PowerPoint Slideshow Freezes When Using Other Programs?

Sep 23, 2011

At work I set up a computer with dual monitors. One of the monitors is a tv that we want nothing except a powerpoint presentation on it. So I created the powerpoint, ran the slideshow on the tv and minimized it on the other monitor. Works great, unless I open other programs on the pc then the slideshow freezes on the tv! If I open anything, ms paint, firefox, any window or program the slideshow freezes until the program is minimized. Then it continues. How do I get around this?

apparently this is because the slideshow is run in full screen. If I go to "set up slide show" and run by an individual window then all is fine but then I have borders.

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Computer Freezes And All Programs Are Not Responding?

Oct 24, 2012

My laptop screen was broken by being steped on over a year ago. It worked through my tv though with HDMI connection. Out of no where it stopped projecting image to my tv even though when I unpluged or pluged in the cable it would make noise and the screen would flash. This was in august. So I stopped using it and let the battery completely die and sit there dead as this corrected other problems in the past (such as a nasty pop up virus. So I found and RGB-PC cable and have hooked it up to my TV that way.Well now that I can see the screen I have tried to use it and it is constantly freezing every program it uses and will last for a long time including task manager. It has rendered the computer un-usable. I have run a virus scan, disk clean and defrag and it still won't work. I also checked the event viewer and the system log wouldn't open. So I saved and cleared it as per advice on this site. Still the same.

NOTE: When HDMI crashed the computer was turned off using the power button a few times as I could not see anything. Also on one of the boot ups when this problem started to occur and instead of the regular safe mode screen option coming up the other screen came up (something about doing a scan and fixing it) and I guess it timed out or I hit no or something but windows just booted up and haven't been able to use the laptop properlky since. Not sure if its related but figured it was worth mentioning

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Laptop Freezes But Just In Some Particular Games And Programs

Aug 25, 2012

well my laptop was performing fine until a few weeks ago it started to freeze up during some games which it didnt before. I play games a lot so i thought my laptop had lost it efficiency but there are other games where everything is smooth.

I have done the "dxdiag","updating drivers", "windows memory diagnostics","windows update" and so on but everything seems fine. I have been going through enough posts so i think my system specifications is required.

My laptop is Sony Vaio C series
AMD Radeon HD 6630M
i5-2410M CPU @ 2.30 GHz
windows 7 home premium 64 bit
directx 11

Currently the programs/games that lags are vlc player(movies dont run as smooth as it used to), World of Warcraft, Counter Strike (offline or online). However games that requires higher graphics like Assasin's creed works just fine.

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Toshiba Laptop Freezes At Uninstall Programs

Sep 27, 2012

First I told her she needs to clear out some space of all her homemade videos.Then I wanted to go into Add Remove programs but every time I go in it freezes. I even tried it in safe mode but it seems to freeze up even more. I ran cCleaner which cleaned over 1000 MB. I ran SuperAntispyware which found nothing. I tried to run Malwarebytes but it froze after 2 minutes. I took some items out of start up but there are a ton of Toshiba programs listed, but I have no idea if they are necessary or not. Some items I am not sure if she needs or not: Blekko Anti Phishing Domain Advisor Every time I attempt something now her laptop freezes and I have to reboot.I can't even go into Task Manager to stop Malwarebytes or Add Remove Programs when they freeze.

iIt's a Toshiba Satelite L735D
Windows 7 Home

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Interface Freezes, Cannot Click, But Programs Still Running (new SSD)?

Mar 11, 2012

I've recently installed a Kingston SSD and did a clean install of Windows 7 Professional 32 bit. It runs well most of the time, but once or twice a day, usually when browsing the internet using Chrome or Firefox, the mouse pointer will go to the "busy" circle, and the program will stop responding. When it does this, I can't click on any other programs on the taskbar or use ALT-TAB to switch to another program.he mouse moves, but I can't interact with anything. If I'm playing music with Spotify in the background, or video chatting on Skype, they still run in the background, the skype video for the recipient doesn't even freeze.So it seems that all the programs are running, but my user interface stops working properly.

