Random New Browser Pop-Up Windows In IE 7

Aug 14, 2011

I'm on a CHEESY work computer which perhaps a dozen people have access to. It's running Windows XP SP3, Internet Explorer 7. While surfing the web I keep getting randow new browser windows popping open on me all the time. They are running Symantec Endpoint Protection, which I used to initiate a full system scan. The only thing that came up was a few tracking cookies. These random pop-ups are driving me nuts!

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Browser Opens Automatically At Random?

Aug 4, 2012

At random times in the last couple of days my browser (Firefox) would open randomly the default web sites. If the browser is closed or I'm doing something in another application, it would open a new browser window with the default web pages without me triggering the application to open.I've done a full virus search using Kaspersky , Spybot and AdAware but none of the three could find any malware or spyware.

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2630QM CPU @ 2.00GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7
Processor Count: 8
RAM: 6091 Mb
Graphics Card: Radeon (TM) HD 6490M, 1024 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 697676 MB, Free - 518596 MB; D: Total - 17423 MB, Free - 1907 MB;
Motherboard: Hewlett-Packard, 1800
Antivirus: Kaspersky Internet Security, Updated and Enabled

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Browser Displaying Weird Tiles At Random Times

Aug 25, 2012

I have a HP Pavilion G6, second gen i3 laptop with 4GB ram. Recently I've been noticing my browser displaying a weird set of tile image at random times. From my experience, this only occurs on one tab at a time. That is, one tab will display the weird image, while other tab won't. I'm able to scroll up/down on that particular tab, but I won't be able to see the site because of the image overlay. After a minute or if I exit the tab, the symptoms go away.I mainly use google Chrome and Firefox and it's happened on both. I've reinstalled both browsers and it still happens.BTW the ram and CPU is below 50% when I check the task manager.

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Laptop Running Extremely Slow In Windows 7 Browser And Internet Browser?

Feb 21, 2013

My computer has been running slow for months, but it is now getting to the point where it is almost unbearable. For example, just clicking on a folder to open it can take up to 15 seconds to respond. It also lags a ton during internet browsing.

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FireFox - Mouse & Browser& Browser Freezes In Facebook Page?

Dec 30, 2012

I have FF 17. The mouse is freezing in facebook & I find the only escape to release the browser is reboot. The same FB page works fine in internet explorer.

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IE9 Browser Not Opening More Than One Browser

Aug 3, 2012

The definetion of an EXPERT was "anyone more than 25 miles from home" not sure about that.If memory serves me I used to be able to open more than one copy of the Microsoft IE Browser, however am unable to do that now. Am I imagining thing that I did that before or is there a problem with that?

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[BSOD] Random Crashes. Startup, Starting Game, Once Fully Random?

Dec 10, 2011

Been having some crashes.At first they occurred on start up. Claiming the computer wasn't properly shut down. Now today, the other crashes started, with the first happening out of nowhere, the second happening upon starting a video game. I've been without crashes for a while now, only having used my browser(Opera) and copying some files to an external hard drive. As well as the SF tool.I only have 2 dump files available. SF tool file should be in attachments, unless I made a mistake somewhere

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Random BLSC 0x50 New Computer, New Install, Random Program Crashes?

Apr 8, 2012

Random BLSC 0x50 New Computer, New Install; Random Program Crashes?

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Random BSOD During Random Times, Error 0x8000000000000002

Feb 26, 2012

I reformatted my computer multiple times, yet my computer seems to BSOD randomly.What happenes is that everything becomes unresponsive; cant alt+tab, cant ctrl+alt+del etc etc. everything freezes randomly... then boom, BSOD. its happened twice, with no apparent pattern.And then, when it restarts, it tries booting but then it goes into the boot selection screen and my SSD is nowhere to be found. I have to power off then power on again for it to boot up and log in.

- System
- Provider
[ Name] Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power
[ Guid] {331C3B3A-2005-44C2-AC5E-77220C37D6B4}


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Random Computer Shutdowns Random BSODs

May 10, 2012

I dont know if this is the right area or not, as i just joined, but it seems to be the best place. I recently bought a new computer, and now it will randomly shut down. Its also making loud pitch noises. That just started happening. I called tech support and they told me it was probably just the power supply. Before I send it in though, i want to make sure that is what is wrong. I dont know all to put on here.

