Sharing Desktop Icons And Programs?

Dec 8, 2011

I installed Google Chrome, AOE 3 and a number of other programs on the Administrators account. After reading that its not secure and is a best practice to create a second account for daily use I did that. I created the 2nd account with Administrative Rights, then reduced permissions to the first. However, I see that very few programs are available on the desktop of the newly created desktop. I want to share Chrome, AOE3 etc. for all users.Any ideas, am I missing something. I shouldn't have to reinstall all to the 2nd desktop right?

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Programs Won't Open From Desktop Icons?

May 21, 2011

can't open programs from desk top icons

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Can't Open Programs From Desktop Icons

May 21, 2011

cant open programs from desktop icons

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Programs Wont Open From Desktop Icons?

Oct 24, 2011

what can I do to fix my icons to open. for some reason evverything wants to open thru internet explorer, Where can I got in the system to corrwect this problem??/

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Randomly Opening Programs And Shifting Desktop Icons?

Feb 15, 2011

While I have my laptop shut my Icons shift around and change size and some of them are randomly opened I came home to 30 instances of Alchohol 52 opened on my screen. I cant figure out whats doing it its a brand new laptop only had it for about four weeks.

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Icons On Desktop Have Changed From Programs Pictures To Little Squares?

May 12, 2011

I have a Dell Inspiron with Intel Core I5. After Microsoft installed some updates, all the program and file shortcuts changes to a little square with dots. The same thing happens with shortcuts pinned to the taskbar. How can I get the pictures back? The computer ran a system back-up after this happened, but the desktop was already changed. If I restore the original system back-up from the disk will I lose the information I have added to the computer since then?

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Desktop And Start Icons All Changed To Paint Icons?

Aug 9, 2012

All my desktop and start icons have changed to paint icons on my other laptop. When I click on any of them they try to open in paint program.

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All Icons On Desktop And Computer Have Turned To Notepad Icons

Dec 26, 2012

all my icons on desktop and computer have turned to notepad icons... and they open with some text on notepad... looking for a solution to go back to normal settings...

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Desktop Icons Keep Reverting Back To Default Icons?

Jan 8, 2013

At start up the icons are back on the grid and pushed to the left.

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Stop Different Users From Sharing Icons?

Aug 26, 2010

How can I stop different users from sharing icons? E.g. my friend downloads and uses "Weather Bug" I don't want it but it shows up on my desktop because he has it on his.

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Program Icons Are Missing (NOT Desktop Icons)

Jan 5, 2013

Some of the icons normally showing what a program type is are missing now. I HAVE all the DESKTOP icons and those in the system tray. But in Windows Explorer lists or in Word Perfect and Word lists of file names, many of the small icons that normally appear next to a program's name, or showing what type of document or file it is, are now missing. Not all, just some. I have mostly open square boxes. It doesn't matter whether I'm looking at a list of files I've created, or looking at the items in various system folders: most are just empty open squares instead of the individual icons. I have Windows 7 64-bit OS , both Mozilla 17 and IE9 browsers.

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Sharing Programs Between Users?

Dec 8, 2011

I installed Google Chrome, AOE 3 and a number of other programs on the Administrators account. After reading that its not secure and is a best practice to create a second account for daily use I did that. I created the 2nd account with Administrative Rights, then reduced permissions to the first. However, I see that very few programs are available on the desktop of the newly created desktopI want to share Chrome, AOE3 etc. for all users.

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All Desktop Icons Changed Into Vlc Icons?

Jul 15, 2011

all my desktop icons turned into vlc icons,

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Desktop Icons Changed Into Vlc Icons?

Jul 23, 2011

all icons changed to vlc(google talk,picasa,recycle bin etc when i was downloading a video from Internet i need a help

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Desktop Icons Changed Into Vlc Icons

Jul 30, 2011

All my desktop icons changed into vlc icons

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Hiding Desktop Icons If Not Viewing Desktop?

Apr 23, 2012

I've been looking around for something that can hide my desktop icons (or basically anything except my background & bottom navigation bar) if I'm not viewing the desktop.In other words, when I have a (not full screen) window open, I want to be able to see my desktop background but not the icons on it. When I "view" the desktop, or don't have anything on top of it, I want the icons back.

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Why All Desktop Icons Appear In The Desktop Folder But Not On The Desktop Itself

Dec 19, 2012

Why all desktop icons appear in the Desktop folder but not on the desktop itself?I set my desktop to show the Recicle Bin icon only, but if I open the Desktop folder in Explorer they are all there: Computer, Control Panel, Libraries, Network, User's Files, and Recycle Bin.

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When Save Files From Programs Onto Desktop / Cannot See Them Directly From Actual Desktop

Oct 26, 2011

When I save files from programs (aka Word, Photoshop, anything)onto my Desktop, I cannot see them directly from the actual desktop. I can only see them when I open up Explorer, and click on the Desktop tab. Then all my files are visible. I thought they were hidden...but they apparently aren't.It possibly seems like a refresh error.I did find a way around this..I go to Control Panel >> Appearance and Personalization >> Under Folder Options >> Show Hidden Files and Folders. I click on Reset folders, Apply, and then OK, and my missing files pop up on my actual desktop.But from then on, any new files I save are only visible in Explorer again. I don't want to go to Control Panel everytime I have to save something to the desktop? I've run Norton and Microsoft Essentials and I have no viruses. What can I do?I just found out I can also see my files after pressing f5 (refresh)so I guess the problem is HOW do I get my computer to refresh the desktop automatically?

