Services Vs Scheduled Tasks

Oct 28, 2010

I was wondering about the differences between Services and Tasks. From what I have heard, read about services in windows 7 it seems that they run in an isolates session (I think session 0) which does not allow them to perform certain tasks. For one application I know that they cannot access a GPU for instance...or thats what it seems.Are scheduled tasks the same in that even though you can run them under a user they run in this constricted environment? What is the difference between them?

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Log Out Script And Other Scheduled Tasks

Oct 5, 2011

I put together a scheduled task (in Windows 7) that automatically shuts the computer off when the kids have been playing for an hour. However, here's the problem - they cancel the shutdown, even after I force it to launch if it didn't 'run', and continue playing.

I have since put together a "force log-off" task. Now for the question:

Is there a script I can run in cmd.exe or user logoff option that starts some sort of timer that will disable log on? It would be even better if I could have help writing something that would require a password for the account after an hour, so I can give them permission for additional time, or when switching between kids.

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Task Scheduler Has 40 Tasks Scheduled?

Nov 27, 2010

I took a look and seen 40 scheduled tasks. Just wondering if any are over kill. I see defrag in there as well.

Its as installed Windows 7 Pro x64.

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Scheduled Tasks Are Hidden When Log Back In?

Dec 16, 2010

Ok, so I want to I want to set up a scheduled task that will run while I am away from my PC and have the desktop locked, and have the program be visible an interactive when I return to the PC and unlock the desktop.The task is triggering properly and running the program. However, when I unlock the desktop, the program is nowhere to be visibly found. If I launch task manager, I see that it is indeed running, and it's listed as being ran by my username, yet it's hidden from my session.Anyone know the remedy for this, such that I can unlock the desktop and the app will be visible and interactive, as if I had manually launched it myself

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How To Make Scheduled Tasks Visible To All Users

Jul 20, 2011

It seems that scheduled tasks are only visible by their author or by administrators. We would like to create a task that is visible and usable by any user on the computer. In Windows XP, there was an NTFS tab on a task's properties window, but it's missing in Windows 7. It might be a matter of setting the permissions correctly on the folder that contains the actual task files, but contrary to what I assumed, this folder doesn't seem to be C:WindowsTasks. I don't see the task I imported in this folder, and setting correct permissions on it still doesn't make my task visible to simple users.

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Scheduled Tasks On Unlock: Start Citrix-Receiver Fails?

Feb 9, 2012

1 have 2 scheduled tasks on my WES7 Thin Clients:

1) On Lock: Execute the following batch: Code: TASKKILL /F /IM "pnamain.exe"

TASKKILL /F /IM "Receiver.exe
TASKKILL /F /IM "WFICA32.EXE" This kills the open Citrix session and shuts down all citrix programs.

2) On Unlock: Reconnect the Citrix Session and open all programs via this batch: Code: start "" "C:Program FilesCitrixICA Clientpnamain.exe" /connect start "" "C:Program FilesCitrixICA ClientReceiverReceiver.exe" If i execute the 2 batch-files manually, everything works perfect. If they are run via the scheduled tasks, the locking works perfectly, but the unlocking behaves as following: pnamain.exe is started Receiver.exe is NOT started EDIT: The task is marked as 'finished without problems' I tried to execute this task with different settings... same problem all the time The Task is executed with the Admin-Account, so this should not be the problem.

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Remove Unchecked Services Completely (DELETING) From The Services Tab In Msconfig?

Dec 24, 2011

how to remove unchecked services completely (DELETING) from the services tab in msconfig? Like Google update service and so on.

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Services Utility To Toggle And Restore/enable Disable Services

Feb 3, 2012

I'm trying to sort out issues with my Windows 7 machine and want to disable/set to manual services that I know are not needed, but every time I have done this in the past (a while ago now) I invariably run into an issue where I've inadvertently disabled a service that was needed by something, and I end up scratching my head (as all of my hair falls out around this point) and enabling everything just to sort it..

Is there any utility that anyone is aware of that lets you toggle service status, with the option to reset to default or reset to last status, while showing a list of services that I've changed?

I can't seem to word it properly for a search engine to find relevant results, and find usually specific services and not something I'm hoping exists.

I wish the Services.msc mmc had a checkbox or some sort of flag to show altered services so you could sort them by that, which would help a lot, but it doesn't.

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How To Run Scheduled Task When Pc Is Off

Oct 27, 2012

How do run scheduled task when pc is off?

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Scheduled Backup Is Not Working?

Aug 17, 2011

I have kept an important folder schedule backup in windows xp system but it is not stopped working and when i try to create a new scheduled backup and checked out it is not working. How can i get my schedule backup utility work fine.

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Scheduled Task Not Running

Jun 25, 2012

Scheduled Task not running when "run whether user is logged on or not" option is selected? Is this an issue/bug in windows 7?

