Samsung F1 Drive Install Issue

Jul 4, 2009

Existing Setup

Abit IN9 32-Max, 2gig OCZ, E6300, WD 250g, Windows 7 v7264 x32

NO issues, everything runs fine.

Removed WD 250g and switched to Samsung F1 Spinpoint 750g drive (which is essentially my old gamming system running on xp).

Cannot install Windows 7, regardless of version, locks halfway through install. Hard reset and Drive is no longer detected.

I experienced this same issue back when I had the gaming system and the only way to fix it was to disable Command Qeueing ( which was recommended by users with same issue ). The problem seems to be with the nvidia chipset ( in this case 6) not playing nice with some Samsung drives. However, I was able to install XP and of course disable this option. PC then ran fine for a year, no lockups.

Basically same system, but will not allow Windows 7 to install. Ive tried different sata ports, different partitions, different Windows 7 versions, different bios settings... Always locks halfway through.

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Cannot Install Samsung PC Studio

Sep 6, 2011

I am trying to isntall the New Samsung PC Studio for my Samsing phone to connect to my PCI keep getting this error messageso the message is blank! How can i find out what this error says, or perhaps as to why i cannot isntall Samsung PC Studio?I am running Windows 7 Home Premium, my system is a Dell Insprion 530s

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Install On Samsung NC10

Sep 30, 2009

I’ve got a Samsung NC10 netbook and how could I install Windows 7 home premium on it that I have pre ordered.

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New Samsung Drive Just Read CD / DVD But Does Not Respond

Jul 25, 2011

I have bought a used computer having windows 7 installed. It had a Hitachi LG combo drive, but it was not working, so I replaced it with a Samsung one. I have checked it on another computer. It was working fine there but it is not working on my PC. It does not show any exclamation mark in device manager. It just read the cd/dvd but does not respond. I have already done with the registry fix and also tried the auto fix from Microsoft site, but nothing worked for me.

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Finding Samsung DVD Drive Drivers?

Aug 25, 2011

Just installed Windows 7 Pro 64bit today (big mistake). One issue with this OS is that it can not detect my DVD/CD drive.It is a Samsung SH-223F/BEBN 22x Speedplus.Placing the CD with the drivers on it does nothing.The drive opens/closes fine, but Windows 7 refuses to recognize it or run anything that is inserted. It worked 100% fine in Vista. I used this to boot/install Win 7 itself a few hours ago. It shows up in the BIOS.I can not install essential programs of mine. I need to get this fixed quickly or else I will have to revert back to Vista...And no, Samsung does not list the drivers on their website. Typical since they are a shit company.

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Samsung External Hard Drive

Jan 3, 2012

I recently bought a samsung external hard (1500GB). The problem with it was that i couldn't use it on my playstation 3. i was told to format it to Fat32 (something like that), to which i used someone's link which was provided to me. After formatting it, it was still not working on my PS and to make things worse, it was now not detecting on my PC. I use Windows 7.

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Cannot Install Windows 7 On Samsung P210

Aug 2, 2010

Having a bit of trouble with my Samsung P210 (newly purchased). It's been set up to run Windows XP, but I own a copy of Windows 7 Professional 64 bit, and would like to install that. However, after selecting boot from CD/DVD, it gets as far as uploading the files, and then as soon as it starts the main installation program it just restarts.

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Can't Install Windows 7 On Samsung NP900X3A With 128 SSD

Jan 12, 2012

I'm having a hard time trying to install Win 7 Ent on a Samsung NP900X3A with an SSD. I tried the flash drive method, DVD's and also the factory recovery disc without any luck. I can get it to boot and pass the Install window, but once it's there, I'm stuck at the part where it ask what disk and partition to install. I've used GregRocker's suggestions to prep the SSD but, still no luck.

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Samsung Dvd Driver Not Install Successfully

Oct 24, 2011

Samsung dvd driver not install successfully

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Hard Drive Speed - Samsung Spinpoint

Dec 1, 2009

I have just put together a new PC and have 2 Samsung Spinpoint (sata300) hard disks installed. I have had a look at Windows 7 performance utility and although all the other components rate very well, the disk data transfer rate is the same as my previous PC. Very disappointing to say the least.

I have an Asus P7P55 motherboard with 4Go RAM. Am I to believe this low rating (5.9) or is it not very reliable? If it is, do I need to tweak something?

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Can't Install Windows 7 On Netbook (Samsung NC110 A03)

Sep 10, 2011

I thought my Netbook deserved a fresh install and so I started formatting my HD's with GParted. NTFS all in one HD of course. Well I fixed my bootable ISO with the original Windows MSDN on my USB stick and it all worked perfect. UNTIL I had to restart my computer.

First I got this error: "Windows Setup could not configure Windows to run on this computer's hardware." Then, when I restart my Netbook again, it gives me this error: "Windows could not complete the installation. To install Windows on this computer, restart the installation."