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Computer Freezes When Running Standard Programs?

Mar 28, 2012

So I've just built a new computer with the new 2011 chipset and initially the computer would freeze without warning while I'm playing games through steam, since then I have reinstalled windows and now it freezes when playing video files and FileZilla. I have no idea what is going wrong with the computer as I have updated the drivers and tried checking the components individually. Temp readings are normal and used memtest and intel burn test to check the ram and CPU. I have used my old nvidia GeForce 8800gt graphics card instead of the new one but it still doesn't work. I'm running windows 7 ultimate x64 with a 120GB OSZ agility3 SSD, gigabyte GTX570 GPU, asrock x79 extreme4 mobo, intel i7 3930K CPU with corsair H80 water cooling coolermaster storm scout case and coolermaster GX 750W power supply

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PC Randomly Freezes And Buzzes When Running Programs

Aug 1, 2012

Throughout the past week my computer has been sporadically freezing and buzzing, forcing me to restart when it happens. At random intervals it will freeze and proceed to make a buzzing noise that emits from my speakers. It never crashes to blue screen, I ultimately have to force a restart.

I've made sure that everything is properly connected and that the computer is clean. I'm not really sure what the problem is.

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How To Put A Timer In Powerpoint

Sep 6, 2011

Me and some friend of mine are organizing a quiz competition in our colony. And so i need to put a timer in every other slide in the powerpoint presentation. I mean in one slide question will be given which will be shown for say 1 minute. then next slide will play which will contain the timer for say 30 sec then again next slide with a question and next slide after that with a timer. I know how to make a slide show with time interval in powerpoint but don't know how to insert the timer. In google search i am geting free timer with the minimum time interval of 1 minute but i need a timer with 30 sec. Is it possible to make?

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Windows 7 Freezes / Loaded Programs Does Not Work - Fine In Safe Mode

Jun 5, 2012

My computer runs like grease lightning in safe mode, and my internet speeds are marvellous also, but alas when not in safe mode I have on quite a few occasions lately had my Windows freeze, my Windows Live Mail also freeze. I will define freeze, everything just does not work, my browser Firefox/Google, none of my loaded programs.

I have to leave the computer for about 10 minutes, and then it is perfect all day!, so I am guessing a program is causing the dilemma, but which one? I have about 60 applications running and I haven't loaded a new one in about 6 months. Is there a program I can purchase/download that would seek out the rogue program if indeed it is a rogue program.

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How To Get PowerPoint In Windows 7 Starter

Jul 15, 2011

I've mini netbook with windows 7 starter and I don't have the powerpoint in it. How I could get it?

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PowerPoint Pictures Do Not Appear In Right Window

Mar 27, 2012

I have downloaded 400 pics from a new 16Gb SanDisk memory in a Nikon D3100 DSLR camera to the hard drive. From there I've loaded all 400 (jpeg), and then just the first 100, into PowerPoint 2007 trying to get the problem described below to go away. No luck. Overall, here's what happens. About half of the pics in the slide window on the left do not appear in the large window on the right. Latest development is the following.

1. I highlight a pic in the slide window on the left hoping it will appear in the window on the right

2. the right, large window remains white (empty)

3.I left click on right window and a large "text" box appears covering almost all of the right window

4. go to the top button on that "text" box and pull it down

5. half way down the window the pic appears in the "text" box (right window) grayed out so it is not clear (like it's hidden behind a layer)

6. at the same time that same pic in the left slide window is half size just like the one on the right

7. release the left click on the right window and the pic in the right window disappears (window returns to white) but the pic in the left window remains half size

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Transferring PowerPoint To A New Computer?

Feb 10, 2012

I bought a new Asus and installed MS Office 2010. It does not include Powerpoint which my old MS 2007 did with the more advanced package. Is there a way to transfer my Powerpoint program to the new computer?

