Random Radio Station(s) Playing Trough Windows?

Apr 11, 2012

So i turned on my pc after coming home from work,sat down on the couch to watch TV first and suddenly some random death metal started coming from my PC was scary as hell.I wasn't even logged into my profile on windows!But it defnitly was coming from the PC cause i could see on my Mixer (for djing) that the sound was coming from my PC.Logged into my profile and click the mixer at the bottom right of the screen,sound was coming from MCE host i have it mutted right now because the sound is still coming from it...sometimes it also comes from internet explorer.This happens everytime i start my pc and always a different station sometimes rap or people talking ect...Cannot find anything new in startup folder either.

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Receiving Radio Station Through Laptops?

Jan 27, 2012

want to listen to radio stations FM and AM bands on my laptop and record while playing

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Sending A Fax Trough Windows Seven Or Email?

Nov 29, 2012

Is it possible to send a fax using Windows 7 pro. I put my machine in garbage last month, now I need to send one?

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Random Lockup When Playing/using Windows Software?

May 20, 2012

Unfortunately I'm not getting any BSOD's or error messages of any kind. Using Windows 7: 32 bit (I have no logical reason other than ignorance at the time for the 32 bit, and only laziness is keeping me from reinstalling to 64).

I started noticing the issue when playing the onine MMO called Rift. The computer locked up a few times during play there, but then that stopped (I'm trying to pull this from memory...the issue has been going on for several months now). After it stopped locking up in Rift, I thought the issue was gone, but it would lock up tight when I'd play one of the card games that are installed with windows! The issue became a real problem when I started playing Age of Empires Onlilne (another microsoft product). I might go 10 minutes playing the game before it locks up tight, or I may go for hours (if I had to give it an average time after reboot, I'd say 40 minutes or a little less).

I NEVER get a BSOD, error message or anything else out of the ordinary. I can hit reset button to get out of the lockup, but no key functions will help me. Mouse cursor freezes/screen freezes, and I have to hit reset or on/off button to escape it.

I've updated all my drivers, used registry cleaning software (what a waste of money!), tried shutting down any background programs possible...I'm just tired of the issue, and want to fix it without total hard drive wipe. I actually bought a new hard drive and ram upgrade, and want to have a dual boot system with 64 bit installed on the second hard drive if someone can tell me how to to that setup (I think I can manage, but I'm not afraid to hear someone's instructions, when they KNOW how to do it for sure). I would still like to resolve this issue if possible. I don't know if it could be a known issue from a past security update, or something along those lines, but I know for sure that this hasn't always been an issue.

I actually ran Event Viewer to look for a repeated issue that was there many times. The one that stood out was under the information tab. There were over 1500 events in the last 7 days alone on this one hit. It was a service control manager issue (whatever that is). Under Admin. Events, there are several tags around each freeze, but I dont know if any of the information is relevant to this issue.

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Windows 7 Random Crashes When Playing Games?

Sep 25, 2012

windows 7 random crashes when playing games

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Make Desktop Icons Invisible Trough Transparent Border?

Jan 27, 2010

I'm just wondering if there is a way to make the desktop icons not show trough the transparent top border of an application? I like my wallpaper to show through it, but not my icons.

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Random BSOD Mostly When Playing?

Oct 6, 2012

i built a new machine few day ago... Now i'm getting random bsod time to time...Hardware: OS: Windows 7 Ultimate x64 CPU: Intel i5 3570k MOBO: Asus Sabertooth z77 GPU: Radeon 6970HD Ram: 16 GB GeiL Evo Corsa SSD: OCZ Agility 3 120GB (OS installed here) (firmware 2.22) HDD: Samsung 500GB Sata2

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BSOD Mostly While Playing BF3 But Also Random?

Nov 27, 2011

My computer gets BSOD's whenever I play BF3 but also sometimes 2-12 hours after I play.After using "Bluescreen View" I know that it's always the same crash adress for the BSOD's and I have no idea how to fix it =(OS: Windows 7 Professional 64Didn't get it as OEM but it might be since a firm installed it for me after I got the computer.

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Random BSOD While Playing WOW

Jan 6, 2012

My system had BSOD in the past but I managed to fixed it by dusting out the computer. Since then it has been running pretty smoothly with no problem. BSOD came back several days ago and I have no idea what is causing it. This usually happen when I'm playing WOW but also when I'm sleeping, woke up in the morning and the computer restarted (wow wasn't on). I have attached the dumps and the necessary files.

