu usage on somebody elses part or what

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Crashing With Buzzing Noise?

Sep 7, 2012

I am playing some games and about 20-30 minutes in to the game my middle monitor turns black, I get a loud buzzing noise from my headphones, than all 3 of my monitors say "No Signal" and I have to turn off my PC.


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