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Powerpoint 2003 Got MCI Error In Windows 7

Mar 31, 2011

Got MCI Error when running powerpoint 2003 slideshow with wav audio. Tried to open the wav file from windows media player, no issue.

MCI Error: No wave device is installed that can play files in the current format. To install a wave device, go to Control Panel, click....

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Moving Pics In A PowerPoint Presentation?

Mar 27, 2011

Have a PowerPoint presentation set up.I wanted to move som pictures about but seem not able to do this with Windows 7.Can someone confirm this is correct please.Also if it is not possible any ideas how I can move the pics around I do not have a specific programme installed to do this having always done PP presentations on Windows XP before.

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PowerPoint File Size Too Large?

Feb 26, 2011

I am running Office 2010 on Windows 7 64-bit. I just created my first PowerPoint presentation containing 30 slides, all containing images, with a total of 35 images overall. All of the images together add up to less than 6 MB. During the creation of the slides I was careful to follow the guidelines for Sizing Digital Images For Powerpoint. However, when I save the presentation to disk, it is over 55 MB! I have tried to Compress Pictures from the Format toolbar-- no effect. In fact, file size of the presentation was larger after this. If I go to File>Info>Optimize Media Compatibility, this option is GRAYED OUT and does not work! I want to be able to send this presentation as an email attachment, but 55MB is way too big!

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Sound Not Working In PowerPoint Presentation?

Feb 28, 2011

I am running Office 2010, on Win 7 64-bit. I have inserted a sound file to play accross all the slides in my presentation. It plays just fine from the PowerPoint program when I test the slideshow. However, when I save the presentation as a PowerPoint 2003 .pps file, and play that show back, there is no sound.

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Copying A Visio Drawing Into PowerPoint?

Mar 29, 2011

I am trying to copy a visio drawing (copy drawing - ctrl +C) and then paste into powerpoint. When in power point i paste special - device independent bitmap. However, the image pasted is transparent. I am using layers in visio, and have checked the print setting.

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Convert A Powerpoint File (2007 PPT) To A .wmv?

Jun 15, 2011

a friend of mine needs to convert a powerpoint file (2007 ppt) to a .wmv or something uploadable to Internet, with a small file size.

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Powerpoint 2010 - Cannot Insert Video

Dec 3, 2011

I want to insert a video into ppt, but i keep getting the message "power point cannot insert a video from the selected file. Verify that the necessary 63-bit codec for this media format is installed, and then try again."

Can someone point me in the direction of the correct codec?

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Why Can't See Powerpoint File With Office2000 In Windows 7

Sep 26, 2011

I can see the same file in XP.

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No Slideshow

Nov 4, 2009

I upgrade from vista ultimate 32bit to windows 7 32bit ultimate, and after 3/4 days of using all seem okay, but today while i go in desktop proprieties to see and select the new feature "slideshow" i noted that no option there are, but the old selection like center, fit to screen etc...i see others forum and also some tutorials for slideshow and i see that the panel of pictures, is different on botton. Infact there is the time etc... for slideshow.

Now to solved this BUG ? i must reinstall/upgrade again windows 7 ? or there are others solutions ?

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Unable To Open More Than 3 PowerPoint Documents At The Same Time?

May 24, 2012

When I do try it I get the following message:This operation has been canceled due to restrictions in effect on this computer.I tried to google around but all I found was people getting this error message when they tried to open hyperlinks in outlook which I doubt is related to my problem.

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Can't Add Slideshow To Wallpaper?

Oct 27, 2011

I've done this a hundred or more times so I know how. But now doing it the same way won't work anymore.Right click dexktop....Persnalixe......Select DesktopBackground.......Click on Down Arrrow on Theme box........ Select a folder of pictures,,,,, Save. Used to work now doesn't

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Desktop Slideshow

Nov 10, 2008

How to Create a Desktop Slideshow in Windows 7 ?

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Creating Scroll Bars In Powerpoint 2010 Slide?