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Sharing A SSD Between A Desktop And A Laptop?

Aug 22, 2012

Is it recommended to share a SSD between a laptop and a desktop? Assuming I went back and installed all the nessesary drivers for both, would this cause any problems? Ive heard Windows 7 is pretty stable and efficient when it came to drivers etc installed a long time ago and never having to use a registry fixer/driver cleaner when updating hardware.

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Sharing USB Internet Through Desktop To Router

May 13, 2012

I recently built a new desktop computer and installed it with Windows 7 since our old xp desktop had crashed. I am now trying to setup our wireless network similar to the way it was on the old xp desktop but cannot seem to figure out how to do it on windows. The basic setup would be: usb card (internet soure) ---> Desktop ---> ethernet cable to router wirless access for laptops etc.This was fairly easy on xp. All I had to do was enable ICS on the verizon card and then run the little network setup wizard on xp and boom the router was broadcasting internet. Now unfortunately windows 7 doesn't have that little wizard and I simply cannot figure out how to create the same setup. I enabled ICS on the verizon card but can't seem to get internet access to the router after that.

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Is Screen Sharing Possible With Remote Desktop

Feb 18, 2011

i have is that my win7 machine is hooked up to my TV and i want to remote control it with my laptop while still viewing it on my tv. I can remote control it with my laptop but all i see is is the login screen on my tv. I'm just wondering if its possible to view the screen on the client machine while its being controlled via Windows Remote Desktop or do i have to use third party software to accomplish this?

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Unwanted Desktop Icons - How To Get Them Off The Desktop

Nov 1, 2012

I recently upgraded a Win-XP home system to Win-7 Home Premium. Everything went fine. But I have four system icons on the desktop, two of which I want to keep and two that I'd like to get rid of. The two keepers are the My Computer and Network icons, the two I don't wan to see are the Home Group and Library icons. This machine is the only Win-7 box on the network so Home Group is moot, and I do not expect to explicitly use Libraries any time soon. So the associated icons are just clutter on the desktop. For whatever reason, the two keepers include a "delete" option in their right click menus but the two I actually want to delete don't. So, how do I get them off the desktop? I don't think any of the four were present on the desktop when I completed the installation, and I don't remember what I did to get them to show up.

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Desktop Icons Disappear On Desktop

Feb 4, 2013

my desktop icon disappear on desktop a tried all i seen in this but i cant get?

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Connect File Sharing From Desktop To Xbox?

Aug 12, 2012

I recently activated internet at home. We are using a modem in which through my lap top i use wirelessly. Through my boyfriends desktop he bought a wireless adapter to connect wirelessly as well.I have no problems sharing anything on my laptop to the xbox or etc considering i have a homegroup option that allows me to do so..My boyfriend wants to share his music files plus etc to our xbox located in the living room.(his computer is in another room.)

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File Sharing Over Remote Desktop Not Working?

Jan 3, 2013

I have two laptops an ASUS with windows 7 ultimate and the other with windows 7 home premium. I also have a built desktop with windows server 2008 r2. I have enabled remote connection on the server and can log on with all of the user accounts. But I can not file share when I have remotely connected to the desktop using remote desktop connection. I have enabled printer and clipboard and then went in to more and selected the drive i wanted to share. I then logged on to remote desktop and the drive is not listed in computer management or in my computer. Is it an issue in the windows server os that I need to do?

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Windows 7 Removed Desktop Sharing Program?

Nov 19, 2009

Am i blind or did they also remove that or do they have a replacement for it? Also what was the name of it again on Vista ?? Desktop share connection or something like that ??

What are some good programs you guy's might have tried or use to you would recommended ? [besides gotometting, HP's skyroom, sharedview, or any online versions]

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Red "x" On Disk Icons, Desktop Icons Changed?

Mar 12, 2010

Finally I have found the place where my problem might get solved.Thing is: 1.There is a big "X" on 3 out of 4 disks I got(except "C" disk) as shown in the picture below: 2.Desktop icons are changed as well but not all of them.This is the second time this kind of crap happens to me. Last time it happened was after I clicked system backup. I couldn't stand the problem so I reinstalled my windows 7 pro 32bit and at first it was all ok. It came back after I rebooted which I couldn't figure out why. The only diffrence is last time all the desktop icons were changed, but this time as you can see some of the icons aren't changed.

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Sharing Internet Between Wireless Laptop And Desktop - Both Windows 7

Sep 10, 2011

I am trying to share the internet connection through my laptop by wiring it to my desktop which has no wireless card. I went into the connection properties and told it to allow internet sharing to other devices. My desktop is showing the connection between the laptop and desktop, but it says it has no internet acces.

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How Does Local Drive Sharing In Remote Desktop Work

Oct 19, 2012

how the local drive mapping in Remote Desktop works. I use it because it's very convenient, but I'm concerned about the privacy of it, i.e. that other people might see this drive as well.

I need to be absolutely sure before I'm going to continue using a mapped drive.

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How To Change Icons Of Some Programs

Sep 22, 2011

The programs I cannot change are skype, my documents, my pictures, my downloads and my music. I am also using windows 7 home 64 bit. I just need to know how to fix Skype now.

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Large Icons Under All Programs

Jan 2, 2010

Is it possible have large icons under "All Programs" in Windows 7?

I have tried the "Use large icons" under Customize start menu options. Doesn't help!

Is there any other way?

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