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Add Scheduled Regular Backups

Oct 21, 2009

If you create an image of Windows 7, the programs and files can you then use this to add scheduled regular backups of changed files and then be able to restore if needed?

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Setting Up A Scheduled Task?

Feb 24, 2010

I am trying to use the free program FreeFileSync to do a nightly back up of some files and have had some trouble setting up the job. The syntax for the job would be "FreeFileSync myjob.batch" run from the utilities location.I set the trigger to 2am each day, with the action to start the program from its location with the batch job file which is located in the same folder being the argument. Under conditions tab I set it so that it will wake the computer up to run the task and set it so that if another instance is running it will run in parallel in the settings tab. With that, the task did not run?

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Windows 7 - How To Delete Scheduled Task

Nov 29, 2012

Recently I used Task Scheduler to program my laptop to shut down at a certain time every night. Tonight I decided that I wanted to delete the scheduled shutdown, but I can't figure out how to do it. I've followed the directions under Delete a Task, which instruct me to to click Delete in the Actions pane. The problem is that I don't see a Delete option in the Actions pane.

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Scheduled Backup Cancelled, Yet Can Run Manually

Feb 27, 2012

On the backup and restore management screen, it says �backup cancelled�. I had setup on a regular weekly schedule. Go to manage backups, I see backups through out 2011. The last one 12/2011. The last backup field says �Never��yet backups exist. Short of it, I cannot find the reason backups would not run. Windows has an extremely poor ability to view just what is going on with backups. Assuming it might be a space issue. I deleted all but a few of the last backups in manage backups, and reset the schedule so backups would run overnight. This morning, same results, backup cancelled. So�I clicked on �Backup now��and it runs to completion successfully. The last back field was updated with today�s date/time.

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Run Scheduled Task When Connect Headphones?

Mar 20, 2012

I'm trying to use the Windows 7 Task scheduler to automatically open an app when I connect headphones, but I can't figure out the event ID/log for connected jack. When I connect/disconnect a jack, I get a taskbar notification, andC:WindowsSystem32configSYSTEM gets updated.

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Scheduled Task Starts Even If Not Marked So?

Aug 1, 2010

I have a task to hibernate my computer at 8pmIf I hibernate the computer earlier, and turn it on next morning, the task runs and hibernates the computer.I HAVE NOT selectede the "Run task as soon as posible after a schedule start is missed"

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How To Make Scheduled Action In Windows 7

Jul 26, 2011

how to make Scheduled action in Windows-7 ?i need to run MyProg.exe every 5 minutes, how to do it ?

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Disk Defragmenter Scheduled Using Another Program?

Jan 28, 2010

I'm trying to run Disk Defragmenter and just the message 'Disk defragmenter was scheduled using another program'.

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Scheduled Automatic Logon In Windows 7?

Aug 19, 2011

Is there anyway to schedule an automatic logon for a certain time of day in Windows 7? I would like to schedule my computer to start up, login, run backup, and shutdown in the middle of the night once a month. So far, I know how to schedule a power-on using the BIOS, but I don't think backup will run if you're not logged in. I don't want to bypass the password protection all together....just when I want an automatic backup.

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Missing Tasks-bar In IE9?

May 1, 2012

I have a normal looking desktop but when I open IE9, starting just a while ago as a new issue, there is no task bar and the very top where the address bar is, it is a black background in color. Front and back arrows are still blue.Windows 7?

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BSOD During Various Tasks?

Sep 5, 2012

About 2-3 weeks ago I started suddenly getting random, frequent restarts. After some trial and error (including reinstalling Windows 7) and a little research, I determined the most likely (and cheapest to repair) cause was the PSU (which was only 600W). So I replaced it with an 850W and the restarts stopped. It's been ten days since I replaced the PSU. I hadn't yet moved any files from my windows.old file that was created when I reinstalled Windows 7, so I did that about two days ago. I simply moved everything in my old user file to the new one. Otherwise, I copied the Windows/FONTS folder and my Steam applications. All other program files were redownloaded. I then deleted the windows.old folder. Soon after I did all of this, I started experiencing BSODs. I get them while playing Guild Wars 2. I also got one while viewing some flash videos last night. And just recently I got two of them just while browsing the internet. I've noticed on occasion the cursor will freeze or disappear a split second before the screen flashes. Sometimes whatever sound was playing at the time will get stuck and blare out of the speakers.The BSOD doesn't list a specific reason. It displays: 0x0000001e (0x0000000, 0x0000000, 0x0000000, 0x0000000).