Dec 3, 2012

how to create a scroll bar in a PPT slide but the only suggestion that seems to work doesn't. The one that "seems" to work is to add the Developer ribbon to PPT which I did. I followed that, and actually was able to create the scroll bar, but when I went to slide show, it didn't work.

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First Page Of A PowerPoint Presentation Prints In Portrait On Landscape?

Jul 12, 2011

I am having this problem with a windows 7 HP Elitebook 2540p laptop. Whenever I print a power point presentation on the landscape setting, the first page of the presentation comes out in portrait. This problem only happens when printing to one of our toshiba copiers in color. This is not a problem with a smaller hp color printer also hooked up to the computer.

I have checked the orientation settings and everything seems normal. I have even replaced the laptop with a new formatted one with the most updated drivers. The printers are toshiba 3530 and 2830s.

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IE8 Scrolling With Flash = Slideshow

Dec 10, 2009

I'm having a problem that seems to be compounding itself (maybe it's my imagination)... whenever I scroll in a page in IE8 with Flash content on it (side/top bar ads) the page becomes sluggish, jittery, etc. Does anyone know if there's a fix for this and is it caused by the ActiveX Flash plugin or from IE8 itself?

I'm not having this problem with Chrome or Firefox with the Flash plugin.

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Desktop Background And Slideshow?

Sep 28, 2011

I am running Windows 7 premium and cannot get the slideshow to run nor change my desktop background picture. I have tried all the settings on the laptop but nothing works.

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Slideshow Screensaver Not Starting

Oct 28, 2009

This has been a problem for me since Vista. I was hoping that once I upgrade to Windows 7, this problem would go away, but it didn't.

I set my screensaver to the slideshow that comes with Windows. The folders I use is on my only SATA HDD. The power scheme is the default setting.

Most of the time, the screensaver slideshow would not come on. Instead, the desktop would be displayed until the power scheme turns the monitor off. I set the screensaver to come on after 15 minutes, and the LCD monitor to turn off after an hour of inactivity.

Again, I had this problem already with Vista, but it's the same issue with Windows 7. Does anyone have any idea why the screensaver doesn't start after 15 minutes?

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Finding The Slideshow Software?

Jun 20, 2012

lm looking for some software that acts in a similar way to windows slideshow which has similar options like being able to specify the time each slide comes up and randomly show images in specified folders, now you might say windows already does that.however the reason lm asking is because lm looking for a software that has an extra feature of being able to run a slide show of 2 or more images on one monitor.. that is to say having up to 4 images running as a slideshow, is there a way to do this as lve only found an old outdated program from early 2004 which seems to be labelled a virus by my antivirus software despite scanning a few times manually and finding nothing.

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Enable External Media Objects In PowerPoint Viewer 2010

Aug 29, 2011

I have a Powerpoint presentation with embedded video clips. The Smart Art doesn't animate correctly in Powerpoint 2003 (which, unfortunately, is still being used by a large number of people who need to view these files). Solution 1: I packaged for CD and included PowerPoint Viewer 2007 Outcome: The Smart Art still DOESN'T animate; Embedded videos WILL play

Solution 2: Instruct the end users to download and install PowerPoint Viewer 2010 Outcome: The Smart Art DOES animate; Embedded videos will NOT play.

I discovered that if I open the presentation file in PowerPoint 2010 I get a warning that external medial objects have been blocked. If I click the Enable Content button, then close Powerpoint and go back to Powerpoint Viewer 2010 (on the same computer) embedded video WILL play. How does someone who does not have the full version of Powerpoint 2010 open the presentation file and enable content?

To make things even more complicated... I just opened the Help menu in Viewer. -> The Media tab indicates shortcuts for start, stop, volume, etc. Then, I opened the readme file. -> "PowerPoint Viewer does not support running macros, programs, or opening linked or embedded objects". That's a bit contradictory, isn't it? Media IS an embedded object, is it not?!

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