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32-bit Browser Not Working In Windows 7 64-bit?

Dec 22, 2011

Windows IExplored(9)-32 & Crome-32 do not work. (Error 105 (net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED): Unable to resolve the server's DNS address.) IExplorer(9)-64 works just fine. I've been researching my issue for a few days now and have no success inplementing the recommended fixes I've found, which included - I'll rip them off for you, without looking up the exact phrasing:

1 command line winsock flush ets.

2 "Turn Windows features on or off" uncheck, restart, recheck.

3 Complete un-install of windows Internet Explorer and re-install (from Windows update module).

4 Toolsinternet options eset.

There seems to be something fundamental to the Windows 7 64 Ultimate operating system that is preventing the 32 bit browers from working.

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How To Delete A Website From Browser Windows

May 22, 2011

I have windows 7 32bit operating system. There is an website that pops up when ever i try to open any site from IE, mozilla firefox, or google chrome i.e licosearch.com it doesn't show the http:// in front as well, and before this unwanted page opens it shows on the lower bar (waiting for bongobongo.net). I have tried to block it from hosts but during the time of save it showsC:WindowsSystems32driversetchosts.txt You don't have the permission to save this location. Contact the administrator to obtain permission.would you like to save in the My Documents folder instead?

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Webpages Too Large For Browser Windows 7?

Feb 5, 2011

My wife has a Compaq Pressario CQ61. The other day, out of the blue, anything viewed through her browser overwhelms the browser window. Changing the size of the window does not help. I tried adjusting the resolution from the Control Panel. This did not help. I'm not sure what happened so for an amateur, it is challenging finding a remedy. We are running Windows 7.

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Windows 7 SP1 Unable To Finish Browser Surfing

May 24, 2011

Using any browser starts the online connection, etc. then seems to stop though it still shows it trying to connect to the requested website. Tried, on IE9, Chrome and Opera, it jsut seems to stop or spin it wheels.The odd thing is updates either by MS own or pgm. updates seem to go through provided on their own update procedure, like AV or pgm. update. The last update was .Net one, is that possible causing issues.Anyways, I maybe forced to return to some restore point, if no solution is found. I understand SP1 can cause some problems, but haven't heard of this. Seems odd is I can still update with MS update service(auto).

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Double Internet Browser Come When Windows 7 Startup

Sep 23, 2011

I recently have a problem, when my desktop are loaded, sudenly there's about 2-4 browser (ocur to mozilla, and chrome and i think coz it was default browser) than i scan whole computer, there's no virus and malware, always ocur when startup, and p.s i dont set mozilla into startup option

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Windows 7 Computer Freezing - Browser Using Lot Of Memory

Dec 21, 2011

it's been about a week now and my computer just freezes. and stays frozen. it happens most often when i leave a browser up and walk away from the computer. the only other thing i have noticed happening lately is that i have been getting warnings that my browser is using a lot of memory. it says this when i am running an app on facebook or when i have 2 or more tabs open like in Internet. i am not very familiar with the tools used with windows seven so i did not run high jack this. (i am using internet explorer 8)

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How To Get Back Menu Bar In Browser On Windows 7 Computer

Dec 1, 2011

I have Windows 7 on my computer. On the top of an internet screen I used to have the words "File, Edit, View, Favorites, Tools, Help". But for some reason I lost those words. How can I get that toolbar back?

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Browser Image In Classic Windows 7 Theme?

Aug 13, 2011

I am using win 7 64 bit I got tired of the Ie 9 with the blurry text and its many ways to try and fix it with no results. So i switched to firefox and it was solved right away.But now i discover another problem. Because i like to use windows classic theme with the grey menu bar. But when i use firefox browser and click on the bookmark menu, then it leaves a image or "print" of the bookmark window in my start menu.Look at the screenshot were you can see some remaining text of my bookmark window.I can remove it when i adjust my start menu but it comes back when i use the bookmarks again.This only happens in firefox but when i change the theme to win 7 or any other then it dosent happens.How do i fix this ?