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Windows 7 Scheduled Task Won't Run After Being Altered By SYSTEM

Jan 27, 2012

I have a sched task that I authored using my user account that I know from running manually works. The problem I'm having is that at some point Windows 7 is deleting and recreating this task, and doing it incorrectly. Consequently the task won't run at its scheduled time.The most important change it is making is that it's setting Run As user to SYSTEM instead of my user account. I know this won't work this way from manual runs.Looking at the task history I can see what Windows 7 is doing, I just don't know why, or how to stop it. Every time I create this task Windows will eventually go through this sequence of events, resulting in a task that is different than the one I created:

1. Task registration deleted
2. Task registered
3. Task registration updated

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Parts Of Windows 7 Scheduled Backup Missing?

Mar 2, 2011

I am running 64 bit Windows 7 Professional, with service pack 1 installed. This worked at one time, before I upgraded to Professional and added service pack 1 (or at least I set up the backup one time). I tried to change the time to run the automatic backup in "Control Panel - System and Security - Backup and Restore". The link inside the window named "change settings" didn't do anything. So I turned off the schedule thinking that might let me change the settings. Now neither the "change settings" nor the "turn on schedule" links do anything. Now I have to do the backups manually. I am a firm believer in backing things up to a network drive every night.I run 4 different automatic malware / spyware scans every night and I am usually clean except for a couple of tracking cookies.

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Scheduled Task Not Showing Up In Active List?

Jan 19, 2012

I setup my first scheduled task of an executable. But the task is not showing up in the list of Active tasks. I know that it is there because I re-created it and it stated that it already exists. In case I have to modify it, I need to be able to see it. I have clicked to show 'Hidden Tasks'.

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Scheduled Programs At Startup That Need Admin Rights?

Jun 17, 2012

When I start Windows, programs that need administrator rights don't start as they did before. Before I describe the problem I'm having I would like to state that I searched and found similar problems all over the web, but not any solutions that worked for me. Now let's get on with the problem.The situation is as follows: programs that need admin rights and which I set to run at log on (like PeerBlock and TopWinPrio) don't start automatically anymore. I don't get a UAC message, I get nothing, they just don't launch.A few days ago everything worked fine. Since then I've run CCleaner and Gamebooster 3.5b. I did clean the registry with CCleaner but used the backup of the registry CCleaner made after I noticed this behavior (so I think the registry clean with CCleaner could not be the issue). I've also used the 'normal clean' function of CCleaner, maybe this caused the problems?

I think the problems have something to do with messed up admin rights on my account. The programs startup fine when I disable UAC, but I'd rather not do thatAlso, when I log onto the administrator account, the programs startup fine. I can start the programs manually after I'm logged in, but I'd rather have them startup automatically.I've tried the following to solve it:- sfc / scannow command - did not solve it- check if my account has admin rights - as far as I can see this is the case- look for restore points - this is stupid, I know, but it seems I have deleted them with either Tuneup or CCleaner

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Creating Scheduled Backups Of Outlook Contacts?

May 14, 2011

In Outlook I know how to archive folders and set how often these should be backed up. This backup can then be backed up so in the event of me losing data any saved emails etc. can be recovered.The problem I am having is archiving and then backing up my contacts in Outlook. I know how to create a single backup of my contacts in Outlook, but I cant get the contacts folder to archive on a schedule. This means that every time I add a new contact I need to create a complete new backup of my contacts which is not very practical. how to get my contacts folder in Outlook to archive on a schedule.

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Create A Scheduled Task - VLC Movie Player

Jun 11, 2012

I have been trying to get VLC media player to launch a video at a set time however I can't figure it out at all.

I've got the command down that launches the program, but there is nothing in the documentation that informs me what switch or option is used after the command to specify which video file to use.

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Only User But Still Won't Let To Do All Admin Tasks?

Oct 25, 2011

I am the only user on this computer so I am shown as the administrator but there are several areas that I cannot change access on and it is frustrating beyond belief! I am still not completely thrilled with Windows 7 yet maybe because I am still too used to WinXP. What the heck am I doing wrong? I tried for instance to change settings on permissions for IE 9 but I keep getting an error message.

Dell XPS 17
Windows 7 Home Premium
IE 9

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Setting Up Sidebar And Other Tasks

Jul 26, 2012

I need to know how to set up the sidebar (on left side) where the folders are located.Does this version not save emails that I send or must I BCC each email? I can't find where deleted emails go? Is there no trashcan for deleted emails?

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CPU Going Nuts When Doing Simple Tasks

Sep 8, 2011

It has gotten worse, the problem is that my CPU's temperature goes above 70 and sometimes around 85, and the fan just goes crazy.I can run as many applications I want, as long as they don't involve: gaming (3D), video rendering, video conversion, video streaming, skype calling etc.

This is ridiculous, I'm trying to convert my videos to another format, and can't really do it in this condition because I fear shortening the life of my laptop if the overheat stays on. I just bought my laptop the start of this year, this only started to happen recently.

Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium x64

Model: Acer Aspire 5742

Processor: Intel Core i5-460M processor

RAM: 2GB DDR3 Memory (8GB [7.68GB Usable])

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