OS Name: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate x64bit
OS Version: 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601

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Random Ads And Music Playing In The Background?

Aug 25, 2012

I keep having random ads, music, and noises playing in my background and it's unpredictable. I have ZeroAccess rootkit on my laptop. I have an HP and got my laptop a little over a year ago but I was never given a CD to help reformat my system. I was wondering if there's a way I don't need that or a bootable USB to reformat my system.

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Random BSOD's When Playing Battlefield 3?

Jan 3, 2012

I've recently just built a new rig and have experienced several BSOD's when playing BF3. The strange thing is I can sometimes play the game all day and experience no issue and then sometimes just have constant BSOD's when playing BF3 - especially when it is loading the map!My screen just goes black with an infinite sound loop and I am unable to alt + ctrl + del or anything, my computer is literally dead until I restart it..My CPU and GPU temps are fine, I mean.. I can play for up to 5 hours and the temps are still good.For instance, I was just playing the game with Fraps (see the FPS) was playing at 58 fps on ultra.. and as soon as I press F9 to start recording.. BANG.. the computer is dead, again!!I have literally tried everything; uninstalling graphics drivers, install graphics drivers, flash graphics & bios, disable sound, buy a sound card, play on low settings.. literally everything.My specs are: ASUS P8Z68-V LX MOTHERBOARD G.SKILL RIPJAWS-X 8GB(2X4)16 C9 GIGABYTE GEFORCE GTX 560TI OC Intel i5 2500k 3.3GhzCoolermaster Hyper Evo CoolerNovatech 750W ATX Power SupplyWhen I go to event viewer, it logs the BSOD as "critical", "kernal-power", with an event ID of 41.

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Random BSODs When Playing Game

Mar 3, 2012

Random BSOD posted my Minidump etc

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Random Freezing When Playing PC Games?

Jan 13, 2013

Now the unusual part is the manner in which it freezes, any audio sounds in the game will simply not load over, nor will any graphics that havent already been loaded up prior to where the freezing is about to occur, then about 10 or 15 seconds later it will just hard freeze, causing me to reboot. Another interesting thing i should add is i was still able to talk to a friend over Skype for a bit after it froze. My GFX Card is not over heating as i keep track of it regularly with CPUID Hardware Monitor. There is nothing in my event viewer to pinpoint if its a software related issue or not.

I should mention that my PC is a Dell. I have had a problem like this about 3 months ago and they sent me a new motherboard, which seems to have solved the problem for awhile, however the issue started to reoccur again. My theory is that this motherboard is starting to fail as well, or i need to replace the Graphics Card. Is there any other way that the cause could be pinpointed for sure?

My video card is a Radeon HD 5870 and my motherboard is a Dell Inc. 0X501H
attached is a W7F.zip of my system incase it is needed (It was asked of me last time)

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Random BSOD's While Playing WoW Or Just Browsing

Nov 13, 2011

I'm getting a 0x0000003b BSOD, and one I tracked down to it being Avast Antivirus causing it, and I uninstalled it, but I have one other that I don't know what it is.

Copied from BlueScreenViewer

I have uploaded a picture of my BSW screen.I have also uploaded a .dmp file for a BSOD and a PERFMON HTML file. I'm not sure if I did this right.

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Random BSOD While Playing Games?

Nov 14, 2011

i getting random BSOD while playing games , they don't usually happen but sometimes it happens after like 15 minutes of play most of them happen while playing battlefield 3 i included my mem dumb also here's a screen grab from a bsod checker program [URL]

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Get BSOD Random Mostly When Playing Games On Net?

Nov 29, 2011

I get BSOD random mostly when playing games on net.

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Random Reboots While Playing Certain Games

Nov 23, 2012

I built myself a new rig in September, and certain games have not worked since. My specs are:

I5 3570K
XFX 4850 1GB
400W corsair PSU
ASRock Extreme4 7ZZ
2X 4GB GSkill Ares DDR3 RAM

What happens is the computer just reboots while playing some games. No warning, no blue screen, it just restarts as if the reset switch is being hit. It happens on games built on cryengine and unreal engine AFAK (happened on bioshock, and crysis 2). It does not happen on other games (like Just Cause 2) that are just as power intensive though so i am kind of confused about that. I just installed a clean Windows 7 Ultimate

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Random BSOD When Playing Or Watching Movies

Aug 25, 2012

I'm getting random BSOD's.I followed Captain Jacks guide and used SF Diagnostic tool, CPU-Z and RAMMon, all the files are attached in the .rar

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Random BSODs While Playing WoW / TF2 Or Browsing Internet

Jan 11, 2012

Random BSODs while playing WoW/TF2, browsing internet and my PC will start normally after like it never happened. This has happened more than four times now. Has even happened once on the desktop. It dumps files and I haven't been able to snag error codes. Either that or I need to write down codes frantically next time it happens. I run Malwarebytes and Microsoft Security Essentials frequently (though I haven't changed any settings and am not sure how to do more thorough scans.)