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Flash And Java Not Working In Windows 7 On Any Browser

Oct 1, 2011

i only ever use firefox, and would always keep it and other programs such as flash and java up to date. one day, some websites just quit working, like facebook, Internet, netflix, and various game sites. this problem continued for a few weeks, and i didn't do anything to try and problem solve it. then everything seemed to magically fix itself, so i figured that an automatic update had done the trick. however, a few months ago those problems started again and since then i have read many threads on how to fix them, uninstalled and reinstalled ff, java and flash countless times, including past versions of all of them. i even tried using ie and chrome, but i had the same problems with those browsers. as of right now, i cannot view flash based game sites (such as omgpop). i used to not be able to play games on facebook, but as of yesterday those suddenly work again. i cannot watch streaming videos on netflix, but Internet works fine. i cannot view content on many web pages (for example google images does not work at all, nor does googlemaps or mapquest). some pages only load partially even though it says they are 'done'. i often see 'javascript:void(0)' on websites. currently i am running the current versions of java and flash and ff 3.6. i have checked pop up blockers and script enabling and just about everything else. i am at a total loss of what to do. (even as i am typing this, i cannot click on any of the text editing tools or smilies and this is showing up as one big paragraph...)

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Canon Zoom Browser Not Responding On Windows 7

Nov 15, 2011

I just purchased a new canon 60 d and I loaded the new software that came the camera, and the zoombrowser keeps saying not responding ,or is very slow to respond, my computer software is windows 7 ultimate

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Random BSOD Happens At Random Times

Mar 13, 2012

x86 (32-bit) or x64 ? 64 bit

- the original installed OS on the system? this is a built computer by myself. have had 64 bit forever on here

- an OEM or full retail version? oem

- What is the age of system (hardware)? memory is about 2 years old everything else is about 5 years old

- What is the age of OS installation (have you re-installed the OS?) os was installed a few months ago.attached is the info that was requested. these blue screens happen at completely random times. could be during boot up. could be just sitting in sleep and blue screen.

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Random BSOD, Random Codes, While Using And While Away?

May 18, 2012

A couple weeks ago I started having random BSOD and restarts, I have researched several different solutions to no avail. At one point, I thought the problem was solved after restoring a restore point, however, the dreaded BSOD is back after a couple of days.

- Restored the earliest restore point
- Ran chkdsk with no errors
- Ran full scan AV (just in case) using MSSE.
- Updated all Windows and drivers updates.

I believe this is related to a driver issue, however, I'm not sure which one.Attached is both the BSOD App and System Health data.

Basic specs:

- Windows 7 x64
- Original Install
- System age: 6 months
- OS install age: 6 months (not reinstalled)

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Windows Explorer Freezes - Browser Stops Responding

Aug 14, 2012

For the past 2 days, whenever I have used Mozilla firefox 12.0, after sometime, the browser hangs up and it tells that the browser has stopped responding. The same time, windows explorer also hangs and freezes soon. I will have to restart and then same thing happens again. I tried Chrome also, but the result was same. the browser freezes, and soon after explorer also freezes. I have also noticed that the disk space in the C drive is also getting reduced. In one day 5gb of space has been added up. I have installed and tested with windirstat. Now even the yahoo messenger freezes (not responding) every time and other applications too. I have scanned with MAlwarebytes and Security essential and could not find any infection. For the past 3 days, I can't watch flash videos in Mozilla. Today, several time the same thing happened to chrome also and it says the player crashed.

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Flash Java Not Working In Windows 7 Any Browser / Can't Update

Jul 11, 2012

i only ever use firefox, and would always keep it and other programs such as flash and java up to date. one day, some websites just quit working, like facebook, Internet, netflix, and various game sites. this problem continued for a few weeks, and i didn't do anything to try and problem solve it. then everything seemed to magically fix itself, so i figured that an automatic update had done the trick. however, a few months ago those problems started again and since then i have read many threads on how to fix them, uninstalled and reinstalled ff, java and flash countless times, including past versions of all of them. i even tried using ie and chrome, but i had the same problems with those browsers. as of right now, i cannot view flash based game sites (such as omgpop).i used to not be able to play games on facebook, but as of yesterday those suddenly work again. i cannot watch streaming videos on netflix, but Internet works fine.i cannot view content on many web pages (for example google images does not work at all, nor does googlemaps or mapquest). some pages only load partially even though it says they are 'done'. i often see 'javascript:void(0)' on websites.currently i am running the current versions of java and flash and ff 3.6. i have checked pop up blockers and script enabling and just about everything else.i am at a total loss of what to do. (even as i am typing this, i cannot click on any of the text editing tools or smilies and this is showing up as one big paragraph) i've tried pretty much everything i can think of, as to manual installation and so forth.nothing works, nor changes anything.