I've tried a lot, messed around in my BIOS, tried reinstalls of multiple versions of Windows: Windows 7 Ultimate x86, Windows 7 Ultimate x64, Windows 7 Starter (32bit only), Windows 7 Enterprise and much more. It simply all gives me the same ****ing error I really don't like it.

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Samsung BlackJack II Drivers Will Not Install Properly

Dec 26, 2009

Alright so, I just got a new computer yesterday and it just so happened to have Windows 7 64-Bit on it. I am a new user, that in a few days has switched from XP to 7. I own a Samsung BlackJack II, which I have done countless modifications to, and now, I cannot seem to sync it up, let alone, connect it to my computer. When I plug it in, via USB.

It worked the first time, synced it and everything with Windows Mobile Device Center, but then when I unplugged and replugged it in, driver's were corrupt(obviously), and tried uninstalling it all, and then reinstalling them all, drivers and WMDC, and I get a little notification that informs me that the drivers were unsuccessfully installed.

Which is no longer making any sense to me... At all! lol, so I was wandering could you guys help me out here? I'm new to Windows 7 and I hope that this Community, gives me a lot of insight, and information to get back on my feet.

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Install Samsung Web Camera In My System In Windows 7?

Feb 12, 2012

i want to install samsung web camera in my system in windows 7 pl tell how todo

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How To Install Windows 7 In Samsung Laptop Through Usb Port

Nov 6, 2012

how to install window 7 in samsung laptop through usb port tell me BIOS setting for installing window 7 through usb port

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Optical Drive Repair Maintenance For Samsung Pata

Mar 3, 2011

I've already ordered a new drive to replace my Samsung PATA, because the last time that I tried to use it, it made a peculiar buzzing noise for several seconds as it spun up, and when I removed the disc, I found two circular scratches very near the hub. The only thing that I can think of that would cause these would be the lens coming into contact with the disc, which I doubt that there is anything that can be done about .However, since I'm one of those people that finds it difficult to just toss things into the dumpster, I'm wondering if there is any practical means to remedy it's ills? Even if there was, I would only keep it as a spare, because I dislike it's performance compared to a SATA.

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Unpartition A Samsung N150 Hard Drive Into Maybe 1 Or Two Partitions?

Jan 31, 2013

I have a friends Samsung n150 i have just formatted the hard drive partitions with killdisc. I would like to make the hard drive have just one partition maybe two. It is currently split up into 3 or 4 partitions. Is there software i can put onto a flash stick to do this ? Or how would i go about doing this ?Reason being is because i dont want to put windows 7 onto the first partition and have loads of memory left in another partition not being used.

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Cannot Install Driver For SD Card Reader In Samsung R519

Mar 29, 2012

Up until now I've never used the SD Card reader in my laptop, but now I want to use it however it's not showing up under My Computer. I have downloaded the 'MS Hotfix MemoryCard' listed under Software (which only appears for WinXP) here: Support for NP-R519

But when I try to install (Running as Administrator), the command prompt flashes for a second then nothing happens. I've tried restarting anyway in case it had installed but my SD card is still not recognised. I've also tried running in compatibility mode with WinXP SP2 and Vista SP2 - no luck.

This card reader apparently is SDHC compatible, but my card is only 2GB anyway so its 100% compatible. I've done a google search and it seems a lot of people have problems with this one particular device/driver.

Also I've looked under Device Manager but I'm not sure where it would be listed, though I'm confident its actually not listed at all.

So what should I try next? I'd rather get it working than have to buy an adapter.

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Fresh Windows 7 Install On Samsung R710 Laptop?

Sep 14, 2010

Got a problem with a fresh install on my laptop like the title says. Normally I can always figure pc related problems myself but this is my second night trying to fix it and I"m about to give up. So my last resort is to create a topic here,res something I haven't tried yet (or make a conclusion my laptop is ****ed).So here's the situation. Bought this samsung R710 laptop about 2 years ago with vista premium on it. With windows 7 release got a digital legit version through my student program on MSDNAA. Downloaded the image, burned, install went all smooth. So basically I've been cruising on windows 7 professional 32 bit since the release without ANY problem.

Thing is now, computer was getting slow and started to see some malware and spyware so like most people do then, time for fresh windows install! So yesterday I started the process of getting the fresh install. Backing up all my files on my external hdd en found my windows 7 dvd again. So my computer is nearly completely empty, something like 250gb free of the 300gb.Got the disc in, rebooted my pc in the hope that the installation starts. And here comes the problem, it's getting the disc and i'm getting the screen with windows is loading the files,then the windows is starting logo. Then I see some low resolution big ass mouse appearing on the screen and I"m like, well this is going fine, this is the installation starting like I remember. Well after a few seconds, the laptop just shuts down and just reboots. And this happens really EVERY frikkin time. So basically I'm not getting into the installation of windows 7.