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Random Shutdowns Playing Mass Effect 2

Feb 15, 2012

I recently reformatted my laptop and did the necessary steps in order to ensure everything was back on track. Unfortunately, yesterday when I tried to play Mass Effect 2 on Steam, my computer shut down without a BSOD or any other error message. I thought it might have been an overheating issue (I have never had an issue like this with my ASUS laptop, even while it was overclocked to the max through the ASUS utility). I figured it might be a one off, and decided to give it another go. Unfortunately, it happened again 20 minutes later as well.I was hoping someone can help me decipher the Event Viewer information and whatever else you may need, so I can fix the issue and beat Mass Effect 2 before the third one comes out.

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BSOD While Playing Minecraft And At Random TTimes

Feb 23, 2012

Have had a BSOD three times whilst playing minecraft, all within about 2 hours of each other, the reports that are needed are in the attachment.

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Random BSOD And Other Crashes While Playing Games?

Apr 1, 2012

Alright, basically whenever I play a game I have some type of problem. I usually play Starcraft 2 and it's fine, but occasionally I'll get a BSOD or my display driver will stop working. When I'm not attempting to stream my games to twitch.tv this is pretty rare, but it still happens occasionally. Whenever I run xsplit and dxtory combined with starcraft 2 and stream, I get crashes constantly. My GPU doesn't ever really go above 53c, so I don't think that's what's causing it, but I could be wrong. My display driver stopping happens with most games that are pretty intense on the computer, but, like I said, my temps don't usually get too high. I'd love to solve whatever is causing me these problems. My computer specs are as follows:Processor: AMD Phenom II x6 1055TRAM: Patriot Viper DDR2 2GB Ram (2 sticks, so 4 GB)GPU: XFX Radeon HD6850OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit (installed for a good while, over a year or so I think)

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BSOD Playing CIV5, Now Random Freezes?

Jun 23, 2012

I was playing Civ 5 when I got a BSOD for the first time. I've been playing Civ for a few months with no problems until now. After the BSOD I've been getting random freezes. It happens when web browsing, listening to itunes, playing civ etc.. I am using a few month old lenovo with Windows 7 Home Premium(64bit)

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Random Freezing When Playing Video Games?

May 21, 2012

I recently got a 32" tv which I am using as a monitor, hooked up using hdmi. During gameplay my computer freezes for a second or less and then everything is fine. This only happens when I play games. I was wondering if its because of the tv my gpu has to push out more power b/c of the hdmi setup?My previous monitor was an hyundai 17" crt using a vga cable.I don't think it has anything to do with any particular game b/c they all ran fine before at 1280 x 960, and I now run games at either 1280 x 720 or 1360 x 768.Do I need a more powerful PSU, the one I have is a Xtech 500W with a over a years use. (I am in the process of getting a Thermaltake TR2 600W)My specs are:Win 7 Ultimate x64 SP1AMD Phenom II X4 965Kingston 8GB DDR 32 hard drives at 7200 rpmnvidia gtx 550 Ti

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Random Sudden Shutdown While Playing Games

Jan 3, 2013

I have sony VPCF1 laptop, which worked fine until a month ago. Windows 7 home premium 64bits. All of a sudden I started getting random shutdowns whenever I'm playing games. (namely Diablo3 and league of legends)I used to play Skyrim on this laptop without any shutdown issues. I suspected overheating problem, but the speedfan log just before the shutdown shows GPU at 80 C and CPU at around 75.I cleaned out the heat sink and re-applied thermal paste anyways. However, I clean the dust in heat sink every 3 months so there wasn't much to begin with. I also bought a cooling pad, which doesn't seem to lower the temperature at all. I checked the hardwares using vaio care none of them showed known issues.

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BSOD Playing Any Game Or Browsing Internet - Random?