so far it's only facebook (of websites) not working, and then of course flash and java.i would like to avoid comments such as: "just don't use facebook then *hurhhurh*" as the problem runs somewhat deeper than just not being able to use facebook. this computer is just about 4 months old as well, and i'm breaking my skull trying to figure out what the heck is causing this. on a side note i am up to date on both anti-spyware and anti-virus, and i've run several scans in both secure and normal mode.all comes up empty.

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Windows 7 HP Envy Laptop - Web Browser View Lost Formatting

Sep 19, 2011

I reckon that I must have changed some setting somewhere - when viewing websites (in Firefox or explorer), all websites seem to have lost their formatting - they are white with few graphics, and plain boxes around text. What needs to be changed to get this back to normal web viewing? Also, even if I try to change the theme through the control panel, there is no change to anything other than the desktop image. The appearance of the windows stays the same ugly chrome colour! I'm running Windows 7 on an HP Envy laptop...

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Windows 7 Upgrade Led To Loss Off Crispness & Quality In Browser Text

Jun 16, 2011

i decided to update my hp laptop from windows vista home premium to windows 7 ultimate (both 64 bit) and in doing so my firefox and ie browsers are considerably harder to read. twitter, facebook, Internet descriptions, most anything has very poor quality.

i recently came across this problem on my desktop after updating my graphics card's driver via an optional windows update (big mistake) and all i had to do was rollback the driver. for this problem, i tried updating the graphics card's driver, but it's up to date.

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Automatic Opening Of Browser Windows 7 At Full-screen Size?

Oct 17, 2011

Upon opening the first browser window it opens to full-screen. Subsequent new browser windows open in the lower-right corner at 25% screen size.Q: is there a way to have every subsequent (i.e., after the first one) browser window open at full-screen size?

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BSOD After New Install Of Windows 7 - Menu And Browser Navigation Slow

Sep 24, 2012

Did a fresh install of Win 7 Ultimate 32 bit on new SSD (old computer) and having slow operation issues and have had these two BSOD. Computer boots up and shuts down quick and also downloads programs, and such fast, but navigating through menus or browser windows - ultra slow.

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Cannot Get To Enter The Router-login On Windows Or Any Other Browser The User Name And Password Window

Apr 20, 2012

i cannot get to enter the router-login on windows or any other browser the user name and password window.

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Windows Is Minimizing / Changing To Windows Mode To Games / Browser

Oct 20, 2011

I want to play BulletStorm, i'm playing like 2 min and it's minimizing the game all the time (I get back to the game and it's still minimizing).In Battle Field Bad Company 2 it just changing the game to window mode (I know it because suddenly I can see the bar where's the start/clock and name bar where's the game's name shown + I need to click the game window to go back to Full Window mode ( I can't play when it's window mode I have to click it)In the Google Chrome/Firefox I can see it when I type (like now) the flickering line of typing disappear suddenly and I need to click the browser again to see it and obviously writing again.

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Random "mouse-clicking" Or Random Toggle?

Jun 25, 2011

Whenever I am scrolling or just typing inside a MS-Word-2010 or PDF document, it's like someone is clicking with the mouse outside the window. The window menu is greyed out, and the blinking mouse cursor disappears.In order to continue scrolling or typing, I have to click back on that window.Sometimes it happens even while I'm typing, then I discover that some of my typing doesn't appear in the document and I have to click on the document again in order to bring back the mouse cursor into the document I use a wireless mouse but it also happens when I turn it off and use my laptop's touchpad 2 days ago I installed a Java update and NET framework updates.

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