So already tried alot of things, like doing the upgrade instead of the fresh install ( yes I know, windows 7 upgrade to windows 7 but I was just trying everything out). Well this gives the error that I dont have enough harddisk space which is really strange aswell. I tried doing a fresh install through while my pc is turned on in the setup of the disc. This actually went fine, the installation started getting the "windows is copying files" and all untill the point the computer has to restart to finish the installation. Here is where it goes wrong, from the setup on my desktop windows starts installing but when it reboots it just does the same thing again. It wants to enter the installation but it goes into a endless reboot loop.Well luckily i'm still able to get back into my pc since it's now on some strange dual boot where it says 1 option with "windows setup" and the other with "windows 7"where the latter one gets me back into my pc normally.I'm really out of ideas, tried nearly everything, from installing random drivers like for my videocard to updating my bios. At this point I don't even mind going back to vista but samsung never gave me a vista disc so I'm basically stuck on this shitty windows 7 installation which I want to get rid of.

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What Are The Drivers Needed To Install Youcam In A Samsung Laptop

Jul 19, 2012

i have changed my system type from64-bit to 32-bit and lost drivers required for can i know what kind of driver are needed to get a you cam installed in a samsung laptop

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Install Adobe Flash Flayer For Samsung Notebook?

Jul 31, 2012

how to install adobe flash flayer for samsung notebook ?

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Cannot Mount Samsung Android DCIM Folder As A Windows Drive

Nov 7, 2012

When I plug my Samsung SIII (ice cream sandwich) into my Windows 7 pro USB port, it mounts as a portable device but does not have a drive letter associated with it. This makes it difficult (impossible) for me to reference it for running scripts or with various file copy utilities. I do not want to have to "import" pictures, as that process offers no control over the file selection in my 64gb sim card. How can I mount DCIM directory as a regular windows drive with a drive letter, so that I can perform normal file folder operations on it?

BTW. To add insult to injury, I only want a half dozen pictures out of the many GB in the DCIM folder. However, since I cannot see thumbnails, I cannot pick out the few which I would be happy to drag and drop, if I knew which ones they were.

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Loss Of Disk Space On Samsung External 1TB Drive After 'cleanup'

Sep 20, 2012

I know about the immediate 'loss' of disk space owing to the two different methods of measurement. 1Tb to 931Gb - it's annoying, but I'm used to it.No, before a defrag by Fixbee I had 701Gb free, afterwards - in a matter of 2 hours - I had 537Gb. Obviously, I'm not going to use this product again, where a clean-up is obviosly a 'dirt up', but how do I undo the damage that it's caused - especially if it's not the only 'clean up' tool that might do this?

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Samsung Sata 1tb Internal Hard Drive Down Load Driver?

Oct 22, 2011

Ive got a samsung 1tb/5400rpm/8m) i need the driver to load in on insall of windows 7.

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Can't Make Elan Touchpad Scroll On Samsung Clean Install

Dec 9, 2011

I have installed the Elan touchpad driver I can't get it to scroll correctly. In addition an Elan touchpad .exe run box comes up at every boot which does nothing when Run. I finally browsed to it in the Programs folder and deleted that .exe file so it wouldn't pop up at every start. It shows installed in the Device Manager, however doesn't have the functions I had in the Samsung factory install. This and the sound driver don't seem to work right when installed, as though there is more software needed that isn't on the Downloads page at Support for NP-RF511.

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Download And Install MTP USB Device Driver Software For Samsung Galaxy S2?

Feb 15, 2013

how can I download and install MTP USB device driver software for samsung galaxy s2

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Download A Latest Free Samsung Webcam For Samsung Laptop?

Feb 1, 2013

i want to download a latest free Samsung webcam for Samsung laptop

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How To Connect Samsung S5620 To Internet Using Samsung Kies In Pc

Oct 31, 2012

connecting samsung s5222 mobile with my lap top for internet purpose

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How To Connect Samsung S5620 To Internet Using Samsung Kies

Feb 4, 2013

How to connect samsung s5620 to internet using samsung kies in pc for windows7

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Can't Find Samsung Drivers For Samsung Sens R525 Model Code NT-R525-AS55B

Sep 28, 2012

I Can't Find Samsung Drivers for Samsung Sens R525 Model Code NT-R525-AS55B. It's For a Korean student at my dorm.

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Have A 60GB SSD Boot Drive. Can Install Games To 1TB Secondary Drive

Jan 25, 2012

Check my Hardware specs for full information

Current setup:
C: Boot, Corsair SSD
D: Files, samsung HDD

D:/boot files/user/(all user account directories moved here, when possible) I'm wondering if it's possible to install games such as Assasins' Creed or Skrym, but install all game data to this folder?D:/boot files/programs/* Many installers allow you to define a custom installation path, But I am unsure if these games would ask for one or force me to install to the default directory?

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Install LG Super Multi Drive Install Disc For Windows 7

Nov 24, 2011

How do I install a Super Multi Drive to a mini computer HP 110? I have the device and the installation disk, however, the computer does not seem to be detecting it or providing an installation wizard for me to proceed.

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