Feb 15, 2012

I have been having random crashes / restarts on my computer for the entire duration that I have had my windows 7 installed, before this I used windows xp which was on the same hard drive. I thought I managed to fix the issue but it happened again today and once yesterday as well.

What happens:

-Playing random game or browsing internet
-crash for no reason (Doesn't always BSOD)
-computer restarts says windows did not shut down cleanly etc..
-start up what I was doing again
-no crash

Search and Destroy along with Malwarebytes says that I am clean along with my AVG My dump settings are properly configured to produce dump files, although when this happens I do not see one being produced

My Windows 7 computer:

- x64 bit
- not the original OS
- retail version
- What is the age of system (hardware)? - 3/4 years at most
- What is the age of OS installation (have you re-installed the OS?) 1/2 years

EDIT: I was looking through some other threads and managed to actually get some dump files and I reattached the information

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BSOD Playing Counter Strike 1.6, Sometimes Random Or In XBMC?

Apr 8, 2012

Sometimes I get random BSOD's, it's not something that happens every day however it's getting irritating. The last time it happend was today in Counter Strike 1.6 with the "SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION" error. So I followed your Verifier Driver tutorial and got 2 BSOD's with IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL caused by aswTdi.sys (Avast Driver).. However I just installed Avast yesterday, and as you can see in my dmp files, I have had BSODs before with SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION and others, so I don't think that's the main issue.Sometimes I also get BSOD while watching a movie or something with XBMC, it happens randomly, but not often.I have thought maybe it's the ATi/AMD GPU (some BSOD ref.), and I have been checking temps, it's about 60C - I have changed the thermal paste and cleaned it - but still sometimes BSOD. I have played a lot of BF3 without getting BSOD, and that's a heck a lot of more strain on the GPU than CS 1.6.

My own guess is the GPU drivers, but I have been updating regularly Btw the System Health Report says "Atheros AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter" is disabled, and that's true, I have disabled it.System Info:Windows 7 X64 Enterprise Install date: 28-08-2011Intel Core i5 2500kZotac Z68 ITX2x 4GB Corsair Vengeance DDR3 RAMClub 3D Radeon HD4980System Disk: Crucial m4 128GBStorage: 2x500GB WD, 1TB WD - 7200rpmThe hardware is from august 2011, except for SSD (june 2011), storage (2009,2010) and GPU (2009).

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Random BSOD Playing WoW On AMD Quad Core System

Apr 29, 2012

I read the instructions and will attach my dump files and report as a zip file. I build my system myself, but the last few weeks I keep getting BSOD.

AMD quad core
Asus motherboard
8 gb Geil memory
Asus GPU

The dump file shows ntoskrnl is the driver causing the BSOD. Another dump file says ElRawDSK causes BSOD. Both offcourse are drivers.

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Random BSOD Usually Playing Borderlands Or Just Watching Streams?

Jul 28, 2012

i'm putting up my first post with my bsod error i get. i've gotten some in the past, but i decided to learn how to figure these things out this time.details:i usually get a bsod in a random situation either playing online games or just watching live streams (twitch.tv) or even Internet videos on occasion.

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Random Restarts During Game Play And/or Music Playing

Aug 4, 2012

I just built a new PC with win 7 professional 64 bit. Has amd FX-8150 on Sabretooth 990fx board. Has an ASUS 7850 graphics card, 16GB of Corsair Vengeance RAM and a SB Recon 3d PCIe sound card. All drivers are up to date and BIOS is as well. The issue I am experiencing is random restarts, no BSOD, just crash and restart. I tried the other diagnostics from other posts and the HD checked out fine, so did the memtest and windows file integrity. I did also run the verifier.exe and it threw an error and gave me an actual BSOD. I have included the dmp file for that incident in the Seven Forums zip file.

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BSOD At Random Times (more Frequent When Playing Certain Games)

Aug 19, 2012

i've been experiencing BSOD's pretty much consistently since i bought my computer a few months ago but i thought i'd fixed it a while back but turns out it just happens alot less frequently when playing certain games / idling on desktop / browsing internet.Games like counter strike source and ARMA 2 (playing the DayZ mod) seem to cause the BSODs pretty regularly (almost every 30 minutes) whereas i can play games like WoW with almost no troubles, until i try to stream that is, then its pretty random: sometimes i can stream for hours but other times it will BSOD with in 5 minutes.

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